Power Trio

24. First Night (Thekla) [explicit]

The door to Kell’s room opens and a pileup of horny musicians pushes through.

Thekla squeaks as her feet leave the floor. Kell picks her up by the waist and tosses her—tosses her—in a parabolic arc onto the massive bed in the middle of her room.

Thekla turns onto her back, ready to complain, but her throat seizes as Kell slams herself onto the bed in pursuit, planting her fists in the fabric on either side of Thekla’s head and hovering over the goblin like a predator sizing up a meal.

“Hi,” Kell says.

A subtle shift in the bed's surface as Evan climbs on. The human hasn’t touched either of them yet, but his ocean eyes are riveted to them.

“Have any of us done this before?” Thekla asks. “A threesome?” She’s been feeling like a feral cat all day, but now that she’s here, beneath Kell, she has no clue what to do next.

“I’ve never even fucked a girl before.” Kell brings her knee up and slowly but forcefully opens Thekla’s legs with it until she’s laying spread-eagle. “But I am a very motivated learner.”

“What about Evan?” Thekla stammers, as Kell’s thumb slides along her jaw, sending an electric tingle through her body.

Kell glances over at him. “Whatcha think, Evan? Want to sit back and take in the show for a bit?”

He grins and slides to the head of the bed, making himself comfortable. “You know I love to watch you guys perform.”

Kell puts her lips to Thekla’s ear. “Let’s give him something to look at, then.” She gives the smallest of bites to Thekla’s pointed helix, eliciting a gasp, then straightens and pulls up the hem of her shirt. Layers of trim muscle move in balletic concert as the cloth lifts past her head. Her core flexes, the outlines of her abdominals rippling underneath her amethyst skin, making the broadline tattoos across her torso dance. She shucks her top, shakes out her shiny black hair, and then peels off her shorts, the paler flesh of her ass and inner thighs a soft contrast to the rest of her slim, powerhouse frame.

She plants her hands on her hips and a satisfied grin on her face as she takes in Evan and Thekla’s gawking reaction to her body. “This is the only matching set I got.” She indicates the sheer black lace of her bra and her frilly thong. “So don't get used to it.”

“You are fucking flawless,” Thekla says.

Kell beams, leans down to press her forehead against Thekla’s. At this moment, gazing into those shining gray eyes, the reality of the night lands right in Thekla’s gut, crushes the breath from her. This is happening. Her best friend in the world is about to kiss her. Her life had a before, and she is staring, wide-eyed and trembling, at its after.

Kell takes the goblin’s chin between two fingers. “I have wanted to do this,” she whispers, “for a long, long time.” Thekla senses the course of the planet inexorably tilt on its axis. Then Kell shoves her tongue into Thekla’s mouth.

This is not a hesitant first kiss. Kell pushes forward, and, finding no resistance, keeps going. Thekla is shaking, whimpering at the sensation of the orc’s inquisitive tongue as it maps out every inch of her, questing between her sharp teeth. This is happening. This is really happening. This is not a dream.

Kell withdraws, captures Thekla’s bottom lip for a moment, then dives inside again. Her hips drag themselves in a punishing grind across Thekla’s.

Thekla groans into Kell’s mouth and shifts, but before she can move more than an inch, Kell’s hands shoot out and trap her wrists. The orc pulls out of their kiss and wrenches Thekla’s arms up above her head, encompasses both of Thekla’s hands with one of her own and pins her there. She watches covetously as Thekla’s body involuntarily rolls, toes curling. Kell’s fingers pull at Thekla’s waistband, undoing the top button of her fly. She shimmies her hips, shying away from Kell’s touch, letting out a mischievous giggle that becomes a gasp as Kell’s quads lock her in place, a thin layer of soft pillowy fat over absolutely immobile steel muscle. “Oh no you don’t,” the orc growls, and rough, callused hands seize her around the hips and flip her onto her stomach.

“You think you can just sit me behind the drums and shake this,” and she punctuates the word with a sudden, stinging slap across Thekla’s ass that jolts the goblin like a live wire, makes her body buck against the bed, “in my face, and I’m not gonna do something about it?”

Kell’s weight shifts, and her voice drops. “Just say ‘cut’, if you need a break, okay?” Her syrupy whisper raises the hairs on Thekla’s neck. “Is this how you want it?”

“Uh huh,” Thekla breathes, and then yelps as Kell’s hand comes down for another slap and stays there, mercilessly shoving its fingers between her thighs, forcing her legs open again.

“I know it is.” Kell fists Thekla’s hair and pulls, putting an arch into her inked back and forcing their gazes to meet. The orc’s lids are heavy with lust. “I can feel it on you.”

Kell’s fingertips curl and press against her crotch. She whimpers in disbelief. How many times has she fucked herself into exhaustion imagining this moment? “Feel how wet she is, Evan,” Kell says, and Thekla writhes, pinned below Kell’s powerful body, as a second set of fingers reverently joins Kell’s. Evan stares at her and she’s drowning in those blue eyes, she’s being pulled under. “Jesus, Thekla,” he murmurs. His finger slides along her, cushions itself on her thigh. Holy shit; she’s a faucet. Her face burns.

“Hey. Handsy.” Kell slaps his wrist away. “You’ll get your turn with the goblin. But I saw her first.” She pulls him into a quick, tight kiss, then turns Thekla onto her back and deposits her in Evan’s lap. “Hold those little arms for me, lover boy.”

Evan dutifully takes over, holding Thekla close as Kell slides down her, planting kisses over her clothes as she goes. His grip is so much gentler than Kell’s, his thumbs stroking circles in her palms. But she feels something hard on her upper back. He’s barely restraining himself.

Kell’s nails scratch pale grooves along the outside of Thekla’s hips as she pulls the goblin’s shorts down, exposing the cheeky high-waisted panties underneath, hot-rod red. “Awww, Thek. I was gonna rip these off you, but they’re just too cute.”

“Fuck that,” Thekla says, voice reedy and strange with desperation. “Do it.”

Kell doesn’t need to be told twice. There’s a sharp note of pressure at Thekla’s hip and a silky tearing sound, then a rush of cool air against her pussy, and Kell has ripped her panties off with her fucking teeth. There’s a scrap of red fabric hanging off one of her tusks, which she carelessly spits out.

“Now this is a tattoo I haven’t seen before,” she coos. Just above the goblin’s vulva is a small ceylon-cut gemstone, wrapped in a sprig of holly.

“It’s a warren tattoo,” Thekla stammers, trying to force her voice steady. “The, uh.” She swallows. “The Kamiyon high courtesans wore it.”

“I’m about to eat a high courtesan’s pussy.” Kell doesn’t say it like a joke; she says it like a prayer. She pops Thekla’s legs over her shoulders and leans down, folding the goblin in half and opening her wide. “You’re gonna need to let me know if I’m doing this right, baby. You’re my first.”

Thekla’s vision goes white as Kell’s broad, flat tongue drags across her labia, lingering against her trim tuft of ginger pubic hair. Kell goes in again, scraping a strangled moan out of Thekla as she digs deeper. She doesn’t really know what she’s doing, going at Thekla with much more enthusiasm than technique, but the sheer size of her tongue and the lust clouding Thekla’s brain means it doesn’t matter. She looks up at Thekla between parted green thighs, a quizzical look on her face. “Don’t fucking stop,” Thekla says, and Kell redoubles, taking Thekla’s entire pussy into a wide, sloppy french kiss for a breathtaking moment before returning to her ministrations.

Thekla clings to Evan, feels fabric, and then the fraying remains of her conscious mind realize that he’s still fully clothed. “Why aren’t you naked?” she demands, and he chuckles as he lets go of her wrists to pull his shirt off of his lithe body.

She presses her cheek against the bulge in his pants, shivers through another stroke of Kell’s tongue. “I said naked.”

Kell perks up from Thekla’s quivering hips. “Ooh, the big reveal.”

“Jesus, guys.” Evan kicks his pants off. His boxer briefs strain to contain him. “Anyone want to add any pressure?”

Kell taps a drumroll on Thekla’s thighs. Evan hooks a thumb on his waistband and pulls.

Thekla’s heart skips a beat as his cock springs free, hovering inches above her face.

“Dude. It’s always the bassist who’s secretly packing.” Kell giggles. “Awww, Thek, look. He’s blushing.”

Thekla reaches with a trembling hand and traces a vein along Evan’s length, bringing out a rasping grunt. A silvery bead of pre-cum already sits at the head. “You’re big,” she breathes.

He strokes her cheek. His eyes are so, so blue. “If it’s gonna be too much…”

“Evan,” she whispers lovingly, nuzzling his hand, feeling a surge of fierce affection for this gentle, thoughtful human. “Shut the fuck up and fuck my throat.”

Kell takes that as her cue to bury herself back between Thekla’s legs, and now a finger introduces itself, sinking into Thekla’s core, and something is simmering inside her, drawing her knees up and sending fizzing shocks through her stomach. “Please,” she begs, tugging at him. His obedience must win out over his tenderness, because he lays his hand across the back of her neck and straddles her chest. She opens her mouth, wide and hungry, and for a moment she sees his hesitation at her rows of teeth. She plants a kiss on the tip, and lets her tongue linger on it, and he finally gives her what she wants, pushing his glorious cock past her lips.

Her body throbs as her jaws widen. She battles to keep her serrated teeth out of his way. She doesn’t know if it’ll fit, but she wants to take it all. The tingle of tears starts at the edges of her eyes, and the sweet electricity grows, blurring her vision, forcing her thighs tight around Kell’s head as the orc’s mouth ravages her. She gags, and Evan’s immediately out of her throat, concern clear on his face. No, no, no! She growls with frustration. “I’m so fucking close.” She grabs urgently at his firm ass, squeezes. “Fucking choke me, Evan.

He shoves back into her mouth, down her throat, and she comes immediately, jerking like a marionette, trapped under her two lovers as her orgasm tears through her body, crushing her tight and then exploding outward in a wave of ecstasy and tearful relief.

Habitually, she’s a screamer, but Evan is buried so deep that it comes out more as a euphoric gurgle. Kell must realize anyway, the way Thekla clamps down on her, because she lifts the goblin’s hips off the bed, riding Thekla’s bucking convulsions. Evan’s out of her, almost as fast as he was in, and she takes a heaving breath, curling in on herself as the aftershock ripples through her.

She feels like a wrung-out rag.

“Girls are fun.” Kell gives Thekla’s pussy one last parting kiss and then scoots up to pull her into a spooning hug. “You need a second, baby?”

Thekla shivers gratefully. “Let me just—”

“Too bad.” Kell cinches her arms tight around Thekla’s belly, rolling over so the goblin is atop a taut bed of violet orc. “Greedy little goblin thinks she’s the only one who needs to come tonight. We’re just getting started with you.” Kell’s chest rises as she reaches behind herself, unhooking her bra and tossing it across the room. She stretches, gives Thekla an eyeful.

Kell’s breasts are two perfect pert handfuls. Beneath her tan line, she’s as pale and soft as crocus. Her dusky nipples are hard, and Thekla has the desperate urge to take one in her mouth, but Kell’s embrace tightens into a squeezing bearhug before she can follow through. “You remember what to say if you need it, right?”

Thekla nods.

“How’s it feeling, baby?” Kell prompts.

The pink haze of arousal curls through her brain again, waking her up from her post-orgasm lethargy. “Fucking amazing,” she says.

Kell kisses the tip of her nose. “I love you so much, Thekla Kamiyon.”

And then Thekla is again being manhandled, as Kell plucks her shirt off, slides her down an expanse of sculpted torso and crushes her between muscular, tattooed thighs. “Week in.” She flexes her perfect ass, grinding the sodden front of her lacy thong into Thekla’s face. “And week out.” Thekla is dizzy with the smell of her, wanton and feminine, sending the goblin’s olfactory nerves into overdrive. “I stand back and let you strut around, give you a groove to play your little guitar and sing like a little songbird over.” She eases up the vise-like grip of her thighs, and extracts Thekla’s dazed, blinking face by a fistful of hair, giving her room to slide her thong off and kick it to the side. “Now that sweet mouth is gonna work for me for a change.” Her thighs reassert themselves around her guitarist’s head and her hands nest in the tangle of Thekla’s ginger hair. And then she pulls Thekla face-first into heaven.

“Oh fuck,” Kell sighs, as Thekla eagerly laps against her. Her pussy is the same healthy dusk-purple as her nipples, swollen with desire, and Thekla thrills at the infatuation she tastes on her lover. Her malicious little slice rises up at the back of her mind. First time with a woman, huh? She slows down, pushes deeper, circles the hood over Kell’s clit and is rewarded by a sharp gasp. Time to show this newbie how a veteran girl-kisser does it.

She does everything she learned from her confused, furtive college-era googling, rifles through the filing cabinet of every trick she’s ever done or had done to her. She goes tense, then soft, then tense again. She spells every letter of her name across Kell’s cunt. She takes the clit in a firm, sucking kiss. “Thekla,” Kell gasps, her legs shuddering, her grip faltering. “Holy fuck, Thekla. Baby.” Thekla nips at her padded inner thigh and her body locks up, tendons standing out against skin.

This is fun, but as Kell’s dominance melts under the onslaught, an itch wells up inside her for someone to hold her down. Her belly feels hollow, wanting. “Evaannn,” she sing-songs, letting her hands take over as she wrings another groan from her drummer. She sticks her ass in the air, wags it left and right. “You just gonna sit and watch?”

The bed creaks as Evan comes to her. His hands are on her, those wonderful comforting hands, gliding on the sweat of their lovemaking as he fills his palms with her soft green flesh. There’s a liberating click as he frees her from her bra. Something hard and hot slides along the cleft between the ample globes of her ass, and she feels it throb with need. Kell gasps again as Thekla’s dextrous fingers find a sweet spot.

“You were holding back, weren’t you, Evan?” Thekla squishes up against him, gyrating under that chill gaze. “Were you worried about hurting me?”

“A bit.” Evan’s hands go beneath her, cradle her stomach, cup her breasts. He can’t get enough of her. “I think also it was the, uh.”

“The teeth?” She reaches back with the hand that isn’t knuckle-deep in Kell and spreads herself, shows him her little pink slit, dripping with invitation. “Well, there’s no teeth here, mister H,” she says, with mock-innocence. Come on, big bad human. Come ruin me.

She squirms as he positions himself. The head rubs her, gives an exploratory thrust between her thighs, his firm abdomen pressing into her, the heat of him traveling along her stomach. Oh, God. It’s past her belly button, knocking on her tattoo fortress’s drawbridge. Is it even going to fit?

A stab of lustful anticipation mixed with just a twinge of fear as he lines himself up, and then he pushes, and pushes, and there is a glorious, burning stretch as he splits her open. Every vein, every contour, she feels it all, parting her inch by inch, forcing the breath from her body. He clings to her shoulders for purchase as he eases her off, and then he shoves himself back inside and there’s nothing else for it, she screams a frontwoman scream, muffling herself with Kell’s bedsheets, impaled and helpless and so fantastically full.

Any control she could pretend to have over Kell has faded away, and the orc’s legs snake out and ambush her, pull her back against that perfect pussy, and she fills her mouth with it, moaning into Kell’s purple folds as another torturously satisfying stroke penetrates her. He’s clutching her arms, her shoulders, and finally the back of her head, pushing her forward and down, and she is so full of him that her brain is shorting out, and it’s just like her recurring daydream, it’s finally happening to her and it’s everything she wanted, except the couch isn’t a couch, it’s the woman she loves, and Kell’s hand joins Evan’s hand in the red riot of her hair, fingers interlacing as they hold her fast in the throes of their shared ecstasy. The ecstasy she is giving them. Kell comes, she feels it, feels that strong body rack and seize with pleasure because of her, because of Thekla, and she can barely move as her lovers grip her, but she feels like a god.

Kell collapses backward and Thekla lays her face across the plain of her abs, focuses on helping Evan, but as she picks up speed, she realizes something isn’t right. She wants all of him, wants her ass bouncing off those slim hips, and she looks back with disbelief to see that he’s only two-thirds of the way inside. There’s so much of him left. His face is twisted with effort and forbearance.

Kell’s hands are on her, pulling her forward, off of Evan, her insides suddenly empty and deprived. She feels herself being twisted around, so she’s sitting in Kell’s lap, with her back cushioned against the orc’s torso and her legs kicking in the air.

“You want it to fit?” Kell murmurs in her ear. Thekla nods frantically. Kell kisses the top of her head and grasps her ankles, tenderly opening her to Evan like a present. “We’re gonna make it fit.”

Evan comes to them and kisses Thekla for the first time. He’s not conquering her, not like Kell, but as he wraps his lips around hers and coaxes her tongue out past her teeth, she feels his possessiveness. He kisses like he’s trying to memorize this, like he’s treasuring every moment of connection, like he’s looking for a home in her. She kisses him back like she’s giving him one, letting her body relax and loosen, safe and warm against him.

She might be falling in love with Evan, she realizes. And she lets herself fall, and feels Kell catching her, and her love for Kell isn’t diminishing, it’s expanding, like a set of infinity mirrors telescoping out to the horizon.

Kell separates them, rests her hand on Evan’s chest. “How about you tell Evan exactly what you want him to do?”

Thekla gazes up at this human, who crept into her life and changed it irreversibly, who has held her up to the light and shown her the version of herself she’d always fantasized about being.

“Break me,” she says.

And he’s inside her again, and she’s screaming his name as Kell holds her in place, kissing her and pulling her wider. Evan falls upon her, and their three bodies are pressed together, three hammering hearts, so close that she could swear they were melting into each other. Kell’s got one hand around her neck, and the other is stroking her stomach, and Thekla is weightless as she wraps her legs around Evan and there’s that stretch and he’s reshaping her, she’s sure of it. She’s never going to be the same after tonight. She belongs to them now. She sobs with triumph as his hips finally kiss hers, and he’s in, all of him, hilted in her.

“Look,” Kell whispers, and tilts her head down, cradles her neck with just the right pressure. “Look how well you take him.”

Holy fuck. She can actually see it between her quivering legs, the bulge of his cock moving in and out, and then his chest is on her and she’s crushed between them, and as he gets faster the pain has gone, vanished completely, replaced by that pink haze, that perfect build, like the slow crescendo of crashing drums and screaming amps into a wall of sound, the way their rhythm is carrying her away, making her move and tearing music from her throat, just like they’re onstage.

Above her head Evan and Kell are kissing fiercely, and she is a Thekla sandwich, she realizes with frenzied glee, just like Kell promised, and the hand around her neck is tightening, and she feels the tingling again, the song is reaching its climax, and she knows exactly how the last verse should go. She wants to come with Evan exploding inside her. “You’re so fucking big,” she wails.

Evan grunts like an animal and erupts, clinging to both of them and rutting like the beast she knew he could be, and their hips are making wet slapping sounds like she’s some kind of porn star. Yes! The first boiling jet of his cum pumps into her, and her second orgasm tears her mind away as he overflows from her and seeps down her thighs, and the whole world is made of beautiful pink mist.

In fits and jerking starts, she returns to herself. Evan is still hard inside her, twitching and gasping, as Kell strokes her hair.

“Hi again,” she says.

“Haa.” Thekla has lost the faculties of speech.

“I’m just gonna—hold on a sec, nobody move.” Kell carefully slips out from under her two partners and rolls to her bedside, digging through a side table cabinet. “Here we go.” She re-emerges with an expansive gray t-shirt, with TO FISH IS TO LIVE written across it in bold font. She gently lifts the lovers where they connect and slips it underneath them. “There we go. No pools of cum on my cali king.”

Evan has found his sanity again, and Thekla feels him shift his weight off of her, and start to withdraw. “Wait.” She kisses his chest. “Stay inside. For a bit longer.”

Evan settles himself down on her, reintroduces his soothing weight, as Kell flops down next to them. “I can’t believe I waited this long to fuck a girl,” she says. “That was life-changing.”

Evan holds Thekla, thumbs kneading her hips. “That was the best sex I’ve ever had.”

“It was okay,” Thekla says, and laughs when he looks down in bewilderment. “It was incredible. You were incredible.”

The moment is soured somewhat by an especially insistent drip from their mingled fluids.

“Okay, you icky stickies.” Kell slaps Evan’s ass. “Clean up and maybe I’ll let you sleep in my bed tonight.”

Thekla whines as Evan withdraws, and that wonderful fullness empties onto Kell’s ironic t-shirt.

“You are so protective of these sheets, dude.” She sits up, shakily tests her balance on her two feet again. “You know you can just do your laundry, right?”

“Sheet sets are so expensive,” Kell protests, as Thekla totters to the bathroom. God, she was not kidding when she said Thekla would barely be able to walk. “It’s like 20 bucks to wash and fold.”

“You do wash and fold?” Evan is aghast. “I thought that was rich person shit.”

“You don’t?”

“Kell. I was homeless. What am I gonna fold?”

Thekla slips out of Kell’s room and crosses the dark apartment. Kell’s roommates are all still at their night shifts, thank God.

She flips the bathroom lights on, pees and cleans herself up somewhat. Her lower body is very tender.

She examines herself in the mirror. Her hair is a wild orange cloud, matted and askew. Her face is flushed and splotchy from where the makeup smeared across Kell’s pillows. Her lips are sore and puffy. Her carefully applied eyeshadow runs in two dark tear streaks down her cheeks. A trickle of jizz has dried on her thigh, and she’s pretty sure that’s Kell’s pube stuck in her teeth. Her neck has a dark thumbprint along it. She is covered in hickies, bruises, and a couple of bite marks she doesn’t even remember receiving.

She has never looked so beautiful.

She turns the light off, and returns to the bed where her lovers wait for her.

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