Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 160 – Visiting Forging Shop

Tang! Ting! Tang! Ting! Tang! Ting!

(AN: See Tinh? Ting ting ting tang tang ting tang ting ting ting tang tang tang. Hahahaha)

In a dimly-lit basement, hidden from the world above, a solitary figure was immersed in forging. The rhythmic sound of metal striking metal echoed through the confined space. This man was Akira Kuroyami. Despite his low expertise in forging as he found himself grappling with a challenge that seemed to push the limits of his abilities.

He didn't know how many attempts he had made, but each one had ended in failure. The recipe was clear in his mind, yet the execution eluded him, the precision and finesse required just beyond his grasp.

Akira's work was shrouded in secrecy. The importance of what he was trying to forge was not just a matter of skill but of utmost confidentiality. He could not risk bringing in another expert forger, for this secret was his burden alone. No other soul could be privy to what he was attempting to create.


A sudden, sharp sound interrupted his thoughts. The Tumblestone and Apricorn he had been working with shattered, the fragments scattering across his workbench. Akira stared at the ruined materials, a mixture of frustration and exhaustion evident in his expression.

He felt he was on the cusp of a breakthrough, yet something crucial was missing. And now, with the materials destroyed, he faced yet another setback.

These were the last of his supplies, he pondered the scarcity of these materials, particularly the Apricorn. Its rarity made each failed attempt all the more disheartening.

With a heavy sigh, Akira realized he needed to step back to take a break for a few days. There were other matters that something he needed to do.

He reached for his phone. He dialed a number, each beep echoing in the silence of the basement.

He waited, the seconds stretching out until the call was answered.

[Boss?] The voice on the other end was alert, expectant.

“Is everything prepared?” Akira’s voice was sharp and direct.

[Yes, Boss, we’re on our way.]

“Then make it quick and come here,” Akira urged, his tone brooking no delay.


Ending the call, Akira stood and surveyed the basement. His gaze lingered on two jets parked nearby – one a sleek gray, the other a striking orange-red. He approached the orange-red jet, running his hand along its surface with a careful, almost reverent touch.

“Soon, the plan will commence,” he murmured to himself, a sense of anticipation building within him.

A sinister laugh began to bubble up from deep within him, growing louder and more manic.



The echo of his laughter filled the basement

(AN: (-_-) )

Kanraku and his disciples stood around the furnace, their eyes fixed on the Tumblestone and the skin of the Apricorn that they had carefully placed inside.

They watched intently as, after several minutes, the two materials began to meld together, forming what appeared to be a single alloy. However, their lack of expertise in the realm of forging became evident as they hesitated, unsure of the next step in the process.

This uncertainty led to a crucial mistake; the newly formed alloy was left in the furnace for too long and eventually turned into charcoal.

Witnessing the unfortunate outcome, Kanraku scratched his head in a mix of frustration and helplessness. "It seems we really do need to find an expert," he muttered, a tone of resignation in his voice.

A few hours later, Kanraku made his way to the nearby villages. As he walked through the streets, many villagers greeted him enthusiastically, recognizing him as their savior from past aggressive Pokémon attacks. Kanraku, always humble, responded to each greeting with polite warmth.

Kanraku's popularity in the villages was well-deserved. He had been instrumental in protecting the villagers from wild Pokémon, earning their respect and admiration. As he inquired about the location of 'Kurogane Kajiya', the villagers were more than willing to help, guiding him towards his destination.

After a short journey, Kanraku found himself in front of a shabby, small, old wooden house. He reached out, pulling the string to ring the bell, and waited.

"Who's there?" called a man's voice from inside, indicating that he was on his way to the gate.

A few moments later, the gate opened, and a handsome man in his mid to late 20s appeared. Despite his somewhat shabby and dirty attire, his good looks were undeniable.

"It's you!" the man exclaimed in surprise upon seeing Kanraku.

"Eh, you know me?" Kanraku asked, taken aback by the man's recognition.

"Well," the man replied with a forced, bitter smile, "Everyone knows you here." He spoke in a low voice, a mix of helplessness in his tone.

"Really? I think you're exaggerating," Kanraku responded, scratching his head, a bit embarrassed by the attention.

"My name is Kurogane Tetsuya," the man introduced himself. "Professor, may I ask why you are here?"

Kanraku, feeling a bit more at ease, explained, "Well, uhm, my name is Kanraku Hiroshi. This is the Kurogane Kajiya, right? The Village Chief suggested I look for 'Old Man Kazuma.'"

Tetsuya's expression turned to one of confusion. "It's my father, but Kurogane Kajiya has been closed for years." He then added, "Are you here to forge something? I'm sorry, but we've been closed for a long time."

"Yes, I'm looking for someone to forge something important. Kurogane-san, this matter is of great significance to me. Could you possibly help?" Kanraku asked, bowing his head respectfully.

Tetsuya appeared torn, a hint of embarrassment on his face. He hesitated before replying, "This... Professor, I'm sorry, but we really can't. The shop has been inactive for so long."

"Kurogane-san, we've stumbled upon what we believe is a potentially unique alloy. That's why we urgently need an expert's assistance. This discovery is critical to our research," Kanraku explained, his tone conveying both their discovery's excitement and desperation.

Other than that, he knew that the Tumblestone and Apricorn had similar properties in space, though there were some differences and nuances that he couldn't quite decipher, which only fueled his eagerness to understand more.

"New alloy? Are you serious?" Tetsuya's eyes widened, a mix of curiosity and disbelief in his gaze as he looked earnestly at Kanraku.

"Yes, absolutely serious. So, please, Kurogane-san, could you help us?" Kanraku implored, sensing a glimmer of hope from Tetsuya's reaction.

Tetsuya seemed to be wrestling with the idea, his hesitation evident. "This… I'm not entirely sure," he began, his voice trailing off.

"What's the matter, Kurogane-san? Is there a problem? We're willing to provide whatever you need, free of charge, as long as you agree to assist us," Kanraku offered, trying to persuade him.

"Well, it's not about the compensation… it's because… of you," Tetsuya finally admitted, though his words were laced with hesitation.

"Me? What about me? Is there an issue?" Kanraku asked, his confusion apparent upon hearing Tetsuya's response.

"I, eh… the thing is…" Tetsuya faltered, clearly struggling to articulate his thoughts. He seemed reluctant to reveal the real reason, "It's because, if… father sees yo—" His words were cut off abruptly as a shout echoed from inside the house.

"Tetsuya! Are you there? Why are you taking so long?" an old, gravelly voice called out impatiently.

"Is that Old Man Kazuma?" Kanraku inquired, turning his attention towards the source of the voice.

"Uhm, yes," Tetsuya nodded, his expression a mix of conflict and resignation.

"Do we have a visitor?" the old voice grew louder and more distinct as its owner approached.

"Yes, a visitor," Tetsuya replied, his tone tinged with bitterness.

Then, a muscular old man emerged, his appearance mirroring Tetsuya's with a similar attire of filthy, shabby clothes. It was clear they were both engaged in laborious work.

Upon laying eyes on Kanraku, the old man's expression transformed into one of immediate rage. "It's you! Why are you here? Get out! You're not welcome here!"

"Eh, what?" Kanraku recoiled, taken aback by the old man's hostile reception.

"Father, please, he's a guest," Tetsuya intervened, his embarrassment evident as he tried to moderate his father's aggressive demeanor.

"What guest, my ass! You're inviting your enemy into our home," the old man retorted sharply, his glare fixed on Kanraku with unmistakable animosity. "Leave now! You have no place here!"


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