Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 184 – Grand Opening and Ritual Ceremony: Evolution

AN: The Chapter felt like just copied, to be honest
The beauty of the scenery outside the village, captured by Ryota's camera, captivated the villagers. "Is this what lies beyond our village? It's incredibly beautiful!" exclaimed a female villager, her eyes glued to the screen, marveling at the sight of Ryota soaring through the sky with Pidgeot.
Yet, amidst the awe, the Village Chief's expression remained tinged with concern. "It is beautiful, indeed, but also fraught with danger," he murmured quietly, his worry not entirely abated by the peaceful scene. The sight of Ryota in the sky stirred up poignant memories for him.
Ryota's parents, the Village Chief's niece and her husband, had tragically perished in a beast invasion three years prior, leaving young Ryota an orphan at just seven years old. This painful history was the root of the Village Chief's deep-seated animosity towards the beasts. His perspective had only begun to shift when Kanraku intervened to save his wife and daughter during a critical moment.
Now, watching Ryota ride Pidgeot, the Village Chief was filled with a complex mix of emotions, predominantly concern for his safety.

As Pidgeot continued its flight, it ventured into Ursaluna's territory. The villagers, still watching intently, were astonished to see a vast landscape dotted with a massive meteorite rock and a large population of Pokémon. The sight was both majestic and intimidating, eliciting a second wave of alarmed reactions.
"Be careful, Ryota!" a female villager cried out, her voice filled with apprehension as she watched the unfolding scene.
Contrary to the villagers' fears, the Pokémon in the area did not display aggression. Instead, they acknowledged Ryota with nods of recognition. Pidgeot then gracefully descended, and Ryota, with athletic agility, leaped off, throwing three Pokéballs into the air. To the villagers' amazement, Butterfree and Wartortle emerged from the balls.
Ryota's Pokémon joyfully reunited with him, and he embraced them warmly. The villagers were taken aback by this display. The concept of Pokéballs and Pokémon materializing from them was entirely foreign and bewildering to them.
"What in the world are those spheres? How do beasts just appear from them?" they wondered aloud, their expressions a mixture of astonishment and confusion.
The Village Chief, his eyes sharp and analytical, speculated, "Could this be one of Kanraku's new discoveries?" He recalled a recent conversation with Kanraku about finding someone skilled in forging. Perhaps these Pokéballs were the result of that endeavor.
The Chief grasped the enormity of the situation, realizing that if these devices were introduced globally, it could revolutionize the world.
With bated breath and heightened anticipation, the villagers continued to watch the screen. Suddenly, a tall man with distinct Austronesian features appeared. He was dressed simply in a shirt and trousers, with a backpack slung over his shoulders.
The man standing amidst the lush greenery of the Kemonohaji forest had numerous Pokéballs fastened around his waist. With a confident gesture, he released all his Pokémon simultaneously. "Everyone, come out!" he commanded.
This was Floyd, standing assertively with his Pokémon arrayed around him.
Following his lead, other individuals emerged, each throwing their Pokéballs, resulting in a remarkable assembly of Pokémon. The air buzzed with the calls of various creatures as they appeared.
"Go to your corresponding squad," Floyd instructed, turning to address his Pokémon. They, along with the others, nodded in understanding and swiftly moved to join their respective squads.
"Sword Squad!" Floyd called out. "Execute the plan!"
The members of the Sword Squad – including Pidgeot, Shiftry, Bayleef, Starly, Ariados, Beedrill, Raticate, Machop, Ivysaur, Bulbasaur, and others – sprang into action. They efficiently cut through the tall grasses, a task that previously took Floyd hours to accomplish, now completed in mere minutes.
"Water Squad, initiate Rain Dance now," Floyd directed. The members of the Water Squad capable of using Rain Dance formed a strategic pattern and activated the move, bringing rain to the area.
As the ground softened and became loamy, Floyd raised his hand. "Cease Rain Dance! Dig Squad, it's your turn," he commanded.
Onix, Fraxure, Sandshrew, and the rest of the Dig Squad burrowed into the soil, allowing the water to penetrate deeper. They aerated the soil, and as weeds surfaced, Floyd instructed the Support Squad to remove them.
After a brief period, "Dig Squad, withdraw! Ground Squad, apply your ground moves now!" Floyd's orders were swift and precise.
The ground trembled under the might of the Ground Squad's abilities. Shortly after, Floyd called for the Dig Squad again to repair any disruptions caused by the Ground Squad's actions. The coordination was seamless.
"Support Squad, prepare to plant the seeds!" Floyd's voice resonated with authority.
The Support Squad began their task, planting seeds, adding manure, and applying water fertilizer meticulously prepared by Floyd. After calculating the perfect timing, Floyd instructed them to step back. "Retreat! Water Squad, aim your water abilities towards the sky!"
The Water Squad used moves like Rain Dance, Water Gun, and Water Pulse towards the sky, creating a gentle, nurturing rain over the newly planted area.
"Sun Squad, your turn – activate Sunny Day!" Floyd looked towards the Sun Squad members.

The Sun Squad, Cherrim with the support of their teammates Helping Hand, powered up. The Cherrim transformed into their Sunshine Form, casting strong 'Sunny Day' over the area, aiding the growth of the newly planted seeds.
As before, the berry seeds rapidly absorbed the nutrients they received, germinating and breaking through the soil's surface. Tiny cotyledons unfurled into leaves, roots spread wider, and stems thickened, mirroring the previous scene of growth and vitality. Floyd observed this process closely, meticulously timing each stage.
"Now, it's your turn!" Floyd called out, turning his attention to the group of Venusaur and Ivysaur eagerly waiting nearby.
The leader Venusaur and his subordinates, understanding Floyd's cue, promptly initiated "Grassy Field." A lush wave of grass and flowers erupted, enhancing the seeds' growth. In this remarkable display, the stems and roots continued their rapid expansion. The roots stretched far across the fertile ground, while the stems shot upwards, transforming into young trees.
Floyd watched with a sense of pride and accomplishment, marveling at the majestic scene unfolding before his eyes.
Meanwhile, the Bulbasaur, basking in the warmth of the sun, began feasting on the specialized pokeblocks Floyd had prepared for them. Seizing this moment, the leader Venusaur released a potent spore, enveloping the Bulbasaur group.
The Bulbasaur, responding instinctively, started a melodic chant, echoing a song deeply rooted in their species' heritage. This enchanting melody seemed to harmonize with nature itself, as if the trees and flowers were listening and swaying along.
The Bulbasaur then began a synchronized dance. Despite their squat, four-legged forms, they moved with a surprising grace and coordination. Each movement was purposeful, reflecting the rhythm of their ancestral song. The bulbs on their backs swayed gently, absorbing the spores from their leader.
Gradually, a soft, radiant glow enveloped each Bulbasaur. The aura around them intensified, transforming into a cocoon of light, pulsating with the energy of transformation. This mystical scene captivated everyone who witnessed it.
Amidst this luminescent display, the first signs of evolution emerged. The Bulbasaur, once small and compact, began to grow. Their limbs thickened, displaying a newfound muscular structure to support their larger frames. Their skin took on a more vibrant shade of green, with darker spots becoming more pronounced.
But the most dramatic transformation was happening to the bulb on their back. The once small, round bulb burgeoned into a large, pink bud, supported by a sturdy, tree-like stem sprouting from their back.

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