Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 161 – Feelings… Conflicted

"Uhm, ossan, I'm not your enemy," Kanraku said, his voice tinged with a mixture of awkwardness and confusion. He couldn't understand why he was being shooed away so aggressively.

"I'm really baffled here, but I desperately need your help," he added, bowing his head respectfully, trying to convey his sincerity amidst the rising tension.

"Help, my ass! Just get the hell out of here, you're not welcome," the old man retorted, his voice harsh and laden with scorn, showing no signs of softening his stance.

Kanraku stood speechless, confusion and disbelief etched across his face. He couldn't comprehend why this old man, a stranger to him, was exhibiting such intense hostility.

'Do we know each other? Have I unknowingly wronged him in some way?' he wondered internally, his mind racing to make sense of the situation.

"Get out!" the old man's voice boomed again, echoing with unbridled anger.

"Father, please, can you—" Tetsuya attempted to intervene, seeking to bring some calm to the volatile situation, but he was promptly silenced by a stern glare from his father.

"Look at you, supporting your enemy!" the old man scolded him sharply.

"I'm not, Father! Please, let's be reasonable!" Tetsuya implored, his cheeks reddening with embarrassment as he tried to placate his father's outburst.

Amidst the chaos, Kanraku, still reeling from shock, managed to ask, "Uhm, ossan, may I know when did I provoke you?" His voice was a blend of uncertainty and earnestness, genuinely seeking to understand the root of the old man's anger.

"It's not about me, hmph. You've caused trouble for my son! He was almost engaged to Old Suzuki's daughter. Everything was progressing smoothly until you appeared!" the old man accused vehemently, his words striking Kanraku like a bolt of lightning.

Kanraku's eyes widened, and a sudden realization hit him. 'A marriage arrangement? With Suzuki Akiko? But how am I involved in this?' The thought swirled in his mind, placing him unexpectedly at the heart of their family's affairs.

Then suddenly the idea of Suzuki Akiko being married to another man ignited a pang of pain in his heart. 'Do I... do I have feelings for her?' he wondered, a bitter smile crossing his face as he grappled with this newfound emotional revelation.

"Then, I will respectfully take my leave," Kanraku uttered, maintaining his decorum despite the unwelcoming atmosphere. He bowed once more and turned to leave the premises.

"It's good that he's gone. Let's go back inside," the old man muttered dismissively, turning away from Kanraku without a second glance, and retreated back into his house.

Tetsuya watched Kanraku's retreating figure with a conflicted gaze. His mind lingered on the mention of the new alloy that Kanraku had spoken about, a flicker of curiosity and temptation stirring within him.

"What the hell are you doing standing there? Get back here! We haven't finished our work yet!" His father's voice, sharp and commanding, broke through his thoughts.

Tetsuya sighed, a sense of resignation in his movement as he replied, "Aye, Father."

As he returned to the forge, hammer in hand, Tetsuya couldn't help but voice his concern. "Father, we shouldn't have treated him that way. It was disrespectful," he said, his voice steady as he resumed hammering the heating alloy.

"I can say whatever I want, especially to someone who caused us loss… If not for him, I should've been cradling my grandchild by now," the old man grumbled, trying to hold back tears as he assisted Tetsuya with the tongs.

After a few moments of silence, punctuated only by the sounds of their work, Tetsuya spoke up again. "Kanraku mentioned he discovered a potential for a new alloy. His urgency seemed genuine. It might be worth considering," he suggested tentatively.

The old man paused, looking at Tetsuya with a hint of surprise. "He said that?"

"Yes," Tetsuya nodded, observing his father's reaction closely.

"Hmph, a new alloy? Nonsense! He's bluffing! If he knew anything about forging, why would he come to us? Bragging about discovering a new alloy... Absurd, utter nonsense!" Despite his dismissive words, a curious glimmer shone in the old man's eyes. The thought of a new alloy intrigued him, but his disdain for Kanraku clouded his judgment.

Together, they continued their work, Tetsuya methodically smashing the alloy as his father placed it back into the furnace, each lost in their thoughts about the encounter with Kanraku.

Meanwhile, Floyd was immersed in his usual whirlwind of activities. His days were a blur of busyness, and currently, he was engaged in guiding a group of baby Pokémon alongside Jonathan, Xiao Yun, and a few others.

The task at hand was simple yet delicate. All the baby Pokémon needed to do was act cute under the watchful eye of Jonathan, who served as the director, making crucial decisions. Floyd's role was to ensure the Pokémon remained calm and comfortable, soothing them whenever necessary.

After several hours of diligent work, the session concluded. Floyd was caught off guard when Jonathan and Xiao Yun approached him unexpectedly. "What is it?" he inquired, curious about their sudden appearance.

"Floyd, can I ask you something? Is there a secret behind your Growlithe's training?" Jonathan queried, his eyes reflecting genuine curiosity.

"Secret? Well, each of us might have a different method of training, something along those lines," Floyd replied, somewhat unsure of what exactly they were hinting at. He pondered their question, wondering about the specific aspect of his training methods they were inquiring about.

"We're just surprised because your Growlithe seems to have grown significantly. A few weeks ago, I thought I was hallucinating, but now I'm certain your Growlithe has increased in size again," Xiao Yun commented, his tone a mixture of awe and curiosity.

Floyd paused, considering Xiao Yun's observation. Now that it was pointed out, he noticed that his Growlithe had indeed become larger, almost one and a half times his size from when he first took him. The growth was remarkable.

"It might be because of Carbo," Floyd suddenly said, thinking out loud.

"Carbo? What is that?" Jonathan asked, his curiosity piqued, feeling somewhat perplexed by this unfamiliar term.

Floyd took a moment to explain the details of Carbo, how it contributed to Growlithe's growth. His explanation left both Jonathan and Xiao Yun feeling bewildered yet intrigued by its potential.

"Can we also get some? How much does it cost?" Jonathan inquired, his excitement evident.

"It's priced at twice the rate of intermediate-grade pokeblocks. Can you afford it?" Floyd asked, emphasizing the premium nature of Carbo.

"So expensive?" both Xiao Yun and Jonathan exclaimed, taken aback by the cost.

"Making first-grade Carbo is more complicated than producing intermediate grade pokeblocks," Floyd explained. Despite their similar levels, Carbo posed greater challenges in its creation.

"I can afford it. I'll pay," Xiao Yun declared, determination in his voice as he gritted his teeth.

"Me too," Jonathan added quickly, not wanting to miss out.

"Since you two are my first customers, I'll sell it to you at the same price as intermediate pokeblocks, but only this time," Floyd offered generously.

"Floyd, you are the best!" Jonathan exclaimed, enveloping him in a spontaneous hug.

"Thank you so much, youngest," Xiao Yun added, patting Floyd's shoulder in gratitude.

"Hey, let go of me!" Floyd protested, pushing Jonathan away, wary of being misunderstood by others.

Jonathan just laughed off the rebuff, seemingly unconcerned. "Hahahaha, I'm sorry, couldn't help it."

"What I need in exchange is berries. Come to me and pay later. Here's the Carbo," Floyd said, retrieving the Carbo from his backpack and handing one to each of them.

After the exchange, Floyd bid farewell to both of them and returned to his job, instructing other Pokémon like Cherrim, Onix, and Wartortle in preparation for the upcoming Live Broadcasts.

A few hours later, in the afternoon, Kanraku, still feeling a tinge of disappointment from the result of his earlier visit, refocused his efforts on researching Tumblestone and Apricorn.

Suddenly, his disciple called out to him, "Someone is looking for you, Professor."

"Who is it?" Kanraku asked, turning towards Inoue.

"He said his name is Kurogane Tetsuya," Inoue informed.

"What?" Kanraku stood up abruptly, a mix of surprise and curiosity in his voice. "Where is he?"

"Outside," Inoue replied.

"Let's go!" Kanraku said, quickly gathering himself and heading outside to meet Tetsuya, wondering what could have brought him here after their earlier encounter.


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