Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 186 – Exhibition Match: Floyd vs Kanraku Hiroshi (1)

Standing within the newly constructed stadium in the Beast's Sanctuary, Nakamura proudly showcased the stadium to the viewers. "As you can see, this stadium, though modest, was constructed in just over 10 days," he explained, gesturing towards the arena that spanned the size of a football field. 

Yamada added, "We've named it the 'Beast's Stadium'. Currently, it's quite basic with only a field, a few hundred seats, and some essential facilities. Its appearance might be a bit unpolished, but considering the short construction time, it's quite an achievement." 

Nakamura continued, his excitement evident. "We'll be showing you a time-lapse of the stadium's construction soon. You'll be amazed to learn that it was built entirely by Beasts – that's why we call it 'Beast's Stadium'," he elaborated, his eyes on the camera, ensuring every viewer could grasp the significance of this endeavor. 

"And before the tournament kicks off, Professor Kanraku and our guest from abroad, Floyd, will be treating us to an exciting exhibition battle," Nakamura announced, pointing towards the center of the stadium where the two men stood. 

In the middle of the stadium, Floyd faced Kanraku with an air of anticipation. "I've been looking forward to this challenge, Professor. And I'm eager to see how much you've improved," Floyd said, his tone reflecting both respect and competitive spirit. 

Kanraku responded confidently, gripping the Poké Ball at his waist. "Your encouragement has inspired me not to neglect my training. Blastoise and I have made significant progress," he declared, his confidence bolstered by the bond he shared with his Pokémon. 

Floyd's eyes sparkled with heightened expectation. "That's what I hoped to hear," he replied, feeling the Pokeball on his waist vibrating slightly – a sign that Fraxure, too, was eager for the battle. 

Despite understanding that victory might be a tall order, Floyd held onto his confidence. He believed in the principle that as long as there's a chance, victory is possible. 

With a decisive motion, he called out, "Fraxure, come out!" 

"Fraxure!" The Pokémon emerged, its excitement palpable. 

Kanraku wasn't about to be outdone. "Then let's not hold back. Blastoise, it's your turn!" he said, throwing his Poké Ball into the arena. 

"Blastoise~" Blastoise appeared, regarding Fraxure with a look of respect. 

Blastoise remembered the journey Fraxure had undergone – from the young Axew he had saved from a missile attack, to its defeat against Gyarados, and subsequent evolution. 

Now, Fraxure stood before him as an 'Ace Level' Pokémon, its power and prowess significantly heightened, narrowing the gap between them. 

Fraxure faced Blastoise with a look of serious determination. In his gaze, there was a sense of respect and familiarity, as Blastoise was not just an opponent but also a mentor figure to him, comparable to the figure of Dragonite mother. Blastoise had once taught Fraxure the valuable Protect move, solidifying his role as a significant influence in Fraxure's development. 

Nakamura and Yamada, ready to commentate, held their microphones with anticipation. Nakamura turned to the competitors, "Professor Kanraku, Floyd-san, are you both ready for the battle?" 

"I'm prepared," Floyd responded with a confident nod. 

"Uhm," came Kanraku's equally assured reply. 

"Once I give the signal 'Start', the battle will commence," Nakamura informed them, and both trainers nodded in understanding. 

Floyd took a moment to review Fraxure's stats in his mind, noting the Pokémon's impressive array of abilities and skills: 

Pokémon: Fraxure (Shiny) Level: 41 ♂

Type: Dragon 

Ability: Mold Breaker 


Advanced Level: Dragon Claw 

Intermediate Level: Dig, First Impression, Breaking Swipe, Scratch, Slash, Taunt, Bite, Dragon Dance

Beginner Level: Protect, Dual Chop, Swords Dance, Poison Jab, Dragon Rage, Dragon Tail, Dragon Pulse, Crunch, Outrage, Assurance, Scary Face 

Genetic Skill: First Impression 

Though Fraxure's abilities appeared unchanged, Floyd knew his Pokémon's potential was yet to be fully revealed. 

"START!" Nakamura's voice rang out across the stadium. 

"Fraxure, Agile Style!" Floyd commanded, his voice booming. 

"Fraxure!" With a powerful roar, Fraxure's claws glowed with a dark verdant energy as he charged toward Blastoise, executing Agile Style: Dragon Claw with precision and speed. 

"Counter with Rapid Spin, Blastoise!" Kanraku quickly directed. 

"Blastoise~" The robust Pokémon retracted into his shell, spinning rapidly as he collided with Fraxure. 


The impact was significant. Despite his valiant effort, Fraxure was pushed back several meters by the sheer strength of Blastoise. 

"Use Dig now!" Floyd instructed, quickly adapting his strategy. 

Kanraku, sensing the tactic, advised Blastoise, "Stay alert, he's burrowed underground." 

Floyd continued his commands, "Fraxure, Swords Dance!" 

Kanraku swiftly responded, "Blastoise, intercept with Water Pulse!" 

Floyd watched Kanraku's quick reaction with appreciation, then called out, "Fraxure, abort and hide!" 

Fraxure skillfully dodged Blastoise's attack, maneuvering underground. 

"Floyd-san, always hiding underground?" Kanraku mocked. 

Floyd, unfazed, replied with a smile, "Trying to provoke me, Professor? Well, it worked. Fraxure, emerge now!" 

As Fraxure burst through the ground beneath Blastoise, Kanraku immediately reacted, "Blastoise, Protect!" 

The two Pokémon collided once more, but Blastoise successfully defended against Fraxure's powerful attack. 

Fraxure cautiously stepped back, preparing for the next move. Floyd, seizing the moment, commanded decisively, "Now, Fraxure, use Poison Jab!" 

The anticipation was palpable. Kanraku's expression grew tense upon hearing the attack's name. He was unfamiliar with this particular move, but the mention of 'poison' was enough to cause concern.

Quickly, he instructed Blastoise, "Be alert and hide yourself, Partner!" Floyd, observing Kanraku's reaction, couldn't help but snort confidently, "It's already too late for precautions." 


The Poison Jab struck its target. Blastoise reeled from the impact, and the poison began to spread across patches of his skin, a testament to the attack's potency. 


In the commentator's booth, Nakamura energetically narrated the battle. "Look at that! Floyd-san Fraxure is using Claw, a normal move that benefits from STAB, and there goes Professor's Blastoise with Rapid Spin!" 

Yamada chimed in, providing additional insights for the viewers. "For those who aren't familiar, 'STAB' stands for Same-Type Attack Bonus. It increases the damage of a move if the Pokémon using it shares the same type with that move," he explained, aiming to educate the audience. 

Despite their efforts to clarify, the villagers remained somewhat perplexed about the concepts of STAB, types, and moves. The battle unfolding before them was unlike any 'Beast Fight' they had witnessed, offering a new and complex perspective on Pokémon battles. 

As the battle progressed, Nakamura continued, "There's clearly a gap in strength between the two. Professor's Blastoise won that exchange, pushing Floyd-san Fraxure back several meters." 

"Ah, Floyd-san tactics are quite cunning. He's now instructing Fraxure to use 'Dig', a clever move. Let's see how the Professor counters this," Nakamura speculated. 

Yamada added, "For those not in the know, 'Dig' is a earth-type move, and since Floyd's Fraxure is a normal type, the STAB effect isn't applicable in this instance." He continued to share knowledge, as per Floyd and Kanraku's plan, hoping the villagers would gradually grasp these complex battle concepts. 

Nakamura's voice tinged with concern. "Floyd-san has initiated 'Swords Dance'! This could be a game-changer. How will the Professor respond to this strategic move?" 

"Fantastic response from the Professor! He's directing Blastoise to use Water Pulse toward the hole, aiming to disrupt Fraxure's Swords Dance!" Nakamura exclaimed with a mix of excitement and relief. Despite his role as a neutral commentator, his favoritism towards Professor Kanraku was evident. 

"For those who are not familiar with Swords Dance, it is a Normal-type move that can significantly enhance a beast's strength. Therefore, if you observe any beasts employing this technique, it's crucial to disrupt them, or else you might find yourself facing defeat," Yamada explained. 

He then added, "As for the move used by the Professor's Blastoise, it's known as 'Water Pulse.' This is a Water-type move, and it's worth noting that the Professor's Blastoise is a Water-type Beasts Using a move like Water Pulse can trigger the bonus effect I mentioned earlier, which is known as the Same-Type Attack Bonus, or STAB."

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