Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 181 – Kanraku and Chen Xin’s Breakthrough

"SAUR!" The leader Venusaur vocalized a response, shaking his head as he communicated in his unique way.
Kanraku, with his ability to understand Venusaur, responded with a smile, "Yes, Floyd-san's assistance was invaluable. It helped balance the scales between us. But beyond that, it has fostered a stronger relationship, and for that, we've brought some small tokens of our appreciation." He gestured towards Kang Jihoon and the others, signaling them to bring forward their offerings.
Kang Jihoon, Ivan, and several Pokémon then proceeded, each carrying a sack, totaling five sacks in all. They carefully placed these in front of the leader Venusaur.
Upon sensing the contents of the sacks, the leader Venusaur expressed surprise and delight. He recognized the aroma - it was the same kind of pokeblock he had tasted the day before.
The leader Venusaur knew that the appeal of these pokeblocks wasn't just their taste. They contained an energy particularly beneficial for them, far surpassing the nutritional value of the usual berries and herbs found in the forest.
Floyd had thoughtfully customized these pokeblocks, tailoring them to the Grass and Poison types that were so prevalent among Venusaur's group.
"Yes, these are gifts for you. Please, accept them," Kanraku said, nodding respectfully.
"SAUR!" The leader Venusaur, feeling a sense of warmth and familiarity towards Kanraku, seemed to have developed a good impression of him. He then turned and beckoned his subordinates over.
His followers, understanding the gesture, called out to their own subordinates, and soon, they collectively gathered an impressive array of materials. They brought forward items such as berries, Medicinal Leek, King's Leaf, and other valuable resources, placing them before Kanraku and the group.
Kanraku and his companions were taken aback, their eyes widening in surprise at the sight of such valuable items presented before them.
"This…" Kanraku began, looking towards the leader Venusaur, a mix of gratitude and confusion on his face.
The leader Venusaur, with a decisive "SAUR!", pushed the treasures towards Kanraku as if insisting they accept the generous offering.
"Isn't this too much?" Kanraku expressed his reluctance, not wanting to take undue advantage of the leader Venusaur's generosity and keen to maintain a good impression.
"SAUR!" The leader Venusaur remained insistent, making it clear that he wanted Kanraku and the others to accept these gifts, almost as a condition for accepting his own offering, as Kanraku understood from Venusaur's communication.
Understanding the gesture, Kanraku still felt conflicted, overwhelmed by the abundance of berries and other valuable materials. These were not comparable to what they had given. He was hesitant, feeling as though he was taking advantage of Venusaur's generosity.
However, Floyd reassured him, "Accept it, Professor. Don't worry. In exchange for these berries and materials, I'll create more customized pokeblocks. It's a fair trade."
"Fine, then, Floyd-san, I will leave this part to you," Kanraku said, sighing in relief, grateful for Floyd's presence and expertise. The trust he placed in Floyd was evident in his demeanor.
Turning his attention to the array of treasures before them, Floyd scanned the items. While he didn't find a Mega Evolution Stone or Key Stone among them, a particular item caught his eye.
It was a unique stone, distinct in its appearance - brown in color with lighter brown spots and swirls, creating a marbled effect. Encircling it were five-pointed shapes, reminiscent of the rays of a star or sun. These were in a lighter brown hue with darker speckles, together forming an overall star-like silhouette.
Recognizing it, Floyd silently exclaimed in his mind, 'It's a Sun Stone!' This item was even rarer than the Leaf Stone he had previously acquired, not because of the strength of the Pokémon it evolved but due to the scarcity of the material. Floyd speculated that this scarcity might be somehow related to the sun itself.
Afterward, Kanraku engaged in a pleasant conversation with the leader Venusaur. The discussion was fruitful, and soon after, the Venusaur, along with his subordinates, returned to their territory, leaving the group to prepare for the upcoming rehearsal with the Pokémon, scheduled for the next day in the morning.
The group also decided to release the baby Pokémon from their Pokéballs, creating a joyful and heartwarming scene as the young Pokémon explored their surroundings with visible glee and curiosity.
Meanwhile, Floyd and the others began organizing their camp, planning to stay in this area for two days. Floyd busied himself with making pokeblocks, gathering every berry he could find for the task.
During this process, Kanraku and Chen Xin approached him with surprising news. They claimed to have managed to create non-qualified pokeblocks.
"Are you kidding me?" Floyd couldn't hide his disbelief. He knew the fine line that separated non-qualified pokeblocks from novice-grade ones. With just a few adjustments in patterns and a deeper understanding of different Pokémon types, one could craft novice-grade pokeblocks.
And yet, it had taken Floyd more than a month to create his first novice grade pokeblock, even with the aid of the 'Simulation' feature on his Game Panel. Without such a tool, it might have taken him several more months to achieve this feat.
"I'm serious," Kanraku asserted, his eyes reflecting his sincerity.
"I-I, too…" Chen Xin added, her cheeks tinged with a blush as she nodded in agreement.
"Show me," Floyd insisted, his skepticism apparent. He was firm in his belief that seeing their work firsthand was the only way he would be convinced.
After a few minutes of examining their efforts, Floyd had to accept the unexpected reality – Kanraku and Chen Xin had indeed managed to make the pokeblocks. He realized that without the 'Simulation' feature of his Game Panel to aid his own progress, his skills in breeding might actually fall behind theirs.
"Since you're on the brink of mastering novice grade pokeblocks, I suggest you start by specializing in one type. Begin with Normal type pokeblocks using berries like Kuo and Nutpea. Once you're comfortable with that, you can then branch out to other types," Floyd advised, proceeding to meticulously guide them through the nuances of pokeblock creation.
Others in the group, curious and eager to learn, subtly eavesdropped on the lesson. They absorbed as much information as they could, even though they hadn't yet reached the same level of proficiency.
Bianca is eager to learn about it. She didn't know what was wrong with her, she just wanted to learn it right now.
Several hours later, after Floyd had imparted his knowledge, other responsibilities beckoned. He left Kanraku and Chen Xin to continue their practice, confident that he had provided them with the necessary guidance. It was now up to them to hone their skills.
Floyd, however, still had a multitude of tasks to attend to, such as teaching the baby Pokémon, engaging in battles, and training with his own Pokémon.
Soon, he called the group to follow him, leading to some confusion among them, but they complied. They ventured out of Venusaur's Territory and headed towards Ursaluna's territory. As they traveled, they encountered a few Pokémon that attempted to attack them, but they managed to defeat each one.
Upon reaching a significant landmark, Kang Jihoon gazed at a huge stone in surprise and turned to Floyd. "This… youngest, what's this?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.
"Release all your beasts," Floyd said, not answering his question directly, but instructing them to release all of their Pokémon.
"Huh?" Everyone gave them a puzzled look.
"Just do what I say," Floyd insisted.
Then some Pokémon began to act strangely because not all of them were inside their Pokéballs; some were at their sides, guarding them.
"What's happening?" Kang Jihoon asked, looking at Elekid with a worried expression.
"This..." Ivan furrowed his brows while looking at Ariados, then glanced at Floyd.
"Don't worry, it's not harmful. These stones can enable your beasts to learn a move," Floyd explained.

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