Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 183 – Live Broadcast Started

In Kumamoto Prefecture, amidst the rugged terrain of Mt. Aso, a formidable Pokémon resembling a prehistoric pterosaur was spotted. It had expansive wings, a lengthy tail, and a maw brimming with razor-sharp teeth. This intimidating creature, known for its ability to glide through the skies at incredible speeds, was recognized for its strength and aggressive demeanor. This was a female Aerodactyl, a species renowned for their aerial prowess and ferocity.
At this moment, the Aerodactyl was embarking on a hunting expedition, unaware that she was being closely monitored from a distance. Hidden from view, an observer watched her every move with keen interest.
"Boss, the beast has departed," Seiichi whispered, lowering his high-tech binoculars. He relayed the information to Akira, who was concealed nearby.
Akira, a man with a sharp mind and a daring plan, acknowledges the update with a determined look. "Let's initiate our operation now," he commands, his voice ringing with urgency.
"Aye!" comes the unified response from Seiichi and the rest of the team, all ready to spring into action.
"I'm on my way," Akira declares, donning a pair of high-tech black sunglasses, his movements swift and calculated. He disappears into the landscape, blending with the shadows.
Fifteen suspenseful minutes later, Akira emerges, his hands cradling an object of immense value – the Aerodactyl's egg. It's a delicate shade of pale cream, with an oval shape that speaks of the life it harbors within.
"Prepare for the next phase," Akira orders into his communicator, his voice echoing in the ears of his subordinates who acknowledge with a crisp, "Aye!"
Another quarter of an hour passes, and a thunderous roar shatters the calm of Mt. Aso. The mother Aerodactyl has discovered the theft.
"Execute the next step, now!" Akira commands, his eyes fixed on a screen showing live footage.
Simultaneously, an orange jet, a speck against the vastness of the sky, zooms away from the vicinity of the Aerodactyl's nest. The female Aerodactyl, her eyes ablaze with maternal fury, takes off in hot pursuit. Akira watches, a sly grin spreading across his face. He knows the jet's destination – Miyazaki Prefecture, Mt. Kirishima, where another target awaits: the nest of a Charizard.
Chuckling to himself, Akira muses, "It's like hitting two birds with one stone," his laughter echoing in the empty space.

September 30, 2005
8:30 am
Takihama Island, Kame Village
The villagers were surrounded by six large screen monitors set up around their village, sparking curiosity and confusion. The Village Chief had informed them that Kanraku planned to showcase something significant.
"Could it be related to the beasts?" pondered a middle-aged villager, voicing the question on many minds.
"Maybe the professor intends to display the beasts they've captured recently," another villager speculated, adding to the growing buzz of anticipation.
"I knew Professor Kanraku has a strong beast named Lord Blue. I really admire him for that," a young man in his mid-20s spoke up, his voice tinged with a hint of fear. "But personally, I don't dare get too close to those beasts. The thought alone... No, it's just unthinkable."
"Yeah, the Professor even encourages us to get familiar with his beasts. I respect his fearlessness, truly, but just thinking about those creatures... it scares the living daylights out of me," his friend added, visibly shivering at the thought.
"Still, let's see what the Professor has planned this time," chimed in another villager. Despite their fear, there was a palpable sense of anticipation among the crowd about what Professor Kanraku would reveal.
"Grandma, hurry! You can't miss this. The Professor might show something amazing," Yuuki urged, trying to pull his grandmother along. But she was having none of it, pinching his nose in a playful yet scolding manner. "You stinky kid, slow down, will you?"
His grandmother, however, was less than pleased with his haste and pinched his nose in gentle reprimand. "You little rascal, slow down! There's no need to rush," she scolded playfully.
"Ouch, Grandma, that hurts! I'm sorry," Yuuki's voice was nasal and muffled as he tried to free himself from her grasp.
"Yuuki-kun, be more considerate of Grandma," reminded Ren, the bespectacled young man, with a tone of gentle reproof.
"And Yuuki-kun, really, slow down a bit. Grandma's not as young as she used to be," added Hana, helping her grandmother along.
"You two are such good grandchildren, unlike this little rascal," their grandmother sighed in relief, ruffling Yuuki's hair affectionately.
"Hey, no fair ruffling my hair, Grandma! I'm sorry," Yuuki protested, pouting slightly but with an apologetic tone.
Rio, not wanting to be left out, quickly interjected, "Me too! I'm good too! Grandma is pitiful! I care about Grandma a lot!" She hoped to receive the same affectionate praise.
"Our little Rio is also a good girl! She loves her Grandma so much!" their grandmother praised, caressing Rio's hair gently.
With a mix of excitement and curiosity, the group made their way through the crowd, all eager for Professor Kanraku's announcement.
A few hours later, the anticipation reached its peak as the screen flickered to life.
"Uhm, is this okay? No, let's adjust it like this," the villagers watched as a young boy with fluffy cheeks fiddled with the camera settings. The screen finally stabilized, revealing a clear image of Suzuki Ryota, the Village Chief's grandson.
The Village Chief couldn't help but feel a sense of amusement seeing his grandson on the big screen.
"Well, hello everyone, ohayo gozaimasu! Fellow villagers, my name is Suzuki Ryota. Can you guess where I am right now?" Suzuki Ryota greeted enthusiastically.
Some of the villagers, gathered around the large screen monitors, speculated about Suzuki Ryota's location. "He's probably at Professor Kanraku's base," one villager guessed, watching the live feed with interest.
"If you think I'm at Shishou's base, then you're absolutely wrong," Suzuki Ryota's voice emerged from the screen, filled with a hint of playful mystery. He rotated the camera, revealing his surroundings. The villagers' eyes widened in shock as a large, imposing bird appeared next to Suzuki Ryota, causing a stir of panic.
"That's dangerous!" one of the male villagers exclaimed, his voice trembling with fear, as he instinctively closed his eyes, dreading what might happen next.
"Damn it! What is Kanraku thinking? My grandson is in danger! That reckless Kanraku! We must do something—" The Village Chief, visibly shaken and outraged, was on the verge of mobilizing a rescue when Ryota's voice came through the screen again.
"I'm deep inside the Kemonohaji forest!" Ryota announced proudly, his voice brimming with excitement.
"Damn it all! Kanraku, you irresponsible fool!" The Village Chief was nearly beside himself with worry, cursing under his breath about Kanraku's apparent recklessness.
Suzuki Ryota, unfazed by the panic, began to introduce the creatures around him. "Don't be afraid. This is our Guardian, Pidgeot! He's one of the four protectors of our village," Suzuki Ryota reassured the viewers, his tone confident. He approached another intimidating Pokémon. "And this is Shiftry, another guardian, and over here is Graveler, yet another guardian," he introduced each Pokémon with evident pride.
Then, Suzuki Ryota's footsteps halted in front of a familiar figure. "You might recognize this one – it's Professor Kanraku's Lord Blue. But actually, its real name is Blastoise," he said, revealing a little-known fact about the well-known Pokémon.
"Now that I've introduced the four guardians, let me show you the breathtaking scenery of the Kemonohaji forest," Ryota continued, his enthusiasm undiminished. He returned to Pidgeot and carefully attached the camera to its neck.
"Pidgeot, let's fly high and give them a view of the forest," he instructed before climbing onto Pidgeot's back.
"Pidgeot~" the bird responded affirmatively and took off, soaring into the sky.
As Pidgeot soared higher, the villagers gazed at the screen in awe. The forest below was a vibrant tapestry of green, teeming with life. Pokémon such as Rattata, Mankey, Oddish, Bellsprout, and Pidgey were spotted in their natural habitat, adding to the enchantment of the scene.
As the villagers watched the screen, the lush greenery of the forest unfolded before them, a stark contrast to the world they knew. The ground below was dotted with Pokémon like Rattata, Mankey, Oddish, Bellsprout, Pidgey, and others, each engaged in their natural activities. The villagers, who had never witnessed such a scene before, were utterly mesmerized by the marvels of this unspoiled environment.
Since the day the beasts, known as Pokémon, invaded the earth, life had changed drastically. The disruption they caused had led to the disappearance of many modern conveniences, including reliable media and internet access, which often fell victim to interruptions by these creatures. If it weren't for Professor Kanraku's ingenuity and resourcefulness in harnessing electricity for the village, survival would have been a bleak prospect.
"So beautiful!" Yuuki exclaimed, his eyes wide with wonder as he gazed at Ryota on the screen. A sense of envy tinged his voice; he too yearned to experience the thrill of soaring through the sky on Pidgeot's back.
Indeed, Yuuki was not alone in his amazement. The villagers were collectively astonished, not just by the harmonious existence of the Pokémon in the forest but also by how Pidgeot had allowed Ryota to ride on its back. This scene was beyond anything they had imagined; it was a stark deviation from their expectations of Pokémon behavior. The creatures they had known were often perceived as threats, yet here they were, coexisting peacefully with a human.

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