Prestige Grinding : I Can Reset My Level

Chapter 25 : Breakthrough

Sora stood in the middle of the forest, his breathing steady, the air around him thick with mana. The early morning sunlight filtered through the trees, casting shifting patterns of light on the ground beneath him. He had been continuously channeling all his Martial Titan skills since he'd read the skills description, flooding his muscles and bones with mana, reinforcing them as much as possible. He could feel the subtle shifts within his body—his bones hardening, his muscles becoming denser and more responsive—but it wasn't enough. He wanted more.

He absorbed mana at a crazed rate, pulling from the abundant ambient energy around him, compressing it within his body to speed up the forging process. It was something most players couldn't do, not at the pace he was pushing. But his innate skill, his [Mana Evolution], had evolved his mana control and quality to a level where absorbing and refining mana was second nature. Every breath, every beat of his heart, was in sync with the energy swirling inside him.

An hour passed like this—Sora's body constantly absorbing and refining mana, driving the [Bone forging] and [Muscle forging] skills to their limits. His bones felt stronger than steel, and his muscles buzzed with newfound strength and resilience. Yet, after an hour of relentless effort, something changed.

He stopped, feeling a sudden block. No matter how much he tried to push the mana further, to guide it into his bones and muscles, his body simply refused to absorb more. It was as if he'd hit some kind of invisible barrier. He attempted to force it for a moment longer, but his body's resistance remained steadfast.

Sora took a deep breath, stepping back and letting the tension ease from his frame. "I've hit a limit," he muttered to himself. His mind raced with questions. Limits?

'This is interesting. How do i break this limit now ?' he thought to himself

Sora had a lingering curiosity about the nature of these limits. He dismissed the questions for now and shifted his attention to something else—the energy he had been accumulating.

He closed his eyes and focused inward, feeling for the pool of Titan Energy he had been refining. The dense energy swirled within him, stored and waiting for the moment he would need it. However, just like with his muscles and bones, there was a cap. He couldn't add more. The energy was at its peak.

"So, it's time..." he whispered to himself, excitement building. He had been stacking and refining this energy for this exact moment—to break through the first of his body's limits. This would take him beyond the current cap his body had imposed, opening the door to even greater strength.

Sora stood and braced himself, pulling the Titan Energy from deep within his dantian and circulating it throughout his body. The instant the energy moved, a searing pain shot through him, like molten lava coursing through his veins. His muscles tensed and his bones felt as if they were cracking under the immense pressure. Sweat beaded on his forehead, and his body trembled.

He clenched his fists, feeling the energy slamming into his bones and muscles, trying to break through the invisible barrier that had held him back. It wasn't just the pain—it was the sheer force of the energy pushing against his physical limits, straining his body to the point where it felt like it might tear apart at any moment.

"This is... intense," he gritted through clenched teeth.

Sora felt the pain intensify, his vision blurring for a moment. But his body held firm, thanks to the foundation he had built. He couldn't help but think about how much more dangerous this would have been if he hadn't already tempered his body with the training gear every time he could.

He was used to equipping the gear because he knew his body would lag behind if he didn't train it as his level grew. Since his leveling speed rose to such extreme speeds, the settings of his training gear was already pushed to the extreme.

Even with the guidance of the class, there was no guarantee of success in breaking through these kinds of limits. A failure could result in crippling injury, or worse—death.

But Sora had something else working in his favor: his talent in mana manipulation.

Classes acted as guides, channeling a player's mana in specific ways, but someone with exceptional control over mana could take those skills further. Sora's [Mana Evolution],had sharpened his mana sense and control to a high degree. It meant he could apply the skills more precisely and efficiently than others. This increased his odds of success.

As the Titan Energy surged through his body, Sora adjusted its flow, using his superior mana control to guide it more carefully.

He concentrated on the energy attacking the limiters in his bones and muscles, visualizing it breaking down the barriers piece by piece.

Slowly but surely, the pain began to subside—not because it was lessening, but because his body was adapting, adjusting to the immense pressure.

Minutes passed, though it felt like hours. Then, suddenly, he felt a shift. A crack. The limit within his body shattered, releasing a flood of energy that rushed through him like a tidal wave.

His bones and muscles seemed to expand and contract at once, adapting to their new potential. The pain vanished, replaced by a sense of overwhelming strength.

Sora let out a slow breath, his entire body buzzing with newfound power. "That... was amazing," he muttered, clenching and unclenching his fists.

His muscles felt denser, stronger, more alive. Even his bones felt different—more solid, more resilient. He flexed his arm experimentally, marveling at the fluid power now coursing through him.

He had done it. He had broken through his limit for the first time.

Sora sat back down on the ground, letting the adrenaline drain from his body. His clothes were soaked with sweat, and his limbs felt heavy, but there was no mistaking it—he was significantly stronger now.

His muscles felt tighter, stronger, and more responsive. His bones, once aching with the pressure of the [Bone forging], now felt like they could withstand immense force. The ambient mana that surrounded him was no longer resisting—it was flowing naturally into his body, fueling him.

Hiyoko, perched comfortably on his shoulder, chirped softly, its head tilted curiously as it watched Sora. The little bird's feathers fluffed up as if sensing the change in Sora's aura. It hopped slightly, nudging Sora's neck with its beak.

Sora chuckled, gently rubbing Hiyoko's tiny head with a finger. "You're just as curious as I am, huh?" he said with a grin. "Let's see what I can do now."

He didn't want to test his newfound power with mana or skills just yet—he wanted to rely purely on his physical strength, to see how far this new class had taken him. He could already feel the difference, the weight of power in his muscles and bones. But the only real way to measure it was through combat.

"Let's find something big," he muttered, feeling a thrill of anticipation. Hiyoko chirped softly from his shoulder, the little bird sensing the shift in Sora's mood.

He activated his [Monster radar], scanning the area for something challenging. He wasn't looking for an easy fight. His level might have been 38, but with the raw strength of the Martial Titan class, he needed something that would push him to the limit. A level 45 beast caught his attention. It wasn't an easy target; before this class, fighting something like that would've been impossible.


The target was a Grathorn, a hulking creature resembling a rhinoceros, but twice the size and covered in jagged, stone-like armor. Its head was adorned with two massive horns, which it used to gore and charge at enemies. It was known for its overwhelming physical strength and endurance—a beast that relied on brute force, just like Sora wanted to.

As he made his way toward the Grathorn, Sora deliberately blocked off his mana flow. No mana would reinforce his body, no skills would assist him—except for Titan Regeneration, which he kept active to heal any damage his body took. This was going to be a pure test of strength.

When the Grathorn spotted him, it let out a deep, rumbling growl. Its massive hooves dug into the ground as it lowered its head, ready to charge. Sora clenched his fists, feeling his bones and muscles tense, and braced for the impact.

The Grathorn barreled toward him with a deafening roar, its enormous weight and speed making the ground tremble beneath it. Sora stood his ground, waiting until the last possible second. Just as the beast's horns were about to impale him, he leaped to the side, barely dodging the attack.

The Grathorn skidded to a halt, turning quickly to face Sora again. He dashed forward, planting his feet firmly and throwing a punch with all his strength into the side of the creature. His fist connected with the creature's stone-like armor, and a shockwave ran up his arm from the impact. It hurt. A lot.

But the Grathorn felt it too. It staggered slightly, the force of Sora's punch disrupting its balance, but it quickly recovered. Before Sora could move out of the way, the beast swung its massive head, slamming into Sora with one of its horns. The blow sent him flying, crashing into the ground several meters away.

Sora groaned, pain shooting through his side. He felt something crack—a rib, maybe more. His body screamed in agony, but Titan Regeneration kicked in, and he could feel his bones already starting to knit themselves back together.

The Grathorn charged again. Sora gritted his teeth, standing up despite the pain. His body ached, but he wasn't done yet. He dodged another charge, feeling the wind whip past him as the beast's horns missed him by inches. He retaliated with another punch, this time aiming for the beast's legs. The blow was solid, and the Grathorn stumbled, letting out a pained roar.

But Sora wasn't fast enough. The Grathorn lashed out with its front leg, catching Sora square in the chest and sending him tumbling again. This time, he felt the unmistakable crack of more bones breaking—his forearm, maybe a couple more ribs. He gasped, struggling to breathe as his body writhed in pain. Blood dripped from his mouth, but he refused to stop.

Titan Regeneration worked tirelessly, slowly repairing the damage, but it wasn't immediate. He still felt every break, every bruise, but he pushed through the pain. Sora knew that this fight was more than a test of strength—it was about endurance, about how much his body could take.

The Grathorn, clearly wounded but far from defeated, charged at him again. This time, Sora stood his ground. He knew he couldn't keep dodging forever. As the beast lunged, Sora planted his feet and thrust both hands out, catching the Grathorn's horns with all his might.

The impact was brutal. Sora's arms screamed in pain, his bones threatening to shatter under the pressure. But he held firm, digging his heels into the dirt, using every ounce of strength his newly tempered muscles and bones could provide. The Grathorn pushed against him, trying to force him back, but Sora grunted and pushed back with equal force.

For a moment, it was a deadlock—man versus beast, both straining against the other with raw, unfiltered power. Sora's muscles burned, his bones ached, but he kept pushing. Slowly, inch by inch, he began to force the Grathorn back.

With a roar of defiance, Sora twisted the beast's head to the side, throwing it off balance. The Grathorn stumbled, and Sora seized the opportunity. He charged forward, driving his fist into the beast's unprotected side, targeting the softer tissue between its armored plates. This time, the impact was different. The Grathorn howled in pain, its massive body collapsing to the ground.

Sora stood over the beast, breathing heavily, blood trickling from the corners of his mouth. His entire body was battered and bruised, and he could feel the sharp sting of broken bones mending themselves. But he had done it. He had taken down a level 45 beast with nothing but his raw physical strength.

He fell to one knee, exhausted, but victorious.

Titan Regeneration worked overtime, healing the worst of his injuries. His ribs were already starting to feel less painful, and his muscles, torn and overstrained from the fight, were slowly repairing themselves. Hiyoko fluttered down from a nearby tree, landing softly on his shoulder.

"Not bad, huh?" Sora muttered, wincing as his body continued to heal.

Hiyoko chirped, seemingly impressed with Sora's performance, though the little bird's eyes showed concern for its master's injuries.

Sora wiped the sweat from his brow, glancing down at the fallen Grathorn. It was dead. But he knew that the fight would have been much easier if he had used his mana. He had held it back, testing only his body—the strength of his bones, the power of his muscles.

If he had amplified his body with mana, if he had used his items, his skills, he could've probably fought a level 52 or 53 beast. But that wasn't the point of today's test.

Today was about the Martial Titan class. And today, Sora had proven that his body alone was a weapon of immense power.

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