Power Trump’s All

Dark matter and Waking Up

I sat in a meditative pose, surrounded by nature. Alfred was in his essence form, which meant that he couldn't be seen, felt, touched or heard unless he wanted to.

"Breathe in and out, feel the pulsing from deep within yourself. Disperse the energy around you into the nature and pull it in again in a never ending cycle."

I held that position for 30 minutes before a frustrated sigh escaped me.

"This is not working Alfred. What am I doing wrong. I've been at this for 3 hours already."

"It hasn't been that long master Jin. But if you want we can try something else?"

I perked up at that.

"What do you have in mind?"

"When you started training your hydro-kinesis ability, you used the moon as a focal point. Why don't you apply the same principle in to this practice?"

Mmh…that could actually work. With renewed resolve, I looked deep within myself, thinking. Ok, what can I use to anchor my imagination to reality? Alfred told me to feel the pulse…feel the pulse…what if…

I imagined a beating heart, deep at the center of my planet. Instead of pumping blood, this heart was pumping my dark matter energy throughout my whole system. I let out an amazed gasp as the world bloomed around me.

The day instantly became night as the sun was replaced by an iridiscent starry sky. It then quickly shifted into a red color, reminiscent of the sunset before finally settling down to a sunrise. it didn't even register to me how whacky the concept was, as I was too entranced by the beauty of it all.

"How…how is any of this possible?"

I wondered aloud, gesturing to everything around me. Alfred materialized on my left and smiled down at me.

"This is nothing compared to what you can do with full understanding. Though I do admit, it's certainly impressive sir. Congratulations, you just formed a solar system."

Wait…come again say what?!

"Alfred, what are you talking about? None of this is real. It's all in my mind-space right?"

The look he gave me told me I was wrong…very very wrong.

"What do you know about dark matter?"

"It constitutes 25% of the universe and dark energy about 70%? Of course that might be wrong seeing as I'm in a fictional universe…"

I finished lamely.

"What I said before about you having a dark matter battery inside you is true but…it's much more complicated than that. You see, that same dark matter energy was influenced by my matrix when we first bonded and changed. My main ability is to simulate any being's powers and skills then recreate those abilities into templates for you to use. When you started producing dark matter, it changed accordingly to suite you better. That's why you created all this in your mind-space."

I stood up faster than you could blink.

"Alfred, are you telling me, I have the ability to create real things with dark matter?"

He nodded but hurriedly went on to add.

"Creating is one thing…but manifesting whatever you create into the real world is much harder. It effectively needs you to be much more powerful."

"How strong are we talking about?"

"Cosmic being levels of strength."

"Shit. Is there a way to bypass that requirement?"

He shook his head at me. Damn, if only it wasn't for that restriction I could become a reality warper with just a snap of my finger.

" That requirement is more for your own protection than it is, a lack of power."

I looked at Alfred again. Seeing the confused look on my face, he continued.

"You could manifest something from your mind-space into the real world by force but you couldn't handle the backlash as the world itself would reject it. To bypass that, you'd either need a stronger body and soul or…a powerful artifact to shield you."

"You mean…something like the infinity gauntlet that Thanos uses to channel the powers of the infinity stones?"

He nodded.

"Such a thing would be even harder to construct master Jin. However…that doesn't mean you can't use your mind space power. The key word in your sentence is 'channel'."

Realisation dawned on me and I instantly felt like a fool.

"Of course! The sorcerers in the Marvel universe channel dimensional energy from different realms to use their magic! All I have to do is safely learn how to do so. I already have a realm. The only thing I would need is to convert my dark matter energy into personal energy. That's brilliant! "

" Tea, master Jin?"

Alfred smiled as he watched me bask in my happiness.

"Of course. Thank you Alfred."

(General p.o.v)

Dr.Harrison Wells, Dr.Caitlin snow and Cisco Ramon were all gathered at one of the labs standing before Poseidon's Sphere.

"Is this my early Christmas present Dr.Wells?"

Cisco asked in awe. Caitlin simply smiled at him.

"I wouldn't put it exactly like that, but this thing is a scientific marvel Dr.Wells."

She said looking at the scientist in question.

"Poseidon's Sphere. That's the name the army chose for it. Aptly named but they still underestimated the complexity of this… 'scientific marvel' as you call it Caitlin."

He said directing his wheel chair to the console.

"So far, the information they had on it, is elementary at best. With this we could solve so many questions plaguing the scientific community now."

He added, looking at the files on the screen.

"That's right. Sustainable cheap energy is only a small portion of what we can achieve with this thing, Dr.Wells. And frankly after the…particle accelerator explosion…we need a win."

Cisco said before looking apologetically at Caitlin. Caitlin didn't meet his eyes for long as she turned away. She had lost the love of her life on the night that she had thought would be the height of her career. The pain was still fresh but she was at least trying to put herself back together.

"Cisco do you think you can adjust the scanner to study the material composition. Eiling's scientists speculated that 70% of the composition is dark matter. Surely we can do more than that."

Cisco nodded enthusiastically.

"Right, I've got an idea. If I use an unique frequency maybe I could map it out."

"I don't think that's necessary Dr.Wells, looking at the results generated by the scanner, the intermolecular forces between the particles denote to this being…water…"

"What? Are you sure?"

Cisco came close to her and looked at the screen.

"You're right. Turns out upgrading the scanner isn't necessary, it's capable of mapping out the composition as it is. Is it too much to say that I'm an awesome engineer."

He finished with exaggerated flare. The other two laughed a little at that.

"But this still doesn't make sense. Caitlin, is it possible for water to be this viscous?"

The female doctor shook her head absentmindedly. She was intently reading something else on the screen.

"Not that I'm aware of. Hey, did you know that the energy readings produced by the sphere, show a constant pulse. It's like a heartbeat."

She rounded to look at Dr.Wells in confusion. That confusion soon turned to shock when he remained silent.

"Is someone inside this thing?!"

He nodded with a grave look on his face.

"That's why they gave the sphere over to us. The army is good at making weapons but with someone's life on the line, they needed someone with a gentler touch."

(Jin's p.o.v)

I had spent a week familiarizing myself with the dark matter inside me. So far I had found out I could do anything I wanted to except for creating sapient life. The animals I created were just constructs of flesh and bones without high cognitive functions. Basically, they were animals. End of story.

I had found out I wasn't limited by anything except not being to create intelligent life and of course the restriction on creating man-made objects. Basically, I could create anything…and I mean…anything within that range of parameters.

Case in point…I dodged away from blasts of yellow fire produced by the wooden puppets I had created to practice with. The puppets were just constructs that had the basic function of expelling high amounts of fire through ignition of methane from their bodies. I named these puppets, fire-wood, get it? Coz of the…nevermind. Currently there were ten of them.

The streams of fire razed the ground I had been standing on as I watched from above the trees. I chuckled as I sent a compressed ball of water at them. The ball of water exploded and sliced everything on a 30 meter radius to ribbons. This move was dangerously effective and I couldn't wait to test it on some baddies. Just as I landed on the ground, the clouds above me started forming into a nimbus and a lightning bolt impacted the ground next to me. The sound of thunder followed by closely

I ejected small shockwaves from the soles of my feet and instantly found myself 15 meters away from the previous spot. Another lightning bolt landed seeking to do me harm and I laughed out loud in glee as I pulled away using the same shockwave move. I had achieved something close to flash-step from bleach. My version however, worked under the principle of utilising the force from shockwaves to give me superspeed. I called this op move, 'crater-creator'. Just joking. Though now that I said it out loud…it's not that bad.

I was still not fast enough to dodge lightning bolts but being a man of culture, I understand the dao of cheating. In other words, I used my perception to sense electrical discharge in the air through water molecules. It was a bit taxing to keep track of everything but it was still a really dope move. Watch out world, I've got observation haki.

From there we started a game of cat and mouse before I formed a huge tornado of water around me to block the next lightning bolt. The streams of electric energy dispersed along it's length to the earth in a harmless fashion. Seriously, how was Percy Jackson not unbelievably powerful with these powers? I mean, I was dodging lightning just there. Lightning!

Having had enough, I willed everything to stop as I caught my breath. Yes ladies and gentlemen, I could transform my mind-space into my own personalized danger-room. I settled down into a meditative pose and relaxed. I had really come far these past few months and even though it had been a bit boring, I had achieved a lot. I had mastered hydro-kinesis and earthquake generation and the only thing left was blood control, which could only be practiced on an actual living being. Practicing on my animals had not yielded any results but first, I need to wake up.

"Hey Alfred, it's time."

Watch out earth-prime, coz a storm is coming…

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