Prestige Grinding : I Can Reset My Level

Chapter 37 : Reward or Torture ?

As the voice of the Trial Giver faded into the distance, leaving the room eerily quiet, Sora stood still, waiting for what he knew would come next. Moments later, a familiar ping echoed in his mind, followed by the appearance of a notification in front of his eyes.

[Quest Complete: Assist Kara in her Trial of the Virtuous]
[Reward based on contribution: XP, Gold, Legendary Item]

A rush of energy surged through his body, and the notification flashed brightly before him.

[Level up! You are now level 60.]
[Level up! You are now level 61.]
[Level up! You are now level 62.]

Sora's eyes widened in surprise as the colossal chunk of experience boosted him not just one level, but three. The rush of power was overwhelming, filling him with strength as his body surged with newfound energy.

"Let's gooo!" he cheered enthusiastically, something unusual enough to surprise his teammates.

But the notifications didn't stop there.

[You have received: 9,500,000 gold.]

Sora blinked in disbelief. "9.5 million gold?" he whispered to himself. Even for a hidden level 60 quest, that was an huge amount of wealth. Most high-level quests rewarded only a fraction of that, but it seemed the Trial Giver had been exceptionally generous.

However, the final reward was the one that truly caught his attention.

[You have received: Legendary Item – Ruyi Jingu Bang (Monkey King's Staff)] as a quest reward.

Ruyi Jingu Bang (Monkey King's Staff) (Legendary)
Level Requirement: 60

Description: The legendary staff of the Monkey King, known for its ability to change size at will. It is said to be able to extend to the heavens or shrink to the size of a needle. Infused with ancient magic, the Ruyi Jingu Bang reacts to the wielder's mana, growing and shrinking based on how much mana is channeled into it. This weapon was designed to adapt to any combat situation, from close-quarters to long-range, making it a versatile and formidable tool in battle.


Mana-Responsive Size Control: The staff can change its length and size based on the amount of mana the wielder channels into it. The minimum size can be as small as a needle, while the maximum size is only limited by the wielder's mana capacity.

Durability: Indestructible by normal means. The staff can withstand the most extreme forces, making it a perfect defensive and offensive weapon.

Sora's smile widened as the legendary weapon materialized in front of him. The staff was unlike any weapon he had ever seen. At first glance, it appeared deceptively simple—an elegant black pole with golden ends.

But the longer he stared at it, the more its intricate details revealed themselves. Engraved along its length were faint golden patterns, swirling like clouds, ancient and majestic, invoking the image of legends long past.

Sora lifted the staff, feeling its surprising weight despite its slim appearance. It felt like it was connected to him, responding to his thoughts, eager to obey his commands. He ran his hand along its smooth surface, noticing the subtle hum of mana coursing through the weapon.

"The Monkey King's Staff," Sora muttered with a grin. The world update really was something else. It seemed to borrow names, concepts, and even legends from human history and fiction. And now, here he was, holding one of the most iconic weapons of a myth.

He gripped the staff firmly, feeding it a pulse of his mana. Instantly, the staff responded, growing longer in his hand. With another thought, he willed it to shrink, and it obediently contracted, fitting neatly into his palm.

Sora laughed softly, the satisfaction of obtaining such a weapon evident on his face. "This is going to be fun."

Sora looked at his teammates. Kara stood still, her eyes wide and unfocused, clearly engrossed in the notifications only she could see. The other three, Thierry, Céline, and Amélie, looked far more lively, wearing broad smiles as they admired their rewards. They seemed content, chatting quietly among themselves.

Sora broke the silence, curiosity gnawing at him. "So, are you guys satisfied with what you got?"

Thierry grinned, clearly pleased. "Oh yeah, we each got 100,000 gold. That's a quite the amount considering the fact that we spent the whole trial in your backpack... We can give the gold if you want, since we feel like we earned his because of you, probably lowering your quest reward"

Sora tried to suppress his embarrassment, knowing he'd received almost 10 million. He guessed the trial had decided that he'd done about 95% of the work, which wasn't too far off the mark. Still, he didn't want to demotivate them by mentioning his disproportionate reward. He simply shook his head, refusing their offer, keeping his face neutral.

Amélie chimed in next, excitement in her voice. "We also got some Unique weapons and equipment pieces. Check this out!" She showed off a bow with a faintly glowing string. Thierry displayed his new sword, and Céline proudly examined a reinforced shield, all brimming with power.

Sora smiled faintly, pleased that they were happy with their rewards.

At that moment, Kara snapped out of her daze, her face lighting up with excitement. "I changed classes!" she exclaimed. "I can't wait to go back and show Areva. She's going to be so proud!"

Her excitement was contagious, and Sora could see that Kara was eager to return to her master and share her success. She then turned to Sora, still buzzing with energy. "Why don't you come with me, Ralph? We can return the main quest now that we've completed this hidden dungeon."

Sora raised his hand, stopping her. "Not just yet. Since we're in a safe space, I can go ahead and improve your bodies now, to complete our contract."

The group paused, processing his words. Their excitement returned quickly as they realized what this meant. Céline was the first to speak, her voice filled with determination. "If you're ready to do it, then so am I."

Sora smiled. "Alright then. Sit down, all of you. I won't lie—this is going to be painful."

The four adventurers exchanged nervous glances, but their resolve remained strong. Thierry nodded. "We've been through worse. Let's get this done."

Sora raised an eyebrow at that remark 'This pampered warrior has been through worse? Was he sure about that?'

Amélie added, her voice quieter but firm, "If this makes us stronger, we can take it."

Sora turned to Céline first. "I'll start with you. You've already got the strongest body of the group apart from Kara, so this will push you even further."

Céline sat down took a deep breath, bracing herself for what was to come and bringing all her defense, allowing 'Ralph' to do as he pleased.

Sora focused his mana, his hands glowing with a soft blue light as he began applying the body forging skills he had mastered. He started gently infusing the mana inside her body, his eyes focused, and slowly scouted her whole body, muscles and organ to notice any thing that's be different from his body. She had no [Loved by Mana] or [Titan Regeneration] to help her heal damage, so he would have to help her in another way. He focused his mana to imitate the time he had recreated the Regeneration passive skill by forcing mana to heal the body passively.

As soon as the body had a way to recover, he channeled the mana into Céline's body, sending it deep into her muscles, bones, and organs. The process was brutal—her body had to be torn apart and rebuilt, and though he could regenerate her as he worked, the pain was immense.

Céline gritted her teeth, her fists clenched as the first wave of agony hit. Her body shook as Sora continued, the mana seeping into every fiber of her being, breaking and reforging her physical limits. Her breath came out in short gasps as she tried to withstand the torment. Beads of sweat formed on her brow, blood was coming out of her mouth and her face twisted in pain, but she was trying to persist.

Thierry and Amélie watched in horror, their eyes wide as they saw Céline endure the process. Amélie's hands trembled as she clutched her new bow, while Thierry looked pale, his face a mask of barely controlled fear. Even Kara, who had witnessed many battles, couldn't hide her anxiety.

Sora glanced at the others as the process stabilized. "Are you ready?" he asked, his voice steady.

"No, we are not !!" Thierry who was terrified couldn't help but shake his head.

"Be a man Thierry. If you run today, we'll make fun of your for the rest of your life" Amélie couldn't help but say, trying to motivate the group.

A moment later they accepted their fate, their fear momentarily overshadowed by their determination. One by one, they sat down in front of Sora, bracing themselves for the same grueling transformation. Sora worked tirelessly, moving from one to the next, using his body forging skills to enhance their physical abilities. The pain was intense, and their bodies buckled under the strain, but they endured.

Hours passed in a haze of agony and regeneration. Blood pooled beneath them as their bodies were torn apart and rebuilt over and over again. The process was relentless, and soon all four lay on the ground, their once powerful bodies reduced to bloodied, trembling forms.

Sora stood over them, his expression calm as he observed the results. Their bodies had been pushed to their limits, every fiber of their being strengthened and reinforced. The blood that soaked the ground was evidence of the trials they had endured. Yet, despite the trauma, their bodies were fully recovered, intact and strong. The mental fatigue, however, had taken its toll.

Thierry, Céline, and Amélie had all passed out, their minds unable to cope with the strain any longer. They lay unconscious in the pool of their own blood, completely spent. But Kara… Kara was different.

She remained awake, though her breath was labored, her chest heaving as if she were struggling for air. Her body trembled, her mind clearly on the verge of collapse, but she held on. Sora was impressed by her resilience. She had a talent for survival, an inner strength that exceeded his expectations. She was leagues above him in that regard.

He knelt beside her, his voice quiet but filled with respect. "You've done well, Kara."

Kara's eyes were wide, her voice barely a whisper. "I… I stayed awake… but I wish I hadn't." She let out a strained laugh, though her body was clearly still in shock. "I would have rather passed out like the others."

Sora chuckled softly, admiring her tenacity. She truly was a talent. "Your body hit the limit of what I could give you. You've all pushed past your previous boundaries, but no one has limitless potential. This is as far as I can take you."

Kara nodded weakly, still trying to catch her breath. "Thank you… Ralph." Her voice was soft, but her gratitude was genuine.

With the others unconscious, Sora and Kara lifted their companions, carrying them out of the dungeon. Together, they dragged their unconscious friends back toward Paris.

The journey was long, and by the time they arrived, it was late. They brought their teammates back to an inn, laying them down carefully so they could rest. Kara stood by Sora as they finished, her body still weak from the ordeal but her spirit unbroken.

"Let's meet tomorrow," Sora said, glancing at her. "We can talk more then."

Kara nodded, her eyes tired but full of resolve. "I'll be ready."

With that, they parted ways, the night falling over Paris as the weight of their trials finally began to settle in.

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