Power Trump’s All

The Choice

"So first things first, I need to retract the outer shell covering my body."

I reminded myself as I breathed in and took control of the dark matter present in my bubble of protection. Gently, I imagined sucking in that energy into my body.

"See you on the other side Alfred."

"Of course Master Jin."

He said. If I had paid attention to him at that instance, I wouldn't have failed to notice the look of sadness on his face.

My eyes were closed as I focused on the task. As a consequence, I failed to see a pool of blue shining water forming near my house inside my mind-space.

A couple of minutes later, all the energy was sucked in and I was immediately struck by pain. It felt like millions of ants were biting every inch of my skin, as my nerve endings activated. I couldn't even let a scream out before I blacked out.

(Alfred's p.o.v)

Alfred waited until he saw Jin's form start to fade. Then he looked at the open space to his left and coldly said,

"Come out. I know you're there Monitor."

(General p.o.v)

Just a moment ago, chaos was everywhere in Star labs. Caitlin had been monitoring Barry Allen's vitals, before Cisco called her and told her to make her way to where Poseidon's Sphere was.

After arriving, she had found Dr.Wells and Cisco watching something. A second later she was also shocked to see the Sphere crack and start shrinking.

"What's happening guys?"

She asked them.

"No activity for the last 7 months and suddenly the dark matter energy readings start to go down and cracks appear on the thing!"

Cisco shouted.

"Calm down Cisco. What about the pulsing from before?"

"The rate went up but the energy emitted is steadily disappearing."

"More like retracting. One might say it's about to implode on itself but the lowering of the energy levels indicate otherwise. Let's adopt a wait and see approach."

Dr.wells added.

Neither of them doubted him and true to his words, the sphere didn't implode, instead a man wearing tattered clothes appeared midair at the position of the sphere and fell down, leaving the three scientists surprised.

"Well, you don't see that everyday."

Cisco added as an afterthought.

(Jin's p.o.v)

The first thing I felt was how comfortable the bed I was lying on was. I couldn't help myself and almost let out a moan of satisfaction. After sleeping on leaves for the better part of half a year, a soft matress was definitely a welcomed change.

"He's up."

I heard someone say as I opened my eyes.

In my sight stood 3 familiar people. The quipy engineer called Cisco, the gorgeous brunette doctor, Caitlin and last but not least Dr. Harrison Wells or by his real name Eobard Thawne. Welp, guess I'm in Star labs. It's confusing though, one would have thought that an army base would be where I'd wake up to, considering the crazy blue sphere that had encased me but whatever.

I groaned as I sat up on the bed. It wouldn't do well to let them know, I know who they are or where I am.


But first, I needed a glass of water because my throat was as dry as sand paper. Caitlin handed me one and I drowned it quickly.

"Wait, don't drink it so fast. Your stomach needs time to adjust after the period of inactivity."

I slowed down as they patiently waited for me to finish.

Placing the glass down on the table, I looked at them.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Harrison Wells, these two are my colleagues, Dr. Caitlin Snow and Cisco Ramon. You are currently in Star Labs."

I nodded but looked at them confusedly.

"The Star labs?"

He nodded.

"What am I doing here?"

Of course I was just faking it but I was also curious.

"The military found you inside a bubble made up of some rare elements. They couldn't get you out so they entrusted us with trying to save you. How do you feel Mr.Anderson?"

I blinked. Ok, so I was right. And he already knows who I am. They must have seen my wallet.

"Good so far. How long was I out?"

"7 months."

I sighed. It was a sigh of relief at the general time matching the time in my mind-space. There had always been a fear of there being a difference. I saw looks of pity on Caitlin and Cisco as they mistook the sigh but decided not to correct them.

"So what now?"

"Unfortunately, you will have someone come over to ask you a few questions…"

I suddenly rounded to look at him.

"You mean the military?"

He nodded but went on to add.

"I assure you there's nothing to be worried about. You are the victim here. They won't try anything."

"Ok. Thanks for everything you have done for me. Could I have a moment to myself please."

They agreed and proceeded to leave. When Wells reached the door, he paused and looked back.

"Tell me something Mr.Anderson. Do you feel…different? Perhaps strangely stronger than you were before?"

I shook my head at him. A dumb look on my face.

He smiled and left. I didn't know if there were cameras in this place so I just settled down and tried to enter my mind-space.

After a while, I found myself waking up in front of my cabin. I looked around and the smile that was blooming on my face, slowly faded. Something wasn't right. Usually the energy surrounding my mind-space was almost eager to be used. This time however, despite the volume going up, everything was a bit dulled. The absence of Alfred was also another indication.


I called out and waited. Just as I was about to do so again I heard a ding sound and a text box appeared infront of me.

[User has an unread message. Click to play it.]

I was stumped. The notification seemed so out of character for Alfred. It was almost the same as the first time we had bonded. Seeking answers I clicked on it and Alfred's face appeared on the screen.

"You have questions, I'm sure Master Jin."

Well duh. He chuckled a bit as if anticipating my response.

"Let's start from the top. This is a recorded message so we cannot have a conversation. That said, I want to apologize for my absence. When we first bonded, I couldn't access your thoughts or fully dive through your subconscious self. I wish I had because we wouldn't be having this kind of talk right now. You see, I am most likely dead…"


He paused to let the information sink in and I almost missed his next words when he continued.

"Knowing you, your mind must be racing at the speed of light right now. Please don't overthink things. I won't tell you who was responsible but I will tell you why. For the past 6 months since I bonded to you, I have been in constant battle with someone. A dark entity that was hidden deep inside your mind that aimed to devour me and take control of you. I don't know how this entity was latched onto you, because I was the only thing that you came with from the void."

My eyes were wide open as he said that. All this was just too shocking. I didn't know what to think but I had a suspicion as to the origin of this dark entity he was talking about.

"Before you ask master Jin, the reason why I didn't tell you was because I didn't want to alarm you even more, with everything that you already had on your plate. The other reason was also because I thought I could win. However as you got stronger, so too did this dark entity. Left without any other choice, I chose to take drastic measures a couple of months ago. I opened up a small rift to the void to draw on more power. I managed to kill this entity but in opening the rift, the protector of this layer of the multiverse came to punish me. Listen to me, Jin. I don't want you to do anything drastic because of me. I don't regret doing what I did and I have fully enjoyed our stay together. However, knowing the stubborn man you are, if you wish to rescue or get revenge for me then I am going to give you a choice."

I clenched my jaw. I knew it, that future-me guy was nothing but a faker. He had to be the one responsible for all this. Telling me to not trust Alfred so that I'll be defenseless when he enacted the plan to have my body stolen…he's gonna pay. Him and everyone responsible for Alfred missing.

" I have already used the last of my essence to shield you from powerhouses beyond a certain point. I have also ensured that the template system is running smoothly, though some of the functions are gone and the rewards will be lower. If you want to live your life happily and free choose the first option. Otherwise, choose the second option."

He finished just as a text box appeared in my vision flashing.

( Make a choice)

Leave your life free of worries.

Template System will still be active but run by an artificial intelligence and some of the functions may be lost randomly.

Cosmic beings will be blind to you except when the changes you make will affect the universe.

You will effectively be bound to this layer of the multiverse.

Enter the fray.

Template System will be recycled to give you an ability with the potential to make you a god tier combatant given enough time.

Access to other layers of the multiverse.

I didn't even waste time and directly made my choice. Enter the fray it is.

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