Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 182 – Meteorite’s Rock Drawback

A few moments passed in tense anticipation when Swablu, perched comfortably with Bianca, began to exhibit signs of discomfort. Bianca, sensing the change, hugged Swablu tighter, her worry evident in her embrace.
"Bianca, let her go," Floyd called out abruptly.
"But…?" Bianca hesitated, her confusion clear, but she trusted Floyd's judgment and gently released Swablu.
No sooner had Swablu been freed than she unexpectedly unleashed a burst of fire from her mouth. It was a move unfamiliar to her – Ember. Bianca watched in astonishment as Swablu mastered this new move.
Similarly, Ivan's Ariados, felt a surge of dark energy coursing through him. Acting on instinct, he directed a forceful punch towards the rock – Sucker Punch, a move he had never performed before, now learned in an instant.
The phenomenon didn't end there. One after another, the Pokémon present began to demonstrate unusual abilities, each releasing moves influenced by the energy emanating from the meteorite rock.
(Meteorite Rock: I'm so pitiful T_T)
The trainers, witnessing this extraordinary event, were at a loss for words. The transformation happening before their eyes was beyond their comprehension.
"What's happening?" The question echoed among the group, their faces a mix of awe and confusion.
Floyd, with a knowing look, explained, "This rock enables your Pokémon to learn new moves, just as I said earlier."
"Really?" Kang Jihoon, intrigued and excited by this revelation, quickly released his remaining Pokémon. "Everyone, come out!"
Following suit, the rest of the group released their Pokémon, eager to witness the effects of the meteorite rock on them. However, the situation took an unexpected turn when some Pokémon, overwhelmed by the rock's power, lost consciousness without learning any new moves.
"What's happening? Squirtle, are you okay?" Cuong rushed to his fainted Squirtle, turning to Floyd with concern. "Youngest, what's going on?"
Floyd, with a frown of concern, hurried over to examine the unconscious Squirtle, taking it gently from Cuong. He noticed signs of extreme fatigue – likely a result of excessive training. This wasn't isolated to Squirtle; Cuong's Rattata also succumbed to exhaustion, fainting before it could learn a new move. Only Cuong's Pidgey and Butterfree successfully adapted, acquiring new moves.
As he checked the other fallen Pokémon, a pattern became clear – they too showed signs of overexertion. Realization dawned on Floyd, and he smacked his forehead in understanding. "Ah, I see it now!"
"What is it?" Cuong asked, his voice laced with worry, and the rest of the group turned their attention to Floyd, seeking an explanation for the unexpected turn of events.
"I've already warned everyone about the dangers of overtraining your beasts. Pushing them too hard can damage their foundational strength. It seems some of your beasts weren't adequately prepared for the intense energy emanating from these meteorite rocks," Floyd surmised, smacking his forehead in realization.
"I might not be entirely certain if my guess is correct, but I take responsibility for this. I shouldn't have brought you all here without ensuring your beasts were fully prepared."
The group fell silent, each person deep in thought. They recognized that the blame wasn't solely on Floyd. They had disregarded his previous advice, overconfident in their own understanding of their Pokémon's limits, and had pushed them too far in training. They were seeking rapid progress, but this incident was a harsh lesson in the importance of moderation.
Even Kang Jihoon, Li Qin, and a few others, whose Pokémon had managed to learn new moves, frowned in concern, relieved that their Pokémon had coped but aware they had also skirted dangerously close to overtraining.
"Let's return and tend to them. We don't have a Chansey here, so we'll need to rely on herbal remedies. Fortunately, Venusaur's territory is rich in medicinal herbs," Floyd suggested. The group carefully placed the unconscious Pokémon into their Poké Balls and led the group back to Venusaur's territory.
Upon their return, Kanraku, seeing the number of unconscious Pokémon, looked to Floyd for an explanation. After hearing what had happened, he expressed his concern.
"It's my fault this time. I apologize," Floyd admitted, his tone tinged with regret.
"Well, you do bear some responsibility, but thankfully, no beasts were seriously harmed," Kanraku responded, his sigh of relief palpable. He patted Floyd reassuringly, acknowledging the situation's gravity.
"Now, let's assess their condition," Kanraku suggested as they approached the resting pokemon. Contemplatively touching his chin, he mused, "So, meteorite rocks are more complex than we thought. Learning moves from them isn't as straightforward as we hoped. There must be some foundational requirements for the beasts."
"There could be other effects we're unaware of. After the live broadcast event, I'll include this in my research," Kanraku added, contemplating the new variables introduced by the meteorite rocks.

A day later, the group of Venusaur and their pre-evolved forms began to gather in the area. Floyd took the lead, explaining the sequence of events they planned to enact.
"Boss Venusaur, your role is straightforward yet crucial. After the Cherrim group initiates 'Sunny Day', you'll need to release 'Grassy Terrain'. You understand the plan, right?" Floyd explained his strategy to the Boss Venusaur with clarity.
"SAUR!" The Venusaur nodded in understanding, then turned to signal some of his subordinates standing behind him.
Kanraku, observing the interaction, inquired with interest, "So, these Venusaur and Ivysaur also know how to use Grassy Terrain?"
"SAUR!" The leader Venusaur confirmed with another nod.
"Alright then, let's get this started! Floyd, I'm counting on you to coordinate everything," Kanraku said, his gaze fixed on Floyd with trust.
"Understood, don't worry! Let's go – Pak!" Floyd replied, clapping his hands to gather everyone's attention. "Support Squad, Water Squad, Ground Squad, Dig Squad, Sun Squad, and Grass Squad, get ready for the rehearsal!" he called out energetically.
"Kuriii~ Chaki~"
Each Pokémon responded, positioning themselves and preparing for their roles in the upcoming demonstration.
A few hours later, the group, along with their Pokémon, successfully created a stunning and marvelous scene. It was an extraordinary spectacle, unique to those present. The only word that could describe their collective feeling was 'Outrageous!'

Oita Prefecture, Taketa City
In a secluded location,
Akira was in conversation with his subordinate, who had just returned from a mission. "Has the delivery been completed successfully?" he asked with an expectant tone.
"Aye. Boss, the equipment you provided was incredibly effective. We didn't encounter any trouble from water beast creatures and managed to deliver the items safely to the City of Usuki, avoiding the City of Oita," His subordinate reported, saluting his superior.
"I see, excellent work," Akira responded, nodding in approval. Then, with a hint of curiosity, he asked, "Your name is Seiichi, correct?"
"Aye. Surname Yamikawa. Yamikawa Seiichi," Seiichi replied, maintaining a respectful stance.
"Yamikawa Seiichi..." Akira mused, a hint of a smile on his face. "What a fitting name for you." He then motioned for Seiichi to follow, "Let's go and inspect the delivery. If this mission is successful, you'll be promoted to Elite rank. And remember, as long as you continue to perform well, you could even become one of my Executives."
Seiichi's eyes shone with ambition and gratitude. "Boss, arigatou gozaimasu. I will give my absolute best!" he declared, bowing deeply. As he raised his head, determination was etched on his face, a silent vow to himself to fulfill this mission and rise through the ranks.

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