Power Trump’s All


[Template System dismantled]

(Retaining Percy Jackson's abilities due to acquisition of essence)

(Retaining interactive interface)


I watched as the system was dis-constructed and recycled, just as Alfred had said. I didn't know what to think but I had already made my choice and I would most definitely stick to it. A new blinking infinity icon appeared on the text box. I clicked on it and instantly felt a shift. A word appeared in my vision growing clearer by the second up and until I felt an impact on my psyche.


It was as if I was in a trance as I touched the word. The new interface that appeared was completely different. For one thing it had only three options.


(Mine by action)

You have an abundance of affinity-less energy. Enough to create a solar system inside your mind-scape. Find a way to use this energy to POWER yourself in the real world. With this perk, the only thing left is a medium to channel this energy. Any backlash from the real world is negated.

(Mine by conquest)

- Any powered opponent you manage to kill will result in you acquiring their powers through right of conquest. There is a limit to how many powers you can get.

(Mine by right)

- Whatever godly domain that resonates with your bloodline, essence or by right of conquest will be yours to command. Also ensures that your attacks do not harm you due to the energy used being rightfully yours.

Whoa. I had expected a great ability but this was just too op! Initially the thought of losing the Template System had been daunting but this new ability was so much better. I also blew a sigh of relief for retaining my powers from Percy's template.

The thing I was most happy about was the option of Mine by action. If it negated any backlash from the real world then that meant all I needed to do was find a way to channel that energy for usage. Luckily I had an idea.

I knew it wouldn't be as simple as pulling that energy out and using it. It was clearly stated that I would need a medium. My idea would only be feasible after some information digging. If it worked out then everything else would be smooth sailing.

I didn't know what to think of my second power though. For all it's usefulness, it would only work when I killed a person. I wasn't sure if I was ready to take a life. However, if it was someone evil then yeah…I mean, I was in a dangerous world now. It wouldn't be smart to let my enemies go, only for them to make a comeback even stronger. Case in point, the Reverse flash. It was because of him that Barry lost his daughter. Guys like Eobard deserved to die. Others like Peek-a-boo could maybe change if given a chance.

In any case, I needed power. Something had changed in me after the change with the template system. The thirst for a challenge was still there though a bit muted. In its place was a hunger for power. It wasn't distracting at all but felt almost normal. Like having overwhelming power for myself was as natural as breathing. So I knew and understood that sooner or later I would have to kill. The only thing left I needed to do was draw a line.

My third power was a mystery. For starters I didn't think I had any bloodline, or essence or whatever really. This needed a wait and see approach. Despite that I had a feeling that it would play a very important role in the future.

Now then, the cons to [POWER] was that, I had lost my inventory, the customization option, the quests and the template generation itself. The pros, however, was that the abilities I had now were essentially mine. It was the difference between copying someone else's martial arts skill down to the last move and creating your own that fits your body. Of course that would be almost impossible for a normal person but for me it was just another obstacle I would overcome. Infact I welcomed the challenge.

All of that was just introspection however. I needed a plan. Obtaining godlike power was a result not a step. So the first thing I would do is find a way to channel the energy from my mind-scape, then go after meta-humans for their power, then find a way to travel the multiverse. I was aiming for a Kryptonian's strength and luckily I knew just where to get it. Of course that's just a rough outline at the moment. I still had to set myself up and avoid team flash's ire.

I opened my eyes and looked around. I had been in my mind-space for about an hour or so and my body needed to stretch. I walked out of the room and a couple of corridors later, I found myself in the central hub. The series hadn't really shown how big this place was by the way.

"Oh, Jin. You're up."

Caitlin said once she saw me. Her and Cisco had been looking at the screens before I came in.

"Yeah. After being in a comma for the last 7 months, I'm glad to be moving around."

"Amen to that."

Cisco quiped from the side.

"So what now?"

I asked.

"Cisco and I are reconfiguring some of the tech to try and see if there are any underlying issues with your body."

"Not that there seems to be one. I mean, look at him. It's like he was lifting weights while sleeping."

I had a surprised look on my face as I looked myself over at Cisco's words. I don't know how I hadn't noticed it before but I was stronnk. I had muscles all over my once thin frame. It wasn't anything new to me because in my past life as Logan, I had a fit body but before the comma, my new body had been really thin.

Cisco pressed something on the keyboard and a section of the wall split aside to reveal a full length mirror.

"Why do you have a mirror on the wall Cisco?"

Caitlin asked.

"What?!it's for the firemen suit I've been working on."

He defended himself but I was too busy looking at the Adonis staring back at me.

Gone was the weak and girly physique. I was wearing a star labs sweater and pants and goddamn did I fill it out nicely. I didn't have a swimmers physique. My body was clearly built for strength and endurance. If I had to make a comparison, I looked like Captain America. 'This has to be caused by the influence from the Demi-god physique.' I thought to myself.

"There doesn't seem to be any adverse effects from the dark matter bubble you were encased in."

I got out of my stupor and smiled at Caitlin, listening to her. She blushed a little before continuing.

"I would however like it if you would allow me to run more tests on you, just to be sure."

"I'm fine with that but first I need a burger."

I told her as my stomach growled in agreement.

Time skip (2 weeks later)

It had been a fortnight since I had woken up and life was okay for the most part. It hadn't been easy getting used to life without Alfred's presence. No homo. Being the type to suck it up and move on, I tried to concentrate on other things.

Once I had finished up at Star labs and promised them to come 2 days weekly for tests, I had made it back to my apartment. The funny thing was that the landlord had been very understanding as it wasn't a new thing for Jin to be gone for months on end. Not to mention he had already paid his rent for the whole year.

I cursed the fact that I hadn't gotten his memories because I was really curious about his identity. The other strange thing about him was that there had been no missing persons reports filed even after my 7 month disappearance. Strange but Whatever, I already had a lot on my plate anyway. I had also hit a wall on finding a medium to channel my energy. I had first thought of runes inscribed on my body or items but that had been a burst.

So the only thing left had been mastering my hydro-kinesis powers once more and getting used to my new strength. I hadn't hit the gym to test my limits yet, what with all of the body checks at Star labs and sightseeing to acclimate myself to the new city. I had also been looking for a job and hadn't found anything yet. Luckily, I had found a grand hidden in one of Jin's old suitcases so that's a plus.

I still didn't know whether to tell Caitlin and the others about my powers but I felt that they suspected already.

I walked into the star labs control room. Only Cisco was around though and he was fiddling with the firemen suit that would later come to be the flash's first suit.

"You guys really need better security."

I said.

Cisco jumped up and shouted in fright.

"Gah! Don't sneak up on me like that!"

"Sorry Cisco. Where's Caitlin?"

"She's over at Barry's room. She's with his family though so you might want to give them some time alone."

I nodded as I sat on the chair, chatting with Cisco. Several minutes later, I saw Joe and Iris West coming out from another door. They both looked sad, though Iris tried to smile at Cisco and I once she saw us. I was tongue-tied for a second at how beautiful she actually was. Not only her but also Caitlin. So far, they looked prettier than their real life actors.

"Hey Joe, Iris. This is Jin. He was also affected by the accelerator explosion though his case was a bit different. Jin, this is Joe and Iris West. They're Barry's family."

I stood up as Cisco introduced us.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm sorry about Barry. He's hopefully going to get better soon."

"Likewise. This is my daughter Iris."

Joe said as we shook hands. I could see him sizing me up in that detective suspicion way of his while Iris sized me up with something else different on mind.



I greeted her. At that moment, Caitlin came in holding a tablet.

"Hey Cait. I'm here for my shots."

She chuckled at me.

"Hey Jin."

The Wests said their goodbyes and Caitlin and I advanced to the med-lab where she started checking my heart rate.

"Soo..I wanted to ask you about something."

"If you wanna ask me out Cait, I'm only available on the weekend."

"You wish. No…it's about something else."

She stopped and looked at me seriously.

"Are you sure nothing weird as been happening to you?"

She had asked me the same question a couple of days before, though at that time I had lied. This time however things were different.

"Actually…yeah. Yesterday I controlled the water from my tap to put out a little fire I caused in the kitchen. It…it freaked me out."

I told her in a slightly nervous tone. Of course it was all an act but it was necessary for what I had planned.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

"I knew it! Your cells were primed with dark matter but it wasn't having any negative change on you. Dr.Wells was right. So what else can you do?"

"I haven't tested it but apart from the body change and manipulating water molecules, I feel like I can also control the weather, I think."

I told her. I know what you must be thinking…no! Why would you lie to her? What if she tells you to demonstrate?! Not to worry as I had found my first target.

Clyde mardon was the first meta-human the flash fought. He had a moniker, Weather wizard. His ability was to control the weather. However I was going for his brother, whose powers were even stronger. Mark mardon.

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