Prestige Grinding : I Can Reset My Level

Chapter 36 : Stick to him like glue !

Sora stood in a quiet corner of the training ground, taking a deep breath. His body hummed with power, each muscle and bone vibrating with the energy that had been coursing through him since his latest battles.

The familiar blue light flickered in front of his eyes as he opened his status panel, bracing himself for the changes he could feel within.

He smirked as the updated stats glowed before him:

[Status Update

Profile: Ralph Eden (Sora Hashino)
Status: Alive (Prestige 2)
Class: Martial Titan (Class level 59, Player level 59)

Power Level: 10 billion
Body Level: AAA
Energy Level: AAA
Talent Level: 4
Growth Factor: 1
Skills: (...)
Supreme Skills:
Mana Evolution (Click to see effects)
Eternal Body Craft (Click to see effects)

Innate Skill:
• Prestige


"10 billion..." Sora whispered, staring at the number in disbelief. His power had skyrocketed since his last major leap, thanks to the constant refining of his body through [Eternal Body Craft]. The increase in level had pushed him to unprecedented heights. He clenched his fist, feeling the raw energy pulse within him, and flexed his muscles, which now felt as hard as tempered steel but as fluid as water. He was slightly disappointed at the level he had reached considering the number of enemies, but as the gap between their levels was narrowed, he earned less and less experience.

"AAA in both Body and Energy. I could've never imagined reaching this level in my 2nd reset..." he muttered, scrolling down to check the breakdown of his skills.

He focused on his [Mana Evolution] skill to review its effects again. He hadn't fully explored the limits of his Supreme Skill yet, but he could feel the [Mana Eyes] sharpening, the aura of mana around him reacting as if it were alive, eager to aid him.

Satisfied with the update, Sora closed the status screen.

Thinking of his job levels which had been reset, Sora shook his head. His Human Resources Assistant Job was quite interesting. He shouldn't forget about it. He'll find an opportunity to raise it in the future.

As he considered this, an idea formed. Displaying his strength wasn't an issue for him, but you never knew how people might react when they realized how much power he truly wielded. It was best to keep some cards close to his chest, especially after the last trial.

Smirking, Sora decided to experiment. He activated the job skill tied to [Human Resources Assistant] and concentrated, trying to extract the binding power from the job's unique contract magic. Despite being only level 1 in this iteration, his experience with the skill was still deeply embedded in his memory, muscle, and mind. He had far surpassed the Sora who once nervously used this power to create a contract with Hiyoko.

As mana flowed through his body, it began to coalesce, swirling until the faint outline of blank contracts materialized in the air. A shimmering parchment hovered between Sora and Kara, who stood nearby. Her eyes widened in surprise, as did the rest of the group.

Sora struggled for a few minutes to refine his offer and contract and avoid surprises.

"What is this?" Kara asked, curiosity evident on her face.

The others exchanged bewildered glances. It looked remarkably similar to the contracts created by players with the Law-type jobs—those typically used for forming alliances or binding agreements between powerful factions.

Was Sora secretly a lawyer, too? That seemed impossible. He was already a peerless swordsman, a buffer, and now it looked like he could draft contracts on par with a trained legal expert? This contract had a slightly different feel, but the resemblance was undeniable.

Kara, ever perceptive, quickly understood the situation and smiled. "Do you want us to keep this a secret?" she asked, her voice laced with intrigue.

Sora smiled back, appreciating her quick thinking. "Yes," he said simply. He just wanted to ensure no one outside the group would know about the trial and his true abilities.

Kara started reading the content of the contract.

Player Ralph Eden would like to suggest a contract to you.

In exchange for keeping what happened today a secret, he can promise to increase your body strength.

Condition : Do not mention or discuss the other party abilities to anyone.

Reward : The guarantee to achieve higher body level through his help.It is not allowed to explain the source of this gained strength to anyone.

The explanation regarding his secret was clear. In return, he'd offer them something invaluable—a boost in their physical strength. Of course, that part needed to stay confidential as well.

Kara's eyes widened at the offer. A body-level boost? That was unheard of! She could barely contain her excitement. The idea that Sora could offer such a thing left her speechless. She would have accepted the contract without getting anything in return, but this… this was beyond her wildest expectations.

Sora, noticing her amazement, shook his head. He was helpless.

The world's balancing system was forcing him into fairness. If he tried to offer them nothing in exchange for their silence, the system would invoke harsh balancing consequences—even suggesting weakening him or nerfing his prestige ability.

He had tried a few alternative offers—gold, items, and other such rewards—but none of them satisfied the contract's balance requirements.

Finally, Sora's gaze landed on his supreme skills, and he thought of ways to use them to help them. He thought of his incredible ability to control mana and body forging, and was confident in forging their bodies for them. Controlling mana inside of another body was not impossible, as long as the other party was significantly weaker, or willing to allow the intrusion.

it seemed the system recognized the power of his supreme skills and allowed the exchange.

Kara eagerly accepted the contract, the terms glowing as they imprinted themselves into the air. The others, still clueless about the content of the contract, began to ask questions.

"What did you two just agree to?" Thierry joked, raising an eyebrow. "Did you just get married or something?"

Before anyone could respond, new contracts appeared before the rest of the group, shimmering with the same binding power. They stared in disbelief as the details were revealed: an offer to enhance their body levels in exchange for keeping Sora's secrets.

The temptation was too great to resist. They knew well enough that not every player took the time to temper their body through grueling training like Sora had. Many, like them, had avoided the pain and focused on leveling quickly instead.

But after the terrifying trial they had just survived, the thought of being so helpless again—of having their lives hang in the balance—was unbearable. They needed every advantage they could get.

Without hesitation, the others accepted the contracts, excitement flickering across their faces as they imagined their enhanced strength.

The moment the final contract was signed, a voice echoed through the room, startling the group.

"What the hell did I just watch..." The voice sounded intrigued, almost as if it was observing from afar. "I couldn't even sense an inch of the true potential of my candidate..."

Sora narrowed his eyes, recognizing the voice of the Trial Giver. It was clear that the events had caught the Trial Giver off guard.

The air in the room seemed to vibrate with energy as the voice of the Trial Giver echoed, still tinged with surprise and amusement.

"I must admit," the voice began, a low chuckle rumbling beneath its words, "this trial took quite an unexpected turn. Never in my wildest imagination did I anticipate such an outcome. Your power... it's beyond what this trial was ever designed to test."

"You didn't just complete the trial," the voice continued, a trace of embarrassment creeping in, "you shattered it. The ease with which you tore through those beasts, the way you manipulated mana, it's clear to me that you possess something extraordinary. Though... I won't reveal your secrets."

Sora's expression barely flickered, but inwardly, his mind raced. This Trial Giver seemed to have recognized the nature of his supreme abilities, which meant they were far more knowledgeable—and likely far stronger—than he'd initially assumed. The fact that this person could understand his abilities. Whoever they were, they weren't just powerful; they also had knowledge beyond his scope.

"You've piqued my interest," the voice mused, thoughtful now. "I can't help but wonder how long it will be before you reach where I am, perhaps on equal footing. You're not there yet, but the potential... oh, the potential is unmistakable."

Sora's mind locked onto that last phrase. Equal footing? This was someone who believed they were far beyond him, and yet, they hinted at a future encounter.

The words hung in the air, full of cryptic meaning. Sora's brow furrowed slightly. The thought excited him, but also made him wary.

"Though," the Trial Giver continued, as if sensing Sora's thoughts, "it will likely take some time for Earth, to reach that point. The level of power required to even make such a meeting possible... well, let's just say it won't be happening any time soon."

Sora could sense the underlying challenge in the words, but before he could press for more information, the Trial Giver shifted topics, cutting off the conversation before revealing too much.

"But enough about that," the voice said, turning its focus now to Kara. "As for you, young lady. Having such an ally by your side is no small blessing. Your strength alone was not enough to pass this trial, but sometimes, wisdom lies in who you choose to stand with."

Kara, who had been silent up until now, straightened slightly, her expression conflicted. She had done nothing during the trial, and without Ralph's intervention, she knew the outcome would have been grim. The voice, however, softened as it continued.

"I cannot say for sure if you have the talent required to become what I seek," the Trial Giver admitted. "But luck is also a skill, and perhaps that's enough for now. With him by your side—sky is the limit. He is bound for great things, and sticking close to him may very well launch you to heights you never dreamed of. My first mission for you is to stick to him like glue."

Kara glanced at Sora, unsure of what to make of the compliment. She understood now just how far out of her league he was, and yet, there was something about Sora's calm determination that felt almost reassuring. Despite his overwhelming power, he hadn't abandoned them. He hadn't walked away from the trial when it got tough. Instead, he had shown them a glimpse of what was possible.

The Trial Giver's voice began to fade, the cryptic tone lingering in the air. "You are fortunate, kid. Do not waste the opportunity that has been presented to you."

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