Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 175 – Victory! Strong Style: Dragon Claw

Pidgeot, with a majestic and powerful flap of its wings, summoned the force of nature, unleashing 'Hurricane'. A ferocious gush of wind spiraled towards Ursaluna, who instinctively used both arms to shield himself from the tempestuous assault.

The stormy wind, however, was not selective in its target; Venusaur and Blastoise also found themselves buffeted by the powerful gusts. Venusaur, with a quick decision, chose to sidestep the oncoming wind, while Blastoise, following the intricate plan devised by Floyd, activated the 'Rain Dance' move.

As the first drops of rain began to fall from the sky, the dynamics of the battlefield subtly shifted. Venusaur, amidst the chaos, couldn't help but feel a twinge of surprise at the sudden intervention of Blastoise and Pidgeot in his territory. Under normal circumstances, he might have been inclined to drive them away, but in this moment of crisis, their appearance was nothing short of fortuitous.

Amidst the tumult, Venusaur suspected that his son had called for reinforcements, prompting him to scan the area for Ivysaur. However, the absence of his son's figure amidst the chaos sowed a seed of doubt in his mind.

Ursaluna, recovering from the initial shock of Pidgeot's attack, recognized the familiar foe. This Pidgeot was not just any Pidgeot; it was the one that had once stolen his precious honey. In Ursaluna's mind, a list of adversaries formed: Pidgeot at the top, followed by Gyarados, Blastoise, Venusaur, and lastly, Floyd.

"ROAR!" Enraged, Ursaluna's eyes blazed with fury as he charged with a Headlong Rush towards Pidgeot.

Pidgeot, caught off guard by the sudden and intense attack, swiftly took to the skies, narrowly evading Ursaluna's charge.

Wheeeeeeeeeshh! Boom!

As Ursaluna's charge missed its mark, he found himself the target of another fierce Hydro Pump from Blastoise, the impact sending him crashing to the ground.

"ROAR!" Exhaustion began to set in for Ursaluna, exacerbated by his poisoned state. He knew he needed to end the battle quickly and retreat. With renewed determination, he lunged at Blastoise, unleashing Hammer Arm. Blastoise, anticipating the attack, activated Protect for the second time.

BANG! As their forces collided, Blastoise braced for the impact, aware of his disadvantage. However, he wasn't alone in this fight; Venusaur seized the moment to launch a Seed Bomb at Ursaluna.

Wheeeeeeeesh BOOM!


The attack landed, causing Ursaluna great pain. But the onslaught didn't stop there – Pidgeot, with full force, swooped in, activating Brave Bird.

BANG! ROAR! The impact sent waves of pain through Ursaluna. Despite the excruciating agony, as Pidgeot approached, Ursaluna's determination didn't waver.

He managed to grab Pidgeot's head with his left arm, driven by a deep-seated desire to strike back, even if just once, to alleviate his seething hatred.

As the rain persisted amidst the tumult of battle, Ursaluna, gripping Pidgeot's head, activated Metal Claw on his right arm. Pidgeot's eyes widened in fear, sensing the deadly intent in Ursaluna's actions. However, at that critical moment, Blastoise was fully prepared with his next move.

"Strong Style: Hydro Pump!" Blastoise unleashed the attack with full force.

Wheeeeeeeshhhh! BOOM!

The impact hit Ursaluna hard, eliciting a painful howl, "ROAR!" Realizing his dire situation and weakened condition, Ursaluna knew he had to escape. With his condition rapidly deteriorating, he turned and ran backward as fast as his injured body would allow.

As he hastily retreated, a swift, powerful silhouette emerged, charging towards him at an even greater speed. It was Gyarados, now significantly empowered after performing Dragon Dance three times.

Gyarados launched into 'Agile Style: Aqua Tail', its effectiveness magnified by the benefits of Dragon Dance, Rain Dance, the physical nature of Aqua Tail, and its status as a STAB (Same-Type Attack Bonus) move.


"ROAR!" Even for an elite like Ursaluna, Gyarados' attack was excruciating, the pain piercing through to his internal organs. Combined with his poisoned state, Ursaluna was in a dire predicament.

Meanwhile, Blastoise didn't miss this opportunity to turn the tide. He used the 'Shell Smash' move, preparing for his next strategic attack.

Simultaneously, Venusaur gazed upwards. Despite the rain, the morning sun was still visible, and Venusaur tapped into his Chlorophyll ability. He didn't use it to increase his speed, which was challenging under the rainy conditions, but for a different purpose. He wanted to harness the sun's rays, channeling the energy through the bud on his back in preparation for his next move.

Blastoise, gathering all the water energy he could muster, was readying himself for a final, decisive attack.

Ursaluna, in extreme pain and dizzy from the relentless assault, staggered to his feet, glaring at Gyarados with unabated killing intent. His claws, now shimmering with a silver glow, were ready for another round.

Gyarados, observing Ursaluna's stance, snorted disdainfully and prepared to launch Aqua Tail for a second time.

Then, in a moment of high tension, they both charged at each other.

"Strong Style: Metal Claw!"

"Strong Style: Aqua Tail"


The collision of their attacks was a spectacle of raw power, an equal match at first. However, as the clash continued, Ursaluna began to move backward, gradually losing ground, clearly at a disadvantage.

(Author's Note: It seemed Ursaluna appears to have been nerfed in the First Round.)

In the midst of this intense confrontation, Gyarados suddenly heard Floyd's voice cutting through the chaos, "Gyarados, step back!"

Despite his reluctance, signified by a disdainful snort, Gyarados recognized the strategic necessity of the command. Heeding Floyd's call, Gyarados gracefully yet powerfully backed away from the fray.

High above, Pidgeot had been soaring, its keen eyes observing every move of the battle below. It watched intently as Ursaluna and Gyarados exchanged blows.

Seizing the opportune moment as Gyarados retreated, Pidgeot dove down with incredible speed, engaging once more with "Strong Style: Brave Bird," targeting Ursaluna with precision.

The very instant Gyarados stepped back, Pidgeot's attack found its mark, striking Ursaluna's head with devastating force.


The impact sent a shockwave of pain through Ursaluna's body, causing his head to spin with dizziness. But the onslaught was far from over, as Blastoise, having meticulously prepared his next move, was ready to strike.

"Strong Style: Hydro Pump!"

Wheeeeeeeeeesh! BOOM!

The powerful jet of water hit Ursaluna with such intensity that he couldn't even muster a reaction. His body was sent hurtling through the air, numb from the impact.

As Ursaluna struggled to regain his senses, a final, decisive move came from Venusaur, who unleashed a 'Strong Style: Solar Beam'.


The beam of concentrated solar energy struck Ursaluna squarely, overwhelming him. The combined might of the attacks caused too much damage, and Ursaluna finally lost consciousness.

From a distance, Floyd, his Pokémon, Venusaur, Ivysaur, and Bulbasaur had witnessed the spectacular scene unfold. As Ursaluna collapsed to the ground, unconscious, a triumphant cheer erupted from the group.




Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur leaped into the air, their joy uncontainable. They had witnessed the downfall of the formidable Ursaluna. The group then turned their grateful gazes towards Blastoise, Pidgeot, and Gyarados.


The leader Venusaur howled, a sound filled with profound gratitude for their invaluable assistance in the battle.

Meanwhile, Ivysaur, Floyd, and his Pokémon were keenly observing the battle. Dratini's eyes sparkled with admiration, filled with aspirations of achieving similar strength and evolution through training.

Growlithe and Leader were visibly inspired by the scene, and excitement rippled through the rest of Floyd's Pokémon as they witnessed Ursaluna being overpowered.

They vividly remembered their first encounter with Ursaluna, where they had been utterly outmatched by his elite strength. However, this second battle was different; Floyd had come prepared, strategically allowing Gyarados to perform Dragon Dance three times before engaging in the fight. With Pidgeot's addition, the battle was unfolding more smoothly than Floyd had anticipated.

Nearby, Fraxure experienced a moment of profound revelation while watching the fight. Closing its eyes, it tapped into a deep, inner strength, and soon, a massive surge of dark verdant energy began emanating from its body.

This startling display caught everyone off guard, and Floyd, along with the others, looked on in awe and concern.

The dark, verdant energy swirled around Fraxure, first infusing its claw and then flowing back to concentrate in its tusk. With this energy pulsating within, Fraxure's determination intensified. It then forcefully drove its tusk into the ground with resolute power.

"Dragon Move – Strong Style: Dragon Claw!"

BOOM!Victory! Strong Style: Dragon Claw

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