Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 185 – With Kanraku’s introduction

As the Bulbasaur evolved into Ivysaur, Chen Yu watched in amazement. "Evolving simultaneously?" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with surprise. "Is such a thing even possible?"
Kanraku, equally astonished by the spectacle, replied, "I'm not entirely certain myself, but given what we've just witnessed, it seems it might be."
Meanwhile, the villagers' reactions were even more profound. If Kanraku and Chen Yu were surprised, the villagers were utterly dumbfounded. The phenomenon unfolding before their eyes transcended human understanding and ventured into the realm of nature's inexplicable power.
The perfect coordination and teamwork displayed by the Pokémon had created a scene so extraordinary that it left the onlookers speechless.
Gazing at the young trees that had sprouted from seeds in mere minutes, a male villager murmured in disbelief, "So, beasts are capable of such feats?"
The surprise only escalated as the newly evolved Ivysaur spontaneously activated their energy, releasing it skyward in a stunning display.
Sensing the potential for chaos, Floyd quickly took action. "This isn't good! Water Squad, we need Rainy Day, now!" he shouted, his voice urgent. He hadn't anticipated that all the Ivysaur would instinctively use Sunny Day upon evolving.
The Water Squad reacted swiftly, employing Rainy Day in an attempt to counteract the effects of Sunny Day.
Floyd turned to the leader Venusaur, his expression one of earnest plea. "Boss Venusaur, we need your assistance!"
"SAUR!" Understanding the urgency, the leader Venusaur commanded his subordinates capable of using Grassy Terrain to activate the move.
In the sky, the two weather phenomena – Rainy Day and Sunny Day – clashed dramatically. The duel of weathers was a sight to behold, with Sunny Day ultimately gaining the upper hand. However, the influence of Rainy Day tempered its intensity. The Grassy Terrain, invoked by Venusaur's subordinates, further mitigated the situation, providing a nurturing environment for the rapidly growing trees. Their branches thickened and their leaves flourished, turning the area into a lush grove.
Floyd let out a sigh of relief, thankful that the situation hadn't escalated. He had feared a massive Sunny Day could spark a catastrophic wildfire in the forest.
"SAUR!" The leader Venusaur's loud call reprimanded the newly evolved Ivysaur. The young Pokémon, realizing their mistake, looked at Floyd with a mixture of shame and remorse, silently offering their apologies.
Floyd, observing the aftermath of the Ivysaur's unintended act, offered a reassuring smile. "Well, the good thing is that nothing bad happened. Don't worry about it," he said, shaking his head gently, his tone conveying both relief and understanding.

A few minutes had passed since the startling events unfolded, and the focus of the video shifted to Kanraku.
Addressing the viewers with a warm smile, Kanraku began, "My fellow villagers, I'm sure you're brimming with doubts and questions about everything you've just seen." His demeanor was calm and inviting. "And now, I have some very good news to share with you," he continued, emphasizing his point by repeating, "A very, very, very good news!"
He paused for a moment, ensuring he had everyone's attention. "Remember my words from almost a year ago about the potential for harmony between beasts and humans? Even I harbored some doubts initially. But today, with the invaluable assistance of our team members, I can confidently proclaim that harmony between humans and beasts is not just a dream – it's a reality!" Kanraku declared, his voice resonating with confidence and pride.
"We've dedicated ourselves to understanding the characteristics and abilities of these creatures, conducting systematic research. And now, we've achieved a significant breakthrough." Kanraku paused, building anticipation before revealing a Poké Ball to the camera.
"You've witnessed the effects of this remarkable item. You might still be skeptical, questioning whether this is a trick or visual effects. To address this, I'm excited to announce something else – a battle tournament!" Kanraku's announcement was met with a mixture of surprise and intrigue.

At the village, the Village Chief watched the broadcast with furrowed brows. "A Battle Tournament? What for?" he pondered, his confusion evident. The concept seemed to contradict the message of harmony that Kanraku had been promoting.
"Could they actually be considering 'beast fights'?" The Village Chief's expression turned to one of concern. He was aware of such practices, but the idea of Kanraku endorsing them seemed contradictory.
[If you're interested to know more, we have planned a tournament to take place in an hour. Stay tuned, as what you will witness will vastly expand your understanding of beasts and their capabilities.]
The Village Chief, though skeptical, couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity. "This guy is certainly bold," he muttered to himself, a wry smile forming on his lips. Reaching for his phone – a gift from Kanraku – he decided to call his daughter.
[Father, why did you call?] came the voice from the other end, her tone filled with surprise and curiosity.
Upon hearing his daughter's voice, the Village Chief couldn't help but smile, though his tone carried a hint of annoyance. "I was planning to call that 'stinky guy', but he seems to be tied up with his live broadcasts. Make sure to tell him that I support his event. That guy has made a significant breakthrough, one that's likely to cause a stir among the officials," he said, his voice a mix of pride and vexation.
[Father, he has a name, you shouldn't call him 'stinky guy'], his daughter gently chided.
"Hmph, to me, he's still the 'stinky guy', especially after he dared to let my grandson into that dangerous forest! How reckless of him!" the Village Chief grumbled. Then, a sudden premonition struck him, and his tone shifted to one of concern. "Akiko? Where exactly are you right now?"
[I'm right here in the forest, keeping an eye on my nephew], came Akiko's calm reply.
"WHAT?" The Village Chief's voice thundered with rage. "THAT BASTARD!!" he shouted, barely containing his anger.
Meanwhile, Kanraku suddenly felt an inexplicable shiver. 'What was that?' he wondered, glancing around uneasily. Finding nothing out of the ordinary, he turned his attention back to the camera, continuing his broadcast.

As the hour approached, the villagers remained glued to the screen, captivated by the delightful display of Pokémon. On the screen, a variety of adorable Pokémon played joyfully, eliciting awe and affection from the viewers.
"Beasts aren't as frightening as I thought," murmured a female villager, her eyes softening as she watched Togepi. She fantasized about reaching through the screen to cuddle the cute Pokémon.
Togepi, along with other endearing Pokémon like Cherrim, Dratini, Teddiursa, Pancham, and Chespin, had begun to alter the villagers' perceptions, except for Ekans, which still unnerved some. However, even Ekans seemed to exhibit a demeanor different from what they had anticipated.
Yuuki, growing increasingly impatient, paced restlessly. "Why is it taking so long? It's been almost an hour. Can't time move faster? I can't wait any longer!" he exclaimed, his frustration evident.
"Patience, Yuuki. It's nearly time," Ren advised calmly, sitting with their grandmother, his sister, and other orphans. His gaze was fixed on the screen, awaiting the forthcoming event.
"I know, I know, but it's hard to wait," Yuuki retorted, still fidgeting with anticipation.
Shortly, the screen transitioned, revealing a man with a fat figure and another who was notably tall. These were Nakamura and Yamada.
"Ohayou Gozaimasu! Fellow villagers, my name is Nakamura Yuto!" exclaimed Nakamura, the more rotund of the two.
"Ohayou Gozaimasu! Fellow villagers, my name is Yamada Yukihiro," introduced Yamada, the taller one, with a calm demeanor.
"And we are the current commentators of the tournament," they both announced in unison.

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