Prince of Nazarick

Chapter 39: A god

Neia was already completely exhausted, but her hands were still moving. One hand was massaging her breasts through her clothes while the other was still idling in her drenched pants. Her fingers were slowly moving in and out while Lady Fubuki and Lord Azazel were finally stopping their intimacy.

On one hand, she was happy that she was able to get some rest now that they were done, but on the other, she still wanted to see more and hear more. She wanted to feel-

"Are you done?" Lord Azazel suddenly asked, making the panic in her body rise. Her heart started beating faster but then she realized that he wasn't looking at her like she had imagined when she had started masturbating. Or at least that was what she had told herself during her hours-long fiery masturbation session while peeking at them.

There was just no way he had noticed her and continued, it must have been her imagination! So, when he uttered his question, she once again felt her heart clench in panic. She had overstayed her welcome and needed to get away as soon as possible! However, despite the necessity of her escape, she just couldn't turn away as Lord Azazel pulled his mighty tool out of Fubuki, leaving his wife whimpering from the lack of penetration.

A gaping hole clenching, missing the touch of his member only for lots of semen to gush out of it, staining the bed sheets as the liquid pooled underneath her. Even as she stared at the lascivious sight, in the back of her mind warning bells were still ringing. With great effort, she stood up and was ready to bolt away before she was caught, but she was out of luck.

Her legs were already numb from the long session and unable to support her wants. Without ceremony, she directly fell back on her butt. Her fall caused a soft thud while the door she had used for support opened a bit more, croaking again from the disrepair. She had heard that they had newly bought it and at this moment she just wanted to lament her fate of coming across the only door that was still in need of oiling.

It wouldn't be wrong for Lord Azazel to directly strike her down for her insolence of spying on them in their most intimate acts and honestly, she wouldn't blame them. She had only her perversion to blame for this, but just thinking about the sounds, the smell, and then how they moved as they hugged each other, caused her to fall into a daydream again.

With a heavy heart, she glanced at Lord Azazel, who must have noticed her now. It was only when she accepted her fate that Lord Azazel turned around with his member twitching, pointing directly at her. Her mind went blank as she looked at the semen dripping from the tip.

The sway of his dick as he walked towards her was hypnotizing and she just watched it come closer to her face until his dick was above her, casting a shadow across her face. She looked up at it, her mind not able to process that it was just at arm's reach. Her body, however, knew. She rose up from her sitting position to a kneeling one. Her hand that was previously mauling her small tits reached out to his dick and just as she was about to touch it, she realized what she was doing.

When she was about to retreat, a big hand settled on her head. A large hand that could easily cover her entire face, settled on her head and she could feel the strength in each finger as they slowly massaged her crown. It made her realize that he wasn't just a noble, but a high-ranking adventurer, whose strength was probably unrivaled in the entire kingdom.

If he wanted to, he could kill her with just the hand resting on her head. However, this same mighty limb was gently massaging her head, going through her hair as if it held limitless affection and kindness. The contrast of the might he held and how he wielded it, made her calm down enough to actually look up at him. His body was covered in lean muscles as if he was sculpted out of marble. Perfect symmetry and a sense of beauty in the strength his body held, with a face to die for.

A gentle smile sat on his face as his blue eyes conveyed his good-hearted nature and the slight glint in them betrayed the power it held as it sucked anyone that watched him in. Eyes that were deep like the ocean. Clear, beautiful, and divine. It was like he was born to be worshiped and if someone asked Neia how she would describe a god then most if not all would mistake her explanation for a description of the man standing in front of her.

His hand in her hair suddenly tightened his grip, but not painfully. It was just giving him a firm grip to control the direction her face would be heading. Despite the strong grip, he still handled her with care as he smoothly guided her face to his groin until her nose was pressed against his massive testicles. If the previous scent had been enticingly arousing, the one she could smell at this moment was mind-blowing. She just wanted to close her eyes and enjoy the smell like she was smelling the most precious perfume and didn't want to let it go to waste.

However, the long shaft of Lord Azazel's member demanded her attention. She couldn't see the end of it, but she felt a heavy drop fall on her back. Her forehead was also already dripping with a mixture of semen and Fubuki's pussy juice as he rubbed his dick across her face, but she didn't care about that. She just opened her mouth and tentatively touched his balls with the tip of her tongue.

The moment she got a taste, a shock ran through her body, making her clench up strongly around her fingers that unconsciously had still been fingering her. He seemed to wait until the shock calmed down before guiding her mouth to the tip that was still covered in a mix of liquids. He didn't even need to tell her anything as she kissed the crown of his dick before opening her mouth to allow him entrance.

He pushed deeper until it reached the back of her throat. She had to squint slightly as she tried her best not to choke on it, though it was clear that she wouldn't be able to fit it all inside. His dick was even bigger up close and only after putting it inside her mouth did she realize that she was barely getting his tip inside.

Suddenly, a fear arose inside her, anxious that she wouldn't be able to pleasure him. Her hand instantly reached up and started to jerk him off as her tongue continued to clean and pleasure everything in reach. His hand remained on her head, petting her gently as she did her best in the most lewd act she had participated in.

She knew it was sloppy when her drool was dripping down his dick and into her lap, but he didn't seem to be bothered by her lack of experience. When she looked up to see his reaction, he just gave her an encouraging look.

The look he gave her, made her flinch slightly, not because of the support and gentleness that he showed, but what was reflected in his beautiful eyes. She was able to see her own reflection, causing her to wince at the harsh gaze she was giving him as if he was raping her mouth.

Despite him being this gentle and benevolent as he fulfilled her fantasy, she was giving him such a treatment. She wanted to look away, but he spoke with authority as he ordered her, "Look me in the eyes!" She was sure that he just wanted to say that he didn't mind her eyes and she couldn't help but feel warm inside. His voice had been a bit breathy, which had to mean that he was close, so she did her best, staring into his deep blue eyes as her tongue moved.

He take over jerking himself, while his grip on her head kept her affixed with no room to escape- not that she wanted to. She could feel his throbbing tip as his strokes got faster, while intensely staring into her eyes. Not knowing what to do with her hand that wasn't fingering her vagina, she put it on his thigh.

The reflection in his eyes made it seem like she was trying to push him away as she glared murder at him, while seemingly overcome with pleasure as her hands continued to finger her hole. He didn't seem to mind the view at all. It even looked like he was enjoying it. She anticipated the climax as Lord Azazel got faster and his grip stronger. In his eyes there seemed to be a glint of divine energy, making her focus on it.

It was at that moment when his eyes seemed to glow that his cock ferociously erupted in her mouth. His cum splashed against the back of her throat before filling her mouth up almost instantly, giving her no time to swallow it. From the moment the semen filled her mouth to the first swallow, her world was filled with pleasure and fulfillment that she thought she would only get once she became a paladin.

Her entire body and mind were completely submerged in this ocean of pleasure that she thought she had died and arrived in heaven. It was an eye-opening experience that simplified her worldview. A sacrilegious thought entered her mind - She had found her god.


Neia's expression was the model of ahegao, conveying how completely out of it she was. Her body though was on autopilot as she continued to swallow the cum pouring into her mouth. Part of it was flowing out of her nose. It created a wet and lewd look that was rarely to be seen. I pulled out and doused her face with more cum, making her close her vindictive-looking eyes.

I gave her a smack with my cock, but she remained unresponsive. I then picked her up and placed her on the bed next to Fubuki, who was still unconscious. However, despite them both being out of it, it wasn't something a healing spell couldn't fix. Just as I was about to take it to the next round with the girl and her murder eyes, I was interrupted by Aneko wanting to deliver some news.

With a grunt, I left the two to their rest and followed Aneko, who told me that the queen personally wanted to meet me. "What, why?" I expected that Kelart would want to keep up communication with me cooperating with the Paladin Order or even Remedios as she was the actual leader of the order.

"They didn't tell, but they thought it was important as they asked to meet up as soon as possible." Hmm. It was probably because I had told Aneko to give the go to Demiurge's demon and start the rebellion, though I hadn't expected such a strong response as I had ordered Aneko to tell the demon to restrain himself and not expose himself this soon.

"What did he do?"

"As you had ordered to start the rebellion, he only took a few families to create momentum and eliminated a few noble families that were supporting the crown."

That sounded like what we had planned, but why would the queen want to meet up with me as it was clearly just some civil political affair, nothing to do with the demon threat I had hinted at.

"Wait. How many families in the rebellion are there?" I asked as suspicion grew in my heart.

"Just about 60 percent," Aneko reported. "The demon had clearly been slacking since we gracefully let him operate on his own. Pathetic worm needs to be punished." She added after seeing my expression.

60 percent. That was more than there were families, who were vocal about their opposing views. From the initial reports, there had been only about 50 percent clearly opposed to the crown's rule, while 30 percent were neutral and only 20 percent were firm supporters of the crown. It couldn't be helped since the queen could barely extend her influence across the natural border into the south of the kingdom.

It naturally gave rise to a lot of nobles daring to go against the current ruler or nobles that abstained from fully supporting one side. Now hearing that 60 percent had joined the rebellion meant that a bunch of fence sitters had been subverted. It was a lot more than I had anticipated and meant I had to go at it with a higher pace before the sacrifices grow too large.

"Let me be clear, Aneko. I am not surprised that he is 'slacking', but because he is doing too much. I want conflict but with as few innocent sacrifices as possible... that goes for all operations, you can tell that to the others as well." Aneko nodded solemnly. Guess, I have to be more precise with my words, especially with Demiurge's subordinates.

"Tell the demon to slow down and make it more of a struggle. I don't want him to completely overrun the crown's supporters. I need conflict, so I can save the day. Now, when and where does the queen want to meet?" I asked, knowing that the queen must have already planned our meeting.

"Your Majesty, she is already waiting inside the lobby with her priestess accompanying her."

"Then tell her to meet me in my office." After giving her the orders, I found my 'office' and glanced around, finding it to be adequate enough. I sat down at the chair, running my hand across the solid wooden table. It wasn't that bad as everything had been renovated already.

No dusty spots or croaking doors if I didn't will them into existence. I couldn't help but smile at the panicky look on Neia's face when she was exposed not once but twice. With a happy memory, I pulled out the Whispering Tome and opened the curtains to let the moon shine into the room as I sat.

When I heard the knock, I invited them after I placed the wine on the table. A bit pretentious, but I was feeling it. After all, it was one of those moments after you had fucked your wife, got a blowjob from another woman, and then have the queen of the kingdom one was living in visit you for advice. Was there someone that wouldn't treat them in such a moment?


Calca delicately sipped the tea presented to her by the skillful, short white-haired maid. She couldn't help but be impressed by the maid's beauty and elegance. Her flawless complexion and perfectly toned physique evoked envy within Calca. Her graceful and absolutely silent movements reminded her of the scouts she had encountered in the past.

Based on the stories she had heard, she knew that this noble had to have a high position in his country, and his staff ought to be highly trained elites. She wouldn't be surprised if his maids doubled as secret bodyguards or even assassins. Calca herself had a few personal guards who discreetly protected her while attending to other more trivial tasks, even though she didn't need their protection with her magical capabilities.

Even the tea itself indicated Azazel's elevated status. Perhaps he had been a prince, someone who was next in line for the throne but lacked the opportunity to ascend. It was a plausible explanation for him to casually pull such a tea out for any guests without batting an eye.

He could also be a regular noble who spared no expense to procure such exquisite tea leaves and brew them to entertain and show off. However, from what she had heard, they were certainly a bit extravagant with their carriage when they had entered the city for the first time, but she also heard that he had sold his family's jewelry to support him and his entourage.

Besides that, he rarely displayed extravagant spending habits. Even this mansion should be well within his budget. Her musings were interrupted when the other maid came in and informed her that he was ready to receive them now. Calca glanced at Kelart, who had accompanied her for protection and to advise her.

They exchanged knowing glances, recognizing that it was unusual for a noble not to personally greet visiting royalty, not to mention the current leader. Even their political opponents extended such courtesy, albeit superficially. They all feigned politeness if only to avoid giving Calca a reason to incarcerate them.

Considering their unannounced arrival, it was understandable that Azazel might have been caught off guard. However, his lack of urgency in welcoming them was an unexpected experience for the young queen. Adventurers, especially those of Azazel's caliber, often disregarded formalities, but given that he had recently held a noble title albeit in a different country, Calca had expected him to exhibit more decorum.

She didn't take offense at the treatment, recognizing her own misstep. Their visit had been unannounced, after all. She had deliberately kept it low-key to avoid attracting attention. In fact, only the two of them and an oblivious coachman had made the journey. There should be no one aware of their visit, and Calca intended to keep it that way.

She had decided against traveling with her usual entourage, understanding that spies from the enemy camp might be present and even if there weren't, leaks didn't need to happen through malevolence or disaffiliation. The wrong word in a drunken state would be enough to cause unintended long-reaching consequences.

And if her theory about the devil stirring up trouble among them was true then she needed to ensure keeping news from their collaboration from leaking. Her thoughts wandered through the open cooperation with them and the Paladin Order. As long as it seemed rather low-level it should affect their operation and if it did she would find out today.

The two women followed the long-haired maid, who must have been the older sister of the one who had served them the tea just now. She was equally as beautiful and she couldn't help but wonder if Azazel had affairs with them. As they walked through the halls, Calca noticed that the mansion appeared to have undergone extensive renovations. Although she had no prior knowledge of the interior, the style deviated just enough from the typical architecture of their country.

It had an artistic and elaborate touch, evident in the composition of complementary colors, the high-quality materials used for curtains, carpets, and furniture, and the arcane elements incorporated into the lighting, obviously something that must relate to Azazel's wife, Fubuki, a formidable magic user.

It was clear that considerable thought had been given to modifying and enhancing the interior. Despite having moved in only a few days ago, the mansion already felt lived-in. Calca estimated that a significant sum of money must have been spent on these renovations and to get everything just right.

Finally, the queen of the kingdom and her trusted priestess aide arrived in front of a grand door. The maid knocked twice, and a smooth, masculine voice invited them inside. Calca glanced at Kelart, who nodded, confirming that the voice indeed belonged to Azazel.

They entered the room and were greeted by an enchanting sight. Azazel sat comfortably in a chair, positioned in front of a large window that offered a view of the full moon. The moon's gentle glow seemed to envelop him as he closed the book in his hands and carefully placed it on the desk next to a glass of red, moonlit wine.

"I apologize for not coming to greet you personally; this required my attention," Azazel explained, gesturing toward the book that exuded a radiant aura of arcane power. Calca had heard tales of the delicate nature of handling magical books, knowing that they couldn't be set aside casually, at least, if the myths were to be believed.

Azazel then motioned toward two chairs in front of his desk, producing two glasses and a bottle of wine, and offering them to his guests. Calca politely declined with a graceful wave of her hand. "Thank you, but I am content with the tea we were served earlier. It has already delighted my palate." Kelart mirrored her refusal, causing a faint smile to grace Azazel's handsome face.

"Are you sure? My wife enjoys this wine. I've heard it bestows a healthy glow upon the skin and enhances one's natural looks," Azazel mentioned, alluding to Fubuki's renowned beauty. Calca had heard tales of Fubuki's allure, not to mention the man before her who checked all the boxes in terms of physical appearance.

If these were the effects of a magical wine or a special herbal concoction, she truly couldn't resist having a taste. In fact, she couldn't have folded any quicker as did her best friend.

"Then again, it would be impolite for me to refuse," Calca replied, her curiosity piqued. Moments later, the three of them sat with wine glasses in hand, savoring the exquisite beverage.

"Now, to what do I owe this visit?" Azazel directly inquired, preventing any chitchat as he calmly placed his wine glass on the table while regarding Calca with interest. His eyes conveyed neither fear, disdain, nor nervousness, but rather a genuine curiosity. Holding the position of queen came with a multitude of things. One of them was that people automatically treated her differently.

It didn't even need to be because of ulterior motives, but most people had some form of preconception of her. So, Azazel's calm demeanor hinted at an extraordinary background. He must have held positions where others depended on him, looked up to him, or even worshipped him. And it needed to be firm. After all, a high position with uncertainty didn't make you immune to those in higher power, quite the opposite. The fear of the fall through a slight would be more devastating and frightening.

Only those firmly or high enough in power rarely saw themselves beneath others and wouldn't be intimidated by another's position and status. Only the top, kings, emperors, or those that reached the peak of personal power or skill like adamantite adventurers or the Nine Colors. If one had experienced the top and knew to be irreplaceable, they saw other people in power differently.

Azazel, who evidently reached the top of both personal and positional power, appeared unshakable. Perhaps a consequence of having fled his country?

"We are here to inquire about your warning," Calca began. "In recent days, a sudden rebellion has erupted in the southern regions. Numerous noble families have declared their opposition to the royal family. It was an unexpected turn of events, and I couldn't help but wonder if this sudden revelation and hostility might be influenced by demons."

Azazel arched an eyebrow, surprised either by the news or by Calca's consideration of his warning—she couldn't discern which. "We wished to hear your thoughts on whether this sudden development could be attributed to the involvement of demons."

"Without a doubt." He solemnly said almost instantly. He nodded slightly as he stood up and walked towards the window, gazing at the moon in thought. "There is only one from this horde that truly needs to be eradicated, every other demon would soon follow his fall. However, this demon isn't just powerful. It is cunning, and shrewd, convincing too. Luring some greedy nobles to his side shouldn't be a problem for him. Even if they did refuse, he could break their will with punishment and the prospect of death. Most though, would willingly offer their servitude."

It seemed like he was speaking from experience. He turned around and his gaze shifted, scanning the room as if searching for something. His voice grew quieter, and he leaned closer to the queen and the priestess, his words barely above a whisper. "This demon won't stop at mere subjugation. It takes hostages, and valuable pawns to ensure compliance of those who might dare to resist. Innocent lives will be at risk on your ability to act swiftly and decisively."

Calca involuntarily shivered as if his tone spoke dread into her. The gravity of the situation slowly sank in. Her theory was more likely than she had hoped. A rebellion was one thing, but a manipulative demonic force behind it was something that came straight out of her nightmares.

His gaze was piercing as if to expose her flaws. She knew that she had been too lenient for most and it had incapacitated her to some degree, but she just couldn't abandon her beliefs and fight as dirty as the nobles she despised. If she could she would try to preserve lives instead of letting blood flow unnecessarily.

"You will have to prepare yourself. The acts of the demon will be something unheard of. A terror making you shiver just thinking about it and if you need my help... I will offer it to you, but you will have to do things that you are clearly not ready for."

"Why are you after it? I haven't heard of any kingdom that had fallen victim to some demon." Kelart suddenly spoke. Azazel looked at her, hesitating as if to weigh the consequences of speaking up.

"Besides the eradication of evil, what better reason do I need?" He started before stepping back from the desk. "As for why I had followed the demon's trail all the way to this country... There had been indeed no prior mortal kingdom fallen to this demon and this shall not be the first. I have long battled him since before your time and I will be the one that will strike him down."

He announced before a bright cleansing light and two white-feathered wings spread out and dominated the room as they emerged from behind the man - No, this god.

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