Power Trump’s All

Amunet Black

My Patreon is at Chapter 30. Patreon.com/Saintbarbido


(Jin's Mind-scape)

The iridiscent pool of water near Jin's cabin had started changing. The person in question had no clue whatsoever. Too caught up in his own problems to pay attention to the source of his demigod powers. Of course he had suspected it but that didn't mean he had tried to investigate further. To him it was an open and shut case.

The template system was no more so Percy's abilities had been made accessible by priming his cells with dark matter attuned to those powers. He had followed that train of thought when trying to come up with a way to channel all the excess energy inside of him for other effects but his cells could only take more before they downgraded.

In basic terms, Jin had an energy battery inside his metaphysical being, where by due to that energy being rejected by the real world, it had manifested itself into a personal dimension inside his mind. Calling it his mind-scape was just giving it a name because he himself didn't fully know what it was.

The template system had been the bridge that refined that energy to make templates, skills and powers for Jin. After losing it, Jin had been lucky for his cells had already been changed to accomodate Percy Jackson's abilities. Those same abilities were represented in his mind-scape by the pool of glowing water.

So if he had, in fact paid attention to the pool, he would have noticed a blue seed deep inside the pool. A seed that was growing into something unexplainable. Something impossible. Life.

(Jin's P.O.V)

And there it is again. We were all gathered in the Star labs cafeteria, where I was demonstrating my hydro-kinesis abilities to the three scientists. They all had intrigued looks on their faces as they watched me pull the water from a jug then form it into shapes. A dancing barellina, a birthday cake, a mustang and so on.

I did it almost absentmindedly. My control had reached a new level after all the judicious practice I had done. My mind was on something else entirely however. For the past few weeks, ever since I had woken up, I had been feeling a sort of calling towards the ocean. It only happened when I started using my hydro-kinesis. I was a bit wary to seek out what was calling to me however. It would be best if I wait until I'm stronger. There's a difference between being brave and being stupid.

"Can you change the water's state? Into ice or steam maybe?"

Cisco asked me from the side, recording the whole thing. I thought for a while before I decided to shake my head. It wouldn't do for them to know all my tricks.

"I don't think so. I mean I can make the water cold but not below the negatives. The same applies for rising it's temperature. I think I'll have to continue practicing before reaching that level."

Cisco nodded but I could see that Wells suspected I was hiding something.

"The fact that you have hydrokinetic abilities is still something I'm finding hard to wrap my ahead around. This is the age of science after all. Most wouldn't hesitate to take advantage of you Mr.Anderson. I recommend you exercise caution and not tell anyone else what you can do."

He told me with a worried but kind look on his face. Damn, this guy can act.

I still nodded and talked some more with them before I decided to leave.

Today, I would be taking a significant step towards gaining some major fire-power. Apart from practicing my abilities and getting acquainted with the team, I had also been doing some investigation on where I could find the Mardon brothers whereabouts.

Now the question is, how do you find a criminal in hiding when even the cops do not know where they might be? Easy, ask another criminal. I had been trying to find Amunet Black's usual hangouts and I finally had a club that she owned on the west side of the city. With her connections, finding Weather wizard would be easier than drinking water.

Once the sun went down, I found myself looking at the club with loud music playing from the roof of the next building. For any dealings with criminals I had decided to change my dress code. It wouldn't do for people to know my identity. I would also use a different one for my time as the flash's partner. Yeah I was definitely going to try the superhero thing.

I needed t

Team Flash's help to effectively round up all the evil metahumans whose powers interested me, so that I could take them for myself. After all, why do all the work when I could just sit back and watch others do it for me?

Now, how should I play this? I had on a hockey mask with streaks of red paint along it's length, black leather jacket, dark pants and combat boots. There was also a pair of fingerless gloves on my hands. I was going for the intimidating look so why not act like it? I will also not use my hydro-kinesis to avoid suspicion from Wells.

So I guess that leaves me with my Earthquake generation powers. I had gotten pretty handy with it even. Without the customization option, I had to get good at control to compensate for the lack of additional fire power. As a result, I could create shockwaves from any part of my body.

Case in point, I bent down then jumped. The jump pushed me over 20 meters up towards the roof of the club. I was sure cracks lined the floor of the roof I had been stepping on. Another shockwave pushed me up, while still in the air, to grab a ledge on which I used to pull myself up.

The door leading to the staircase was a simple nuisance. It was delt with, by a well applied shock-punch. It blasted off its hinges to hit the wall inside the stairway. The loud noise attracted response as I felt numerous steps coming my way.

Deciding not to keep them waiting, I jumped and freely fell to the floor. I only used enough shockwaves to negate the impact. Too much and the whole roof would come down on the party goers at the ground floor. Amunet's goons were streaming out of the door at my front and I allowed them to surround me from all sides. This type of situation needed a demonstration of superior power, so that she would put me in the same level as her.

"You made the wrong choice coming here, freak-show."

Norvak, the guy with a snake for an eye ironically said. I allowed a smile on my face in amusement. Not that they could see it.

"I came here to see Amunet, not her attack dogs."

He instantly got angry.

"Bastard. Get him!"

At his order, they all jumped at me.

"Wrong move."

I said as a disk of concussive force erupted from my body, smashing everyone to the walls.


Amid the groans of pain from bruised bodies, I heard a swishing sound as something cut the air aimed for me head. Instantly I realesed a tightly maintained shockwave to my front. The piece of metal was sent flying back to the owner who calmly blocked it with her hand.

"Well well well, what do we have here?"

The woman who said that was dressed in black, with her hair in one full braid and yellow lipstick. Time for theatrics. I threw my hands out and graciously bowed.

" If it isn't the lady who rules with an iron fist. Literally."

I added the last bit as an afterthought and made her chuckle.

"Funny and a charmer. To what do I owe this pleasure, Mr…?"

"You can simply call me…Drakon."

She rose an eyebrow at that. I had come up with the name as it was easily related to the word dragon, which was the Apex predator of Apex predators. Plus it sounded cool.

" So what can I do for you… Mr. Drakon?"

"I need information."

"What kind of information?"

She asked but I subtly implied it was confidential by looking around the room at her men. Too crowded.

" Why don't you accompany me for some refreshments?"

"Happy to, m'lady."

Once we got to a table, everyone else but Norvack cleared out.

"Ok, so what's stopping me from having my men pump you full of lead?"

I scoffed.

"Are you blind? It didn't work the first time what makes you think it will now?"

"Third time's the charm."

I shook my head. This woman is pretty gutsy. The fact the she's smiling while threatening me proves it.

"Are you willing to bet on it Amunet? Trust me you don't want to see me escalate."

I said with a smile. She was silent for a while before she tightly smiled. Contrary to my expectations, she started laughing.

"It's so refreshing to speak to someone who doesn't fear me or is too horny to actually be afraid. Ooh, I have to ask, were you the one who beat up a couple of thieves asking for my whereabouts?"

I nodded.

"Ok, you finally found me. Now what can I do for you?"

She asked while handing me a glass of wine.

"Simple, I need the location of the Mardon brothers. Preferably Mark Mardon."

She didn't even try to act like she didnt know they were alive.

"May I ask why?"

I shook my head.

"No you may not."

She nodded as if expecting it.

"And ah… why did you come to me?"

I placed the glass of wine I had yet to taste on the table.

"Let's cut the crap Amunet. Few gangs in the city are as capable as yours. Being a…trader in certain products, you run a tight information web. Chances are you know where they are. After all before their 'death' they pulled off a high level heist."

"You are well informed. The information itself is available. But, it's going to cost you."

"Ok. What do you want?"

"Nothing much, just a favour. To be repaid in the future."

I agreed.

"Just as long as it's not too much then yes, I agree."


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