Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 89 – Striving Starly

In the base, Bianca meticulously sorted through the clothes she had finished sewing, counting a total of 11, each embedded with a unique property capable of gradually healing injuries. Her gaze wandered to Swablu, who was playfully interacting with Chikorita, Poochyena, and Tailow, and she couldn't help but smile at their antics.
As she moved on, her attention shifted to the Safe Zone, where she noticed Dratini engrossed in its training. Her eyes then found Floyd, tirelessly crafting Pokéblocks. She couldn't quite figure out what had sparked this sudden fervor for making so many, recalling that he wasn't like this before. Despite her confusion, she admired his diligence.
Her eyes softened as they landed on the Goomys in training, their cuteness almost irresistible. She was tempted to hug them but restrained herself when Floyd, sensing her gaze, turned and greeted her with a smile, "Bianca."
Caught in the act, Bianca felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment and she swiftly made her exit. Floyd, left in confusion, wondered aloud if he had done something wrong, and with a small tsk of frustration at her evident phobia, returned to his work.
Minutes later, Floyd's attention was drawn to Cherrim; he needed to confirm its ability to perform 'Sunny Day'. Meanwhile, Bianca, still recovering from her hasty retreat, heard an unusual noise near the trees. Moving silently, she investigated and discovered Starly relentlessly training, crashing into a tree using Tackle, her body battered and bloody.
With every hit, Starly's strength waned, but she pushed on, driven by the memory of watching Floyd's training sessions and her desire to become strong. She longed to join in but hesitated at the sight of Hu Tianyi, recalling his previous words.
Her determination to protect her former master fueling her, Starly continued her self-imposed training, ignoring the pain and dizziness. That was until Bianca, unable to watch any longer, rushed to her side, scooping up her frail body and soothing her, "Sta…r."
"Starly, what are you doing? You're hurting yourself!" Bianca cried, cradling the injured Pokémon in her arms. Realizing the severity of Starly's condition, she wasted no time, rushing to get help.
On her way, she crossed paths with Suzuki Akiko. "Bianca-san, what's going on?" Suzuki, initially on her way to fetch her nephew, stopped in concern at the sight of Bianca in distress, cradling an injured Starly.
"Suzuki sister, it's Starly. She's hurt. I need to get her help," Bianca hurriedly explained, continuing on her way.
"Wait, Bianca-san! After the meeting, we're all going to the hot springs, including Le Mai Linh. Don't forget to join us!" Suzuki called after her.
"Got it!" Bianca responded, her focus solely on getting Starly the help she needed, leaving Suzuki in mild shock at Bianca's uncharacteristically normal response, "She can actually speak normally!"
Finally reaching the Safe Zone, Bianca handed Starly over to Chansey, who was taken aback by the extent of Starly's injuries. As Bianca explained what had happened, Chansey's expression turned from shock to sadness, and she immediately set to work healing the injured Pokémon. Bianca and Happiny assisted, gently administering healing powder to Starly's wounds.
Moments later, Starly's condition stabilized. Though still unconscious, she was out of immediate danger, prompting a sigh of relief from Bianca. However, her relief was short-lived as she remembered the clothes she needed to deliver to Kanraku before the meeting. With no time to spare, she excused herself and rushed to the laboratory.
At 5:00 pm,
Floyd and the others gathered in the meeting room, ready for the briefing. This time, most of the reports were delivered by Chen Yu and Kang Jihoon, focusing on the progress of the relocation. The efficiency of the workforce had soared by 200% thanks to the help of the Pokémon, marking a significant improvement in their operations.
Kanraku proceeded to distribute a book to each individual present. When they observed the title, 'Beast's Encyclopedia,' and began to scan the list of authors, their brows furrowed upon encountering the name 'Lance.'
"Who is Lance?" Jonathan inquired.
"Youngest's name isn't listed here, so it must be him," Chen Yu deduced.
"Even in a book, you choose to stay low-key? Youngest, you never cease to amaze," Le Mai Linh commented nonchalantly.
Subsequently, they immersed themselves in the book's contents. Half an hour later, they remained engrossed until Kanraku clapped his hands, capturing their attention. He then presented the 11 pieces of clothing Bianca had crafted, distributing them among the scouts, as they were deemed the priority for now.
Noticing an extra garment, they collectively sighed, acknowledging that it should have belonged to Ren Mingzhe, who had tragically passed away. Floyd proposed they place the clothing on Ren Mingzhe's body, as a tribute to his involvement in the mission. The suggestion was met with unanimous approval.
Floyd then took the opportunity to educate them on the method of making Pokéblocks. By now, almost everyone in the meeting had acquired a berry blender, thanks to Ryota's ingenuity and leadership in producing them.
Following Floyd's demonstration, it was Kanraku's turn to speak. Although his progress was limited, he diligently addressed the group's questions. With that, the meeting concluded.
As the participants dispersed, Floyd encountered Swablu, who seemed distressed, her face stained with dirt and tears. Concerned, he asked, "What happened?" while embracing her.
"Tweeeet," (Brother Floyd, you must avenge me. I'm so hurt. Don't be biased just because he's your own.)
"Wait, what do you mean? My own? Who?" Floyd asked, trying to understand.
"Tweeeet," (Brother Floyd, little brother beat me up, huhuhu. Look at my injuries; you must avenge me.)
"Alright, alright, I'll give him a spank when I see him," Floyd reassured her with a helpless smile, aware that Swablu was probably referring to Dratini, and assuming she might done something naughty.
"If you just focus on your training, Dratini wouldn't be able to beat you. Look, he's already catching up," Floyd advised.
"Tweeet," (Training is hard!) Swablu complained.
Floyd, feeling helpless, let her fly away before leaving himself.
Elsewhere, Bianca was approached by Le Mai Linh and Huang Mai Phuong, who invited her to join them at the hot springs.
"Sister Suzuki invited us to the hot springs. Let's go," Le Mai Linh urged.
"I see," Bianca responded with a nod.
"Come on, let's go," Huang Mai Phuong, the girl with short hair, encouraged, pulling Bianca along with them.
After Bianca had rinsed off at the hot springs and was about to join the others in the bath, she overheard a conversation.
"Sister Suzuki, is there something going on between you and the professor? You know what I mean," Le Mai Linh's voice rang out, clearly in a gossiping mood.
Bianca, already blushing from the nature of the conversation, silently entered the water.
"Eh, Wha-wha-what are you talking about, Miss Le?" Suzuki stammered, her face turning red.
"Suzuki sister, you can call me Mai Linh or Sister Linh. Hehe, you're clearly blushing. There must be something going on, right?" Le Mai Linh pressed, not willing to drop the subject.
Suzuki fell silent, her embarrassment evident.
"There is something, isn't there?" Le Mai Linh persisted.
With her face in her hands, Suzuki's face was all red.
"Sister, speaking of the devil, someone just came in," Huang Mai Phuong whispered to Le Mai Linh.
"Oh? Who is it? Bianca? When did you get here? Why didn't you say anything?" Le Mai Linh greeted Bianca enthusiastically, only to exclaim in surprise, "Whoa, your meat are so big!"

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