Primal Dawn

Volume 1 – Chapter 8

“Sorry about the sudden break yesterday,” Kean started. “I thought my heart was going to explode. Needed to take a day's break. Hope you didn't go in the red.”

“No problem,” Peter replied. “I still have a bit of money left. I ended up doing a job within the town though, paid close to capturing one primal.”

“Really?” Deric asked curiously. “What was it?”

“I helped feed some Daurus' at Bob's farm.”

“Ah. Did he pay you with money or food?”

“Both, in a way.” Peter scratched his head.

“Daurus' can be pretty handy to have around.” Kean said. “Makes packing for travel a bit lighter, having a walking food source around.”

“They don't make for great fighters though.” Deric said. “Though their evolved forms are a lot better in that regard.”

“Are they cheaper than other primals then?” Peter asked.

“No idea.”

“Maybe if I ever visit again I'll ask.”

The conversation died down, and the group was silent. They were currently heading in the direction of the Fren's territory, with Anda once again leading the way.

“I saw they put up a retrieval request for Ron.” Deric started again.

Peter's eyebrows raised, feigning surprise. “O-oh really?”

Deric sighed. “I figured you saw it. At least you have enough sense in you to not go on a quest like that on your own.”

Peter looked down, dejected. “I didn't want to end up on that board too...”

“No shame in knowing your limits. The strong do what's needed of them, and the rest of us fill in the gaps.”

“That's right Peter.” Kean said. “Even Arus couldn't protect the entire kingdom in the days of the demon lord. Adventurers like us filled in the gaps.”

Peter nodded. “I guess you're right. It seems even you like to bring Arus up, huh Kean?”

Kean laughed. “Only because a certain someone has been rubbing off on me.”

“He's what all tamers should strive to be.” Deric said. “The most famous one of all. Of course, back in his time, taming was a little different compared to now I suppose.” Deric glanced towards Anda. “Gods knows what happened to him once he left on that final journey. Hopefully one day I'll find out.”

“You?” Peter asked.

“A dream of mine. Making it to that castle. And uncovering what happened there over one-hundred and fifty years ago.”

“The demon lord's castle? Noone's been able to reach it and tell the tale.” Peter replied. “I've heard some people claim that even Arus wasn't able to make it there.”

“He definitely made it there. Something like the Primal Dawn doesn't happen for no reason. I just want to know why.”

Peter shook his head. “I'm suddenly feeling less guilty about having wanted to go after Ron. Even if the demon lord disappeared, wanting to go there? You're crazier than me.”

Deric laughed. “Hahaha, that may be true. But crazier only in ambition. I know what I want, and I know what I'm capable of. That pair will keep me alive until I've found what I'm after.”

“A pair keeps Anda tamed as well,” Kean chided. The three couldn't help but roar in laughter as Anda looked around nervously.

“Deric, something is strange..” Anda mutterred, interrupting the group.

Deric raised an eyebrow. “Do you sense any Fren?”

Anda shook her head. “None at all. Yet we are so deep into the forest. I..” Anda's eye's widened. “Deric, down!” She shouted as she leaped towards him.

As Deric ducked, a large shadow just barely passed over him and collided with Anda, sending the two tumbling towards the ground. A second figure soon followed, this one knocking Peter down. Although dazed, he reflexively summoned Kalista as he found himself bouncing across the floor.

“Peter!” Peter managed to regain focus just long enough to spot Kalista shouting his name as she ran after him. Small clouds of dust kicked up each time his rear hit the ground. He wondered for a brief moment why he wasn't losing any momentum, and why Kalista seemed to be slowly getting further. “Peter!”

A tight pulling sensation from his shirt against his chest and neck turned his gaze upwards which answered his question. The fabric of his shirt was nested tightly between the teeth of a Fren, her eyes darting back and forth between the path ahead and towards the direction of Kalista's voice. A shocked Peter froze for a brief moment. Regaining focus, he began to pelt the Fren's face with his fists as best as he could.

All this seemed to do was annoy the Fren, who whipped her head back and forth, flailing him around. Peter began to feel a little dizzy from the jerking moments. The sound of Kalista calling his name grew ever distant, and soon the Fren had brought Peter to a small clearing in the forest.

Fearing that Kalista might lose sight of them entirely, in a desperate move Peter decided to try something else. He grabbed the collar of his shirt and pushed it over his head, slipping out from the Fren's grasp and tumbling in the grass.

Pain shot throughout his body, but Peter did his best to push through it as he tried to get away. Starting from a crawl, he managed to get on his feet and ran a short distance before getting pounced from behind and knocked back to the ground again.

The primal spared no time flipping Peter onto his back and sitting on top of him. As he tried to push her off, both her arms grabbed his wrists and pinned them to the grass. Her breasts shook violently as she let out a growl, as if warning him not to try that again. Peter gulped as she released one of his wrists and moved it towards his pants. With a flick of her paw, the fabric surrounding his crotch was soon in tatters, and Peter couldn't help but wince in pain.

Small cut marks opened up along his stomach, droplets of blood trickling out. With his free hand he moved it towards the area as if to plug the holes, but the primal let out another threatening growl in response. He gave a small yelp and retracted.

The primal's breathing grew more rapid by the moment. She stared with great intensity towards Peter as she began to rub her exposed parts against his.

To his terror, Peter could feel his manhood begin to stir in response to her movements. His lower body was soon slick with her fluids. In no time, it was standing at full mast, and the primal had taken notice. She fully pinned both his hands once more, and hovered her crotch over his.

Despite knowing how much stronger she was, Peter still didn't want to give in. He tried twisting his hips to angle his rod away from her looming entrance – the only resistance he could give at this point. After a few misses, the primal let out a roar, her expression a mixture of anger and lust. Peter froze. Her opening briefly nuzzled his tip, which caused Peter to shudder, and then quickly swallowed it whole. She let out a small satisfactory growl once she reached the hilt.

She soon began to aggressively ride him, her face drawing closer to his. She flashed him a toothy smile while panting with each thrust. Her tongue circled her lips before making a smacking sound. Peter's thoughts began to run wild as his breath hastened. He could feel himself getting closer to finishing, and felt an overwhelming sense of terror at the thought of what the primal might do after he did. Tears began to well up in his eyes.

The primal suddenly shuddered, and her womanhood tightened even further around his as her body began to shake. Peter let out a scream as her grip around his wrists suddenly intensified, the sound of bones cracking accompanying his anguish. The primal let out another roar, as if angry that he would interrupt her enjoyment with his wails. Peter bit his tongue as he suppressed his voice.

I can't even scream, Peter thought to himself as the Fren returned to rocking her hips once more. The pressure inside him was about to burst. He clenched his teeth and slowly shook his head. It's no use. His man essence soon began to spurt, coating the primal's insides. She unconciously let her tongue fall out of her mouth as she appeared to enter a trance as she accepted it. Peter could feel her insides coaxing more from him. After several shots, he was finally finished, and the primal let out a sigh in response. In contrast to her previous expressions, she seemed almost peaceful.

For a brief moment, Peter wondered if she might just let him go. But as if reading his mind, she let out a growl and peered down at him, crazed and hungry expression renewed, his hopes vaniquished. Her jaw opened wide as her head plunged towards his neck, and Peter let out a scream. “Aaaaah!”

“Rrrh!” A blade's edge swung just a few inches above his face, the Fren narrowly avoiding it. Peter could feel the weight of the primal suddenly disappear from atop his body, his limp manhood plopping against his skin now released from captivity. He looked upwards to find Kalista standing over him.

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