Primal Dawn

Volume 1 – Chapter 7

Peter found himself standing outside the guild alone, waiting for the others to arrive. Ten minutes past nine, there was no sight of Deric or Kean, and he decided to head inside the guild to check and see if they were there.

As he entered the room, he heard the receptionist call out, “Excuse me sir, are you Peter?” Peter nodded as he approached the counter. “I was asked to relay to you a message from a Deric, 'Kean is still unwell after yesterday, so we will be taking a break today.'”

Peter sighed. “Thanks for the message.” He wondered what he should do with the rest of his day. Should I just take the day off? He considered it for a moment, but he worried that the feelings he bottled up yesterday would fester further if he didn't do something. Peter decided to check the quest board. Missing persons, dangerous primals, most of it seemed to be beyond what he could or wanted to do. One of the quests mentioned “retrieval” and “corpse.” Peter's gaze rested on the piece of paper for a short while, before forcibly pulling his attention away. Finally, he came to the section of the board where individuals, rather than the guild put up requests.

A slightly dirty page caught his eye. “Bob's Farm. Looking for assistance in feeding primals (Daurus). Must feed minimum five to be compensated. Male required. Tamer preferred.”

“The pay is pretty close to what I would get from capturing one primal. And it doesn't sound to hard.” Peter muttered to himself. He took the request and walked up to the receptionist. “I'd like to sign up for this one please.”

“Certainly. Do you know where the farm is?”

“I think it's near the outskirts of the eastern entrance, right?”


“Then I know the general location. Thanks.”

“Have a nice day.” The receptionist waved Peter off. He made his way out of town and soon arrived at the sprawling fields of Bob's Farm. As he walked along a dirt path, he spotted a Fren near the entrance. Peter summoned Kalista as he approached just in case.

“Can I help you?” The Fren asked, raising an eyebrow upon spotting Kalista. She had clear eyes.

“I saw a request at the guild for helping feed some primals.”

“Ah, good.” The Fren smiled. “Then follow me, I'll direct you to my tamer.” Peter followed her towards a cottage, where the Fren asked him to wait outside as she went to fetch someone. She soon came out with a man who appeared to be in his forties, wearing a checkered shirt underneath overalls and a straw hat.

“So, this is the lad that's gonna help me out, eh?”

Peter nodded. “That's right. You're Bob, I assume?”

“That's right.” Bob looked Peter up and down and raised an eyebrow. “Well, can't judge a man by his appearances. I see you're a tamer, so you've at least got some experience under your belt. Follow me, I'll bring ya to the Daurus'.” The man led Peter to one of multiple barns surrounding the cottage. Above the doorway hung a sign, with the words “Horny Jail,” written atop it. Peter raised an eyebrow but when he stepped inside the sign began to make a little more sense. Primals, Daurus' Peter presumed, stood inside tall wooden pens which appeared almost like jail cells. Each of them wore a black and white spotted bikini that seemed ill fitted to contain their breasts with a pair of tight shorts to match. Poking out atop their head were two horns, and sticking out the sides were their ears, large but cute. They all stood with their bodies pressed up against the pens, staring at Peter and Bob with intensity.

“You can pick any five you prefer, they all need feedin'.” Bob said.

“Sure thing. Where's the food?”



“You're the food.”

“What?” Peter asked.

“What?” Bob asked.

“They're going to eat me?” Peter asked, confused and feeling slightly endangered.

“Gah, they don't teach you youngins much anymore, do they. You see that lass behind ya?”

Peter turned towards his primal. “Kalista?”

“How do you keep her tamed?”

Peter frowned. “Well, after I tamed her, we have sex... and other things, to maintain the bond. Every tamer knows that.”

“So alls I'm askin' ya to do is do the same thing with me Daurus'. Course, without the bond forming, otherwise I'll have to charge ya.”

Peter's eyes narrowed. “But primals having sex with a tamer who they're not bonded with doesn't work as well as,” Peter suddenly grew silent. The Daurus closest to him, unlike the clear eyes of a tamed primal, hers were foggy. “She's not tamed.” He gasped.

“Course not. You think I could bond with every Daurus I own? I'd be milk full and bone dry before sundown. Don't need to be tamed to do their job. Just keep em well-fed, taken care of plus a bit of trainin' and certain types of primals 'll cooperate just as nicely as tamed ones. Not every primal is out to kill ya.”

“So... they're safe?” He eyed the primals nervously.

“As long as ya dont do somethin' stupid. Now are ya gonna do the job or not? If not I got other work that I need to be gettin' back to.”

Peter hesitated for a moment. Having sex... with five of them? I already felt worn out having done it with Kalista multiple times in a single day. But maybe this is the exact kind of training I need before taming multiple primals?

“I'll do it.” Peter nodded.

“Great. Here's the key to get inside the pens. If ya need to tap out, just holler or let out a yelp and Tana over there should come runnin' over to help.” He pointed his thumb towards his Fren as he spoke.

“How will I know when they're fed?”

“They'll let out a sound, you'll know. Course they'd keep goin' if ya wanted. But I'm only payin' if you get to five.”

Peter took the key and Bob and Tana walked away. Looking around the barn, all the Daurus were staring directly at him. Their lustful and hungry gazes seemed to already be devouring him before he had even touched a single one. He suddenly became aware of another presence.

“Uhh,” he croaked as he turned to see Kalista glaring at him, arms crossed.

“You promised tonight.”

“And I'll keep that promise.” Kalista sighed. “Do you want me to unsummon you?”

“No. I'd rather go elsewhere than watch. If they start to bite, just yell.”

Kalista stomped away as Peter winced. “I think I'll do more than yell if that happened,” he muttered to himself. He decided to start with the one closest to him, and inserted the key into the padlock which held the gate closed.

The Daurus backed away to allow Peter to swing open the entrance. He wondered if he should leave it open just in case, but the Daurus seemed to be strangely docile as she stood still watching him. Peter ended up closing it, feeling safe enough and on the off chance that the primal decided to turn and run, he was sure the farmer would charge him for that as well.

The Daurus' body began to tremble in anticipation as Peter neared it. His eyes fixated on her very large set of breasts, bigger than any other primals that he had seen. His hand sunk into the exposed meat of her underboob, and she let out a soft moan.

It easily filled his entire hand as he began to grope and play with it. Soon without realizing it his other hand began to do the same with the other, he was now completely enamored with her chest. Something underneath the bikini began to jut out towards him. He rubbed his thumb over the hard edges of her nipple through the fabric and soon realized it wasn't enough. His hand moved to her back to untie the bikini, but as soon as he began to, the Daurus quickly moved and undid it herself.

Her breasts shook violently as the bikini drifted to the floor. Peter paid little attention to the small fabric as the banquet of flesh taunted him. He returned to rubbing one of her nipples, and the Daurus brought Peter into a kiss, her tongue searching for his

A sweet smell began to fill his nostrils as something wet soaked his thumb. He pulled away from the Daurus only to find milk leaking from her chest. Peter let out a guttural noise he didn't think possible as he quickly found his mouth locking onto her nipple for dear life. His tongue searched wildly for the milky nectar, drunk on the taste. The Daurus even used one hand to lift her breast and placed the other on the back of his head, gently pushing his face into her.

He was sucking and slurping his way to heaven. Out of the corner of the eye he spotted her other breast beginning to leak as well, and in a futile attempt tried to bring the two peaks together so he could swallow their tips at the same time. But the enormous breasts managed to get in the way of each other, and he was unable to do so. For a brief moment he cursed having not been born with two mouths.

His lower body did manage to remind him that he had two heads, though. His member was now straining against his pants, and he quickly removed them. The motion felt almost foreign to him, as the past few days consisted of Kalista mainly doing it for him. A twinge of guilt filled Peter as he recalled her.

The Daurus hand began to move, but it quickly returned to her side, waiting for Peter's next move. The moment Peter grabbed her shorts and attempted to wiggle them down, seemed to be the signal she had been waiting for. She quickly dropped her pants and exposed her privates to him.

Peter guided his rod towards her entrance, even wetter than the nipple he had just been sucking on. Reminded of its existence, he resumed sucking on it as he jammed himself inside her, completely mesmerized with her body. The warning to not accidentally tame the primal briefly floated through his mind, but he paid little attention to that.

There was no emotion. No threat of connection. No worries of saving lives or the life he was now living. Right now, there was only her body. And raw, carnal lust towards it. Peter, so enamored with thrusting and sucking, didn't realize the Daurus had slowly managed to take them from a standing position to the floor of the barn, her back resting on the straw underneath.

He simply continued to thrust away, sucking and fucking for dear life. Soon he began to feel something tremble inside him, and an explosion released his own form of milk inside her. The Daurus' body began to twitch as she let out a happy moan, her hooved legs wrapping around his lower back and squeezing, drawing his lower body as close as she could as her arm pushed his face further into her breast, nearly burying him in her mound.

As his orgasm subsided, Peter wondered if this was enough. He suddenly found himself flipped over with back to the ground as the Daurus lay on top of him. Surprisingly, rather than begin to ride him as he expected, she lifted herself off. “I guess you're..” Peter couldn't even finish his sentence before she kneeled on the ground, her legs in-between his now star-posed body. She brought her mouth to his tool and began to suck.

Whatever suction he thought he had given her nipple could not compare to what he was now experiencing. He repeatedly shivered from the pleasure, but the Daurus was not yet done. She maneuvered her chest to wrap around his rod, exposing the tip which she continued to assault with her mouth. Her arms wrapped around his lower back as she lifted his lower body up and down, her lips gliding along between the tip and just under the head.

Peter was writhing in pleasure. So much so that he wished to escape from her grasp fearing he would go insane. Even in the brief moments where she accidentally released his rod from her lips, there was no escaping the wall of breast meat which continued to strangle his shaft. He had nowhere to run, and he twitched in agonizing pleasure for it.

Soon he began to erupt once again, the Daurus greedily drinking her fill just as he had been doing to her moments ago. After tightening her breasts together even further, hoping to squeeze out any remaining juice, she let out a satisfied sigh as she gently returned him to the ground. Peter didn't realize how much he had been shaking until she was no longer holding him.

The Daurus gave a slight bow of her head, as Peter tried to catch his breath. She remained on her knees, her eyes darting between him and his member, but otherwise did not move. Peter slowly lifted himself up, using the walls as support. Leaning, he gave himself a moment to rest. He looked at the Daurus, still on the ground, and asked, “Done?” he panted.

She gave no reaction. Even after two loads, her body was dripping with temptation. Peter picked up the clothes she had dropped onto the floor and tried putting them back on. She suddenly grabbed them and began to do so herself and then gave another slight head bow to Peter once she had put them back on.

As Peter opened the gate to leave, he heard a feminine voice. “Thank you.”

He quickly turned back towards the Daurus. “You can talk?” She mustered no reply, tilting her head and pulling her clothes slightly downwards in expectation. Peter, confused looked around the barn but didn't notice anyone else the sound could have come from. The Daurus was still watching him. He shook his head and stepped through the gate before closing it behind him. When he finished, he turned to see the other Daurus' in the room all looking at him, some of them having already removed their clothes in anticipation.

“Houuh. Four more today.” Peter said aloud, thinking that the Daurus' likely did not understand him. He walked towards one of the Daurus who had taken her clothes off already. As he unlocked the gate, he noticed that any of the remaining Daurus' who had kept their clothes on seemed to join the rest and were now all standing naked. Unlocking the gate, he stepped inside, and the lusty body of another Daurus moved to greet him. His crotch twitched, and he suddenly remembered. “Ah, five, actually.”


Step by step, Peter slowly made his way back towards the inn he was staying at. At the farm, he had managed to feed five Daurus' exactly. After the fifth one, he passed out for a short while and awoke to her trying to comfort herself with his resting body, unable to comprehend why his part was no longer energetic. Bob had been annoyed, boldly proclaiming that he hadn't expected anyone to manage to feed five and that next time he'd make the request to the guild with a minimum of six. Despite his complaints, Peter secured the payment and went on his way.

Some of the money went towards his night's lodging. He spent a little less today, since he was able to skip his portion of dinner. And breakfast tomorrow, probably. When he returned to his room, Peter told Kalista to wake him up before midnight, who seemed unamused. He then fell into his bed, clothes still on, and fell asleep.

Half an hour before midnight, Kalista lay with Peter, his soft genital in her hand. She slapped it a few times on the palm of her other hand, which made a sad, hollow sounding noise as she did so. She peered back at him, with a clearly disappointed expression.

With a straight face, Peter muttered, “Dick broke.” Kalista rolled her eyes. “It's alright. There are other ways to satisfy. Female tamers exist, after all.” Peter pulled Kalista's body above his, bringing her privates to his face. His tongue began to run circles around it, teasing just around the edges. With each pass he grew ever so slightly closer, but still just out of reach.

Kalista let out a growl and began to wiggle her hips, trying to catch his tongue. He quickly retracted it, and Kalista's only salvation was a few tame kisses. She soon began to thrust her parts towards Peter, and after she let out a few annoyed grunts, Peter smiled and relented. He gave one long, slow lick, tracing her from beginning to end, finishing at her nub which he gave a soft kiss.

As Peter continued to give one slow lick after another, he could taste his saliva beginning to mix with something else. The delicious flavor whipped him into a frenzy, and were his mouth not currently occupied, he would have brazenly remarked on the supreme taste.

“Yes Peter.” Kalista moaned through clenched teeth. “More.” Peter sped up, his tongue flicking without abandon. He grabbed Kalista and pulled her closer, allowing him to enjoy her juices nestled deeper inside. “Huuuuh.” Kalista let out a shiver. Her thighs began to tremble.

Peter felt nervous for a moment as they seemed to begin to tighten around his head, and wondered if she had forgotten it was him and not a watermelon between them.

Kalista brought her hands to her thighs, palms now trembling as they struggled to keep them apart. She soon let out a whimper, and then started to let out short quick pants.

Peter continued his pace, and Kalista's pants grew more and more rapid by the instant. “Ha-Yes. Ha-Peter. Ha. Me-Ha. Mine-Ha. Ha. Not-those-Hah. STUPID. HAH. HAH. HAH. DAU-HAAAA!” She let out a scream as her body began to seize, erupting in pleasure.

If there were ever a sound that could pierce these walls, that might have been it, Peter thought to himself.

Peter's head rattled between Kalista's trembling thighs as he began to drown in her juices. Unable to separate her thighs from his head, he chose a different form of escape. Seeking air, he intensified his motions, the exhausted and still sensitive Kalista began to twist and turn. She grabbed the headboard and pushed herself away from him slightly. “W-wait.” She whimpered. She leaned forward to support herself as her body continued to quiver.

“Haah.” Peter let out a large breath, now able to breathe something that wasn't Kalistanade. Peter instinctively grabbed one of her dangling breasts, which had managed to spill out from her clothing. As he began to play with it, he looked over towards the clock, and gave a satisfied nod. “Midnight.”

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