Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 92 – Rematch: Fraxure vs Gyarados

"What?" The young Gyarados found himself in a state of confusion, trying to process what his father had just conveyed to him. Helping him in a fight against Blastoise? Was this some kind of joke? He couldn't muster the courage to face off with the formidable blue turtle.

The elder Gyarados, sensing his son's reluctance, issued a stern warning: "ROAR" (If you're not going to assist me, then I'll have no choice but to punish you myself.)

Trembling slightly from his internal turmoil, the young Gyarados felt a surge of helplessness but ultimately decided to rise up and position himself behind his father. His stance seemed to communicate a silent message: 'You take the lead in the attack; I am merely here to back you up.'

From their vantage point, Blastoise could see the two Gyarados preparing for the confrontation, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Engaging in battle with the more formidable of the two was within his capabilities, but the addition of the younger Gyarados to the fray — despite his relative weakness — would undoubtedly complicate matters.

The two Gyarados then simultaneously unleashed Waterfall attacks from both the left and the right. Blastoise found himself in a precarious situation, uncertain of which opponent to target. Attacking the younger Gyarados would leave him vulnerable to the elder, and vice versa. Another strategy he considered was employing Hydro Pump in a spinning motion, a tactic he had successfully executed against five helicopters just over a week ago. However, he was acutely aware that the power of Hydro Pump would be diminished, divided between the two assailants.

Left with little choice, Blastoise directed a straight Hydro Pump towards the left, aiming for the elder Gyarados, and braced himself for the imminent attack from the younger one.

The powerful water jet struck the elder Gyarados head-on, while the younger Gyarados was poised to hit Blastoise with his Waterfall. Just as Blastoise prepared himself to endure the younger Gyarados's attack, a commanding voice pierced the air: "Fraxure, use Protect!"

In a flash, a Shiny Fraxure burst onto the scene, its teal body and light green accents catching the light as it moved with incredible speed. It skillfully positioned itself between Blastoise and the oncoming Waterfall, and just in time, it activated the Protect Move, absorbing the full brunt of the attack and shielding Blastoise from potential harm.

Kanraku, his disciples, Floyd, Jonathan, and Ivan had arrived at the scene.

"Long time no see, Gyarados. I've been looking forward to this," Floyd declared, locking eyes with Gyarados, his gaze filled with a fiery determination.

"ROAR" (It's you, the weak human,) the young Gyarados retorted angrily, swiftly advancing towards Floyd with a Crunch attack.

"Fraxure, use Claw!" Floyd commanded.

Responding to its trainer's call, Fraxure engaged its Dragon Claw, colliding fiercely with Gyarados.

With a loud crash, both Pokémon were forced to retreat a few steps back.

"Hey, Gyarados, why the hostility? Don't you miss us? Your sister? Don't you want to stay with us and enjoy delicious food? I've prepared a feast, and it's even tastier than before," Floyd tried to reason, taking out a bag of prepared food from his backpack.

Mention of food immediately caught the young Gyarados's attention, his eyes lighting up with interest. "ROAR" (Really? You're not lying?)

However, his excitement was short-lived as he felt a chilling glare from behind. He knew all too well it was his father watching. Trying to save face, he snapped back at Floyd, "ROAR!" (You weak human, shut your mouth! There's no way I'd fall for your tricks.)

Floyd couldn't help but roll his eyes. Just moments ago, you were interested, and now this sudden change of heart? This young Gyarados sure is cunning.

Floyd then shifted his attention to the elder Gyarados, quickly scanning his stats:

[Pokémon: Gyarados

Level: 53 ♂

Type: Water + Flying

Ability: Intimidate


Advanced Level: Crunch, Bite, Dragon Dance, Aqua Tail, Waterfall, Scary Face

Intermediate Level: Thrash, Tackle, Rain Dance, Splash, Twister, Whirlpool, Hydro Pump

Beginner Level: Hyper Beam]

Just as he suspected, the Gyarados's level was in the 50s, on par with Blastoise.

He then checked the young Gyarados's level, noting that it remained at 34, unchanged from their last encounter.

Meanwhile, Horsea was hiding behind Floyd, trembling at the sight of her father.

"ROAR!" The elder Gyarados bellowed, his roar translating to a stern rebuke: "You disobedient girl! Come back here right now!"

Intent on attacking Floyd, the elder Gyarados charged forward, only to abruptly halt and retreat as he sensed imminent danger.


A Hydro Pump slammed into the water, reminding the elder Gyarados that Blastoise was still a threat.

At this moment, Chen Yu, Kang Jihoon, Hu Tianyi, and their respective Pokémon also made their presence known.

"What's going on here?" Chen Yu inquired, trying to make sense of the chaotic scene.

"Wha-wha-what is that? A Dragon?!" Kang Jihoon exclaimed, his eyes wide with shock and awe at the sight of Gyarados's majestic form.

"Based on what the professor shared, that Pokémon is known as a Gyarados. We've actually encountered them before and managed to defeat one. Now, it seems they have returned," Jonathan elucidated.

"You've defeated that dragon?" Hu Tianyi expressed his disbelief. Observing the Gyarados, it appeared incredibly formidable. How could they have possibly overcome such a creature?

"I need to make a correction here. It wasn't me who overcame it; the professor was the one who did. And don't let their appearance deceive you; they aren't as exaggerated as you think," Jonathan clarified, his gaze fixed intently on the impressive dragon.

"However, that dragon does indeed look amazing; it's enormous. I would love to possess one," he mused to himself, feeling a surge of desire to catch it, even though he was aware of his own limitations.

Over at a nearby location, Kanraku made his way to the Village Chief and the villagers. "Village Chief, how is everyone doing? Has anyone been hurt?" he inquired with concern.

"Thankfully, Lord Blue arrived just in time; otherwise, our situation would have been dire," the Village Chief responded, reflecting on the earlier events with a sigh.

"So, everyone is alright? There were no mishaps?" Kanraku pressed, seeking reassurance.

"No, everything is under control; don't fret, all of us are safe and sound," the Village Chief offered his assurance.

"That's a relief to hear," Kanraku expressed, visibly relieved that everyone was okay.

"He must be his father," Kanraku murmured under his breath, glancing between the young Gyarados engaging with Floyd and the formidable Gyarados locked in combat with Blastoise.

"What are you referring to?" The Village Chief inquired curiously.

"It's nothing, just an old acquaintance. Please, Village Chief, focus on keeping everyone here safe. I must attend to this matter," Kanraku replied, before rushing towards the scene of the action.

"Take care," the Village Chief called out after him, his voice laced with concern.

Returning to the previous scene, Floyd shifted his attention to the young Gyarados, challenging him, "How about we have a battle?"

With a roar, the young Gyarados accepted the challenge, charging confidently towards Floyd. He believed that without Blastoise in the equation, Floyd would stand no chance against him. He dismissed Fraxure as a non-threat, launching a Bite attack.

"Fraxure, use Claw, now!" Floyd commanded.

"Fraxure!" The Pokémon responded, its claw glowing with a vibrant green energy as it executed the Dragon Claw move.


The young Gyarados's Bite clashed with Fraxure's Dragon Claw, resulting in a deadlock, with both Pokémon stepping back from the impact.

Feeling irritated, the young Gyarados shifted his focus to Fraxure, sensing a strong fighting spirit in his eyes. A feeling of déjà vu washed over him, as if he had encountered this creature before, but he couldn't quite place it.

While the young Gyarados might have struggled to remember, Fraxure had no such issue. He vividly recalled the previous encounter where he was struck down by the Gyarados in a single hit. This memory fueled his determination to train and grow stronger. Now, evolved and more powerful, he was ready to face the young Gyarados once again.

"Fraxure, use Rage!" Floyd instructed.

Fraxure unleashed his Dragon Rage, striking the Gyarados squarely.


The Gyarados roared in pain, enraged, and charged towards Fraxure.

"Fraxure, Claw!" Floyd shouted.

Once more, Fraxure's Dragon Claw collided with the young Gyarados.


Like before, the clash ended in a stalemate, with both Pokémon stepping back.

"Again, use Rage, Fraxure!" Floyd ordered.


The Gyarados screamed in agony once more.

Floyd, sporting a sly smirk, realized he had the upper hand. He recognized that the young Gyarados lacked ranged moves. Although Dragon Rage was a basic move, it was highly effective against a target as large as the Gyarados.

Fueled by rage, the Gyarados charged again, this time using Aqua Tail, his tail imbued with water energy.

"Fraxure, use Protect!" Floyd instructed.


Fraxure managed to defend against the young Gyarados's attack with Protect, while simultaneously grappling with Gyarados's head.

Seizing the moment, the Gyarados retaliated with a Bite.

"Dual Chop, Fraxure!" Floyd commanded.


Fraxure lost this round and was forced to step back. However, he was not out of options. He still had another Dual Chop at the ready. Charging forward, he landed a hit on the young Gyarados.


The Gyarados roared in pain, glaring angrily at Fraxure, before launching another Aqua Tail.

"Use, Claw!" Floyd commanded.

Fraxure's Dragon Claw activated, and he launched an attack on the young Gyarados.


This time, Fraxure came out on top, forcing the young Gyarados to step back.

"Rage," Floyd added.



The Gyarados was hit once again.

Feeling cornered, the Gyarados began to spin, initiating a Dragon Dance.

"Oh, really?" Floyd chuckled, a sly grin on his face. "Bring it on, Fraxure, use Swords Dance!"

"Fraxure!" The pressure around Fraxure intensified as he activated Swords Dance, preparing for the final confrontation.

"This is the final moment," Floyd smiled confidently.

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