Prince of Nazarick

Chapter 40: Sasuga

The sight was nothing short of awe-inspiring. The two magnificent, white-feathered wings radiated with a celestial glow. Their ethereal light permeated the room and enveloped Calca in a divine aura. It was as if she could feel the very essence of holiness washing over her, purifying her spirit in its presence. She was overcome with a profound sense of reverence, her heart pounding in her chest as she gazed upon this magnificent sight.

There was a palpable aura of power and majesty surrounding him, an unmistakable presence that commanded utmost respect. Calca's breath caught in her throat as she tried to comprehend the magnitude of the being before her.

Accompanying the intense light of the pair of wings, she sensed that there were shadows, hidden in the depths of his existence that she could not fully fathom, even with her most intense focus. The harder she tried to perceive these wings the more she felt the danger of Knowing.

Although she was too stunned to speak, she understood that she stood in the presence of greatness. It was an innate response, an involuntary act of submission that came naturally as if compelled by forces far beyond her comprehension.

Kneeling down in profound reverence, Calca and Kelart, arguably the two most powerful women of their nation bowed their heads, their actions a testament to the overwhelming divinity that emanated from him. It was not an act of subjugation, but rather a recognition of his unparalleled magnificence. In his presence, she felt small, insignificant, and yet utterly privileged to witness such holiness.

A feeling overcame her like in the stories she heard about the advent of the gods and demons. Now a being of celestial might was once again gracing their world and to top it all off, he was revealing himself to her. With the previous warning, it was clear that he had meant to make contact with her, personally and with a purpose.

The realization struck Calca with a profound understanding of his foresight, reading her so well to have her come here personally to reveal the purpose of his descent. He must have known that she would heed his warning and come to seek his knowledge before revealing that he was not a mere mortal but a celestial being here to fulfill a sacred mission of cleansing the world of this demon he had spoken about.

As she knelt in reverence, Calca's heart swelled with gratitude and humility. She felt blessed to be in the presence of this angelic figure, to be sought out, and to have the opportunity to seek his guidance and protection in their time of need. Since the angel of such strength was troubled by the demon, she knew that they desperately needed his assistance.

If the previous revelations about the demon's orchestration of the rebellion that had started in the south had filled her with trepidation for the future, the angel's divine presence now bestowed her a sense of solace and renewed strength. With this living deity by their side, she felt an unwavering belief that any obstacle could be overcome.

"It is as you imagine." His voice had subtly changed as well. His previous voice had already been more than pleasant, but now everything about him had been dialed up several-fold in intensity. "I am an angel."

Despite knowing that they were not in immediate danger, a nervous gulp escaped her throat as she awaited his next words. It was a sensation she hadn't experienced in quite some time. After all, she had reigned as queen for several years, and her formidable magical abilities as a 4th-tier magician gave her a sense of personal power.

Her head remained bowed, her gaze fixated on the ground, intermittently catching glimpses of shadows cast by the angel's radiant presence. Simply basking in his presence filled her with an indescribable sense of serenity and fulfillment.

"I will not be able to find and eliminate the demon's tendrils of influence on my lonesome," the angel's voice carried a stern weight, gradually releasing her from the overwhelming radiance and pressure. "Please, rise."

She hesitated for a moment, uncertain if it was appropriate to comply, but before she could decide, his aura enveloped her and Kelart, gently guiding them back to their chairs. A momentary surprise flickered within her, only to be swiftly replaced by calmness and warmth as she met the angel's smile.

"Ah, and just Azazel is sufficient, your Majesty." his words penetrated the silence that the two women created as even their breath was still caught in their throats. Calca's eyes widened. Could he have read her thoughts? Countless inquiries and thoughts about the divine, about whether the path she had taken was the right one, raced through her mind, yet she swiftly regained control over her emotions and cleared her head, refocusing on what truly mattered.

"Then please, call me Calca," she responded with a respectful bow, causing the angel's smile to deepen with appreciation. Her heart fluttered at this notion.

"Kelart will be fine as well." The priestess interjected to which the angel- Lord Azazel nodded. Calca glanced at her good friend, who had a glint in her eyes that she has rarely seen in her.

"As I said I will need your help to combat this evil." Lord Azazel said calmly but solemnly.

"You have our full support, Azazel. Everything you need, material, soldiers, paladins, or priestesses will be at your service." Calca decisively stated. Although it seemed hasty to offer up her country's resources like this, she could only dread what would happen if Lord Azazel didn't have the support he needed to eradicate this evil from their world.

Her kingdom and her people were on the line and a moment of hesitation could cost the lives of many if not all. She didn't wish to be the one that could have prevented this but didn't. As for the legitimacy of Lord Azazel's words, it didn't even cross her mind that he might be lying to her. She knew of the scriptures that angels had an intense distaste for lying.

Besides such a powerful being had no need to lie and deceive. He could very well have demanded it from her and she might have complied just for the fact that he was a living deity walking among them. Of course, she needn't mention that he was a literal angel. He was the Light in the dark. He was Good.

Even if he decided to deceive her, it must be for a good reason.

"I am grateful for your trust, Calca," Lord Azazel spoke, and a mixture of panic and anticipation surged within her as she beheld his bow. The sight sent shivers down her spine. "In due time, I will provide you with a comprehensive plan. However, I regret that I must limit the knowledge of my involvement to a select few. I intend to divert our enemy's attention towards a limited collaboration with the Paladin Order, but I cannot afford to be seen issuing orders to generals or similar figures. The demon would be alerted to my support and prepare accordingly."

With a slight nod, she found herself astounded by Lord Azazel's foresight, contemplating how he had already considered such matters when Kelart initially approached him. His mind, as unparalleled as his powers, truly embodied her vision of an angel.

"I shall comply wholeheartedly and fulfill your wishes to the best of my abilities," she affirmed, her voice steady.

"It is reassuring to witness the leader of this country holding the good for their country close to their heart. However, I must remind you that our methods will be harsher and more decisive than those you have employed during your reign... Innocent blood will flow through our hands as we combat this evil. Are you truly prepared for such sacrifices?"

Lord Azazel's words carried a weight that left no room for doubt. Calca's conviction remained unshaken. She knew that any sacrifice necessary to preserve her nation or even the world would be justified. She had strived to adhere to her ideals, but she also understood the need to risk everything when the stakes were this high.

"Yes, whatever it takes."

Besides, with the confirmation of a higher power guiding her decisions, she could rest easy knowing that her choices were rooted in the pursuit of Good.

"To be honest, I hadn't expected such readiness from you," Lord Azazel observed, a pleased smile gracing his face, sending a surge of heat deep within her being, an ember she quickly extinguished.

"I don't want my country to fall in the clutches of this demon, so if I have to be your weapon then please wield me as you see fit." Lord Azazel's mouth twitched slightly as he heard her vow before nodding slowly.

"I understand. Ah, perhaps it is time for a proper introduction now that you both have witnessed a glimpse of my true form, or at least what you are capable of perceiving," he declared, settling back into his chair. "I am Azazel, an Archangel of Sephira—one of the eleven most powerful angels in existence."

The weight of his name and title reverberated through the very fabric of her being as if the world itself responded to his words. It felt like a thunderclap, resounding through reality and etching his name into her consciousness with indescribable importance.

"W-will the other Archangels come for our aide as well?" Kelart asked cautiously, not knowing if her inquiry would insult Lord Azazel.

"No, they will not. They have not descended to this world, and it is unlikely that they will. I shall be the sole Archangel combating this evil," Lord Azazel stated, interlacing his fingers before his face. There seemed to be an insurmountable obstacle preventing further reinforcements. Calca surmised that this was why Lord Azazel approached the situation with such meticulousness and caution. If he were to fail, there would be no one to aid him or the world.

The thought filled her with a sense of dread, further hardening her resolve to stand steadfastly beside Lord Azazel. After a brief silence, he rose from his seat and reached into a black void, drawing forth two chokers bearing a heart emblem etched into it.

"These chokers will identify you to my hidden helpers throughout the country. They will also serve as protection against the forces of evil. The repellent effect is potent but must be seen by the demon to take effect."

Approaching Calca, he positioned himself to put the choker around her neck, causing her to expose the delicate skin. As he gently fastened it, his touch grazed her, igniting a surge of electricity that coursed across her skin and through her body. Involuntarily, she pressed her thighs together. In the suspicious silence afterward, she slowly opened her eyes, only to find a stunned Kelart staring at her.

Lord Azazel also regarded her with surprise before a realization flickered in his eyes, prompting her to avert her gaze and bury her face in shame. Had she... moaned? Just as she began to fear the consequences of her sacrilege on Lord Azazel's cooperation, his voice, smooth as silk, filled the room again.

"Don't worry about it." He reassured her, his smile tinged with a hint of shame as he rubbed his own neck. "In fact, I should apologize. There is more to my nature as an Archangel, I am an angel of Lust, to be precise." Her mind struggled to keep up with his words as she still grappled with the impact of his touch.

"An angel of lust?" She echoed, her tone laced with curiosity. Had she heard this correctly?

"Indeed. I am sure you can already guess what this entails. I embody lust and desire. Everything I do will reflect this, and it would be best if we limit our contact, lest an intense desire is stirred within you," he cautioned, finally granting her some relief, knowing that her own decency wasn't solely the fault of her degeneracy.

Yet, the notion of limited contact unsettled her. After all, she possessed living proof of the divine, a living angel willing to converse with her. To not seek to be close to him felt almost sacrilegious. She harbored countless questions, but she realized that her curiosity shouldn't distract Lord Azazel from his divine mission.

An angel of Lust. It was no wonder everything he did, exuded arousal and enticement. She yearned to prostrate herself before him and worship him in every possible way. Moreover, the prospect of an "intense desire" awakening within her held little concern.

Kelart didn't voice her opinion, but the way she eagerly offered her neck to receive the choker, revealed at least a desire for his attention. Lord Azazel hesitated for a moment before placing it around her, their eyes locking. A deep blush washed over Kelart's features, causing her to look away like a shy maiden, though at least she managed to keep her voice low.

"So... is your wife, Fubuki, also an angel? And what about your maids and other subordinates?" Calca inquired, recollecting the beauty of Lord Azazel's entourage. It would make sense for such exquisite beings to be associated with him.

Calca took pride in her own appearance, having dedicated considerable effort to creating spells and delving into alchemy to preserve and enhance her beauty. If she could join this group as well...

With the revelation that Lord Azazel was a powerful angel, it stood to reason that the people he had gathered for this mission were angels as well. Maybe they didn't have help from other Archangels, Lord Azazel must have a lot of angels under his command, right? What if he only took other angels under his wings?

"No, not all of them are angels" He admitted, only to fan the flames of the rising curiosity and hope within Calca.

"Can I-" Before she could finish her sentence, Kelart interrupted her with a cough.

"I think it is time for us to leave and prepare everything for your command." She stood up and bowed. "I am sure you have important matters to attend to." Kelart's gaze landed on the book that was sitting on the table.

Only then did Calca realize her mistake, she was imprudent to think that he had the time nor was willing to spend it on her. At least, not as long as there was a demon running around hatching plans to spread chaos. So, without further ado, she stood up and bowed as well. Even though she had rarely lowered her head these days, it didn't feel out of place or demeaning.

"Let me escort you to the door." Lord Azazel began, causing Calca to panicky wave her hands at him, reassuring him that they would be fine. As they stepped outside, a dutiful maid waited for them. A different maid with black hair put up into a bun and glasses that made her look stern. Like the other maids, she was another head-turning beauty. They were all female, she noted, subconsciously hopeful.

As they made their way through the corridor, the air grew thick with an eerie silence. The maid moved with grace and precision, their footsteps barely making a sound. The maid called Yuri led them to the main entrance, where the grand doors stood tall and imposing, even more so than the moment they had come knocking.

In the corner of her view, she thought that she saw another woman, but it seemed like her eyes had played a trick on her. The moment she turned her head to look at her, she had disappeared.

"Hmm?" She reached out and caught the slowly descending black feather.

"You are in luck." The maid called Yuri stated with a slight smile on her lips as she gazed at the feather before glancing at the choker Azazel had bestowed them. Calca agreed. She had come here with the purpose of confirming her suspicion only to leave with more knowledge and a powerful ally.

With a final nod, Calca stepped outside, the cool, fresh air of the cloudy day enveloping her. As they traveled back to the palace, Calca couldn't help but steal glances at the unusually quiet Kelart, who seemed lost in her own thoughts. The journey ahead would be filled with sacrifices and unknown dangers. Yet, Calca found solace in the fact that she had Lord Azazel by her side.

Her hand reached to her neck, grazing the choker around it. The firm material felt otherwordly and despite the seemingly normal material, it felt like a profound weight on her and simultaneously like a source of strength. She couldn't shake the feeling that she had embarked on a path that would forever alter her fate and the destiny of her kingdom.


The two wore the chokers that she had once observed in Az's collection, which meant that they now belonged to Az. If that was the case then they needed some protection, but she couldn't see any summons to shadow them. They must be lacking in manpower, especially since the priestess was sensitive against the undead and would make any attempt to have them be followed by some low-leveled undead backfire.

Perhaps Az had thought about it already, she mused as she continued to observe the two humans leave the premise until two strong arms hugged her from behind. She couldn't help but close her eyes and lean against his dependable chest, just feeling the aura reverberating from him, and how it enveloped her.

"I didn't expect you here. Did something happen?" Az asked, his tone tinged with a hint of worry, causing her to feel a tang of guilt for causing him to feel like this.

"No, my love. I am sorry I worried you." She began, feeling him relax slightly before she turned around to bury her face in his chest, hearing the mighty heartbeat inside. "It's just that Ainz had asked the opinion of the present battle maids, area, and floor guardians about something called a lunch break. The feedback was so positive that it was officially introduced and I immediately used it to visit."

She looked up at Az's raised eyebrow, disbelief coloring his expression. "I would have guessed that most citizens of Nazarick would abhor the idea of not serving the Supreme Beings." He correctly noted to which she nodded.

"Yes, this would normally be the case and some did raise their discontentment, but the overall positive feedback outweighed those."

"It would normally be the case? Why didn't it now?" He asked with growing suspicion as he narrowed her eyes at her, she couldn't help but be entranced by his eyes for a moment. There was more to him than there was the last time they had met... He was growing more powerful, somehow.

"I may have convinced them with the possibility that you would also be available during this lunch break and therefore the likelihood of them meeting you would increase." He raised an eyebrow.

"You didn't promise that I would visit every lunch break now, did you?" She vehemently shook her head at his question. Her heart pounding that she might have upset him with this statement.

"Of course not! You are obviously still on an important mission, but many hope that they would have the chance to meet you in the future once you are back in the tomb. Everyone is aware that you prefer dining in your- our home, but the possibility to meet is still greater, so they jumped on it."

"I see, then that's fine." He nodded slowly, making her heart calm down a bit. "It also gives you the opportunity to visit me." He concluded, directly discerning why she was agreeing to something ridiculous as a lunch break.

"Yes, this was my main goal why I had agreed to a break." Honestly, if she was just working to serve Azazel's carnal needs then she forget considering a break. She would march and fight against it.

"Could have given me a heads up that you visit though." He said as he guided her into his office before sitting down in his chair with her on his lap.

"I was too excited to have such an opportunity that I forgot. I'm sorry."

"Nah, it's fine. You can come and go as you please, if I am here depends on your timing though. Also if you decide to bring another present or someone else with you, call me beforehand." He responded as his hands moved to her bosom, fondling her almost instantly to completion.

"I saw two humans leave with a c-carrige~" She moaned out as Az spread her legs and slipped his hand into her panties through the hole in her white dress.

"What about them?" He asked as if he was oblivious to what height his fingers were bringing her. It was too difficult to think, yet alone speak.

"A-are... t-they... queen a-annnn~... priestess~" She managed to utter after a full 5 minutes. With a harsh bite on her lip, she tried to suppress her pleasure, but her husband was driving her absolutely crazy.

The gently but hungry breathing down her neck, his solid chest and the powerful heartbeat, the strong arms, and the dexterous fingers were submitting her everything to him, but what really drove her crazy was his hardening cock pressing against her buttocks.

He was attracted to her pleasure and he made it known by rhythmically and gently thrusting his hips against her. Oh, how she just wanted to tear down her dress and expose her hole for him to take. She wanted to be fucked, used as his masturbation tool, and covered in semen-

"Yes, they are the queen and priestess of this kingdom. Two of the most influential women in this country." His smooth voice sounded like a whisper of temptation. A shiver ran down her spine and pleasure flooded her system. Her panties were already drenched by the pleasure he was causing, which he just continued to rile up even further with a kiss to her neck.

A giant climax put her panties into another crisis before he regretfully stopped. She watched in a daze and then fascination as he licked his stained fingers. He continued while pinching her nipples, "I had revealed that I am an angel and here to support them against their demonic threat."

"Aaaah~" Her voice betrayed her as she marveled at his ingeniousness. It was simple yet effective. The delivery needed to be just right and it was probably something only Azazel could have pulled off with his holy and charming presence. If it was someone else attempting, they would have failed miserably even if they were an angel as well.

"It won't take long until this country will belong to me." He calmly stated it as a fact while licking her cheek before transitioning to a wet kiss, causing yet another high. This kingdom truly would fall into his hands soon, especially with the look the two women had on their faces as they left.

It may appear as mere luck, but in reality, he had meticulously orchestrated this trap. Now, all he had to do was wait for his charm to exhaust his unsuspecting prey. To all outsiders, it seemed like a stroke of luck, without realizing the intricate variables at play.

The demonic threat, the uprising rebellion, and the involvement of demi-humans - all of these factors contributed to urging the queen to give Az the keys to her kingdom. Given the circumstances, it was understandable why the leader of the nation would eagerly embrace his assistance, and no one could fault her for it.

Ainz, too, would likely attribute Az's success to his ability to charm the queen, as it aligned with Az's usual demeanor. If she hadn't known that he purposefully wanted to downplay his intelligence and ability to leadership skills in order to demonstrate to Ainz that he was still needed by the NPCs then she would have been fooled as well.

Sasuga, "Azzzz~"

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