Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 198 – The Collapse of Arrogance

AN: I will try to write two or three chapters tomorrow.


"Impossible, impossible, this can't be happening! How could I possibly lose? I refuse to accept this!" Hu Tianyi was gripped by disbelief, his hands clutching his head as he stared at Raticate, lying motionless on the ground. The reality of his defeat was too much for him to bear, and he found himself trapped in a state of denial.
"You wretched creature, wake up! The battle isn't over yet! Stand up!" Hu Tianyi's voice was a mixture of desperation and anger as he yelled at Raticate. But there was no response; Raticate remained unconscious, utterly spent from the grueling battle.
Jonathan, observing Hu Tianyi's meltdown, couldn't conceal his sense of triumph. "Your beast has been defeated. It's time to switch out. I didn't expect you to be weak, I mean weak in command. You're all talk and no substance, Hu Tianyi. Hurry up!" he snorted, a smirk spreading across his face as he mocked Hu Tianyi's distress.
"Impossible. I can't believe it. How could I lose to someone like you? I refuse to believe it. Not to you!" Hu Tianyi felt humiliated at the thought of losing to someone like Jonathan, the guy who always hung out with Xiao Yun. He had always looked down on these two foolish guys, and now, facing the possibility of defeat by Jonathan, his pride couldn't accept it.
"But look, I've already beaten you. How does that feel? Weren't you the arrogant one before? Now, where has all that arrogance? Show me," Jonathan taunted, his mocking tone adding salt to Hu Tianyi's wounds.
Hu Tianyi's face turned a deeper shade of red, a mixture of shame and anger washing over him. He felt cornered, unable to escape the reality of the situation, yet his pride wouldn't allow him to concede defeat. He glared at Jonathan, pointing an accusing finger, "It's because you cheated! That's the only explanation!"
"What? Accusing me of cheating? Can't you accept your loss? What a coward. Oh wait, I remember now, you've always been a coward, especially when you ran away that time," Jonathan retorted, his words sharp and unrelenting as he continued to mock Hu Tianyi.
"Hmph, you sneakily used Defense Curl earlier when I wasn't prepared! You're a cheater!" Hu Tianyi persisted in his accusations, desperately trying to justify his impending defeat.
"What?" Jonathan was taken aback by Hu Tianyi's shamelessness. He himself was no stranger to his own shameless acts, but he didn't expect to encounter someone who matched his level of shamelessness.
"Enough of this," interjected Chen Yu, who had been observing the debacle with growing impatience. He could no longer stand to watch Hu Tianyi's embarrassing display. Raising his flag to signal the end of the first match, he declared firmly, "Raticate is clearly incapacitated. Hu Tianyi, you must switch out your beast now."
"But, Chen-ge, this guy was cheati-" Hu Tianyi's protest was cut short as Chen Yu, whose face was already flushed with anger, interrupted him sharply. "ENOUGH! Haven't you embarrassed us enough already? Release your next beast immediately!" Chen Yu's voice boomed, echoing across the arena.
He was acutely aware of the numerous eyes fixed on the livestream, witnessing Hu Tianyi's disgraceful behavior. The thought that Hu Tianyi, representing Longdong, was behaving in such a manner filled him with a mix of frustration and embarrassment.
And it wasn't just Chen Yu who felt this way. Chen Xin, Li Qing, Xiao Yun, and other Chinese participants who were watching the battle unfold on the screen shared in the embarrassment. Hu Tianyi's actions reflected poorly on them all.
With the weight of so many spectators' eyes on them, Chen Yu's patience had reached its limit. He wanted nothing more than to bring this battle to an end and then distance himself from Hu Tianyi to the point of pretending he never knew him.
Xiao Yun, unable to contain his frustration, yelled at the screen, "Someone disown this guy, please! He's not one of us. We don't claim him!"
Hu Tianyi, hearing Chen Yu's reprimand, felt a surge of embarrassment wash over him. Biting his lip so hard that a trickle of blood appeared, he clenched his fist around his last Pocket Ball. "Come out, Butterfree!" he called, his voice strained with desperation.
Jonathan, observing Hu Tianyi's choice, couldn't help but chuckle. "Ah, you've chosen an insect type. Well done, Geodude, you need to rest now; you've done more than enough," he said, his tone appreciative. Geodude nodded in response, and Jonathan recalled it back into its Pocket Ball.
Then, reaching for his last Pocket Ball, Jonathan confidently declared, "Come out, Growlithe!"
"Awrrr!" With an energetic bark, Growlithe emerged, ready for battle.
Hu Tianyi's despair deepened at the sight of Growlithe. His choice of Butterfree was influenced by Aizawa's impressive use of 'Sleep Powder' in an earlier battle. He had thought Butterfree, with the same move, would be his ace card.
His confidence had originally been placed in Raticate, but its unexpected defeat at the hands of Jonathan's Geodude had thrown his plans into disarray.
Now, facing Growlithe, Hu Tianyi realized the direness of his situation. If only he had known, he would have chosen Mankey instead of Butterfree.
As the realization that he might lose sank in, Hu Tianyi grappled with a storm of emotions. Losing was one thing, but the thought of being defeated by Jonathan was something he couldn't stomach. He pondered, his mind racing – it would have been more palatable if his defeat had come at the hands of renowned competitors like Linh, Ivan, Kang Jihoon, etc. But Jonathan?
This question haunted him, echoing in his mind, refusing to let go. Even now, he couldn't fathom how he had ended up in this predicament.
His eyes, red and wild with frustration, fixated on Butterfree. In a fit of rage, he barked, "You must win! If you fail, don't ever consider me your trainer again!" His face twisted with desperation and threat.
Butterfree, visibly shaken by its trainer's menacing demeanor, glanced fearfully at Growlithe. The odds seemed stacked against it, sowing seeds of doubt in its mind. Despite the overwhelming pressure and fear, it knew it had no other option but to give its all.
With both Pokémon poised for battle, Chen Yu, his expression serious, lowered the flag, signaling the start of the next round.

Meanwhile, in the commentator's booth, Nakamura narrated the unfolding events with keen interest. "Oh, look at that! Geodude's Defense Curl took Hu-san by surprise. And now, Hu-san's Raticate attempts a Bite, but it's too late! Jonathan's Geodude has completed its Defense Curl, and swiftly, Jonathan counters with a Protect command!"
"Again, Raticate goes for the Bite, and there! It manages to land the attack on Geodude, but it doesn't seem to affect Geodude much. Now Geodude retorts with a powerful Smack Down on Raticate!"
Moments later, as the battle intensified, Nakamura continued, "Now, this is interesting. Jonathan seems to be in a tight spot as Hu Tianyi and his Raticate start to kite him. What strategy will Jonathan employ in response?"
At this point, Kanraku, watching closely, shook his head in disapproval. "This looks futile. Raticate's speed is unmatched, and Jonathan stubbornly keeps using Rollout, which clearly isn't working out."
Floyd, however, wore a knowing smile. "Professor, perhaps you haven't fully understood the 'Rollout' move," he said, slightly amused.
Hearing this, Nakamura, Kanraku, and Yamada all turned to Floyd, curiosity piqued. Kanraku, frowning slightly, inquired, "What do you mean? Is there something unique about this move?"
Floyd's smile widened. "You'll see soon enough," he said cryptically, choosing not to reveal more. This response left the other three puzzled, their attention now fixed on the battle and particularly on Geodude, eager to discover the unique aspects of the Rollout move Floyd hinted at.
Kanraku, observing the battle with a critical eye, furrowed his brows in doubt. "This strategy seems futile. Raticate's speed far surpasses that of Jonathan's Geodude, and yet Jonathan insists on using Rollout. It's simply not a wise choice in this scenario," he commented, his tone reflecting his skepticism.
Floyd, standing nearby, watched the battle unfold with a subtle smile. He turned to Kanraku and remarked, "Professor, perhaps you haven't delved deeply into the mechanics of the 'Rollout' move."
His statement caught the attention of Nakamura, Kanraku, and Yamada, who all turned to look at him with curious expressions. Kanraku, his frown deepening, inquired, "What do you mean, Floyd-san? Is there a hidden aspect to this move that we're not seeing?"
Floyd's smile remained enigmatic. "Just watch closely," he replied, his tone suggesting that he knew something the others didn't.
This response left the other commentators momentarily puzzled, their gaze shifting back to the ongoing battle. They focused intently on Geodude, intrigued to uncover the unique characteristics of the Rollout move that Floyd hinted at.
Minutes later, the battle took a dramatic turn. Geodude, with a surprising burst of agility, managed to throw Raticate into the air. In a swift motion, it executed Rollout for the third time, striking Raticate with significant force. The impact was far greater than anyone anticipated, leaving Kanraku and the others visibly astonished.
"How is this possible? Was that really the Rollout move? Why is it so powerful?" Nakamura exclaimed, his voice a mix of disbelief and excitement. He, along with the rest of the commentators, watched in awe as the battle dynamics shifted unexpectedly.
Kanraku, still trying to wrap his head around the sudden change in the battle's tide, turned to Floyd once more. "Floyd-san, can you explain this phenomenon? How did the Rollout become so potent?"
Floyd decided not to withhold information this time. "The key lies in the nature of the 'Rollout' move. Each time it successfully hits the opponent, the move gains momentum and power, becoming progressively stronger with each consecutive hit.

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