Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 83 – Second Author – Lance

"It's the first version of the Encyclopedia. Inside it, there's a list of types of beasts: Fire, Plant, Water, Earth, Electric, Air, Insect, and Normal. Check it out," Kanraku explained.

Then Floyd flipped the page. First up was Squirtle, followed by Wartortle and Blastoise. Next came Caterpie, Metapod, and Butterfree, and then Pidgey, Pidgeotto, etc.

"You really followed my name suggestion," Floyd said.

"Yeah, to be honest, there's a Japanese version, but I decided to make it in English. My ambition was to make the beasts global, so it needed to be understandable by people in any country," Kanraku said.

"And this…" Floyd began, looking at another page, to which Kanraku explained, "This was my hypothesis type: Ghost, Space, Poison, and Serpent. You can see my comments on each hypothetical type."

All his Pokémon were also listed: currently, his Axew, Dratini, Munchlax, and Goomy were Normal types, Horsea was a Water Type, and Growlithe was a Fire/Normal Type.

"I've been doubting whether your Dratini was a Serpent type, but when I saw its type seemed similar to Axew based on the color of the DNA, I was surprised it was the same. Not only that, your Goomy, which I previously thought was a Water Type, has DNA similar to both your Axew and Dratini," Kanraku said, seeming perplexed.

"Professor, that's why I'm telling you it's a Dragon," Floyd said.

"I still need to research it. Maybe I will add it in version 2 or 3. I'm still lacking data on that particular type for your beasts. Honestly, your beasts' type is the rarest one here," Kanraku said.

"That's why I'm saying it's a Dragon," Floyd reiterated proudly.

Kanraku just rolled hid eyes and gave a silent response.

"However, your beast, Horsea, is clearly a Water Type. There's a bit of color that's similar to your Axew and the others, but that doesn't mean it's the same as what you're calling a dragon, right?" Kanraku added with a smile. "Maybe it just learned a similar type of skill?"

"Wait until she gets older. She'll become a dragon. I can sense a bit of it with my power," Floyd replied.

"Your power can sense that?" Kanraku asked.

"Of course!" Floyd asserted.

"Anyway, regarding this guy," Kanraku pointed at Growlithe, "I know it has dual attributes. I just don't know the other one, so for now, I've listed its secondary attribute as Normal type."

Floyd nodded and continued flipping through the pages. He saw that Kanraku's research was thorough, accurately reflecting the true characteristics of each type. He also noticed Kanraku's doubts and questions about these types.

"There's really no Dragon?" Floyd sighed.

"You're still obsessed with the Dragon type. There's no Dragon here because I only learned of that term when your Axew evolved," Kanraku replied, rolling his eyes.

"I didn't include Fraxure in this version, but in version two, I will," Kanraku said. He continued, "Regarding your self-proclaimed Dragon Type, I'm still unsure. I've looked at your beasts' types, and they seem violent, perhaps related to the Serpent type. But when I made this book, I didn't know about Dragons," Kanraku explained.

"I see, I understand," Floyd said as he flipped through the pages again. He saw a list of berries, many descriptions of which he had given. Kanraku had categorized the berries based on their effects and some matched the beast types: Fire, Earth, Plant, Air, Water, Electric, and Normal.

After the berries were a section on making pokeblocks, offering essential guidance for those who interested. It also contained notes about the Five Flavors, berry combinations, and more.

Floyd was pleased with this and continued flipping. The next section detailed tailoring, with notes from Bianca. He was surprised at the depth, even though he had a basic understanding of berry combinations.

Fabrics with effects, like curing burns or poison, were connected to berry effects. Although Floyd didn't understand all of it, he had some knowledge since he was familiar with many berries.

He hadn't expected Bianca to explain things so clearly. During meetings, she rarely spoke, often just moving her hands.

Then, he began to flip through the pages, focusing this time on counters for each element. Currently, the record stated:

Fire can suppress Insects and Plants.

Insects can suppress Plants.

Plants can suppress Earth and Water.

Water can suppress Fire.

Electric can suppress Water.

Earth can suppress Electric.

Flying can suppress Insects and Plants.

Currently, the list only covered the super-effective counters for each type. There were no resistances for each element yet. Floyd believed that adding resistance would overcomplicate the type dynamics, which is why he hadn't included it.

Within the pages were also quotes from Floyd: "As long as you treat your beasts with respect and care, they'll treat you the same way."

Flipping to another page, he discovered classifications for Pokémon moves by type. For example, Rapid Spin was categorized as a Normal Type Move, Ember as a Fire Type Move, Water Gun as a Water Type Move, and Thundershock as an Electric Type Move.

Kanraku had indeed been thorough, staying true to most of Floyd's instructions. Another flip of the page revealed more complex topics: theories on dual, triple, or even quadruple attributes of types, Pokémon behaviors, their preferences, and other biological details – this was clearly the domain of Kanraku and his disciples' research.

After browsing through the entire encyclopedia, Floyd sighed deeply. Holding the substantial volume, he looked at Kanraku with genuine appreciation. "Professor, you've truly outdone yourself with this. The detail is impressive."

"Well, it wasn't just me. Everyone contributed, but especially you, Floyd-san. Without your help, my research would have faced countless delays. I'm truly grateful," Kanraku replied, gently patting Floyd's shoulder.

Floyd scratched the back of his head, slightly embarrassed. "I did what I felt was necessary. So, Professor, what's your plan for this encyclopedia?"

"I intend to distribute it so that everyone can benefit. But for now, there are only these two copies. I wanted your approval, to ensure you were satisfied, before I began mass production," Kanraku explained.

"You could have gone ahead and published it without my approval. It's mainly the result of your and your disciples' efforts. Next time, just proceed on your own initiative," Floyd remarked.

"That's not an option. You're the first author; it would be remiss of me as a researcher to overlook your input," Kanraku protested.

"You're calling me the First Author? Really?" Floyd's eyes widened in surprise.

"Yes, just look at the front of the book," Kanraku urged.

Floyd promptly checked and, sure enough, his name, Lester Floyd, was listed first, followed by Kanraku Hiroshi and then all the other contributors.

"No, Professor, you must amend this. I shouldn't be the First Author," Floyd insisted.

"Why not? Your input was pivotal. How could I not acknowledge you as such?" Kanraku countered.

"Just trust me on this. I'd prefer to be listed behind even just a second author. I'm not well-versed in research methodologies. It would be embarrassing for me to be credited so prominently. Moreover, I value my privacy and just wanted to say low-key. Please, do this for me," Floyd pleaded.

Floyd added, "Regarding my name, I suggest a pseudonym, 'Lance,' was better,"

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