Power Trio

25. First Morning (Evan) [explicit]

Evan dreams of the forest, the old growth of the Fall Creek Falls back home. He’s trying to find the swimming hole, but he’s all turned around, the trail is gone, and his father’s voice is saying pick it up, Evvy, we’re halfway there, invisible from the tree line. He ducks his head, creeps through the beeches, and the leaves stroke across his face, and become velvety purple fingers, and he’s awake, looking into a heavy-lidded pair of eyes, in a face splashed with jewel tones from the stained glass window. Kell smiles, the tip of a tusk poking from her full lips.

“Morning, loverboy,” she whispers.

Evan yawns. “Morning,” he says. Kell puts a finger to his lips and points downward.

Thekla is still asleep, pressed between their midsections like a cat. The goblin is drooling on him in her slumber. Evan pets her hair and she snorts in her sleep, turning onto her back. He remembers how her whole body rippled when he moved inside her, the way she screamed when she came, and he realizes his morning wood is poking against her soft, yielding stomach.

Kell’s palm cups his shaft, pushes it up against his abdomen and gives it a gentle caress. “You know what I was thinking about before you woke up?”

“Mmm?” Evan’s hips shift, making the sleeping Thekla murmur.

“One second.” Kell slips her hands under Thekla and scoops her up, resting her on the pillow behind them.

Thekla makes a sound like “Wrvngr,” and turns over again.

“I was thinking about how hard you rocked our girl’s world, and touching myself.” Kell scooches closer to him and takes his hand, guiding it between her legs. She sighs and closes her eyes as he feels her wet heat, already coating her inner thighs. “And it occurred to me you haven’t been inside me yet. Very unfair.”

Evan presses, and she’s slick and ready and warm. “Do you have, uh, protection?”

There’s no such thing as half-goblins. But Evan has seen more than a few half orcs walking the streets of New Laytham.

“Just pull out,” Kell says. “It’ll be okay.”

“What about your bedsheets?”

“I don’t want you to jizz on my bedsheets, dummy.” She stretches, her form arching as the morning sun highlights every graceful line of her abdomen, makes her belly button ring gleam. “I think I’d like to see what my stomach looks like painted with your cum. What do you think, Evan?” She holds her arms out, beckoning him in. “Do you wanna see that?”

She doesn’t need to ask twice.

Kell giggles as he embraces her, and rolls with him so that he’s on top, resting between her sturdy legs. She gyrates, rubbing her slit along him, coating him with her arousal. Her tidy little landing strip of pubic hair scrapes the sensitive bottom of his shaft, makes his head swim. “Just a little missionary quickie, okay?”

“Okay,” he kisses her neck.

She reaches down between them and maneuvers him to her waiting entrance, a gleam in her gray eyes. She shimmies her hips playfully. “One two three four…”

The laugh in his throat comes out as a gasp as he sinks into her, all the way in one stroke. Kell’s body parts for him, devours him, and he can feel her muscles clench and quiver around his length. “Oh, fuck, Evan!” Her head falls back, mouth open.

He retracts, with agonizing slowness, her insides clinging to him like she isn’t willing to let him go, and then drives back in, and she’s so hot, sweat springing up on her skin, the cool morning air a sharp contrast with the burning warmth of their connection.

He starts another slow, teasing pull-out, and her legs snap shut around him, arms seizing him and pressing him to her chiseled torso, burying his face in her cleavage. “I said a quickie, Ev.” With a flex of her thighs, she slams him back inside her.

Guided by the greedy motion of her body, Evan speeds up, all concern for waking Thekla vanishing as Kell’s bed clacks repeatedly against the wall. He marvels at the rhythmic bouncing of her breasts against her hard body, the hypnotic contrast of soft jiggle and firm muscle, and when he can’t resist it any longer, he sucks one of her wine-colored nipples. She clutches his tapered lower back, hips undulating against him as she urges him on into a punishing jackhammer pace.

He got over his fear of hurting Thekla, but it wasn’t easy, the way the diminutive goblin girl had quaked and cried out beneath him. He has no such hangups about Kell. She is big and beautiful and powerful. His hands stray from corded muscle to sink into pale softness as he cups her ass and lifts her hips, feels them slap against his thighs. “Kiss me, lover boy,” she whispers, and he detaches from her chest to meet her, wrestling with her thick tongue, tracing the graceful swoop of her tusks.

She jerks, muscles twitching, as she comes, her dark chocolate voice turned high and breathy. He’s not going to last. Not at this pace. He tries to pull away, but she shakes her head rapidly and keeps kissing him. Finally, he gets enough space to pant for air. “I’m close. I gotta pull out.”

“You don’t wanna fill me up?” comes her husky whisper in his ear. Her ass flexes, pushing her hips deeper around him; her elegant legs cross at his back. “You don’t wanna put a cute little blue-eyed half orc in me?”

“Kell,” he growls, and she gives a musical laugh as she releases him. He thrusts urgently between her thighs, and she rolls her abdomen against him, and he sees her belly button ring bounce up and down and he has the most brain-melting orgasm of his life, Kell sucking his neck with primordial lust as his cock jumps and spurts against her, flooding her navel and the sculpted channels in her six-pack.

He collapses on her, heedless of the mess they’ve made. “Good boy. So good.” Kell wraps her fingers around the back of his head. His ears are ringing. “You’re mine now, okay, Evan? I’m keeping you.”

He nods his assent, still trying to catch his breath.

“Every night and every morning,” Kell says. “No more rotation.” She kisses him, slow and deep.

He feels safer in her strong, warm arms than he’s felt in half a decade.

“No way.” Evan hears Thekla’s voice, opens his eyes to see her sitting up next to them. “No bogarting the big-dick human.”

Kell hooks an arm around her and pulls her into a dogpile. “I’m keeping you too, girl. Tell Dalma you live in my bed now.”

“Kell Kell the fucking jizz.” Thekla scrambles as she’s crushed into the orc’s embrace. “Augh. It’s all over you.”

“Too bad.” Kell kisses the top of her head. “Morning, lovebug.”

Thekla resigns herself to her sticky fate and lets her bandmates hold her. “You better have a nice shower setup.”

“It’s great. You’re gonna love the pressure.” Kell sits up, surveys her stomach. “Jesus, Evan H. You really coated me.”

Evan kisses her neck again. “You did tell me to.”

“Toss me that cum shirt from last night. Think it’s still on the floor.” Kell catches the crumpled TO FISH IS TO LIVE shirt and wipes herself off. “Wanna know a secret, Ev?”


“I got an IUD.” She winks. “No pregnancy scares for us. It’s just fun to get cummed on in the morning.” She hops out of bed, cracks her back. “Okay! I call first shower.”

* * *

“I admit it. Kell was right.” Thekla hums as Evan passes the detachable shower head over her illustrated back.

“About the water pressure?”

“No, man. I mean, yes, it is very nice. But I was talking about having sex with you.” She leans back a little, smushing her soapy body against him. “You make love like you play bass, Evan H.”

“And how do I play bass?”

“Really good,” Thekla says, “and really hard.”

“And you do it like you play guitar.” Evan scrubs behind her floppy ears. “Really good and really loud.”

She sighs happily as he scratches her scalp. “I guess we should start thinking about the roommate situations. We were lucky that Kell’s are out on Fridays, but I don’t want Dalma to have to deal with my noise and I don’t think I can be quiet when you guys are throwing me around like a rag doll.”

“I still haven’t really met Kell’s roommates,” Evan says. “They’re mostly just in-and-out, and I was always crashing in her room or out on the town.”

Thekla has a thoughtful look on her face. “I mean, maybe she was kidding around when she was saying she’d keep us. But I make okay money, and Kell cleans up on tips most nights, and I know you’re making peanuts right now, but you’ll find something soon. We could probably rent a pretty sweet one-bedroom, depending on the location.”

“Can I say something?” Evan rubs conditioner into her hair. “Talking about moving in with a girl the night after your first kiss is maybe the most sapphic thing I’ve ever heard you say. And last night, you were begging Kell to eat you out.”

“Shut up.” Thekla gives his thigh a little swat. “You’re driving the U-Haul. And we’re getting a shower stool so that I can soap you up too next time.”

Evan turns his attention to himself. It turns out that a reason for Kell’s silky hair is a rainbow-colored crowd of products. He picks out the cheapest looking shampoo he can find.

“My lease isn’t up until the fall anyway,” Thekla muses. “So we have a few months to think about it.”

“You’re pretty serious about this, huh?”

“We’ve talked about moving in together before. I’m not exactly sure how being her girlfriend changes that. If that’s what we are. Pass me that loofah.”

Evan passes it down.

“And you could be on the lease, too. Surely you’re tired of couches and sleeping bags, right?” Thekla exfoliates her front. “Don’t you want a place you call home?”

Evan runs his head under the water for a spell while he considers the question. “One thing I realized while I was living outside is that I don’t really need a permanent place. An address would be nice, just for paperwork and shit, but sleeping in a different bed every night never bothered me. What really unmoored me was not having people. It’s hard to make real friends in that situation.” He lays his hands on her shoulders. “I guess what I’m saying is that you’re my home already. You and Kell. And even Sion.”

“Awww, Evan.” Thekla plants a kiss on his knuckle. “If you keep being this fucking cute, I’m not gonna be able to bully you at practice anymore.”

He gives her shoulders a little squeeze. “I have faith that you will find a way.”

Thekla turns around, hugs him around the waist. He crouches down so he can hold her in return. “I’m really happy, Evan,” she whispers.

“I am too,” he whispers back.

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