Pokemon ouroboros

Avans cunning plan.

Avan decided what to do with the pokemon league. he was planning on taking over Hoenn, then starting a trade deal with kalos and Unova in an attempt to diffuse the war. It seems like the biggest problem with this is the stone family, who hold the monopoly of Hoenn and control it, which isn't much a secret.

Any person from any background can become a champion, even if you are from Unova, you can still take over Hoenn, At the trade of not having public support. But avan doesn't give a shit about those common people. However, in the meantime, Avan will do some pure training to make his pokemon catch up

4 months have passed and it was avans 11th birthday. 

He has ground all but Larvesta To lv 40, 

Evolving, Darumaka, Aron into larion , Axew into Fraxure, Evolving his Alolan Vulpix into A.Ninetales 

He was planning on evolving Larvesta tonight. Apparently, to  Alder, there's a ritual in relic castle where the young generation gets blessed by the older generation strength and can evolve early

Quickly teleporting to Relic castle , Avan went to the room Alder specified #

It was a room with anw altar in the middle. On the Altar, Avan could see 11 strong souls inside of it

Looking around, it was a plain old room that hasn't been cleaned for years

Looking at the Ancestors ashes in Avans hand, he trusted his non-existent instincts and would only give Larvesta his Ancestors ashes when he evolved. Something tells Avan that it would do something drastic and make Larvesta more powerful

Apparently, Avan was supposed to put a drop of his and larvesta blood onto the Altar and bow 3 times for it to work. The blood is the Gift to the ancestors or some powerful shit like that 

Suddenly, After doing it, the 11 volcoronas souls popped out and started floating. their souls quickly getting a ghost-like body of their former selves

Suddenly, Threads of Their body went and floated into Larvesta, Which avan thought would be The perfect time to give Larvesta His ancestors Ashes, which Larvesta absorbed As it flashed in A blue light

It's getting bigger and bigger and bigger Wait, Why hasn't it stop evolving? Uh it got bigger 

2 Minutes later

Larvesta finally stopped evolving 

The Volcorona looked a lot different from A normal Volocrona. Yeah, That was a bit of an understatement 

Volcorona - Lv 40 - Blessed - King of Insects 

Species Sun Pokémon
Height 6"1
Weight 46.0 kg (101.4 lbs)

1. Flame Body (Unlocked)

2. Blessing of Entei (Unlocked)

3. The reign of the insect Monarch (Unlocked)


Stats -

Hp - 85

Attack - 30

Defense - 30

Sp.atk -151

Sp.Def - 151

Speed - 151

Meanwhile, the world

"All The bug type pokemon are calling out and bowing! What's going on!" The Sinnoh elite 4 Member Aaron said with urgency

"I don't know! FIND OUT!" Flint said

In the deepest pits of a Unovian jungle, A Bug like a figure with No wings and Sharp eyes Awoke

"A King is Born."  It said, quickly Falling back asleep 

Find the source of the Bug-type pokemon and capture it!

The Kanto alliance Politicians said with greed in their eyes. they need it and they want it

"Screeeeee!" Bug-type Pokemon in Unova flood Castelica city and Rushed to route 4 

Volcorona was a 6"1 Monster. It seemed it got blessed by Entei. What this Reign of the Insect Monarch

Avans question was easily answered with a Large number of screeches outside 

Claydol, teleport outside Avan said with a confused face

What greeted him was a large amount of bug type pokemon, That immediately Bowed looking at Volcorona

"Uh volocorona, what's going on? " Avan said looking at the also Confused Volcorona 

"Master it says that it feels a connection with the bug type pokemon and can control them," Claydol said

"Uh this is troublesome," Avan said 

"Volcorona can you try to disperse them?" Avan said to volcorona Who closed His eye

Suddenly, after giving volcorona a bow, They all left.

"What the fuck is going on?"

"It seemed like the pokemon Have calmed down," Aaron said with a  sigh thank god 

"We need to find whatever controlled them and control it for ourselves" 



Now that They have dispersed, avan teleported back to his house. if he stayed a second longer he would be hunted down and killed 

The Volcorona Avan has got looks like a normal Volcorona, but green has been added to its eyes and near the end of its Stinger like an appendix. The red is a Dark red instead of light red, giving it a crimson red appearance

This larvesta certainly isn't normal  



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