Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 216 – Charizard vs Aerodactyl

"Choar!" bellowed Charizard, its voice echoing through the skies.
"Roar!" Aerodactyl responded, its cry piercing the air.
Above the rugged terrain, Charizard and Aerodactyl were locked in a fierce aerial duel, both showing signs of exhaustion.
Aerodactyl, agile and swift, darted around, attempting to outmaneuver Charizard. In response, Charizard unleashed a powerful 'Flamethrower' in Aerodactyl's direction.
This was no ordinary battle – it was a clash of Elite Stage.
Under normal circumstances, Aerodactyl could handle a fight against a Charizard with relative ease. However, this was an exceptional scenario. Charizard was not fighting alone; it had the backup of three additional Charizards, each contributing to the battle.
Although these Charizards were not as powerful as the Elite Stage Charizard Aerodactyl was currently engaging with, their combined efforts significantly intensified the challenge for Aerodactyl.
In a strategic move, one of the supporting Charizards enveloped the area in a thick 'Smokescreen,' while the other two simultaneously unleashed a fiery 'Fire Spin' towards Aerodactyl.
Quick to react, Aerodactyl soared higher, narrowly evading the incoming attacks.
Meanwhile, the leader Charizard's claws turned into a vibrant verdant hue, signaling the preparation of a 'Dragon Claw' attack. It surged forward with astonishing speed, aiming directly at Aerodactyl.
Aerodactyl, demonstrating remarkable agility, swiftly dodged the attack, gliding perilously close to the mountainous landscape below.
Undeterred, the leader Charizard relentlessly pursued its quarry. The remaining three Charizards, coordinating their efforts, positioned themselves strategically, effectively surrounding Aerodactyl and cutting off potential escape routes.
Confronted by the trio, Aerodactyl snorted defiantly and launched a powerful 'Ancient Power' attack, propelling herself towards her opponents.
The impact of the attack was immediate and devastating. The three Charizards howled in agony, their bodies, already battered from the ongoing battle, now suffered additional injuries. Despite their weakened state, they crashed to the ground but remained conscious, struggling valiantly to rise again.
This distraction provided the leader Charizard with a crucial opportunity. Capitalizing on the moment, he swiftly closed the distance between himself and Aerodactyl, then delivered a crushing blow with his 'Dragon Claw.'
Aerodactyl's agonized scream tore through the sky.
"ROAR!" The sound of Aerodactyl's distress echoed across the landscape.
Aerodactyl's body, struck by the powerful blow, spiraled downwards. Despite her injuries, she skillfully maneuvered her battered form, managing to crash against the side of a nearby mountain instead of a direct impact.
"CHOAR!!!" The leader Charizard let out a triumphant howl, unleashing another 'Flamethrower' at Aerodactyl. The three supporting Charizards, following their leader's lead, also conjured their 'Flamethrower' attacks, directing them at the beleaguered Aerodactyl.
Caught off guard, Aerodactyl hastily shielded herself as she employed her wings to form a 'Protect' move. The relentless assault of the four Charizards' flames began to take its toll, the heat intensifying against her protective stance.
Although Aerodactyl naturally possessed a resistance to fire-type attacks, the scenario of battling against four fire-type Charizards was an entirely different thing and a more daunting challenge.
She maintained her defense with remarkable resilience. Amidst her steadfast defense, Aerodactyl unleashed a powerful roar, "ROAR!" signifying the unleashing of her latent power.
Suddenly, the ground beneath them trembled violently. Large stones, as if heeding Aerodactyl's call, erupted from the ground, spiking upwards with tremendous force and striking the four Charizards.
In a desperate but calculated move, Aerodactyl, harnessing her remaining strength, executed a perfectly timed 'Stone Edge' attack. The sharp, jagged rocks, summoned by her formidable power, caught the Charizards off guard.
Seizing this moment, Aerodactyl swiftly maneuvered herself, making her escape through the tumultuous battlefield.
The impact of her attack was devastating. Two of the Charizards immediately succumbed to unconsciousness due to the sheer force of the attack. Another, struggling to maintain consciousness, eventually succumbed as well, his eyes rolling back into darkness.
The leader Charizard, though still conscious, was in a dire state, his body covered in blood, adorned with scars from the intense battle.
As Aerodactyl retreated, the leader Charizard watched her with a dignified expression. He knew this wasn't the last of their encounters; Aerodactyl would return, as she always did.
A sense of foreboding weighed on him; if these confrontations continued, they might eventually perish. Despite their numerical superiority, only a handful of his group could genuinely stand against her. Even he, a Charizard of Elite status, felt overwhelmed by her prowess.
Meanwhile, within the confines of the mountain, anxiety gripped the community of Charmander and Charmeleon. The echoes of their leaders' screams filled them with dread, sparking fears of an impending calamity.
"Charrr!" declared one brave Charmeleon, stepping forward to volunteer.
"Charrr!" echoed another.
"Charrr!" joined more voices, as several Charmeleon volunteered, their resolve unwavering. Some audacious Charmander, fueled by a mix of courage and naivety, also expressed their desire to assist.
However, their intentions were gently curbed by a female Charizard who shook her head in silent disapproval.
She understood the grim reality – none among them possessed the strength to confront Aerodactyl. Her husband, the leader Charizard, was the only one who could face her, yet even he struggled in solitary combat. Their well-meaning interventions would likely only hinder the fight.
"Charrr!" A concerned Charmeleon, cradling an egg, expressed his worry for the situation unfolding outside. His gaze fell upon the egg in his arms. This newly hatched and untainted by the violent energy. It represented his future sibling, He gently caressed it with his tough arms, and he vowed to protect it with his sturdy, yet gentle arms.
The atmosphere within the mountain was abruptly shattered by a thunderous roar. Turning their gaze towards the entrance, they witnessed the leader Charizard returning, carrying the unconscious body of one of their own.
This sight made their hearts sink.

A few minutes earlier, in a concealed location skillfully hidden from prying eyes, a small group was intently observing the intense battle between Charizard and Aerodactyl. This observation post, the result of days of meticulous planning and effort, served as their strategic vantage point for overseeing this crucial engagement.
Minutes later, as they watched Aerodactyl make a swift retreat, a beautiful woman with shoulder-length hair stood prominently among them. Her demeanor and uniform marked her as a high-ranking officer. With Aerodactyl now out of sight, she decisively reached for her phone.
The phone crackled to life. [Asami?] the voice on the other end inquired.
"Boss, Aerodactyl has managed to escape," Asami reported promptly, her voice steady.
[Then proceed as planned. Don't let Aerodactyl die early. Place healing berries near her territory, but be careful not to be noticed. Make it subtle, understood?]
"Understood, boss," Asami confirmed with a nod, her expression focused.
[Once both leaders are dead, we will move on to our next plan]
"Aye, boss," Asami acknowledged. With that, the line went dead.
Turning to her team, Asami commanded with authority, "Stay vigilant and observe every detail. Our promotion hinges on the success of this mission. There is no room for error. Do you all understand?"
"Aye!" Her subordinates responded in unison, each moving to execute their assigned tasks with renewed determination.

Elsewhere, in a dimly lit room, Akira, who had just ended the call with Asami, stood beside an incubator. Inside was a precious Aerodactyl egg. Gently caressing it, a sly smile played on his lips. "Soon, you will hatch, and you will become a key player in my plan," he murmured to himself.
Reaching for his phone once again, Akira dialed another number.
"Seiichi, update me on the situation," Akira inquired, his tone expectant.
[Boss, apologies for the delay. I have important news. Black Rose has made their appearance here. We've also managed to raise our term with the Tolentino Family.] Seiichi's voice conveyed urgency and excitement.
Akira's eyes gleamed with anticipation. "Really? Then what do they want?"
[They've agreed to assist us in invading Dragonite's lair, but they're asking for the location.]
"Never reveal the location. Just assure them we'll provide it when necessary. Our cooperation is conditional," Akira instructed, his voice laced with caution.
[Understood, boss. I haven't divulged anything. I've already relayed your concerns to them earlier, but we're currently awaiting on their response.]
"Okay, once they've agreed, contact me immediately. I'll then proceed to coordinate our subsequent actions. Until then, stay alert and exercise caution," Akira instructed firmly.
[I understand, boss. I appreciate your concern.]
With the conversation concluded, Akira hung up the phone, his mind teeming with plans and strategies. He whispered to himself, a hint of desperation in his voice, "Future, grant me power; I want to witness it again!"
He expected the future to materialize in his mind, howeve after waiting for a few minutes, nothing happened, leaving him in a state of uneasy anticipation. More than two weeks had passed since the future had last unveiled itself to him.
Initially, he believed that this foresight would be at his beck and call, but now he realized his assumption might have been overly optimistic.
The desire to peer into the future again consumed him, yet he was at a loss on how to invoke it. Then, a memory surfaced in his mind – a small, green creature he had encountered in a dense forest. That encounter had been the reason for his newfound power.
"That creature could hold the key," Akira mused, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. He pondered over the possibilities, "But where can I find it again?"
The thought of tracking down the creature sparked an idea in him. "Perhaps devising a plan to capture it would be prudent," he considered, his mind racing. If he could catch that creature, maybe then he could wield its power at will.
As this idea took hold, a sinister smile spread across his lips, his eyes gleaming with a mix of anticipation and cunning.

Meanwhile, on the remote Takihama Island, Kanraku and his team had reached their destination – the Iwazaki village. Hidden in the darkness, they used their night-vision equipment to survey the area from a safe distance.
The village, now an amalgamation of ruined dwellings, entwined with the wild growth of trees and the presence of Pokémon, presented a scene of desolation and mystery. Kanraku, observing the scene, announced with a tone of resolve, "We are here."
His team, hidden in the shadows, peered through their night-vision goggles, taking in the eerie sight.
Observing the mix of ruined houses, trees, and a few Pokémon, Kanraku announced, "We are here."

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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