Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 199 – Losing Bracket

AN: I don't understand why it's hard for me now to write three chapters; maybe it's because I've increased the words per chapter. Previously, I was writing chapters of 1,200 to 1,300 words, but now they are 1,400 to 1,700 words. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I still can't do it.


As the battle waged on, it was evident to the onlookers that Butterfree was struggling significantly against Growlithe. Despite its valiant efforts and the successful deployment of Sleep Powder, which momentarily caused Growlithe to grow drowsy and fall asleep, Butterfree's attacks were proving largely ineffective. Growlithe's resistance was clear, and it was only a matter of time before it would awaken and turn the tides once again.
In the midst of the heated clash, Growlithe lay asleep under the influence of Butterfree's Sleep Powder. Jonathan, seeing this, yelled out in encouragement, "Growlithe, snap out of it!" Miraculously, Growlithe's eyes flickered open, responding to Jonathan's call.
"Now, use Flame Wheel!" Jonathan commanded with renewed vigor.
Hu Tianyi, witnessing Growlithe's sudden awakening and became panicked. "Butterfree, quick! Evade it!" he shouted. By a narrow margin, Butterfree managed to dodge the incoming Flame Wheel, but Jonathan was relentless. "Now, follow up with Ember!" he called out.
"Awrrr!" In agreement, Growlithe unleashed an Ember attack, the fiery burst emanating from its mouth.
Hu Tianyi, desperate to turn the battle in his favor, screamed, "Dodge it, Butterfree! Use Sleep Powder again!" But this time, Butterfree wasn't so lucky; it was hit squarely by the Ember attack.
"Free!" Butterfree let out a pained cry as it felt the scorching heat of the Ember. Exhaustion and injury were taking their toll; Butterfree was on the brink of collapse.
Hu Tianyi, driven to the edge of desperation, couldn't fathom the thought of losing. "Butterfree, get up! Stand up now! Stand up now! If you lose consciousness, you'll face severe consequences!" he yelled, his voice laced with panic and fury.
Jonathan, observing the scene, felt a mix of triumph and disdain for Hu Tianyi's harsh treatment of his Pokémon. "Just give up, Hu Tianyi. You've lost," he said, his voice dripping with mockery.
Hu Tianyi, however, refused to accept reality. "Impossible, impossible! I refuse to believe it! How could I lose to you!" His mind was a whirlwind of denial and rage. He glared at the battered Butterfree and shouted again, "Get up! Now! Hurry up! Use Sleep Powder!"
Butterfree, struggling to comply, found it increasingly difficult to even stand. Hu Tianyi, losing all semblance of composure, bellowed, "Stand up! Stand up! What are you waiting for? Are you not going to obey my command? Get up!"
"Free…" Butterfree pushed beyond its limits, was in a state of extreme distress, unable to rise as it heard its trainer's frantic screams.
"Enough of this. Out of respect for your beast, let's bring this to a swift end," Jonathan declared, his voice firm yet tinged with sadness for the harsh treatment Hu Tianyi inflicted on his Pokémon. Turning to Growlithe, he instructed, "Growlithe, let's finish this battle."
"Awrr!" Growlithe, acknowledging Jonathan's command, looked towards Butterfree with a sense of pity in its eyes. Then, with a burst of energy, it charged forward, using Tackle with precision and restraint.
The impact was direct and decisive. Butterfree, already weakened and on the edge of its endurance, didn't even have the strength to cry out. It simply collapsed, losing consciousness in the aftermath of Growlithe's attack.
Hu Tianyi, witnessing Butterfree's defeat, spiraled further into a state of frenzy. "Wake up! Damn it, wake up! You can't do this to me!" His shouts were a mix of desperation and anger, reflecting his inability to grasp the reality of his defeat.
Chen Yu, observing the scene with a stern expression, promptly raised the flag, signaling the end of the match. "Butterfree is unable to continue. Both of Hu Tianyi's beasts have been defeated. The winner is Jonathan," he announced firmly.
Hu Tianyi tried to interject, "Chen-Ge, I still have-" but Chen Yu cut him off, unwilling to entertain any further excuses. "Enough, Hu Tianyi. You've brought enough disgrace upon yourself today. Step back and take a moment to reflect. There's still chance on the loser's bracket for you," Chen Yu said, his tone indicating no room for further discussion.

In the commentator's booth, Floyd shook his head disapprovingly, "Hu Tianyi has completely lost it, resorting to scolding and threats in a vain attempt to secure victory."
"This should not be the right way," Kanraku thought, feeling disappointed. Earlier, he had believed that Hu Tianyi had high chances of winning, but now he didn't care about it. What mattered to Kanraku was Hu Tianyi's attitude towards his Pokémon, which left a bad impression on him. Even if Hu Tianyi were to win, Kanraku would disapprove of his approach. Pokémon shouldn't be treated that way, as they are meant to be lifelong partners.
Floyd, catching the change in Kanraku's tone, teased, "Weren't you rooting for him earlier? What's your take now?"
Kanraku simply shook his head, "I have no words. In this battle, Jonathan truly deserved his victory."

Meanwhile, earlier in the clinic, Swablu slowly opened her eyes to find Bianca sitting beside her, hugging her knees. A mix of emotions played across Bianca's face as she looked away, still upset about Swablu's earlier actions in their match.
She suspected that Swablu had feigned defeat for some hidden motive, possibly to push Bianca towards Floyd.
As these thoughts swirled in her head, embarrassment and anger bubbled within her, causing her to ignore Swablu's attempts at communication.
"Tweet~," Swablu chirped softly, seeking Bianca's attention. But Bianca, caught in her internal conflict, remained distant, her feelings towards Swablu complicated by the day's events.
Swablu, sensing the tension, tentatively tried to approach Bianca. However, Bianca stepped back, her expression hurt and resolute. "You betrayed me, Swablu. We are no longer friends," she said, her voice heavy with emotion.
"Tweet~" Swablu expressed confusion and then, in a playful manner, attempted to lighten the mood by rushing towards Bianca's hair, only to be dodged.
"You can't perch on my head anymore," Bianca stated firmly, pouting as she did so.
"Tweet?" Swablu, feeling a mix of anger and sadness, made several more attempts to reach Bianca's hair, but each time, Bianca skillfully avoided the interaction. This game of cat and mouse continued, with Bianca consistently evading Swablu's persistent efforts.
"Tweet~" Swablu's chirps turned to irritated and angry tweets, frustrated at being unable to reconcile with Bianca.
"You need to apologize first, then maybe we can be friends again," Bianca declared, her tone softening slightly, indicating a path to reconciliation.
"Tweet~" Realization dawned on Swablu. It understood the gravity of the situation and its own wrongdoing. The little Pokémon's eyes welled up with tears, regret evident in its demeanor. "Tweet~ Tweet~" Swablu cried, its gaze fixed on Bianca, hoping for forgiveness.
Bianca, though touched by Swablu's display of remorse, maintained her stance. "I haven't heard an apology yet!" she responded, turning away to hide her own conflicting emotions.
"Tweet~" In a bold move, Swablu flew in front of Bianca, still sobbing. This display of vulnerability finally melted Bianca's resolve, and she embraced Swablu gently. "Promise me you won't do something like that again, okay?"
"Tweet~ Tweet~" Swablu nodded vigorously, hugging Bianca back, its chirps soft and apologetic.
"Do you mean it? Are we friends again?" Bianca asked, seeking confirmation.
"Tweet~" Swablu nodded enthusiastically, happy to be back in Bianca's good graces, and promptly perched on her hair.
Bianca couldn't help but pout. "Did you apologize just so you could perch on my hair again?"
"Tweet, tweet~" Swablu's response was a playful laugh, indicating its joy at their reconciliation.

As the battle concluded, the twelve victors were announced: Aizawa Haruko, Suzuki Ryota, Quinto Ivan, Le Mai Linh, Huu Xuan Thao, Xiao Yun, Phuong, Kang Jihoon, Perez Jonathan, Nguyen Thanh Cuong, Li Qing, and Chen Xin.
The tournament then paused for a 1-hour break before the losing bracket commenced. The rules for this segment were different. The twelve losing players would be divided into four divisions, each division comprising three contenders.
Each contender would face off against another from their division, followed by a period of rest before their next battle. The competitor with the highest score in each division would emerge victorious. In the event of a tie, the winner would be determined by the faster time taken to defeat their opponent, adding an extra layer of strategy and urgency to the battles ahead.
As anticipation built, Chen Yu spun the wheel to determine the matchups. After a tense ten minutes, the results were displayed, drawing murmurs and gasps from the crowd.
In the First Division, the contenders were Oh Jiwon, Nghiem Min Tuan, and Choi Yerin.
The Second Division saw Li Zhengui, Park Tae Yang, and Jeon Seungmin.
The Third Division comprised Chu Weihao, Go Jisung, and Inoue Kazuki.
Lastly, the Fourth Division included Xin Yuexin, Hu Tianyi, and Bianca Jimenez.

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