Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 194 – Bianca vs Linh

AN: Cringe


The third matchup of the tournament, featuring Ivan against Chu Weihao, was a surprisingly swift encounter. Ivan's Ariados, known for its agility and strategic prowess, managed to overpower Chu Weihao's duo of Rattata and Wartortle in remarkably short order.

Chu Weihao stood there, regret etched on his face as he gazed at his two Poké Balls. He had entered the battle with a roster of four Pokémon: Rattata, Wartortle, Butterfree, and Geodude. Confident in his initial strategy, he had chosen Rattata and Wartortle, believing them to be his strongest contenders.

However, witnessing Aizawa's earlier battle had shifted his perspective, highlighting Butterfree's unexpected strength. The swift defeat of his Rattata, which he had counted on for its 'Quick Attack', and the subsequent failure of Wartortle, left him reevaluating his choices.

In a stunning turn of events, Ivan had managed to clinch the battle in a one-versus-two scenario.

As the arena calmed after the battle, the camera panned to Chansey, diligently working to heal the injured Pokémon. The scene was a testament to the gentle power and crucial role of Chansey in the tournament.

"Observe Chansey's healing abilities. It's incredible how she can restore the beasts to full health with such ease," Floyd commented with a sense of pride as the camera focused on Chansey.

Kanraku, watching Chansey, nodded in agreement, "Chansey has become indispensable to our team. Her role here is vital," he said, his tone reflecting a mix of professional admiration and personal fondness.

"Now, let's turn our attention to the fourth matchup," Nakamura interjected, redirecting the focus back to the upcoming battle.

Backstage in the tunnel, Bianca, with Swablu perched atop her head, was visibly nervous about her upcoming battle. The thought of her potential loss and the consequent dare to kiss Floyd sent waves of embarrassment through her. Her face flushed a deep red, spreading to her ears and neck.

"Tweet, Tweet!" Swablu couldn't help but giggle at Bianca's evident discomfort.

Bianca, noticing Swablu's amusement, pouted and gently lifted the Swablu from her head. Holding Swablu in front of her, she said with determination, "You must help me in this battle."

"Tweet, Tweet, Tweet," Swablu responded, still chuckling, not quite understanding the gravity of the situation.

"If you help me win, I promise to give you some delicious food," Bianca offered, her voice faltering slightly as she added, "And… I'll ask Floyd for even more delicious treats for you."

Swablu's eyes lit up at the mention of food, tilting its head curiously as it gazed at Bianca, who was now blushing even more profusely.

"Tweet~ Tweet~"Swablu nodded affirmatively, a twinkle of understanding in her eyes.

"Really?" Bianca asked, her eyes brightening with hope and gratitude.

"Tweet~" Swablu confirmed with another nod.

Bianca, overwhelmed with emotion, gently embraced Swablu. "Thank you so much," she whispered, feeling a surge of confidence.

Meanwhile, Swablu, nestled in Bianca's arms, let out a soft giggle. Her eyes glinted slyly, a hint of mischief behind its innocent façade, unnoticed by Bianca.

As the announcement of Ivan's victory echoed in the background, Bianca realized it was her turn to step into the arena. She braced herself for the upcoming challenge.

In the field, Le Mai Linh stood with a composed and serious demeanor, her gaze fixed on Bianca, who was visibly trying to muster her courage. Bianca's posture was tense, her head slightly bowed, yet her grip on her Poké Ball was firm and determined.

Chen Yu, the referee, inquired if both competitors were ready. Receiving affirmative nods from both, he swiftly brought his flag down, signaling the start of the match.

"Hitmonlee, I choose you!" Linh called out confidently.

"Bayleef, go!" Bianca responded, her voice steady despite her nerves.

"Hitmonlee~," Hitmonlee appeared, ready for action.

"Bay~ Bay~," Bayleef responded, facing its opponent.

Linh was quick to issue a command, "Hitmonlee, Double Kick, now!"

"Hitmon-lee!" Hitmonlee anchored itself and lunged towards Bayleef with incredible force.

"Counter with Razor Leaf!" Bianca instructed urgently.

A loud bang filled the air as Hitmonlee's kick connected with Bayleef, eliciting a cry of pain. Bayleef, despite the hit, managed to unleash a flurry of Razor Leaves towards Hitmonlee.

Linh, with a strategic grin, had alread instructed Hitmonlee earlier to dodge and counter. The Pokémon adeptly ducked, evading the leaves, and swept Bayleef off its feet with a Low Kick.

This move echoed a similar strategy used in Hitmonlee's previous battle with Floyd's Fraxure, but Bayleef, caught off balance, was less prepared for the maneuver.

"Bayleef!" Bianca called out, her voice laced with concern.

Hitmonlee didn't relent, delivering a powerful front kick that sent Bayleef flying several meters.

"Bayleef, are you okay?" Bianca called out, her worry evident.

"Bay~ Bay~," Bayleef struggled but managed to stand, eyeing Hitmonlee defiantly.

"Use Vine Whip, Bayleef!" Bianca commanded, rallying her Pokémon.

"Hitmonlee, dodge and counter!" Linh instructed sharply.

Bayleef extended two vines rapidly towards Hitmonlee, who skillfully evaded each lash.

"Now, Bayleef, Poison Powder!" Bianca shouted, hoping to turn the tide.

Linh was quick to react, "Hitmonlee, jump over it and use Jump Kick!"

Hitmonlee, propelled into the air, soared towards Bayleef. Despite absorbing some of the Poison Powder, the determined Pokémon managed to land a solid hit on Bayleef.

"Bay!" Bayleef let out a cry of pain, reeling from the impact.

Seizing the moment, Bayleef unleashed a Razor Leaf attack, but Linh was quick to counter, "Hitmonlee, Sucker Punch!"

Hitmonlee, channeling dark energy, absorbed the energy of Bayleef's move and launched a counterstrike.

"Bay~," Bayleef moaned in agony, succumbing to the force of the attack and losing consciousness.

Shortly after, Hitmonlee started to feel the effects of the poison, becoming slightly dizzy - a clear sign of the Poison Powder taking effect.

Chen Yu, observing Bayleef's defeat, announced, "Bayleef is unable to continue. Bianca, please switch your Pokémon." His gaze shifted towards Bianca, who looked visibly disheartened.

Bianca, with a sense of disappointment, withdrew Bayleef back into her Poké Ball. Holding another Poké Ball firmly, she called out with a mix of hope and apprehension, "Swablu, I need you now!"

Releasing Swablu into the battle, the Pokémon emerged with a cheerful "Tweet~" and soared energetically into the air.

Linh, meanwhile, decided to make a strategic switch. "Hitmonlee, return for now," she said, recalling her Pokémon. She then released her next combatant, "Mankey, take the stage!"

"Mankey!" the Pokémon exclaimed as it burst onto the field.

Bianca, trying to regain her composure, commanded, "Swablu, use Tailwind!"

"Tweet!" Swablu flapped its wings vigorously, creating a gusting wind around the arena.

"Mankey, Jump Kick!" Linh ordered without hesitation.

"Swablu, evade it!" Bianca shouted.

Swablu, agile and swift, soared higher, narrowly avoiding Mankey's attack.

"Mankey, now, use Taunt!" Linh instructed. This Taunt was a special move Mankey had learned from a Meteorite stone.

Provoked by the taunt, Swablu's demeanor changed; she became visibly agitated and dived towards Mankey with a Peck attack.

Linh saw an opportunity, "Mankey, Seismic Toss now!"

Bianca, in a panic, yelled, "Swablu, pull back!" But Swablu, fueled by anger, didn't heed her call and continued her attack.

The two Pokémon clashed mid-air. Swablu managed to strike Mankey, but in a swift motion, Mankey caught Swablu and executed a powerful Seismic Toss.

Bang! The impact was tremendous, and Swablu was knocked out, falling to the ground unconscious.

Bianca shouted, her face flushed with concern and the looming thought of the embarrassing dare, "Swablu, please wake up!"

But Swablu lay motionless, unresponsive to her calls.

"Swablu, wake up!" Bianca panicked upon seeing that Swablu didn't wake up this time. Her face turned red with the thought of losing; if she lost, she would have to fulfill the embarrassing agreement she had with Linh.

However, Swablu didn't wake up and remained in a coma.

Linh raised her eyebrows, looking at Swablu. She couldn't believe that Swablu would lose so quickly. If she was correct, this Swablu was already at a Pro Level, so why was it defeated so easily?

But the good thing for Linh was that Swablu's loss meant her victory, and winning the agreement.

A few moments later, upon seeing that Swablu didn't wake up, Chen Yu raised his flag and declared, "Swablu has lost consciousness. All of Bianca's beasts have been defeated. Le Mai Linh wins the battle."

"I'm done!" Bianca crouched, covering her face in shame, thinking about how she would face Floyd later.

Le Mai Linh smiled, calling out to Bianca, "Bianca, don't forget our bet, hehehe," and then she turned away.

But Bianca didn't hear what she said. All that was on her mind was how to face Floyd later; she was so embarrassed.

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