Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 82 – Encyclopedia

September 10, 2005

9:30 pm

The meeting had just finished, and as expected, the atmosphere had soured. Many Chinese members looked at him coldly because he had proposed to manage the issue with the wild beasts. The Chinese members disagreed, especially regarding Arbok and Ekans, while the other representatives remained silent. Floyd kept insisting that he would handle it, and Kanraku agreed. Seeing Kanraku's agreement only angered the Chinese members more, with personal issues surfacing, particularly accusations of neglecting people's safety. Kanraku bowed and apologized, but he continued to support Floyd's suggestion.


"If there's an accident because of what you're insisting on, will you take responsibility?" Hu Lai challenged.

"Don't worry, it won't happen. But if it does, I'll be accountable. I'll eliminate them all," Floyd declared.

"Hahaha, take responsibility, take responsibility, WHAT A FOOL! If something goes wrong, will you bow and kneel like him?" Hu Lai gestured towards Kanraku, mockingly imitating, "Then apologize, 'It's my fault, it's my fault, I'm sorry, I haven't done well.'"

Kanraku's face reddened in shame, taking the criticism without retort because he knew it held truth. Floyd also fell silent, pondering how to win them over.

"You're overstepping, Kyouju has already apologized," Nakamura retaliated angrily, defending Kanraku.

"NAKAMURA!" Kanraku's voice boomed.

The room went quiet after Kanraku's outburst.

"Aye!" Nakamura flinched.

"Did I ask for your opinion?" Kanraku's cold gaze pinned Nakamura.

"I... Kyouju, I'm sorry," Nakamura bowed, and mumbled, visibly upset.

"Hahaha, overstepping? One of our people died because of this mess. What good is an apology now? You think that'll compromise us?" Hu Tianyi scoffed.

"Brother Hu, you're right. The damage is done, and we can't reverse it. But as you said, dwelling on the past won't change anything. So how about we move forward and rectify our previous mistakes?" Floyd suggested.

"Youngest, that's the point. That's why I'm telling you, bringing these wild beasts here will only lead to more mistakes. Do you understand?" Hu Tianyi retorted.

"Moreover, I'm concerned about the added expense of feeding them, especially since there are so many mature beasts," Chen Yu interjected.

Chen Xin, Li Qin, Xiao Yun, and other Chinese representatives voiced their agreement. Ivan, Le Mai Linh, Kang Jihoon, and all the representatives turned their attention to Floyd, awaiting his response.

"Give me half a month," Floyd declared.

"Huh?" Everyone looked puzzled and the room buzzed with whispers.

"In half a month, I'll handle all these creatures. If they become a nuisance and make trouble, I'll release them immediately. Believe me, these creatures can be invaluable — for farming, training, and labor. They'll be an asset," Floyd elaborated.

"You think you can manage this in half a month? And where will you place them? The Safe Zone?" Chen Yu asked skeptically.

"Yes," Floyd affirmed.

"Then how do we scout and conduct forest reconnaissance if they're in the Safe Zone? For sure, there will be an accident waiting to happen," Ivan interjected.

"And half a month is quite a stretch. Who can guarantee no incidents in that period?" Chen Yu added.

Le Mai Linh then raised her hand, signaling to speak.

All attention shifted to her.

"During these two weeks, we'll suspend all scouting missions. I'll offer martial arts training. Floyd, if you really wanted to take these wild beasts, then you should teach every scout your 'Trainer' techniques. Agreed?" Le Mai Linh proposed.

"I'll also bolster our defenses in the Safe Zone by increasing patrols with Wartortle, Blastoise, and others," Kanraku supplemented.

"That seems feasible, but Youngest, can you multitask? Training scouts while managing these wild beasts?" Kang Jihoon responded and asked.

"Certainly, I can do it," Floyd nodded.

The Chinese representatives felt overshadowed when they saw other representatives responding as well.

Hu Tianyi, clearly displeased, said, "But you can't change the fact that half a month is too long. It will certainly cause an accident."

"1 week," Chen Yu interjected, then turned to Floyd, "Within one week, how about it? We will agree, but it has to be just one week."

"Captain," Hu Lai exclaimed in surprise, but Chen Yu silenced him with a hand gesture. "Let's do it. I want to see what he can achieve in a week. Youngest, what do you say?"

"I agree," Floyd, feeling somewhat pressured, accepted the challenge.

Subsequently, a few reports were presented, and a few hours later, the session concluded.


Floyd returned to his room, prepared his food for his pokemon, and continued with his usual routine of feeding the Dragonite Mother. As he was about to enter the laboratory, Jonathan approached him.

"Floyd," Jonathan called out.

"What is it?" Floyd inquired.

"There's something I want to ask you," Jonathan hesitated slightly before continuing.

"Go ahead," Floyd encouraged.

"Do you plan to claim that stone?" Jonathan asked.

"Stone? Which stone? I don't understand. Can you be more specific?" Floyd's brows furrowed in confusion.

"That Stone Beast. Do you plan to make it your own beast?" Jonathan clarified.

"Ah, you're referring to the wild beast, Onix?" Floyd finally caught on.

"So, its name is Onix. Yes, that's the one I meant," Jonathan's eyes lit up with recognition.

"No plans on my end. Why?" Floyd inquired.

"You aren't? Given its size, how could you not be?" Jonathan expressed his astonishment.

"Ah, I see. You want to conquer that beast for yourself, don't you?" Floyd surmised.

"Well, if you aren't interested, then yes, I'd like to. But if you had your sights set on it, I'd stand no chance against you, would I?" Jonathan remarked with a self-deprecating smile.

"Don't fret. I have no interest in it. You're free to try your hand at any of them. But on one condition: you must beat them with your own beast. Otherwise, the wild beast won't respect you. If you can't establish dominance, it could be dangerous for you," Floyd advised and cautioned.

"I recall you mentioning that if we can't overcome a beast with our own, they might resist or even attack us. I get that. But on this Onix. Any tips on defeating it?" Jonathan sought guidance.

"Training. Train your beast, familiarize yourself with your opponent's capabilities, and make your own strategy. That's the game plan," Floyd advised.

"Then you'll have to instruct us tomorrow," Jonathan proposed.

"Don't worry. I'll definitely guide you," Floyd assured, "I need to head out now."

"I see; take care," Jonathan acknowledged, aware that Floyd was heading to the laboratory.

Upon entering the laboratory, Floyd encountered Kanraku and his disciples, exchanging greetings with them.

Kanraku handed Floyd a book titled 'Beast's Encyclopedia.'

"Encyclopedia? What's this?" Floyd questioned, puzzled.

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