Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 215 – Charizard’s Worries

Several minutes had elapsed since Floyd's conversation with Chen Yu. Now, Floyd found himself making his way to the clinic, intent on having his Pokémon healed by Chansey.
Upon entering the clinic, Floyd was greeted by the bustling activity of various Pokémon helpers. Cherubi bustled about with tasks, and both Happiny and Chansey were diligently attending to the needs of the Pokémon in their care. 
As Floyd walked in, he was warmly greeted by these cheerful Pokémon, and he returned their greetings with a friendly nod.
Chansey, busy tending to a Pokémon, heard the commotion and glanced up. Spotting Floyd, she let out a small sigh, already anticipating his reason for visiting. She approached him promptly, and Floyd handed over his Pokémon for treatment.
As he waited, Floyd's thoughts drifted back to his earlier discussion with Chen Yu, particularly their conversation about going to Gongcheng City. His knowledge of the city had come from his unique Game Panel.
Glancing down at the Game Panel, Floyd noted his remaining points: 19,970. 
Just a few days ago, he would have found it hard to believe that his points had once peaked at 50,000. However, creating Pokéblocks for his Fraxure and Gyarados had cost him a substantial 15,000 points.
His thoughts then turned to the Dragon Clue he had recently bought. Aware that only two Dragon + Ground type Pokémon existed, he had risked 10,000 points, hoping for a clues to Garchomp appear. 
Unfortunately, luck hadn't been on his side, and the clue led him to a Flygon instead. While Flygon was a fine Pokémon in its own right, it wasn't what Floyd had been hoping for. He had his heart set on Garchomp, especially since he already possessed a Garchompite and a Key Stone. 
With a mixture of reluctance and hope, Floyd had spent another 10,000 points and, this time, his luck turned, revealing Garchomp's clues.
On a whim, driven by a sudden temptation, Floyd had then spent an additional 10,000 points, this time selecting a Ghost-type, which led him to Dragapult's clues.
Looking at his drastically reduced points with just a four-digit number, Floyd began to feel a sense of regret. He realized he had fallen into a gambler's mindset, willing to take risk after risk. 
If it weren't for the fact that his points had dwindled to the point where he couldn't afford another gamble, he might have continued. 
This experience was turning into a valuable lesson for Floyd: the dangers of gambling and the importance of resisting the urge to let excitement override prudence.
So, diving back at the topic, Floyd found himself engrossed in his Game Panel, meticulously examining the section labeled "Dragon Clues." Apart from the purchasable clues, there was a distinct section marked "Owned." His gaze fell upon the list of items he had acquired:
Specific Type (Random): Ground Type - Flygon family line – Oasisia, Kogiyashi Desert.
Specific Type (Random): Ground Type - Garchomp family line – Long Dong, Gongcheng City.
Specific Type (Random): Ghost Type – Dragapult family line – Sanskritia, Sagar City.
As Floyd contemplated these exotic locations, a wave of frustration washed over him. He longed to initiate a refund, but the Game Panel's strict no-refund policy quashed that fleeting hope.
His only solace lay in the fact that the Garchomp he coveted was situated in Longdong, which, by comparison, was more accessible and near than the remote and far locales of Flygon in Oasisia and Dragapult in Sanskritia.
Yet, even the journey to Longdong felt like an insurmountable challenge. With Sanskritia nestled in South Asia, and Oasisia further still, nestled in the vast African continent, his current circumstances rendered such travels a distant dream.
It dawned on him that 'Dragon Clues' offered no guarantees; the sought-after items were scattered in random, often unreachable in some corners of the globe.
Despite this, Floyd's plans for Longdong were already underway. For the moment, he shelved these concerns to focus on a more immediate task: preparing a meal for his Pokémon.
Minutes later, Chansey returned, presenting him with the rejuvenated pokeball. His Pokémon had sustained only minor injuries, easily remedied with mild healing, nutritious meals, and ample rest.
Floyd then returned to his dorm, now a solo dorm rather than the shared one he had before. Here, he could release his Dragonite without fear, though he remained vigilant, routinely scanning the room for any hidden surveillance devices. To his relief, he found none.
Time was of the essence, and Floyd felt the pressure. They had to depart for Iwazaki Village by 11 pm to investigate rumors of a human presence there. The urgency was palpable; any delay could mean missing a critical opportunity for rescue.
Hours later, the scene shifted to the Safe Zone. Floyd stood resolute, backed by Kanraku, the six scouts, and a contingent of five from the village, including Suzuki Ryoichi.
Suzuki Ryota wanted to join them, but Kanraku and Ryoichi forbade it, assigning Suzuki Akiko to watch over the mischievous child leading to Ryota's adorable display of displeasure. His cute, chubby cheeks puffed out in a pout, a clear sign of his mild frustration at being left behind.
Meanwhile, the team meticulously prepared a substantial amount of food, anticipating the long journey ahead. They planned to head directly to Kasari Village after their visit to Iwasaki Village, necessitating ample provisions for the extended trip.
As the final checks were completed, Kanraku surveyed the group, his voice carrying a tone of finality, "It might take us more than an hour to reach Iwasaki Village. Ensure that every aspect of our preparation is thorough and complete."
"Aye!" came the resounding response from the group, a chorus of readiness and determination.
A few minutes later, after a thorough double-checking of their gear and supplies, everything was in order. Kanraku, with a decisive nod, announced, "Let's Go!"

Then the scene shifts to the rugged terrain of Miyazaki Prefecture, amidst the majestic slopes of Mt. Kirishima.
Here, amidst the verdant wilderness, stood a majestic dragon-like Pokémon, a female Charizard. Her striking orange body contrasted with a cream-colored underside, a vivid canvas of nature's design. Her large, powerful wings, blue on the inside, were a testament to her aerial prowess. Her long, tapering tail, adorned with a perpetually burning flame, was a hallmark of her evolutionary lineage. Her head, crowned with two horn-like structures, housed fierce, piercing eyes, reflecting her indomitable spirit.
Beside her, a young male Charmeleon shared a familial resemblance, albeit with distinct differences. Smaller in stature and wingless, his sleek orange and cream body mirrored the Charizard's vibrant hues. A single, smaller horn adorned his head, compared to the Charizard's two larger ones. The flame at the end of his tail, a characteristic feature of their lineage, flickered softly. His eyes and claws, less developed than those of the Charizard, portrayed a gentler, yet unmistakably related, appearance.
The male Charmeleon cradled an egg, mirroring the actions of the female Charizard. However, the egg in his care seemed more lively, and more vibrant with life.
Behind this pair, a community of Charmeleons and Charmanders gathered, their expressions tinged with concern. They were perturbed by the distant sounds of conflict emanating from outside the mountain - a fierce battle involving a group of male Charizards and Aerodactyls.
The female Charizard, while aware of the external tumult, was primarily preoccupied with the egg in her embrace. She diligently provided warmth, a vital necessity for its survival. Yet, the strong, violent energy inside of the egg threatened the very life she was striving to protect.
The female Charizard, with her finely tuned instincts, could feel a disturbing shift within the egg she so tenderly cradled. This violent energy, an ominous presence, was gradually sapping the life force of the precious egg, the sole survivor of a tragic circumstance. Her heart ached with desperation; this egg represented not just new life, but her offspring.
She recalled their time in another mountainous area where they had settled because of a certain energy that wasn't naturally theirs, which attracted them and made them stronger a bit. However, what they hadn't anticipated was the adverse effect of this energy on their offspring. The young felt immense pressure from it, and worse still, was heartbreakingly catastrophic – the eggs, tainted by the violent energy, perished one after the other.
The community of Charizards mourned deeply, their sorrow palpable as they witnessed the demise of their future generations. The egg in female Charizard was the only survivor, was now locked in a fragile battle for life, struggling valiantly against the oppressive energy.
Adding to their woes was the recent discovery of their new nesting grounds, a sanctuary they had hoped would be safe and secure. However, this peace was shattered by the sudden and relentless attacks of an enraged Aerodactyl.
The Aerodactyl relentlessly attacked them, demanding to know the whereabouts of its child, leaving them bewildered as they knew nothing about it. Despite their confusion, the Aerodactyl persisted in its attacks, stubbornly insisting on knowing the location of its missing offspring.

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