Pokemon ouroboros

Mount Lanakila

Avan set out to Mount Lanakila, Where you can find alolan sandshrew and alolan vulpix for him and his sister.

They're just too cute, and a dragon type pokemon worse nightmare. 

Mount Lanakila Was quite a bit away from the island he was currently in, but after flying around with Crobat, Avan quickly identified the massive Ice mountain that could pierce the clouds

Going to the bottom floor, Avan looked around. It was just... Ice. What did you expect?

Walking around, Avan found his first pokemon in here, a sneasel

"Hmm?" Avan thought as he looked towards it. I mean he doesn't need dark type, but hey, they don't hurt anybody

Quickly Catching the sneasel, Avan moved up a floor where it was proceeding to get colder and colder the higher you get up

After catching some common pokemon like Snover, Snorunt, Vannilaite etc, Avan still couldn't find an alolan vulpix.

Suddenly, the sounds of blades clashing arose as avan looked towards the corner.

It was a bunch of sneasel fighting a clan of alolan vupix , who were losing badly. Sneasel stats are better than A.Vulpix all around

"Doublade, make it quick," Avan said with a frown. he's thinking of catching the tribe and letting them in peace in avans ice type biome in his daycare 

Suddenly, The sneasels dropped dead seeing a base 160 power Fury cutter mowing them down. With all them sorted, Avan looked towards the A.vulpix. 

"Hey, do you want to come with me?" Avan asked the large amounts of vulpix , which they agreed looking at the strong trainer

Avan left Andrea at Aether foundation to have a tour and thing like that. I'm sure one of these bad boys would be willing to become her pokemon

Getting claydol to teleport into the pokecenter, he did a transfer to Julia for all but 2 A.Vulpix, which was going to be Avans and Andreas pokemon.

Quickly going back to the aether foundation, Avan handed His sister the Big ball of joy, Alolan Vulpix. 

"Thank you, big brother," Andrea said while looking at me with a grin. Leavanny was happy there was another addition to the family.

3 days later

After spending time in Alola, It was time for avan and Andrea to go back home. although the sunny climate makes you wanna stay there forever, he needs to do things in Unova. 

After 6 hours flight, Avan was in maelstrom city.

Teleporting back to Oplecuid city, Avan was thinking of his game plan. He should probably grind his pokemon up to lv 40 and evolve Larvesta. To evolve it in lv 40, he needs to hit lv 40 in the relic castle fun."

He's thinking of going to Kalos and completing the gym leader challenges there, Unlike the games, the real-life Kalos isn't that easy. The teams are changed and pokemon are stronger. Plus avan sympathizes with kalos, but he won't do anything drastic to save it

He wasn't stupid, there was a war brewing. A war that all the regions want a piece in, Unova included. However, which recent technology, this war will be Brutal. There will be no mercy to the weak, and avan needs to get stronger or the Regions eyeing his blood will kill him and his family 

However, Before anything, Avan wanted to catch an Axew in Mistralton Cave. Axew is a strong pokemon that turns into a monster, at lv 30 it becomes fraxure and at lv 40 its becomes haxourous. Can I get a hell yeah for boosted evolution levels?

Teleporting to Mistralton Cave, Avan walked in to be greeted by Boldore, drillbur and Aron that flood the place. after catching an Aron and a drillbur Avan looked for a axew. there a rare encounter here

2 hours later

Welp, I found an axew. about time geeze.

Quickly catching Avan teleported back to Oplecuid city and went to sleep. he was tired

chapter short , 1;34 am in morning lol


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