Poor Unfortunate Soul

Prologue ~ Swamped With Work

It really was a very good opportunity, Killian had thought.

Though everyone knew the best underwater school for magic was the Atlantic Academy of Applied Aquamancy, Killian had never had much interest. He was too concerned about feeling uncomfortable and depressed with spending months and months far out in salty sea. Unfortunately though, the reverse was also true: she was certain she’d grow sick of the climate if she had opted to study at some backwater school like the Loch Ness Technical Institute (no matter how mysterious and reclusive its headmistress was). 

It was a conundrum, one with no easy answer. To be honest, Killian had begun to despair at the hope of finding even a moderately acceptable opportunity, when they came across the most unusual posting on LinkedFin...

“Looking for young, self-directed merperson for a year-long internship in hexcraft and cursing. The ideal candidate must be independent, self-directed, and eager to learn on the job. Applicants will be required to relocate to the Swamp of Solitude for a minimum one-year commitment. Prior experience with salt- and freshwater preferred, interest in alchemistry a plus.”

It was perfect. Killian had been beyond thrilled when the acceptance came in the post—though also a bit confused, because normally there would be an interview or something. Maybe there were just so few applicants? Not everyone wanted to live in a lonely murky estuary, even if Killian thought that the peace and quiet might be relaxing. But you don’t look a gift seahorse in the mouth, so Killian packed up their bags and hitched a ride with a school of bass, and the next thing they knew, there it was: the Swamp of Solitude.

Killian’s new boss lived in a cavern amongst the roots of the largest mangrove in the whole swamp. What Killian didn’t expect was for that same boss to greet him with a suitcase in hand.

“Oh, you must be the help!” the witch said. She was a rather intimidating squidperson, wearing heavy makeup and dangly shell earrings. “Jillian?”

“Killian,” he said. “Um. I just want to say, I really appreciate the opportunity, and—”

“Great! Now, I’ve left the instructions on the icebox, but please make certain not to give Flotsam and Jetsam shellfish. They love it, but it’s a disaster on their digestive system, and then you’re the one stuck cleaning up.”


“Good luck! I know you’re going to do great. Boca Raton, here I come!”

Blowing one last kiss in Killian’s direction, the witch swept out in a swirl of bubbles, leaving Killian blinking in confusion.

It wasn’t until he wandered into one of the cavern’s back chambers and found the scroll tacked up on a cupboard full of frozen lizard bits that he started to piece everything together. The witch had left a surprisingly detailed overview of the care and feeding of eels—apparently Flotsam and Jetsam, her pets. And then at the bottom, in a much shorter scrawled addendum: “If anyone stops by for magic, consult the Hextionary. Feel free to order pizza. See you next summer!”

That was when Killian realized that this perfect opportunity was not so much a magic internship, but more like… petsitting.

But Killian put on a brave face, and tried to make the best of the situation. The cave really was nice, and the swamp had a lovely mixture of brackish water that helped Killian be comfortable, no matter what they felt like on any given day. Sure, they had to make their own plans for studying magic, but that meant they could tackle the most interesting subjects and skip the boring stuff. Especially since the witch had a rather robust library, as well as a decent distillation setup for potions and tonics.

The Swamp of Solitude certainly lived up to its name, but Killian had Flotsam and Jetsam for company at least, and they were a pair of goofballs who were endlessly endearing. Killian had resigned themself to a boring six months that they could look back on and laugh about later.

And then, about a month into the job, Titus showed up.


Happy Mer-May! This is a 10,000-ish word short story that I'll be posting over the next few days, one chapter each day. As you might be able to guess, it's very loosely based on Disney's The Little Mermaid, but it's not like you really need to have seen that or anything. I hope you enjoy!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.