Prince of Nazarick

Chapter 87: Proposal

A/N: I'm sorry everyone, I had a meeting about my work performance and completely forgot to upload yesterday :/


"So, this is where Nazarick begins?" Evileye heard Renner mutter as the princess poked her head out through the curtains of her carriage's window. "Will we be fine?" She asked with a worried tone.

"Don't worry, princess." Evileye began as a smile formed on her face. "From here on it's Lord Azazel's domain and I doubt anyone would be dumb enough to try anything here. Anyone with eyes would be able to tell that his powers can actually reach this place already"

Evileye pointed to the clear dividing line between the grass and trees. Although there were no physical walls, everyone looking at the plants could tell the difference between the two sides. Inside Nazarick the grass seemed so much greener compared to the outside. It was like life could truly flourish in there, while outside seemed comparatively dull.

"I see…" Renner answered while her lips thinned and the hand holding the curtains open clenched nervously. The princess had been this tense since she was told to come along on this journey. Evileye knew that it must be a nerve-wracking experience for a spoiled princess. To wander out this far from her home to a different country and meet a literal god.

It wasn't something that could be done casually even if one were royalty. Not to mention, that she was personally requested to see Lord Azazel. It would be difficult not to be nervous. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and now that they would enter his domain there would be no going back.

Even Evileye felt nervous thinking about seeing the angel again. Of course, it was for a different reason, but her point still stood.

Renner sighed heavily as she glanced at her clasped hands in her lap. "Everything will be alright. I'm sure Lord Azazel just wants to thank you for your hard work in the past." Renner's bodyguard, Climb called out enthusiastically. "Besides, it will be a good opportunity to thank him again."

"Right... still who knows why he called me it could be for anything... It's not like I had done anything wrong- Nothing that I did wi- I mean knowingly… Perhaps, he just wants to give me a task like the others..." Renner countered, uncharacteristically uneloquent. It seemed like her nervousness was really getting to her.

Though her last point was probably the most likely. All the people from different countries who had been previously invited were given a heavy responsibility. All of them were of high ranks or powerful in their own right, sometimes even both. From what she had heard, they were all acquainted with Lord Azazel, just like Princess Renner was to a lesser degree.

The queen and high priest of the Holy Kingdom. Divine chant, a hero of the Slane Theocracy. Leinas Rockbruise, former imperial knight of the Baharuth Empire. Draudillon Oriculus, the current queen of the Dragon Kingdom. They weren't just random people, but mighty women who had their fair share of power and pull inside their countries.

Their task to represent his church was heavy, but all of them would manage. They already had enough experience under their belt. Besides, having a literal god as their backing did wonders for motivation Evileye guessed. Now it seemed that Renner alongside the king had been invited to talk with Lord Azazel.

There were speculations that he would ask the king to step down and have his daughter take up the mantle as she was always known to be the type to help the weak and powerless. She was a kind-hearted princess, so it seemed fitting that she would be invited by the incarnation of goodness Lord Azazel.

It made her a bit jealous, but as long as she could see him again, it would be fine. After all, they were living in two different worlds. Even beforehand when he was 'just' the mightiest angel known to date, he was already hardly within her reach. Now he ruled a nation and countless people followed and worshipped him. The leaders of several neighboring nations openly submitted to him. Just speaking to him in a private matter had become an impossible task.

Just before they entered the domain, she saw Renner drink a vial with white liquid inside. Evileye guessed that it was a potion to give her some courage. The moment they stepped inside the domain, she too braced herself for any type of resistance or sensation but nothing happened. She had expected something even a trickle on her skin but besides the fresh air and pleasant scent, nothing significantly impacted her.

Surprisingly, it seemed to be different for the others. Most sighed as if they relaxed for the first time in years, while some women moaned sensually, getting looks from the others before their attention was attracted to the guardian of this nation that suddenly became visible to them.

They had heard about him. He was hovering above the pearly gates of Lord Azazel's realm. The Gate Guardian as he was appointed. An angel that stood at dozens of meters and luminous wings that seemed to fluctuate between 2 or as many as 12, with each pair sprouting from its shoulders, back, temples, ankles, and wrists.

The Guardian wielded a sword that would emit flames that seemed to rival the heat of the sun. It had only made one move since its appearance, slaying a True Dragon Lord who was here to challenge Lord Azazel. Strangely, all of the heat that its weapon seemed to emit, didn't affect the surroundings at all while it melted one of the strongest creatures in their world.

The Guardian stood in front of the gate, with its weapon drawn and head bowed. Anyone would hear its warning inside their head when they approached without invitation and slain if they ignored it to tread deeper. Of course, no one was dumb enough to provoke such a powerful being that could even slay Dragon Lords.

Evileye glanced over what seemed like reflective clouds, forming an insurmountable sphere behind the Guardian. The only indication of what was inside this sphere was through the pearly gates. The only way toward the gates was by walking up the staircase.

Even as Evileye just looked at the gates and the clouds that blocked all curious eyes, she felt increasingly nervous. It felt like she was sullying this holy place with her presence, but she knew that she shouldn't make any assumption just because of her race. There was another undead inside this place after all. It was said that one of the great gods, the undead god Surshana, resided inside as Lord Azazel's equal. However, until now no one has been able to confirm it.

Whether it was truly him or not didn't really matter to Evileye, she just hoped that she would be able to meet Lord Azazel. Her gaze wandered across the hovering sphere that reflected the world below it. It seemed to be moving and standing still at the same time. A truly wonderful sight.

Her gaze then landed on the Guardian and her heart skipped a beat as she felt his eyes meeting hers. A blink later and the sensation passed. Unsure of whether it was just an illusion she stared at him, but the helmet made it hard for her to see his eyes. 

After a moment, she diverted her gaze in the unlikely event that it would provoke the Guardian. She looked around as they passed through the village called Carne Village. Humans and goblins were living together, greeting them with smiles and no fear despite how heavily armed they were.

"They probably have absolute confidence in Lord Azazel," Lakyus commented as she watched the farmers work without paying too much attention to them besides a simple greeting. "They look happy. Seems like the angel is also a good lord." Lakyus's expression was serious as she appraised the land.

Although she was an adventurer now, she had been a noble lady, so she could discern some things easier than others. "What do you think, Princess Renner?" The other woman seemed distracted as she held her gaze on the Guardian before answering Lakyus.

"Indeed, he seems… merciful and revered." Princess Renner sighed heavily before muttering something about forgiveness. Evileye was getting concerned, seeing the princess being in such distress. Hopefully, meeting Lord Azazel would ease that nervousness. After all, his presence had a soothing effect.

They continued on their path. When they were at a sign indicating the boundaries set by the Guardian, they straightened their back subconsciously as if to make a good impression on the Guardian, who didn't even turn his head toward them. Although they knew that they were invited and the Guardian usually spoke out a warning before annihilating his enemies, they couldn't help but brace themselves for something.

When they passed the sign and past the Guardian's legs, they sighed in relief. There were still a couple of hundred meters until they reached the stairs. Once arrived, the king, his daughter, and the members of the Blue Rose hiding inside had to get out before starting to ascend the stairs. The soldiers that came along didn't hesitate and accompanied their royalty in a formation.

Evileye glanced at the Warrior Captain, Gazef Stronoff, acting as the spearhead of the group. He was clad in the country's treasures, fully decked with sword, armor, and magical jewelry.

Although she was sure some disagreed with taking these treasures on this 'dangerous' journey, it wasn't like they did it for some trivial reason. It was to equip their mightiest warrior to protect their king. If they had objected it would have been akin to treason and their heads would fly at the end of the day. The nobles siding with the crown wouldn't pass on the opportunity to get rid of their rivals.

As they walked up the stairways, she couldn't help but get nervous. Every step closer seemed to shake her to the core. "Remember, don't say anything, and mind your manners!" Lakyus whisper-shouted as she side-eyed her.

"I'm far older than you. I know what to do." She countered though her age didn't counter the fact she was new to the feelings of love. She took in a big breath and continued to ascend the stairs with the others. No one attempted to fly up the stairs as they felt like it would be insulting, so they patiently treaded up.

It didn't take long until they arrived at the ginormous gate. Although it looked great in the distance already, now that they stood in front of it, they realized how mindbogglingly huge it was.

They had to strain their necks to be able to see where the top of the gates disappeared into the clouds. A truly marvelous construct befitting for a god. Anyone who had the privilege to see it up close would know that this wasn't something created by mere mortals. Even the most hardened and stubborn noble would submit just by arriving in front of these pearly gates.

At the top of the stairs, the ground was smooth and hidden behind a thin mist. The gate automatically opened smoothly as if it didn't weigh a single gram. Beyond it was a white haze, unclear what they would find behind it. They walked inside and their surroundings slowly changed into that of a throne room.

Evileye glanced back at where they had come from. A majestic set of double doors manifested behind them. The doors stood over five meters in height and were covered in intricate carvings. On one side there was a beautiful goddess, while the other resembled a cruel demon. It almost looked like they would jump out of the frame of the door.

The others were vigilant as well, but seeing the red carpet and the figures waiting at the thrones on the other side, made them continue their path toward them. Evileye observed each of them. The might they exuded was hardly something anyone from their group could contend with.

In fact, a single one would be able to annihilate them just like the Guardian would have. Now there were 3 of them. To top it off, they were incredibly beautiful, which made Evileye's heart flare up with jealousy and insecurities, but she quickly calmed it down as she knew that Lord Azazel wasn't one to only go for looks. Of course, the fact that they were able to stand beside him was pointedly ignored.

She recognized his wife, Fubuki and the smaller one should be the mind-controlled sister that they were able to rescue during the attack on Re-Estize.

Evileye looked at the god they were there to see. He was sitting on one of the two thrones with his wings spread behind it, slightly swaying. The undead god wasn't there to welcome him, but he wasn't important to Evileye. She continued to stare at Lord Azazel. He looked absolutely majestic and dignified. The sight of him instantly pulled her into a trance.

Even Ramposa's words of gratitude were background noise for her. Of course, she agreed with everything he said about them being in debt to the angel's saving grace, but she was too busy admiring. As he finished his speech, he bowed and everyone else that had come along followed.

Usually, such an act would be disgraceful even if the other was a king, but they weren't dealing with just a king. This was a god who had saved their world. Not to mention bowing, even kneeling would be fine. In fact, some of the crowd had directly knelt despite how unbecoming it was for the soldiers of another country to kneel for a king, not of their own.

"I do what needs to be done." He began and his voice was calming, though it only served to remind her of her lonely but passionate nights since their previous meetings.

"Still, we still want to show you, our gratitude." After saying that, the king sent a soldier to present a coffret and a scroll. Of course, he was stopped at the bottom of the stairs and the gifts just floated toward Lord Azazel. He opened the scroll and read it for a moment.

A smile appeared on his face before it disappeared into a dark void. "Thank you. The gesture is appreciated. I'm sure the people will be pleased." He didn't elaborate on what it was exactly, but Evileye had heard from the discussions between Renner and Lakyus what it was. Lord Azazel seemed to have had his eyes on E-Rantel and had asked Rambosa to relinquish it as it was close to Nazarick's budding territory.

The only thing Rambosa could offer was this city and since Lord Azazel was arguably the most powerful entity on this planet plus the approval of the city's majority, the choice for the gift was rather easy. Something that had caused some insignificant nobles to take the chance to badmouth the king, but those were the ignorant minority.

"Today I invited you to propose something to you." Lord Azazel began to speak and gained the undivided attention of everyone present. There was an otherworldly aura to him that captivated anyone in the vicinity.

The king and his daughter waited with bated breath. "Your daughter, Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself shall be Queen of the Re-Estize Kingdom." His announcement sent the crowd in shock.

This wasn't something that could just be said even by kings. To announce something like this was to take away their independence. Of course, he was no mere king. He was a god that could raze their country to the ground without breaking into sweat. If he announced it then they had no choice but to obey or face the consequences.

"With all due respect, this isn't something for you to decide." Gazef Stronoff stepped forward unwavering.

"Gazef!" Rambosa called out to stop him, though the words were already thrown out. This had been the best way. If Rambosa voiced out his discontent, it would have made the king look weak to the ones still standing by his side. Now he could place the blame onto the warrior captain, while still making the discontent known.

"I apologize for his outburst." Rambosa bowed deeply, and Gazef followed suit, though he continued to firmly stare at Lord Azazel the moment he rose again. "Forgive him, but I'm of a similar opinion." Evileye's eyes widened at his words, overthrowing what she had thought was his plan.

He continued, "It's just that my dear daughter had shown no interest in the throne and I'm not inclined to force her."

The stance the king took... Although it wasn't a firm rejection, it was far firmer than his usual modus operandi. Of course, he hadn't mentioned the 'audacity' of another ruler to dictate the future of their country, so he had unwittingly, or maybe knowing submitted to Lord Azazel's opinion. Although Rambosa was many things, indecisive and naïve, he wasn't dumb. "Is that so?"

Lord Azazel tilted his head before glancing at Princess Renner. It was only at this point that Evileye realized that she had knelt and to make matters worse, she was still in that position. "You don't want to be the ruler of Re-Estize? With your intelligence, you will be able to guide your country to prosper."

The god stated and if they knew about her mind there was no one who would deny him. Even without it, she was still admired for her good-heartedness. If she was their queen it wouldn't be too bad for the citizens. Besides, even if Princess Renner truly lacked the strength to rule Re-Estize, by being appointed by Lord Azazel her rule would be as secure as it could be. It was probably why Rambosa seemed content in continuing this conversation.

"I-" Princess Renner's head had been lowered since they had entered this throne hall as if not daring to meet the god's eyes.

"Let me see your eyes." Lord Azazel said as a disappointed smile arose on his face. A pang of hurt rose in Evileye even though the expression wasn't directed at her. Princess Renner raised her head and faced the ruler of Nazarick.

"I don't dare to accept this burden." She spoke, causing Lord Azazel to shake his head.

"There aren't many things I don't know." He began as he stood up and slowly walked down the stairs. "Although you had masked his mark – the demonic taint, I know that you have made a deal with my arc nemesis, with the Evil Lord Jaldabaoth." His words were like thunder that echoed in the throne room. The attention snapped toward the kneeling Princess in shock.

Even Rambosa couldn't keep the shock off his expression as he looked at his only daughter. "W-what? Renner…?" He called out weakly and it seemed like he was aging rapidly as his face turned pale before his gaze snapped back to Lord Azazel. "Please have mer-"

Lord Azazel raised his hand, interrupting the king with a chuckle. "Don't worry. I knew it even before I wanted her to take the throne." His words clearly indicated his opinion on the matter. He didn't put blame on Princess Renner probably because he had dealt with the demon for decades already. He must know that their princess Renner wouldn't deal with the demon if she wasn't forced.

"I can remove that mark and as long as you swear your loyalty to me, you get to live the life you want under my protection." He called out and it was now clear to all why he had invited her and why he wanted her to be queen. His offer wasn't something out of the possible.

There would be some pushback, but it would be fine if they considered the alternative. If they denied him then it was akin to siding with Jaldabaoth and who knew how far Lord Azazel would go to eradicate his enemies?

"I accept." Princess Renner called out before anyone could truly form a response. Her mind worked even faster than theirs, so she too realized that her only option was to submit.

Everyone here knew it and everyone knew that they didn't have a choice. Rambosa had to bend the knee or sacrifice his daughter to cut off any doubt that they were associated with the demon. Given how Rambosa wasn't one to make the necessary sacrifice, he wouldn't do so for his own flesh and blood.

"We will do as you say," Rambosa said as he got onto his knees. Gazef Stronoff's fist clenched, and all of Blue Rose and the soldiers were uncomfortable with the current situation. In the end, they still bend the knee. Although she liked the idea of kneeling to Lord Azazel, Evileye also felt awkward, not having expected such a turn of events. It was a clever and cunning trap laid out for them.

It wasn't something she had expected from the angel-turned-god. Perhaps, she shouldn't forget that he was the ruler of Nazarick as well. "I do apologize for my actions, but I want to make sure that there isn't a hidden enemy among my neighbors. Once I have dealt with Jaldabaoth, we can talk about your independence." Lord Azazel looked at them with a pained expression as if he didn't want to do this.

The thing was, Evileye believed him. She had heard about the conflict that lasted for eons between angels and demons. So, despite the fact their country lost part of their freedom, she felt that it was necessary and perhaps even beneficial. They had heard about the Holy Kingdom's situation as well as the Slane Theocracy's and the Baharuth's Empire's.

Under the influence of Sephirotic Path they had been flourishing. Alliances were declared and even the borders to the demi-humans in the Dragon Kingdom had never been more secure. There were even signs of demi-humans adopting the belief of the Sephirotic Path.

"I understand." Rambosa acknowledged. "Perhaps that is why you were able to wage that war with that demon."

Lord Azazel smiled ruefully at that, "Indeed. To slay a monster, one has to become one. I'm sure my enemies would subscribe to that."

"Hopefully, the good it will cause will outweigh your sins." The king reprimanded and Evileye couldn't help but inwardly shake her head. He was a good man, but he was no good king. It was his disposition that had caused his country to be riddled with corruption and disorder. Nobles did whatever they wanted because they hid behind the innocent or behind laws that should have long been abolished.

"I have faith." Lord Azazel, the ever-kind soul, despite the heavy burden resting on his shoulder. Evileye would even say that he was a better man than Rambosa could ever be. At least, Lord Azazel did what needed to be done to make actual change that bettered the world at large. "I'm sure you want your daughter to be as safe as she could be. Blue Rose and her bodyguard can stay to protect her."

Rambosa opened his mouth to protest, but in the end, nothing came out. He nodded before turning away. Gazef stared at Lord Azazel for a moment before nodding his head and leaving with his king. The man must have recognized Lord Azazel's stance. Although he was loyal to a fault to his king, he acknowledged Lord Azazel.

"Shall we?" He asked as he smiled at them. Renner stood up and gave a maiden's bow before nodding. She looked a lot less tense than before.

"I will finally be free." Renner wiped away some tears that formed at the corner of her eyes. Evileyes and her teammates looked at the princess with sympathy and concern. They didn't know what had to be done to force her into a deal with such a demon, but it probably wasn't anything good.

"My princess, everything will be alright. Lord Azazel said he could erase that taint on you-" As if realizing the point, Climb looked at Lord Azazel, "Is the taint something dangerous? Can it be fixed? How long will it take-"

The god raised his hand to interrupt the young knight, "Don't worry about it. It just makes angels turn hostile- fortunately, I placated them when you entered - corrupts your thoughts and soul to turn you into a slave." He answered casually, making all of them pale in shock.

"Ah, by the way, Climb do you want to sit this one out or do you want to watch? My wife said that the procedure would be heartbreaking for you."

The question stunned the knight, though it quickly turned resolute before nodding firmly, "I want to be there for her."

Lord Azazel nodded with a smile on his face that Evileye couldn't quite place.

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