Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 68 – Takes Growlithe

A few hours later, Floyd had explained the basic fundamentals of being a trainer. He had discussed how to strategically engage with opponents and the importance of understanding a Pokémon's moves. He also explained how each type opposes another. There were some Pokémon whose types were unknown. For example, what type was Le Mai Linh's Pokémon?

Le Mai Linh kept asking him, but Floyd couldn't provide an explanation without some basis. Water, air, fire, grass, and lightning types he could explain, as they are fundamental parts of nature. But the "Fighting" type was a bit more complicated, so for now, Floyd suggested that these Pokémon should be temporarily classified as the 'Normal' type.

Kanraku agreed that these unidentified Pokémon should be temporarily classified as the 'Normal' type.

Then, after the discussion outside, they all departed. Kanraku had previously announced that they could rest this morning and return in the afternoon so he couldn't retract it now. Everyone then left.

Kanraku also mentioned there was already a prototype of Floyd's Berry blender, surprising Floyd with how fast they made it.

With everyone gone, Floyd turned to Axew and said, "Look at your brother, just relax for now; you still have an injury."

Axew nodded and then looked at Dratini as if saying, 'Master already said it.'

Dratini just pouted and remained silent.

Floyd then fed each of his Pokémon. He even offered Horsea extra food, patting her head and saying, "You've really done well this time, so I'll reward you."

"Horsea!" Horsea exclaimed, overjoyed at the generous portion.

"But you must still train after you eat, okay?" Floyd added with a smile.

Horsea's joy seemed to wane. "Horsea?" (Master, you said we won't train today?)

"That's only for Axew and Dratini; they had a hard day," Floyd replied.

"Horsea?" (But I also fought a lot; look at my tail, it has a bruise.)

Checking her tail and finding no bruise, Floyd said, "Where's the bruise? I don't see anything."

"Horsea!" (It's there! You just can't see it!)

Acknowledging her determination and her performance in the battle, Floyd conceded and decided to give her a break.

Next, he checked Goomy and Munchlax. Finding no injuries on them, he initiated a mild training session after feeding them.

Floyd then placed his dried berries in a sunny spot, assigning eight Rattata the task of guarding them. In return, he promised them extra food.

He sat on the large stone and removed the bandage from his chest. The wound had already healed due to the Healing Powder and Chansey's care.

This injury had occurred when Fearow attacked him. Had he not held back her beak with his robust physique, he might have been fatally pierced by her attack. Seeing his Pokémon level up, all except for Axew, Floyd realized the experience had been beneficial.

Still, he hoped not to face such a situation again, recognizing that he couldn't always rely on the chance that every Pokémon would come to his aid.

After removing the bandage, he returned to the clinic to reward Chansey with food. He had nearly forgotten due to the earlier events, so he entered in haste.

Seeing Chansey there, healing some Pokémon, Floyd looked and saw two Growlithes. He recognized them as Chen Yu and Li Qin's Growlithe. The surprising thing was that these Growlithes had no Iron Rings on their necks. It seemed they had truly kept their promise.

Similar to other Pokémon he had fought earlier, they also lacked iron rings, confirming they were the ones he had encountered.

He then happened to spot the four Growlithe that had assisted him. Approaching them, he patted their heads. But upon further inspection, he didn't find the other Growlithe.

"Chansey?" He then heard Chansey's voice behind him.

Turning, he saw both Chansey and Happiny. "Oh, Chansey, this is for you. It's your favorite. Thank you for helping us," he said, acknowledging her weary expression, understanding the hard work she had put in. Floyd felt sympathy; no one could assist her at the moment. If only the little Happiny with her would grow up soon; then Chansey could have an assistant.

"Happi~ny," Happiny greeted, her eyes fixated on the bag of food Floyd held.

"I know you want some; here's yours," Floyd handed her a smaller bag of food. Both Chansey and Happiny gratefully accepted their rewards.

"This is for them; they helped me considerably this time," Floyd said, producing a considerably larger bag of food and pointing to the Pokémon that had assisted him earlier.

Chansey accepted the food with a thankful expression. Despite the fact that Floyd's Pokémon often got injured and required her care, she recognized that he genuinely cared for them. He always ensured they were rewarded for their help, which left a positive impression on her.

"By the way, Chansey, where's Growlithe? The one who always follows you?" Floyd inquired. At the mention of Growlithe, Chansey reacted animatedly, as she angrily stomped her feet, resembling a mother upset with a mischievous child. Although Floyd didn't quite grasp what she conveyed, it was evident that Growlithe had been up to something mischievous.

After further inquiry, Floyd came to understand that Growlithe wanted to assert his independence and didn't want to rely on Chansey any longer. Floyd, amused by this revelation, chose not to share his insight with Chansey to avoid getting implicated in the mischief.

After bidding Chansey farewell, Floyd headed towards the training ground near the Beasts Sanctuary to check on Goomy and Munchlax. En route, he noticed an unusual silhouette near a tree.

Approaching quietly, he identified it as Growlithe. Curious about what the Pokémon was up to, he discreetly observed from behind another tree. He watched as Growlithe alternated between eating leaves and mimicking Goomy's actions. Amused, Floyd decided to reveal his presence.

"Awwwwrrrr," Growlithe exclaimed in surprise, and, upon seeing Floyd, seemed embarrassed and tried to flee.

However, Floyd caught him and said, "Come on, how about training with us?"

On his game panel, he promptly spent 1,000 points to acquire Growlithe's Breeding Method.

Noting Growlithe's proficiency with the move Outrage, despite not fully mastering it, Floyd classified Growlithe under the third priority in the Game Panel. He had taken a fancy in this Pokémon, especially due to the Outrage move.

Floyd was determined that this Growlithe was meant to be his Pokémon.

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