Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 69 – Growlithe’s Joined The Team

AN: First and foremost, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks and apologies to those who supported me on . I genuinely didn't anticipate receiving such support on that platform, to the point where I had stopped updating it. This lapse on my part, especially when you had paid, and I didn't update it, truly embarrasses me. If you're reading this, please know that I've updated the platform with an additional 12 chapters, ensuring you receive the tier benefits you deserve. Your support means more to me than words can express, and it has reinvigorated my motivation to write. Thank you once again.


"Here, you will train with us. Don't you want to train? Come with me; I'll guide you," Floyd urged him.

Growlithe seemed embarrassed and hesitated. Then, many Goomys and Munchlax approached him, looking at him with admiration and gratitude for what he had done earlier.

"Goomy~" (Thank you so much, brother dog)

"Goo~" (Train with us, brother dog)

"Munchlax" (I'll share some with you, brother dog)

"Goomy~" (I'll also share some)

Munchlax and Goomy offered him a portion of their food. Growlithe tasted Munchlax's share and found it palatable, similar to what Floyd had given to the other Pokémon. Then he tried Goomy's food. Some he liked, some he found okay, and some he didn't care for. However, he ate it all so as not to disappoint them.

"Goomy, Munchlax, don't give him your portions. They're not suitable for him. Come here, young lad. Wait for me; I'll prepare something appropriate for you," Floyd said as he took out his berry blender and gathered Cheri, Watmel, Chilan, and Bluk berries from his backpack.

Floyd hesitated for a moment. The ideal choice would have been Watmel and Chilan, combining the Fire Type and Normal Type. However, the intense sweetness of these berries was too overwhelming. Even the Chilan, with its robust sweet and spicy flavor, was a bit much for Growlithe. So, Floyd decided on Chilan and Bluk instead. The latter had a subtle blend of dryness, sweetness, and was suitable for a Fire type.

Floyd's understanding of Growlithe's taste preferences came from knowing him for several days. Using Growlithe's Breeding Method, he had come to recognize Growlithe's flavor preferences. Floyd chose not to include Dragon Type berries because most of their flavors didn't align with Growlithe's tastes. He considered that in the future, if Growlithe could handle intermediate or advanced grades, he might revisit this decision.

As Floyd began blending, Growlithe observed, a mix of hesitation and expectation in his eyes. He knew Floyd was preparing food for him. After a few moments, Floyd produced dozens of pokeblocks and started another batch.

"Here, taste this one," Floyd said, offering Growlithe a sample as he continued to work.

Growlithe's eyes sparkled as he tasted it.

"Awrrrrr" (Delicious!)

"Did you like it?" Floyd inquired.

"Awrrrr" (Yes)

"How about training with me here? I'll provide this food daily. I can guide you through your training. What do you think?" Floyd tempted Growlithe with his most persuasive offer.

After a moment of consideration, Growlithe nodded. Floyd couldn't help but smile, realizing that only a few Pokémon could resist such a treat.

"For now, just eat and indulge in light training. Run back and forth, similar to how Munchlax and Goomy train, okay?" Floyd noticed that Growlithe's current condition was akin to Munchlax's and Goomy's. Like the leader Goomy, this Growlithe possessed two intermediate proficiency moves, possibly due to being forced into battles by his previous master. However, his repertoire of fire moves was limited, featuring only the Ember move. Floyd surmised that this might be due to a lack of nutrition.

Floyd's decision to use only Fire and Normal type berries, excluding Rock Type, was strategic. He intended to eliminate the Rock Type trait from the Hisuian Growlithe, contrary to his plan to retain the Hisuian form of Goomy when it evolved into Sligoo. The combination of Fire and Rock types presented numerous vulnerabilities, especially significant weaknesses to Water and Ground, as well as a doubled weakness to Fighting. A pure Fire Type was a more favorable choice.

Growlithe agreed, and Floyd gave him more pokeblocks. After eating, Growlithe began running with the Goomys.

Watching them, Floyd mused about the future, where he envisioned many trainers challenging him in the world of Pokémon.

'Trainer 1: "Hohoho, are you a Dragon Trainer, Floyd? Come on and battle with me. I have a counter for your Pokémon with my steel type. I can resist your Dragon. Come out, Scizor!"

Floyd: "Oh, you have a Scizor? Then come out, Arcanine!"

Trainer 1: "What? Why do you have this? Are you really a Dragon Trainer?"

Floyd: "My Arcanine can learn Outrage. You Dumbass!"

Trainer 2: "I have an ice Pokémon. I can counter your dragon. Come out, Weavile!"

Floyd: "Oh, Weavile? Then, come out, Arcanine!"

Trainer 2: "What? Aren't you a Dragon Trainer?"

Floyd: "My Arcanine can learn Outrage. You Dumbass!"

Trainer 3: "Hahaha, I have a Fairy Type Pokémon, Sylveon. Just give up; your Dragon has no effect on me!"

Floyd: "Really? But I can resist your Fairy Type. Come out, Arcanine!"

Trainer 3: "What? You are a fake Dragon Trainer!"

Floyd: "My Arcanine can learn Outrage, Dumbass!

Trainer 3: That's still not a Dragon!

Floyd: There's even a guy who has an all-Flying Type team and proclaims himself as a Dragon Trainer. And you're calling me fake? I'm the real Dragon Trainer, you dumbass!'

(Lance: Sneezes... Someone's talking about me?)

(AN: Steel Resist Dragon. Fairy immune to Dragon. Fairy, Dragon, and Ice suppress Dragon. While Fire resists Fairy and suppresses Steel and Ice)

"Hahahaha," Floyd chuckled, amusing himself with the thought.

Axew, Dratini, and Horsea exchanged puzzled looks.

"Horsea?" (Has Master gone mad?)

"Axew" (No, he's just having a wicked thought.)

"Dratini" (I hope he doesn't neglect my training.)

"Horsea?" (Or reduce my food?)

"Axew" (It's not about us. If it were, he'd be looking at us now.)

"Horsea" (He's watching that dog, isn't he?)

"Axew" (Let's hope for the best.)

Several hours later, Floyd handed over the pokeblocks he had made to Chen Yu. For the time being, they were designated to distribute the food to each Pokémon based on their individual contributions. This arrangement would save Floyd time, allowing him to concentrate more on training with Pokémon.

Dratini was visibly upset since he couldn't train today, while Horsea appeared to be enjoying a carefree day.

After the training session, Floyd took all his Pokémon to Chansey for a check-up. At the clinic, both Floyd and Growlithe received a stern reprimand from her. Feeling somewhat defenseless, Floyd left the clinic a few minutes later.

Floyd then rejoined the ongoing meeting. Following the usual proceedings, Chenyu and Kang Jihoon presented their reports, succeeded by Ivan and then Bianca. Although Bianca's demeanor remained unchanged, the attendees now had a better understanding of her situation and were less critical.

Bianca's current project involved creating clothing designed to delay the effects of poison. She even made an attempt to poison herself as a demonstration, but Kanraku was on high alert and intervened in time. He announced that he would personally test the clothing and provide feedback later.

When Floyd's turn to present came around, Kanraku first showcased five samples of the prototype berry blender, distributing them among the representatives. He went on to commend Ryota for his remarkable achievement in crafting the device. The assembly was taken aback upon learning that the mastermind behind the invention was just a ten-year-old. Floyd then understood why Kanraku had previously referred to the young boy as a genius — he was indeed right.

Floyd proceeded to demonstrate the blender's use. He anticipated a few mishaps since he himself had faced numerous failures with it. He chose to showcase a simple blend involving the Kuo and Nutpea berries. Once the representatives mastered this basic blend, they would be in a position to assist Floyd in his Pokémon feeding duties.

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