Prestige Grinding : I Can Reset My Level

Chapter 26 : New Peak

Sora stood at the edge of the forest, eyeing the towering creature ahead of him. The beast was a [Silverback Juggernaut], a rare and ferocious monster known for its overwhelming strength and impenetrable hide.

It was a level 59 monster with a power level above 200 million, towering at four meters, covered in thick, metallic fur that shone under the moonlight. Its massive arms and claws looked terrifying, and its roar was enough to send lesser creatures fleeing in terror.

But to Sora, this was just another challenge to test the limits of his newfound strength.

With a steady breath, he activated his [Mana Shield], the barrier forming around his body in a flash of blue light. [Speed Surge] followed, his muscles pulsing with power as the world seemed to slow around him. His sword gleamed in his hand, empowered by [Amplify], ready to deliver crushing blows.

The [Silverback Juggernaut] roared, lunging toward Sora with its massive claws. The ground shook beneath its weight, but Sora moved like lightning. Like a blur, he darted to the side, his speed far surpassing anything the Juggernaut could match.

With a single slash, he cleaved through the beast's arm, blood spraying into the air. The Juggernaut howled in pain, but before it could react, Sora was already behind it, driving his blade into its back with precision. The strike sent a wave of force rippling through the beast's body, dropping it to one knee.

It was strong—far stronger than most monsters Sora had faced. But in comparison to him, it was slow and clumsy. His [Speed Surge] made dodging its attacks easy, while his sword, enhanced by [Amplify], cut through its thick hide effortlessly.

The beast lashed out wildly, swiping its claws through the air, but it hit nothing but wind. Sora was already gone, moving faster than the creature could perceive. He ducked under a massive swing, leaping into the air with blinding speed, his sword glowing with amplified mana.

With a single, powerful strike, he slashed across the Juggernaut's chest, the force of the blow sending shockwaves through the air. The beast stumbled, blood pouring from its wounds, its mighty form already beginning to falter.

Sora landed gracefully, watching as the Juggernaut roared in defiance, trying to summon the strength for one final attack. But it was no match for him. His power was overwhelming, his movements too fast, his strikes too devastating.

With a calm expression, Sora dashed forward one final time. His blade arced through the air in a brilliant flash, slicing cleanly through the Juggernaut's neck. The beast's roar was cut short, and its massive body crumpled to the ground with a heavy thud.

[Level up! You are now level 49.]

Sora exhaled, standing over the fallen monster as the rush of power from leveling up coursed through him. His body felt stronger, lighter, and the familiar surge of energy filled him. But something caught his attention—a new notification appeared in front of him.

[Notification: You have reached the highest level you have ever achieved.]
[Prestige will no longer provide accelerated skill or level growth.]
[Experience gain will now be x1.]

He stared at the notification for a moment, then sighed. "I knew it was coming."

He had been relying on the boost from Prestige to grow faster, but now, it seemed that advantage had been taken away. From this point onward, every step of his journey would require more effort, more time. But Sora wasn't discouraged. He checked his status.

[Status Update]

Profile: Ralph Eden (Sora Hashino)
Status: Alive (Prestige 2)
Class: Martial Titan (Level 49)
Title: Master

Power Level: 338 million
Body Level: AA
Energy Level: A

Sora smiled slightly. His power had skyrocketed during this week of training, breaking through limits continuously with his [Martial Titan] class. His body was now stronger than ever before, capable of withstanding immense force and delivering crushing blows that could shatter even the mightiest of monsters.

He turned to see Hiyoko, perched on a nearby tree, watching him with wide eyes. The little bird had been observing the entire fight, her head cocked to the side in amazement. Despite the difference in size and power, Hiyoko seemed to understand just how overwhelming Sora's strength had become.

"Did you enjoy the show?" Sora asked, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

Hiyoko chirped in response, hopping down to land on his shoulder, her feathers ruffling in excitement. "Chi, chi!"

Sora chuckled, gently stroking the top of her head. "Yeah, I think I did alright."

The fight had been one-sided. He barely broke a sweat, and the [Silverback Juggernaut] hadn't even touched him thanks to his better control over speed and skills. Still, it was a good test of his new strength, and now, he was ready to push even further.

"I think it's time to head back," Sora muttered, glancing toward the horizon. With a final look at the fallen beast, he sheathed his sword and began walking, Hiyoko perched proudly on his shoulder.

The week of intense training had paid off, and now, he was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.


With the sun beginning to set on the horizon, Sora made his way through the wilderness, retracing the path that led to his hometown. As he walked, he reflected on the progress he'd made. His body felt lighter, stronger, and more resilient than ever before.

After a couple of hours of walking through the forest, he emerged onto the familiar dirt path leading into the town of Ales. The streets were quiet at this hour, and the air was cool as the evening settled in. Sora slowed his pace, his thoughts turning to his parents. He hoped they were alright. He had been gone for longer than planned, but the time spent training had been crucial for his next steps.

As he neared the outskirts of the residential area, he saw the familiar house he grew up in. It stood quietly under the fading light, a small beacon of normalcy in a world that had become anything but.

For a moment, Sora hesitated. Seeing his parents again, after everything he'd been through, was always bittersweet. He loved them dearly, but he couldn't shake the guilt of dragging them into his chaotic life, with his promise of revenge. Still, he knew he couldn't avoid them.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped forward and knocked on the door.

It wasn't long before his mother answered, her face lighting up as soon as she saw him standing there. "Sora!" she exclaimed, pulling him into a tight embrace.

Sora smiled and hugged her back. "Hey, Mom."

When she finally let go, she stepped back and studied him closely, a curious look crossing her face. A faint smile appeared as she tilted her head. "You know... it's funny," she said with a hint of amusement. "With your blond hair and blue eyes, you now look like your father. I'm still getting used to it."

Sora blinked, momentarily caught off guard by her words. It hit him again how different he looked now. His original body, before using Prestige, had been distinctly Japanese—black hair, dark eyes, the features of his birth parents. But now, after resetting his appearance during Prestige, he looked entirely different: a tall, blond man with striking blue eyes. He wanted to go back to his original appearance, but it wasn't time yet.

His father, who had been watching from the doorway, chuckled softly as he stepped forward. "I never thought I'd see the day my son looked like me, it is funny, to be honest" he joked, giving Sora a light pat on the back.

Sora scratched the back of his neck, feeling a little awkward. "Yeah, it's strange for me too," he admitted. "I don't even look like the same person anymore."

His mother laughed, but there was a tinge of sadness in her eyes. "No matter what you look like, you're still our son," she said firmly, reaching up to brush a strand of his blond hair away from his face. "But I do miss your original face sometimes…"

Sora gave her a small smile, the sentiment bittersweet. "Give me time, I'll take it back. I'll take my life back" he said quietly.

His father looked at him "Doesn't matter what face you wear, you're still Sora to us. Don't push yourself"

The words hit Sora deeply, and he realized how much he'd changed—not just in appearance, but in every other way. Yet standing here, with his parents who had always seen him for who he was, he still felt like he belonged.

"Thanks," Sora said softly, grateful for their acceptance despite all the changes. For a moment, he was just their son again, no matter what face or form he wore now.

His mother smiled, though there was a hint of concern in her eyes. "As long as you're alright. You don't always have to fight alone, you know."

Sora nodded, appreciating her words, but deep down, he knew that his path would often require him to stand alone. It was the nature of the world they lived in now. But for tonight, he was content just being here, with them.

After dinner, Sora excused himself and went upstairs to his old room. The familiar surroundings instantly brought back a wave of memories from simpler times. The room hadn't changed much—same bed, same posters on the walls, a quiet reminder of the life he had before everything turned upside down.

He lay down on the bed, the mattress dipping slightly under his weight. Staring at the ceiling, he let out a quiet sigh. Hiyoko fluttered over, landing gracefully on the bedpost, her tiny eyes watching him closely.

"Goodnight Hiyoko" Sora murmured with a soft smile.

Sora closed his eyes, letting the comfort of home wash over him. For the first time in what felt like forever, he felt at ease—no battles to fight, no enemies to chase. Tomorrow would come with its own set of challenges, but for now, he allowed himself to relax. Sleep took him swiftly, and for once, he let it.

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