Power Trump’s All

The Truth and 6 Months Later

There was a brief silence before Alfred spoke again.

"I'm…not sure who I am. The only thing I remember from my time in the void is the word…Fade."

"A Fade? What's that?"

"I don't know."

As if sensing the incredulous look on my face he hurried to say,

"What I said before was partially true. I changed according to your subconscious. Essentially, I became the perfect assistant to you personally."

I nodded at that. But it still didn't explain some things.

"Ok, as a system what are your functions?"

Instantly a green display appeared floating before me.

[Template System]


Body physique- peak human.

Energy Capacity- superhuman.


Dark matter generator- You posses a dark matter battery, that constantly keeps dark matter running through your body.


Percy Jackson- All abilities.


:Hydrokinesis at 60%

:Earthquake generation at 30%

:Blood control at 9.9%

:Demigod physique at 0.1%

P.S:- Each ability can only peak at the base % + 40%. Not applicable to abilities under 10%.


upon completion, the quest's rewards offered will include templates, unique powers and additional system options.

Pretty straightforward. The dark matter generator was the most interesting thing. It meant that I would constantly have energy to expend on my abilities. This however did not mean I had infinite energy. I just had something that would constantly replenish my reserves.

"Do you have a pocket space/ inventory?"

That was my first question upon studying all the options.

"Additional options will be quest rewards."

I got a little bit annoyed at myself for that. If what Alfred had said was true, then my subconscious was the reason why I wasn't unbelievably op from the start.

"Something wrong sir?"

I shook my head.

"Nah it's fine. I like a challenge anyway."

I got up and stretched my body.

"Hey Alfred, how do I get quests?"

"Quests are generated by your subconscious desires but vetted by me on your chances of success. I might also issue you quests to overcome challenges."

"Then gimme one."

"Sorry sir, you don't have a strong desire to do anything right now. And I can't issue you one because I'm still intergrating my full matrix to you."

"So I have nothing to do for the next 10 months! I am going to go stir crazy."

A text box popped up infront of me.


Find a way to wake up from your coma before the 10 month duration.




Practice and make Percy Jackson's abilities your own.


Seamless Evasion:- flow like water. Attacks will be dodged with minimal effort depending on your body physique.

So that's how you do it. Between these two quests, at least I'll be busy.

"Oh and Alfred, stop calling me Sir. Call me Jin."

(6 months later)

(General P.O.V)

At a high tech lab facility, General Eiling was watching as the source of his headache was loaded on a container. A government type black man in a suit and a bespectacled man in a wheelchair were watching the loading next to him.

"I still don't understand why you're taking this project to Star labs. Have the boys at the top forgotten the incident that happened there 6 months ago?"

Eiling was pissed. After his people had tried everything on the blue ball, now aptly named, 'Poseidon's sphere' and had nothing to show for it, his bosses had decided to stop the project after a little birdie whispered something to their ears.

Eiling obviously knew who the little birdie was, after all he was sitting in a wheelchair gloating at him.

"Yes, we are all aware of the…incident as you call it. However, General, you have your orders. Star labs is better equipped to handle this."

The government type said.

And that was what was rubbing Eiling the wrong way. He knew that something was off about the whole thing. He also knew that Harrison Wells was a self-righteous bastard who wouldn't hesitate to cross any line if he wanted something.

Eiling watched him at the corner of his eyes.

'Yes, Harrison Wells is most definitely a snake. After all, it takes one to know one.

(Jin's p.o.v)

I stood at the banks of a river I had created near my house tree. I breathed in and settled into a stance. I pulled one of my hands back and a stream of water broke off from the river to hover at the air. I gestured and the water started forming shapes. First it turned round into a ball then an arrow, a spear, a shield and finally tiny drops that cast a brilliant rainbow due to the sun above me.

Another gesture and the drops combined to form hundreds of small spikes that shot off to decimate a cluster of trees at my right.

"You've gotten really good at that Master Jin."

"Thank you Alfred."

I nodded at him.

He was standing behind me in a butler suit. He had a tall if slim build, a mustache and was carrying a tray with a cup of orange juice. Both were formed from wood.

Alfred had insisted on calling me Master Jin and sir, even when I'd told him not to. It had reached a point that I had given up on it. He had also materialized his body which looked like a middle-aged man. For me, it had been a little weird being stuck in my head with a man in his forties but luckily, he couldn't read my thoughts. Whatever, Future Jin had done, Alfred couldn't intrude on my thoughts if he wanted to. Not that he ever would. From what I had seen from him, through the course of 6 months, Alfred was the perfect butler and we had a friendly relationship so far.

I had asked him why he had lied to me at the start about his functions. He had told me, that he had been trying to show me that he was valuable to me despite being latched on to me like a parasite. After coming clean, our relationship had taken a turn for the better. As friends. I was straight you dirty-minded f*cks.

After having my oj, I settled back into a loose stance and breathed in deeply. What I was about to do, would take a bit of effort as I still wasn't that proficient in it. In Avatar: The last Airbender, a water bender had the capability of draining water from his surroundings. Using Percy's template, I didn't think there was a reason why I couldn't do the same. After all, he was a f*cking demi-god.

I twirled my had around me and concentrated on the pushing and pulling effect, the moon had on ocean tides. I found that it was easier to have a focal point to anchor your imagination to reality, thereby nudging reality to respond to your will. My focal point for water control was the moon.

The water inside the vegetation responded to my will and gathered around me. I looked at the trees and plants in a 10 meter radius and found them dry. The blue ring of water surrounding my form was close to 50 liters and I allowed a smile at my success.

One might wonder why I would waste time, practicing when I could easily customize any ability above 10% to it's peak. The answer to that would be, customized abilities drained more stamina as opposed to using it without the System's help. By using the system to shoulder the burden, my stamina would be drained faster. Don't ask me how, I blame my subconscious for that.

I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts and focused on the water again. Feeling the serenity inside the liquid flowing around me, never ceased to excite me. Another thought, and the water poured down on me to form a suit of water armor.

I started controlling the water and as a result my legs left the ground as my body levitated.


I shouted in glee as I shot off to the sky in close to a 50mph speed. The thin film of water, coating my body, didn't hinder my breathing nor was it cold. I ducked, weaved and spun around the tall trees as I left my cabin behind. I had also come to find out that the mind-space I had created was pretty much a planet close to the size of the Earth's moon!

I didn't know how that had happened but something told me, I wouldn't wait much longer to find out.

" I believe I can fly…I believe I can touch the sky."

I sang as I floated above an ocean, where dolphins were jumping up and down in a beautiful manner. I got close and willed the water to form constructs and shapes before me, which I flew over, through and under, in a gymnastics way.

After having my fun, I made it back to my cabin and touched down. Alfred was waiting there for me.

"I believe it's time to address the dark matter issue master Jin."

"Oh, it's time? I still haven't completely mastered Percy's full powers."

"The dark matter in your system, is something that needs handling, I'm afraid. You still have time to complete the quest afterwards."

I nodded after a while.

"Alright, what's the issue?"

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