Pokemon ouroboros

Greetings from the stone family

Walking out of the gym, avan was greeted by a gun 

Looking  carefree at the gun, Avan thought in his mind

"They have guns in This world?" Avan said looking at the person

He was in simple civilian clothes. probably just some cannon fodder

"Although I don't want to kill a kid if you don't come with me your end up with a bullet in your head" This was a new weapon developed by the stone family based on the dreepy evolution line. they launch their families resembling cannons. However, is stead of dreepy it shoots metal bullets

"Shiver my timbers," Avan said with a half-ass smile 

Suddenly, Avan watched as doublade came out of avan shadow and cut off the man's gun arm

"Yoink. I'll take that" Avan said as he looked towards the gun. could be useful in the future

"Doublade, Keep him alive, we need questions and answers from him," Avan said, Half arsed

"Claydol Teleport to a nearby warehouse," Avan said, time to refine his torturing skills again. fun 

One of the stone family eyes huh? They wanted to neutralize me and send me to steven stone where he would think he would be killed

Which is a shame, because he needed a galladite. Just kidding, Aavan has ditto. The stone family-run A expensive mega stone business in rustoboro. Avan kept the man life because he didn't pull the trigger but he wiped his memories of serving the stone family

Walking into the Stone families shop, Avan got greeted by Lines of stones and a luxurious Atmosphere. Avan looked at the selection at stones and what greeted him was a big surprise



Houndoomite y




Gyaradite X




The list went on. Crobatite, Miltoicite and Weavileite Are what interested Avan

Galladite Y and Gardevoirte Y 

"Can you help me with something ?" Avan said with a charming smile looking at the galladite Y

"What's the problem young master?" The staff member said 

"What's the difference between Galladite Y and Galladite X? "

"Galladiten X is The regular mega evolution for Gallade, which is all Around powerhouse." The staff explained " While Y is solely focused on speed and power. you can think of it like a assaiain." The staff continued " But that isn't even the biggest deal. It changes typing to Ghost and Fighting and has the ability, much like the sheninjaite to ignore all physical damage" 

"Interesting. I'll buy a Galladeite Y, Miltoticite and A Croabtite "

"Uh, I'm not doubting you young master, but are you sure you want to buy so many?" These mega stones were expensive. like extremely expensive.

"Don't worry about it?" Avan said with a smile. Money is the least of the concerns 

After paying,  and walking outside, Avan was surrounded by 5 guards with pokemon

"We've got you to know Mr Hisoka, one of them said,"  One of them said with a smile "With our anti-ditto technology we could detect you. Now come peacefully or suffer the consequences." Said another Npc looking ass

"Guess I'm busy today huh?" Avan said with a smile. "Likewise, Claydol had already found you. the moment you tried to ambush me.

"Miltoic use surf!" Said Avan as Milotic showed up behind the guards 

Suddenly, A large wave of water aroused, threatening to drown the guards

"Tropius! Use a large scale protect!" The leader of the group said as the big boy tropious used a protect , making a large scale protect and helping the guards.

"Doublade, protect me and Milotic." Avan said with a smile

"Miltoic! Mega evolve!" Avan said as the beams of aura arose from the mega stone and connected to the keystone.

As expected, The ouroboros seal came to life as it gobbled up the aura

"Miltoic! Again! With the bond of my heart, mega evolve!" Avan said as the Beams of light shone from the  Ouroboros seal, connecting miltoic and Avan together

Miltoic - Mega evolved - Water / Fairy


1. Marvel Scale (unlocked)
2. Competitive(unlocked)
Cute Charm (unlocked)

The water sirens blessing(Unlocked)

Hp - 120

Attack - 60

defense -100

Sp attack - 110

Sp.def - 150

speed - 75

Pokedex - Said to be blessed by tapu fini , it was worshipped and seen as the first unkillable pokemon. It is said that it brushes off 500 Machamp trying to kill It as once. its offence isn't to be scoffed at either


Note, this is just a design for mega milotic from the pokemon insurgence staff. I highly recommend their games and I do not take responsibility for this photo. this was made by their wonderful staff

"We stone Family pride ourselves in our mega stones!" The leader said "Go! Crawdant!" The leader said

"With the bond of my heart! Mega evolve!" The leader said

Suddenly, the Crawdant burst into a splendid light

Crawdawnt - Mega evolved - Water/Dark

Hp - 63

Attack - 161

Defence -  126

Sp.atk - 90

SP.Def - 55

Speed - 55

Credit - https://www.clipartmax.com/middle/m2i8b1d3d3N4N4d3_oras-pokemon-fake-mega-evolutions/

"Crawdaunt Use Aqua jet!" The leader commanded

"Cacturne, use needle arm on milotic!" 

"Breloom use Mach punch!" The grunts commanded

"Milotic, use Protect and then use ice beams, target the air and grass type based pokemon!"

When crawdaunt Aqua jet and brelooms mach punch was about to connect, A forcefield enveloped Milotic. this was extremely  strong

Suddenly, milotic released a powerful ice beam as she managed to take down the large majority of grass and flying types. 

"Shit retreat," They said as they withdrew 

"Wow, that was ... .eventful," Avan said as milotic withdrew from mega evolution. Avan needed to experiment with the ouroboros seal and its potential. Avan wanted to do what his ancestor didn't 







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