Prince of Nazarick

Chapter 38: The Whispering Tome

The Whispering Tome: A forbidden grimoire imbued with forbidden knowledge, inscribed in a language predating the birth of time. A stone slab for all and a book of knowledge for its chosen wielder. Its pages held all arcane wisdom capable of anything from creating a droplet of water to reshaping realities themself. Yet, such boundless might and the tome's refusal to be used by them, provoked fear in the hearts of ancient beings, banishing it into eternal obscurity.

Across epochs and realms, as new realities emerged into the towering World Tree, the Tome endured, concealed and untouched. Eons passed, the weight of forgotten ages bearing down upon it, and with new realities emerging, its power grew and its possible owners shrunk. At least, until destiny stirred and a divine aura, guided by cosmic purpose, dared to grasp its hallowed obscured pages.

The radiance of his existence and his potential signaled his worthiness and the book was promptly claimed by Azazel, a newborn angel. Within the ethereal prison of ink and parchment, The Whispering Tome promised to whisper its secrets of creation and destruction, of light and shadow, and all there was in between to Azazel alone.

It would lay upon its boundless potential through his being as he would unfurl the forbidden knowledge, in which each word was a key to unlocking the mysteries of everything. No longer a mere vessel of divinity, but a conduit of unimaginable power, Azazel would become the proprietor of limitless wisdom, with the fate of worlds trembling in his celestial grasp.

A new era dawned, for The Whispering Tome had chosen its champion, a celestial herald poised to reshape the tapestry of existence. With every turn of the ancient pages, Azazel's wings would unfurl and understanding would fill him as he was taken to and through creation's symphony. The forbidden grimoire and its chosen wielder, forever entwined the moment Azazel would open the first page and accepted its powers. Until then, it would try its best to attract the attention of its chosen owner.


This was actually the last item of which I had changed the lore. Since I didn't have any other items that were event items that stirred up the entire player community, giving some legitimacy to its lore. I figured that besides giving me access to any spell I might want, I added some sentences to make it as overpowered as I was able to think at that point. Not that I didn't do that with the others, but since this item concerned knowledge, it made me hesitate to use it.

Honestly, this tome scared me a bit as it would theoretically lift me up to a creator god that was immeasurable in power, though how that would change me with all the new knowledge was a mystery. This item had actually been a backup plan if the other magic books failed. After all the other books had been normal books, high-tiered perhaps but certainly not reality-shattering like their lore hinted at.

Of course, this stone slab wasn't truly a book and what it theoretically held potentially was something I could have written into some random book. However, I hadn't given the books I had access to, too much hope as I thought that the knowledge inside them was just too exaggerated to come true for the tier the books had.

Reality though had proven to abide by the lore I had given them and granted me access to magic from all tiers and beyond. Now, this 'book' that was originally just able to give the player a spell of 3 random spells to choose from, should grant me powers that dived directly to unknown territory.

Fortunately, with the foresight I had, there were some sentences suggesting that I would have to look through each page to learn all of its secrets, so it wasn't something that would instantly fry my brain with the input of the knowledge of everything. Obviously, it would limit this item as I wouldn't be able to learn everything inside it since all arcane knowledge was contained in it, which meant that it was an inexhaustible knowledge fountain.

I walked to one of the tables pushed to the side and pulled the stone slab out of my inventory. I placed it on the table as I grabbed a chair to sit down in front of it. The moment I placed it on the chair and brushed over its surface, it transformed into a book that just oozed the feeling of being ancient and arcane.

With my heaven-defying talent and the Chaos Crystal, I was able to peer deeper into reality and saw how it functioned. Not to mention, I was now an Archangel with access to the realm of Da'at, the Emptiness that permeates everything. I couldn't be called ignorant or blind as there wasn't much that could obscure my sight.

At first glance, it almost looked like a normal ancient book, though it almost instantly proved to be more than that. Just the ethereal leather and how its cover shimmered with an otherworldly glow was already stunning. The glow seemed to vanish the longer one tried to look for it. The material was soft to the touch, unlike the previous stone slab appearance.

It exuded a subtle, ever-shifting aura of arcane energy, though I was only able to sense and see it because it was reaching, yearning for me and the longer I held it, the stronger it radiated its mysterious aura. Swirling sigils were etched into the edges, ever-changing and moving despite the fact that the material and appearance itself didn't change at all. At least when I ran my fingers across it, there was no change to my senses of touch.

I opened the first page of the tome and found it to be empty until it suddenly came alive with a pulsating radiance, casting a glow that illuminated the surrounding space with ambient, warm light. A loud bell should have rang that would signify the item's usage.

However, as I waited for the book to announce its presence nothing happened. For a moment I was confused before the realization hit me. 'Until then, it would try its best to attract the attention of its chosen owner.' Now that its chosen owner was within arm's reach, there was no need to ring any notification to anyone that was nearby.

Honestly, it was only something I had written to explain why it rang out in the first place, but it should have been obvious that it would drop this function once the purpose of it was no longer needed. "Remind me when a day has passed," I ordered Fubuki, who nodded solemnly before standing to the side while watching the empty room vigilantly despite the barriers still preventing anyone from entering. Better to be safe than sorry.

I was slowly being dragged into this well of knowledge. The mesmerizing patterns, symbols dancing and shifting as if alive, constantly rearranging themselves in a language that slowly but surely revealed itself and the wisdom it contained to me.

The parchment itself was smooth, ancient, and delicate, while simultaneously being more resilient than anything I had ever held. Considering the fact that I held a World Item before told of its durability. Perhaps it had gained its hardiness from being an indestructible quest item until it was used. An intangible force seemed to have been stirred as I continued to read the first page stating its servitude to me and how it worked.

The power emanating from the words seemed to yearn to be understood by me, to break free from its textual confines. Whispers, echoes of distant realms, caressing my mind through a chorus of long-lost voices.

Almost haunting murmurs hinted at the boundless secrets held within, their meaning shifting and transforming, revealing fragments of profound knowledge and forbidden truths that even my mind struggled to comprehend. I turned the page and instinctively accepted the role of its wielder, as its owner.

The next page was similar to the first as it too held a living tapestry of diagrams, symbols, and patterns depicting all kinds of intricacy and cosmic phenomena. Metaphysical concepts that transcended any mortal comprehension. With each page turned, it filled me with pure power. It opened doors I was too ignorant to see and understand. Yet for some reason my level didn't rise.


Fubuki occasionally glanced at Azazel as he immersed himself in the Whispering Tome that he had taken out. Every glance she stole at him, only deepened her fascination, for he wielded a power that transcended mortal understanding. Even the Supreme Beings who could create the NPCs of Nazarick out of nothing and wielded the most powerful artifact were hardly coming close to what she was witnessing, come close to anything Azazel dealt in the past few weeks since their arrival in this new world.

As her eyes fixated on the cryptic space where Azazel held the 'tome', her mind was overwhelmed by a sense of awe and wonder. It was as if her consciousness was unable to process what lay before him. She wasn't even sure if it truly was a tome, but that was the only thing her mind had come up with every attempt to decipher what Azazel was studying so intensely.

Azazel certainly held Something, that much she knew. She also knew that it was The Whispering Tome despite never having heard of such an artifact prior. Her mind just couldn't comprehend, no matter how much she wanted, no matter how long she stared at this thing.

For her it was just a 'tome' and even if she held it she wouldn't be able to decipher anything from it. She hadn't even registered it as anything important when the man she loved pulled it out of his inventory.

It was only when Azazel ran his finger across it, causing the tome to stir with palpable energy as if it awakened like an ancient beast roused from slumber. Its power radiated in waves, causing Fubuki's heart to race and her soul to tremble. A deep sense of reverence and fear coursed through her being, as she stood frozen in awe, her breath caught in her chest.

Only when Azazel beckoned her did Fubuki regain her senses, her mind snapping back into focus. She nodded, the weight of responsibility and the trust Azazel placed in her driving her to fulfill her role. Usually, she would offer to serve him during his learning session, but she knew better than to disturb his concentration with trivial distractions and her selfish desires, for the forces at play were far beyond her comprehension.

Exactly one day later, Fubuki's voice emerged in a whisper. "Azazel, it's time," she spoke, her words barely audible, yet cutting through the silence all the same. As he closed the tome, his eyes met hers, shining with an intensity that transcended mere luminescence or divine energy like the previous times he had looked at her.

They drew her in, an abyss of radiant light that threatened to consume her very being. A depth of understanding and knowledge that wanted to pull her in. For a fleeting moment, Fubuki found herself lost in those mesmerizing eyes, willingly surrendering herself to their irresistible allure.

The sheer magnitude of Azazel's presence overwhelmed her, her mind and heart willingly submitting to his immense power. It was a connection beyond space and time. Her soul was being touched by his overwhelming existence... Radiant, incomparably vast, and deep. It was Absolute.

Then, as if recognizing her vulnerability, Azazel enveloped Fubuki in a warm, comforting embrace. It shattered the enchantment that held her captive, bringing her back to the realm of reality. And at that moment, his lips gently brushed against hers, a tender and comforting touch that ignited a flame within her soul.

The combined intensity of the awe-inspiring sight, the soothing touch, and the overwhelming love she felt for him surged through her veins. Fubuki's heart swelled with an all-encompassing love, surpassing any affection she had ever known. As if a thirsty wanderer stumbling upon an oasis in the barren desert, she cherished and indulged at this moment, longing to remain forever in his arms, lost in a love that knew no bounds.

Unfortunately, life was cruel and she couldn't keep Azazel occupied forever. With a reluctant push against his chest, she gently told him that she was fine. As she glanced to the side, he refused to let her hide, his hand firmly lifting her chin to meet his gaze. "Look at me," he commanded, his eyes resuming their sharp yet tender softness.

Those eyes, the ones she had grown to love, now held an extra depth, a flicker that only those who truly knew him could discern. His thumb caressed her slightly moistened lips, sending a tingling sensation through her entire body.

"We should return," he declared, signaling the end of their intimate moment. "I'd rather make love to you in a comfortable bed than in this place," he confessed, his words teasing and full of desire. Fubuki's eyes lit up with a mixture of excitement and amusement, her cheeks warming in response.

She averted her gaze again, a bashful smile tugging at her lips. She remained silent, only nodding in acceptance of his request as she didn't trust her voice to articulate the jumble of emotions swirling within her. Keeping her eyes lowered, she walked beside Azazel, her arm interlaced with his, feeling a blush creep up her cheeks that surely turned her face bright red.

Guided by him, they stepped outside to meet Yuri and Aneko, who remained blissfully unaware of the anticipation bubbling within Fubuki. She maintained an elegant composure befitting of her role by Azazel's side, even as her thoughts were consumed by the passionate anticipation of being swept away to Azazel's bedroom.

He exchanged a few words with the others, their voices reaching her ears but failing to penetrate her thoughts. Her mind was preoccupied with the intense longing to be enveloped in their shared passion, to surrender herself to the intoxicating ecstasy that awaited her. Minutes felt like an eternity, as her yearning grew with each passing moment.

Suddenly, Azazel opened a [Gate], and they found themselves transported to the basement of their new house. In a swift motion, Azazel scooped Fubuki up in a princess carry, a playful glint in his eyes and hastened toward the staircase leading to their bedroom. Just as he stepped out of their basement, they were stopped by Sueko.

Unlike, Yuri and Aneko, Fubuki couldn't ignore Sueko's interruption, as she clearly had news about something that would threaten to stall their lovemaking even further before it could even start. She shot a fierce glare at the young maid, who remained undeterred as she informed Azazel of the female human called Neia arriving at their doorstep.

Fury sparked within Fubuki's body, but before she could voice her frustration, Azazel's lips tenderly pressed against the crown of her head, calming her stormy emotions. "Is there a guest bedroom nearby, with a waiting room or living area?" he inquired and quickly got the necessary information.

Fubuki couldn't fathom his purpose, yet she trusted his judgment instinctively. "Tell her to wait a little longer, as I am occupied at the moment. We will see her in due time," he instructed Sueko with his usual grace, though his voice hid some mirth. Sueko nodded and departed. Azazel then rushed along toward the guestroom that Sueko had given the direction to before he gently placed her in the bed without even bothering with closing the door.

His own building desire was evident with his touch rummaging across her body. His lips sought hers in a fervent kiss, leaving her momentarily dazed as the sensation coursed through her body. As he pulled away, his eyes roamed across her curves, lingering on her ample bosom with appreciative admiration. His gaze traveled downward, tracing the contours of her stomach, until it settled on her exposed leg, teasingly revealed by the slit in her dress.

"You are truly breathtaking," he whispered, his words catching Fubuki off guard. Her mind momentarily went blank, all previous thoughts dissipating. A blush spread across her face once more, and she instinctively turned away, overcome by embarrassment.

But Azazel gently guided her face back towards him, his touch filled with sincerity. "Don't avert your eyes from me. I want to see you, and I want you to see me," he implored, his voice laced with tenderness. She couldn't refuse his earnest request and met his mesmerizing eyes, his sculptured face, and his already alluringly exposed form. A body radiating something beyond perfection as if it was harmony, strength, and dignity itself.

Her attention was momentarily drawn to his erect member, a sight that stirred her desire, though she realized he didn't wish to be the only one undressed. In a snap of his fingers, her dress gracefully slipped off, leaving her with only her heels, her necklaces nestled in her cleavage, and the dampened fabric of her panties.

She couldn't help but be caught off guard as he had just unequipped her legendary class item, though she quickly ignored it as something to be expected. The slight breeze against her intimate area revealed the extent of her arousal.

Recalling the moments her mind went blank under his gaze just after he read his tome and then how he embraced her comfortingly, she already knew since when her body was anticipating this very moment.

Although it was sudden, she didn't mind being exposed like this. After all, it was her lover who saw her in this state, who desired her in this way. Azazel's fingertips glided across her skin, sending delightful shivers through her body. As he cupped her breasts, a wave of pleasure surged through her, almost pushing her to her first climax.

Though it seemed like her body was an open book to him. He adjusted his hand to pinch her nipple before rolling it between his fingers, triggering a chain of pleasure to wash over her, dragging her deeper into pleasure. Her mind grew unfocused as she let her beloved Azazel play with her body.

He knew all the right buttons to push and pull to send her deeper into this blissful sensation. Her voice was already leaking out unrestrained as she couldn't keep the pleasure hidden any longer. Without restraint, she revealed her yearning for his touch as she went to wrap her arms around his neck, pulling him into her blossom.

She pressed her hips into his, reveling in the delicious sensation of their bodies grinding against each other. However, she wanted more and the thin fabric of her panties was denying her entrance to her lover. As if he read her mind, he hooked a finger in the strings of her underwear on both sides before he pulled it down.

She bit her lip as she watched him look at the thin threads of her arousal connecting with her panties. He watched the glistening strand stretched and eventually snapped before he closed in and unbelievably licked across her slit. However, he didn't part with her lower lips and started moving his tongue.

Fubuki was enthralled by the sight as she ought to be the first one after Albedo, who was able to experience this. His eyes were piercing into hers and she couldn't help but shiver in excitement and pleasure as he continued to please her with his mouth. There was some hesitation, a voice in the back of her mind telling her that this shouldn't be.

How dare she let him please her? However, as she watched his mouth kissing her crotch and licking the place that belonged to him, she couldn't bring herself to reject this. For just this moment, she enjoyed the sight and act, bringing her joy that was rooted so deeply that she felt like she once again fell in love.

Even though it couldn't compare to being penetrated by his mighty rod, she climaxed almost instantly when his tongue penetrated her snatch. Her inner walls trying to milk his tongue as her legs instinctively wrapped around his head. She didn't even realize that she pushed him deeper into her with his hand in his hair.

After trembling and squeezing his face with her thighs for a good few minutes, she finally collapsed and her body relaxed. In a haze, she saw Azazel straighten up from between her legs before she felt something long and hard smack on her crotch, reaching up to lay on her stomach. Despite blinking several times, she couldn't actually see what was happening, but she could feel it.

She didn't need to see to know what was entering her folds. The tip, the ridge, the long shaft, and the familiar pulsation through the veins as it stretched her insides. His mighty cock penetrated deeply inside, past her cervix until the tip pushed strongly against her inner sanctum. A place only one could reach.

With a hand on her stomach, she could feel the bulge of his tool announcing his presence. Her mind was only filled with this dick as if he was fucking her brain instead. At this point, she had no control over her pussy. It was automatically milking and squirting away to accommodate Azazel's entrance.

She was already out of it and the best part hadn't even arrived yet. He pulled out until only his tip almost left her before he slammed it back inside until there was no way to go. It literally knocked the air out of her, but she didn't need to breathe, she didn't want to if this was the alternative! She just needed to be fucked by this cock!

As if to respond to her desire, he started to hammer away in a lustful and unrelenting way that scratched her itch exactly how she needed it. Every little adjustment he made to the movement maximized her pleasure to the point where she was on the brink of unconsciousness. And even this was prevented by him slowing down, stretching out their time as if to answer her prayer to experience more of this.


Neia had tried to wait until Lord Azazel was ready to receive her, but as the voices, the moans, and the clapping of flesh sounded out, she just couldn't keep her curiosity contained. With careful steps and all the skills she had gained through being a scout through infested forests, she finally arrived at a sight that would stick with her for the rest of her life.

The two bodies intertwined in their fiery passion as they indulged in each other's bodies. It was so enticing and fascinating that she couldn't help but want to take a closer look. A mistake as she accidentally pushed the door open slightly, causing it to croak just loud enough for Lord Azazel to glance in her direction.

Their eyes meet and she could already imagine how he killed her for encroaching on their privacy. However, opposite to her imagination, he continued to move while Lady Fubuki seemed to remain blissfully unaware of the interaction. Lord Azazel ignored her and refocused on his wife with renewed ferociousness much to Lady Fubuki's pleasure.

Despite knowing that he had given her the opportunity to leave without his wife knowing that she had witnessed her delirious pleasure-filled expressions, she remained rooted in the position. She was just too mesmerized to move away from leaning against the door frame and watching the two. Her hand slowly slid under her pants to scratch the itch that announced itself the moment she heard the two.

Her fingers found a slight bump through her dampened panties, electrifying her body to the point, she collapsed to the ground. She had always dreamed to become a Paladin and the thought of engaging in such activities was long dismissed as an impossibility.

However, now she once again longed for the touch of someone. A noble that she had no right to long for, but she just couldn't stop her imagination from derailing as she watched and listened to the two.

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