Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 193 – Ryota vs Inoue

AN: I've been having trouble with the plot lately. I need to be very careful since I'm already at the main plot. Another factor is my laziness. Not going to lie to you, I don't save drafts. Currently, I only have three drafts ahead on Patreon, and I only managed to write one chapter a day.


"Then let's delve into the different types of beasts. Presently, there are nine identified types: Fire, Plant, Water, Earth, Air, Insect, Normal, Electric, and Poison," Floyd elaborated. "Let's start by focusing on three fundamental types. The Fire type, for instance, is particularly effective against Insect and Plant types. Plant types have an advantage over Earth and Water types. And Water types are strong against both Fire and Earth types."

He then expanded his explanation, "Moving to the remaining six types, we have the Air type, which is effective against Insect and Plant types. The Electric type is known for its supremacy over Water and Flying types. Then we have the Insect type, which is particularly strong against Plant types. And the Poison type, which is also known for its effectiveness against Plant types.

"And then the remaining two types that present unique challenges: Earth and Normal. The Earth type is typically strong against Fire, Electric, and it was also against the three types of Poison, Flying, and Insect. However, it's important to note that not all Earth types uniformly suppress these three, which can sometimes lead to confusion."

Kanraku then interjected with a note on ongoing research, "Based on recent studies, we're considering the possibility of dividing the Earth types into two separate categories in the future."

Floyd continued, "Lastly, we have the Normal type. Currently, this category includes unknown and undiscovered types. So while Normal is recognized as an official type, it's essentially a collection of various random types compiled into one."

He then circled back to the main topic at hand, "Continuing from our earlier discussion regarding dual-typed beasts, imagine a creature that is both Flying and Insect-type. Such a beast would likely be vulnerable to types like Fire, Earth, and Electric. Alternatively, consider a beast that combines Insect and Fire types, which would be weak against Water, Air, and Earth types. Compared to some single types, which have fewer weaknesses, dual types don't inherently make you stronger because they come with a broader range of vulnerabilities."

Floyd concluded his explanation, only to be met with a question from Nakamura, "But regarding the Plant type, which seems to have numerous weaknesses – isn't that a single type?"

"Yeah, the Plant type is unfortunate because it has too many weaknesses. In my opinion, It's much better for them to have dual types, which actually lessens their weakness," Floyd sighed as he said.

"Fire type beats Plant and Insect types? Plant type overpowers Earth and Water? Water type trumps Earth and Fire? And other type matchups too? Ahh, this is really confusing," Yuuki groaned, rubbing his temples as he tried to make sense of the complex type interactions in Pokémon battles.

The other villagers, intently watching the discussion, shared Yuuki's sentiments. The intricacies of Pokémon types were far more complicated than they had initially thought. Their admiration for Kanraku grew as they realized the depth of his research and understanding of these complexities.

The atmosphere became charged with excitement as Ryota and Inoue prepared to enter the arena, drawing the villagers' attention. The anticipation was palpable among the onlookers, especially since they were about to witness their fellow countrymen in action.

Chen Yu, observing both competitors, raised the flag, signaling the start of the battle.

"Go, Butterfree!" Ryota called out, releasing his Pokémon from its Poké Ball.

"Join the battle, Butterfree!" Inoue echoed, sending out his own Butterfree.

A moment of surprise passed between them as they realized their choice of Pokémon. It was clear they both had taken note of Aizawa's earlier battle and understood the strategic importance of Butterfree in this context.

"Use Sleep Powder now, Butterfree!" Inoue quickly commanded.

"Free~" Inoue's Butterfree, responded, releasing a cloud of spores towards Ryota's Butterfree.

Ryota, with a confident smile, countered, "Butterfree, deflect it back, use Gust!"

"Free~" Ryota's Butterfree nodded and unleashed a powerful gust from its wings, directing the spores back towards Inoue's Butterfree.

Caught unprepared, Inoue gasped, "Quick, Butterfree, dodge it!"

To his relief, Inoue's Butterfree narrowly evaded the gust, but then it was enveloped in the cloud of Sleep Powder that it had initially released.

Inoue swore under his breath as he realized the predicament, "Stay awake, Butterfree!"

Seizing the moment, Ryota commanded, "Now, Butterfree, hit it with Confusion!"

As Ryota's Butterfree executed the Confusion move, Inoue's Butterfree winced in pain, struggling under the psychic assault.

"Inoue's Butterfree, hear me, wake up!" Inoue shouted, his voice filled with urgency.

Responding to Inoue's call, his Butterfree's eyes snapped open, fighting off the drowsiness.

But Ryota was already one step ahead, "Butterfree, now, Stun Spore!"

Ryota's Butterfree, which had mastered 'Stun Spore' instead of 'Sleep Powder', was part of Ryota's strategic planning. He anticipated that Inoue's Butterfree would employ Sleep Powder, and his counter-strategy was to use Gust to redirect it back. This anticipation paid off perfectly in the battle.

Now with an edge, Ryota's confidence surged as he saw Inoue's Butterfree slowed down by the spores. "Now, Butterfree, unleash Psychic!" he shouted.

Inoue, realizing Sleep Powder was futile and adapting quickly, commanded, "Counter with Confusion, Butterfree!" He was determined to at least draw out the battle, hoping for both Butterfrees to reach their limits simultaneously.

The arena was engulfed in a tense atmosphere as both Butterfrees unleashed their moves. The psychic energies collided mid-air, causing a dazzling display. The first to reel from the impact was Inoue's Butterfree, closely followed by Ryota's. However, Inoue's Pokémon bore the brunt of the collision, visibly more affected than its counterpart.

Both Trainers, unrelenting, continued their assault. "Butterfree, another Confusion!" they echoed in unison.

Their Butterfrees clashed once again, each unleashing waves of psychic energy. But this time, the outcome was more definitive. Inoue's Butterfree, overwhelmed by the repeated attacks, wavered and then collapsed, losing consciousness.

While Ryota's Butterfree was also nearing exhaustion, it remained conscious, still capable of continuing the fight.

Recognizing the situation, Chen Yu announced, "Inoue's Butterfree is unable to continue. You may switch your beasts."

Inoue, with a heavy sigh, knew he was at a disadvantage. Grasping his last Pokémon, he threw it out "Squirtle, I choose you!"

"Squirtle~," it called out energetically as it emerged from the Poké Ball.

"Keep fighting, Butterfree!" Ryota encouraged his weary Pokémon.

"Butterfree~," it responded, gearing up for another round.

As Chen Yu lowered his flag, signaling the continuation of the battle, Ryota quickly strategized, "Butterfree, Stun Spore, now!"

Inoue, adapting on the fly, instructed, "Squirtle, charge with Rapid Spin!"

The battle escalated as Butterfree released a cloud of Stun Spore while Squirtle, with a burst of speed, spun towards Butterfree.

A loud BANG resonated as the two Pokémon collided. Butterfree plummeted to the ground, and Squirtle, though slowed down by the spores, remained in motion.

However, in a final act of defiance before losing consciousness, Butterfree summoned the strength to unleash Gust.

"Dodge it, Squirtle!" Inoue shouted, but it was too late. Squirtlewas caught in the gust's path.

As Butterfree succumbed to exhaustion, Chen Yu made the announcement, "Butterfree is unable to continue. Ryota, you may switch your beasts."

Ryota, with a confident smile, exchanged glances with Inoue before tossing his next Poké Ball into the fray. "Wartortle, your turn!"

"Wartortle~," the creature announced its arrival with a spirited cry.

Inoue, upon seeing Wartortle, let out a resigned sigh. He could sense the tide of the battle turning against him, his chances of victory dwindling rapidly.

Back at the commentator's booth, Kanraku expressed his astonishment at Ryota's tactical play. "Ryota-kun's decision to use Gust to redirect Inoue's Butterfree's Sleep Powder back at it was a brilliant move. It's impressive to see such strategic thinking in action."

Floyd, with a hint of playfulness in his tone, chimed in, "Professor, looks like my prediction was right, wasn't it?" A smirk played on his lips as he lightly teased Kanraku.

Kanraku, somewhat disgruntled, responded, "Hmph, Ryota just got lucky this time. Next time they face off, the outcome might be different." He tried to mask his surprise at the unexpected turn of events, having previously predicted Inoue's victory.

Floyd couldn't resist poking a bit more fun at Kanraku, "But I recall someone saying, 'Loss is still a loss. It's not just about strength, but also the Trainer's knowledge and strategy.' Who could have said that, I wonder?" He mimicked Kanraku's earlier words, barely containing his laughter.

Kanraku, now visibly annoyed, shot Floyd a glare. "You!"

Floyd, unable to hold back any longer, burst into laughter. "What? Did I say something wrong?"

Nakamura and Yamada looked on, a mix of amusement and helplessness on their faces as they watched Floyd and Kanraku's friendly banter.

Their attention, along with that of the audience, soon returned to the battle. After a few tense moments, it became clear that Inoue's Squirtle couldn't withstand the onslaught. Chen Yu, acknowledging the inevitable, raised his flag. His voice resonated through the arena, "Ryota is the victor of this battle!"

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