Prince of Nazarick

Chapter 88: Cleansing

"The demonic taint is a rather insidious thing. You don't even notice it despite how deeply ingrained it is." The angel explained as he led Renner and the others through the bright hallways of this palace. Though Renner wasn't sure whether palace would be an accurate description of where they were, it certainly had the charm of one.

The windows were lit up as if they were outside, but Renner wasn't sure whether that was true either. After all, they hadn't seen the structure they were in from the outside. They were teleported directly after they walked through the gates.

A shiver ran down her spine as she remembered how the Guardian angel looked at her when they approached. She felt his gaze on her the entire way toward the gates. The Guardian must know of her deal with the demon and if Aza- wait, was he able to read minds…?

If Lord Azazel hadn't invited her, she was sure that she would have been pulverized. Her gaze landed on the broad back of the angel and for some reason, her body had a particular reaction to seeing him. It was similar to when she thought about her pet Climb just more intensive and… raw for the lack of a better word.

"The idea is just to flush out the taint by injecting the afflicted person with lots of divine energy. A high dose shouldn't negatively affect someone, but if the demonic taint was placed in precarious places like the brain, it might end up frying it if it was done carelessly. And even if it isn't placed in those vital areas, it would still destroy them with how potent divine energy is" The angel continued his explanation, making her worry about the future.

Lord Azazel seemed confident of getting rid of this mark the demon had spoken about. After they had made a deal, the demon cast some spell on her that made her feel a fear that seemed to touch upon her soul. From what he told her, it was forever binding and it would give her an agonizing death if she decided to resist his orders. It was also something that couldn't be removed as it had burned itself into her soul. At least, that is what she was told.

The way the Angel carried himself, it was clear that he was confident in cleansing her of this mark, and even though it raised some questions, for some reason she felt like both of them were telling her the truth. The devil truly believed that the mark irreversibly bound her and the angel thought he could remove it.

Lord Azazel didn't look careless or ignorant about the specifics and he probably wouldn't underestimate the rival he had fought since eons ago, which meant that this method was a secret technique that the devil didn't know of, or it was something recently developed.

"For normal angels, it would be a near impossible task as they just don't have the right experience with it. However, my wife and I have a lot of practice already. I rarely hurt her now, and even when I did it wasn't anything major- Oh, yeah, I probably should mention it, but she is a demon. Removing such a taint is nothing in comparison to handling her carefully-"

"Wait- what? Fubuki is a demon... but you are an angel!" Lakyus exclaimed. The girl was of the righteous type, so to a certain degree angels were her role models. It was already enlightening to see Lakyus take a neutral stance when speaking about Lord Azazel.

To hear that an angel had a demon as his wife was certainly not something one would think about when the topic of angels came up. Even Renner was highly curious as she had done some extensive research about their race before.

If it hadn't come from an angel himself, she would have said that it was near impossible for them to coexist, not to mention to engage in a romantic relationship. What if they birthed a child? Wouldn't other angels oppose the birth of a Nephilim?

"Hahaha, yes of course. I love her dearly. She probably is rushing to finish up her work to come back to me quicker." He spoke fondly as he looked at his shoulder to give Lakyus a gentle smile. It left even her dumbfounded by how openly he conveyed his feelings. If it were just a business relationship or to secure some alliance, this would be an easier pill to swallow.

"Ah, and I don't mean Fubuki, she is an elf. I mean Albedo my first wife." That certainly was another revelation, though Renner had heard rumors of some practices his religion had. It wasn't unfitting for Lord Azazel to have multiple wives. Most royalty had, so why wouldn't the divine?

"Ah- uh. So, you don't mind having multiple wives- and her being a demon?" Evileye asked. The adventurer had a crush on the angel, it was clear for anyone to see. Well, it wasn't like she was trying to hide it as she swooned over his actions that day for extended periods.

"Why would I mind? More wives means I can spread more love and as for her being a demon, why would it matter?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow at her. Was he pretending to not know the implications of his words? His eyes then lit up, "Ahh, well… do you think all humans are good?" The change in subject stunned her for a moment. "What about elves? Demi-humans? Are all undead evil? Then how do you explain Surshana? Now, what about demons are all of them bad?"

He then stopped in front of a large door and turned toward them as they digested his words. "Tell me, do you think all angels are good?" His eyes were piercing into them and his words came out cold, unlike the kind aura he had given off a moment before. "There are good apples among the bad and bad among the good. The top of the food chain is where an entity truly has the freedom to choose its own destiny, especially if the race is heavily influenced by their race's inclinations."

His words were filled with conviction and it resonated with her. If she had been powerful enough to fight off Jaldabaoth, she wouldn't be in this situation. Of course, she had to face reality. She just wasn't a gifted warrior or could wield magic due to her lack of sensibility. If she could sense mana, with her intelligence how could she willingly have stayed as weak as she was?

"Are you a bad apple among good?" Lakyus asked while directly staring into the angel's eyes. They held eye contact for a moment before the angel smiled gently at her.

"I try not to be." Objectively not something one would want to hear from an angel, a paragon of the good, but it filled Renner with ease. If even an angel saw flaws in himself then he wouldn't be as harsh to others with flaws either, right? …or was he just saying it to manipulate her?

His political cunning had been on display since they arrived here. Although she felt that he hadn't lied yet, there simply was no need for it. Despite the lack of clear deception, it felt like she had been dancing in his palm since the beginning. From the looks of it, the angel wanted to use her abilities to rule her country.

There was also no way he wouldn't be able to see through her façade, but until now he didn't show that he cared. Perhaps, it came from his confidence that she couldn't betray him once he put his own mark on her. After all, there was no way that he would just ask her for an oath of loyalty.

A war against a demon for such a long time couldn't have gone to a stalemate without some cunning, knowledge of the human heart, and the decisiveness to go through with it.

Using her would be the easiest to get the country under his rule. Marking her to ensure her loyalty would secure future plans. Although he wouldn't have direct control over the country and its people, he might as well as he could just tell her what to do. From the rumors she had heard, he didn't appear to be interested in ruling and mainly left the people he had chosen to their own devices.

It was a one-move checkmate and she was sure that he had no intention of fumbling this secured win. He would lock it down and put a leash on her. She would just be his pet. With that thought, she looked over to Climb, who was giving her a supportive glance. She could practically see the tail wag, which would usually make her happy, but she would rather have someone who could actually support or save her when everything broke down.

Lord Azazel clapped, instantly bringing her out of her thoughts before she could spiral into them, "Alright, so you stay outside, and Climb, if you want, will be sitting on the chair in the corner of the room."

"W-wait a second. C-can I watch you too?" Evileye asked probably just so she could admire Lord Azazel for longer. Renner doubted it was for her case. In fact, there wasn't really a need for any protection. In this place, the angel seemed to have all the power.

If someone were able to break into this place and harm her while she was in the care of the angel, her 'friends' wouldn't be able to make a difference. Whether they could defend against the angel was a question that she didn't bother to entertain. From the beginning, it was an offer purely made from a political perspective- it was purely to extend an olive branch and give her father some reassurance.

The angel glanced at Evileye for a moment before nodding slowly, "Sure, there are two other chairs-"

"Then can I watch too?" Lakyus asked as she stepped forward, surprising them. The angel directed his attention to her, holding eye contact for another moment before nodding. He then looked at the remaining companions of the Blue Rose.

"I'm guessing you want to guard the door, though if you want to stretch your legs, you have my permission to look around. There is also a hall that will lead you to the church of the Holy Kingdom. My other wife Fubuki used to preach there; I can only recommend it to you." The triplets and Gagaran nodded before positioning themselves as if they would stay there without inquiring more or even commenting on it less, they incite an additional restrictive comment from him.

Renner was sure the moment they entered the room, they would disperse and scout the area. A common habit of adventurers was to secure their surroundings. Although it would be rude to do so in the presence of the other nation's royalty, when there was no one around it would be fair game. However, Renner believed that the angel would know this as well, so he had intentionally given them this opportunity. For what goal? She wasn't sure.

They entered the room and the door fell shut behind them automatically. Like the rest of this palace, it was grandiose and had a certain transcendence to it that was hard to describe with mere words.

However, they were already accustomed to the sight since they had seen much grander things the moment they had stepped into his territory. The Guardian, the cloud sphere, the gates, the twin doors, the throne hall, all of them were majestic beyond words. Renner was sure no other country could even emulate any of it.

"Climb you can sit at that chair there. I had a blanket placed there in case you would feel shy." Lord Azazel pointed at the chair, but the other ones in the room glanced at one particular spot in the room.

"L-lord Azazel, why is there a bed?" Climb stammered, asking the question everyone had in mind.

"Hmm, it's more comfortable that way. Imagine having to stand for hours on end, it wouldn't be nice to wait that long. Besides, there is a possibility that she falls unconscious." He explained as he walked deeper into the room before stopping at the bed. "Please." He gestured at the other two chairs, making Evileye and Lakyus sit down.

"You can take off your mask if you want. The sun won't hurt you here, Evileye." He smiled gently at her, which made the other woman freeze before nodding slowly. Renner couldn't help but feel surprised as few could make her take it off. In fact, Renner hadn't seen her face either. She had assumed that she was disfigured early in life.

The moment she took off her mask, Renner understood why she had adamantly refused to take it off in the past. The other was a vampire. The sunlight would have burned her and most people would think of ways to get rid of her as soon as possible.

"So, what do I do?" Renner asked as she stood in front of the angel. It felt weird to be watched by the angel and the others, but it wasn't like this was the first time she was at the center of attention. It had been like this her entire life, so she should feel accustomed to it, yet strangely she felt nervous.

"Okay, first take your clothes off and lie on the bed."

"What?!" Climb jumped out of his seat while the others too looked stunned at the angel. Was that a joke? No, he didn't seem like the one to joke around in such a situation.

Lord Azazel glanced at Climb, "I hope you don't intend to do the same during the procedure. If you interrupt it at a crucial time, it might lead to adverse reactions." The angel warned but this time Climb wasn't deterred.

"What is the procedure? What are you planning on doing?" The angel looked at him with a raised eyebrow, seemingly not understanding his outburst.

"Of course, I'm planning to have sex with her." His words were like an explosion in the room. Evileye stood up with wide eyes and Lakyus too stood up with her hands unsheathing her sword.

The angel looked at them with a confused expression, "What's up with the sudden hostility?" The innocent question stunned them. Could he mean this seriously? Renner wasn't sure whether he just wanted to play with them. His religion was centered around having sex after all even if his scripture didn't directly mention it. How could he not know what it entails?

"T-this- I can't allow this!" Climb exclaimed.

"That means you want to break the deal?" Lord Azazel asked with a tilt of his head and although the question seemed casual, their answer would doom them and their country. The air suddenly felt very heavy as if the next moment they would be crushed under it.

"T-this, why does it have to be s-sex?" Climb asked with desperation.

"As I mentioned, to cleanse her of the demonic taint, I need to flush her system with divine energy. I could do it just by pouring in pure divine energy. This would only cause her body to break down. The easiest way for a human to absorb the needed amount of energy is through an organic process. Her body needs to be naturally stimulated…" The angel rubbed his chin in thought, "She could also give me fellatio, which has a similar effect, but would need a lot longer. Much longer than a human can be without breath."

His words caused a round of silence in the room. "To be honest, it's the only safe option. If you don't want to do it then our deal will be naught as your loyalty stands to question. Not to mention, you have entered the domain of the divine. You can't leave without removing that taint."

"What do you mean by that?" Lakyus asked, narrowing her eyes as she lowered her sword slightly as if to strike in the next moment.

"…You have entered my domain. It would be impossible for me not to notice that taint. For you to walk out of it unharmed? What do you think the demon will interpret such action? Your Highness, you would die almost instantly." Another ice bucket over their head. From the very beginning, the angel knew this.

The moment he had invited her here, he knew that this deal was her only option. His cunning was truly frightening. He had pushed her into Zugzwang without even trying. It was... exciting. Besides…

She glanced over at Climb with an expression akin to a dog who had his toy stolen from him. It was rather cute on him. Renner thought as it spiraled into a perverse direction. She turned back to the angel who was still giving her that strange feeling in her gut. "Lord Azazel," she called out.

"If it really is the only way, t-then I guess I have no choice." She stammered with tears in her eyes, wiping them away, while the others looked at her with concern. He nodded at her with a smile on his face, causing her heart to beat at an irregular rhythm again. This hadn't been the first time and she guessed it had something to do with the angel.

Climb wanted to say something just as Evileye and Lakyus wanted to, but nothing came out of his mouth. What could he say? If it was going to save her life and their country, how could he possibly prevent this? Lord Azazel, the savior of their world sleeping with Princess Renner, in the eyes of many it would be a great honor for her, but he couldn't accept this.

"W-wait. P-please be gentle." He watched as Renner lay on the bed, shyly hiding her private parts. The angel seemed passionate as he ran his hands along her curves, caressing her gently before giving her a small peck on the lips.

However, it wasn't the mere action that hurt, it was the change in her expression. It was shy and teary-eyed before, but after that little peck, her eyes widened with surprise as she stared into the angel's eyes. There was genuine shock in them as if she had experienced something that she thought wasn't possible.

There was a burst of indignation in his heart, but he remained rooted to the spot. However, there was also something else deeply buried in him. Seeing Renner's form that could only be found in his deepest fantasies…

"Don't worry, I will take care of you." The angel responded before kissing her neck, then her collarbone before moving down.

"D-don't it's dirty," Renner exclaimed as he pried her hands off her crotch before diving in. He gave her a long lick across her slit and Climb's heart almost exploded, forcing him to take a seat and shamefully pull the blanket over his lap.

"It's clean now." The angel said with a smirk before kissing her again. It was deeper and more passionate. It only took a second, but Renner was obviously responding with the way her hands crept up his neck and pulled him closer. She caressed his cheeks while moaning quietly.

They separated again, "This, this feels really good." Renner admitted with a dazed expression as if she had already forgotten about the other people in the room.

*Clank* Climb looked over to Lakyus, who had dropped her sword and was now sitting in her chair as well with a red face while her thighs were fidgeting, rubbing against each other. Evileye on the other hand had already pulled a blanket covering her lower half as well. The movement conveyed undeniably what she was doing.

"If you thought that felt good, then you will absolutely love this." He pulled down his pants and with a meaty smack smacked his dick on his stomach. It wasn't even fully erect yet and was already almost touching her breasts. This wasn't how a dick should look like, right? Climb glanced down at the blanket covering his lap before looking back up again.

Wouldn't this kill her? He wondered quietly in his mind. Wasn't this akin to being fucked by an orc or minotaur? No, not even those would have such an exaggerated dick. "My wife absolutely loves being railed by it, but I will take care of you, to get you used to it."

Renner looked like she was in a trance as she just gulped while following the tip of his being placed at her precious entrance. He pushed forward slightly entering her with his tip only. A bulge already formed at her pubic mound as if it was already too much to handle. He continued to push before stopping halfway in.

Climb wasn't sure how to interpret her expression. She bit her lips as if she were trying to suppress her pain, while her eyes were strangely cross-eyed. "F-fffffuuuuuck." He had never heard her curse before. "Oh, shiiiiiit." Fluid was sprayed onto the angel's lower half, staining them and the bed wet before she collapsed powerlessly onto her back.

However, the angel didn't seem to be keen on giving her a break. He started moving and with every thrust, more fluid came out. "S-slow down, I can't~" She continued to moan as he ignored her plea.

Climb felt like the surroundings turned blurry as he just watched what was happening. Only hearing Renner's shouts as they continued.

"T-this….painful…slowy don't~"

"Plea-s gen-tle~"



"Fuuuuuck yeees~"

"Cover~ me~"

At one point her previous shy appearance vanished as if it had been all an act. She even started to ride him while being covered filthy with his semen.

"Make me feel like that again~"

All this time, the angel obliged fucking her relentlessly like he had infinite stamina. Now after Climb stained the blanket with two shots, he felt partly empty and partly relieved. It wasn't like he was hurt. Renner and he had never been a couple, so he shouldn't be upset. In fact, since she was a princess, this was already the furthest he could have accomplished given their status.

It was all fine even when he watched her getting railed and forced to drink semen without end, while her face showed a peak of pleasure and ecstasy, something that he would never be able to accomplish. All of this he was able to bear, somehow.

However, why did it hurt the most when they were done and Renner pulled him into the bed again? She didn't need to do that. He said they were done... The way she cuddled into his side and covered his jaw with kisses. The way she looked into his eyes. It made everything he had seen from her seem fake in comparison.

Was that her true self? One she would show to the only one she loved? That terrifying smile completely unlike the innocent he had sworn to protect... He wasn't sure when he had walked outside, but he didn't care anymore. He glanced down at the bulge in his pants before sitting down in the hallway outside of the room. Suddenly another young man approached with a young woman beside him.

"See you later."

The woman waved at him with a smile on her face, "Alright, Nfirea. See you later. My business might take a bit longer, so don't wait for me." She then proceeded to walk into the room where Lord Azazel and Renner were still in bed. Climb was about to say something to stop her but was stopped by the man called Nfirea.

"First time?" He asked with a smile as if he had found a comrade.

"What?" He asked confused, though the other man gave him an unimpressed look before gesturing at his bulge. He quickly covered himself with his hands, "T-this isn't what it looks like!" He excused but the other man just shook his head amused at his actions.

"You know there is another room directly to the side. You won't be able to see anything, but sometimes you can hear something. I also got some stamina potions to keep up. I can share some with you." The man then held his hand for him to grasp. Climb wasn't sure whether it was something reflecting it or some other source, but at that moment it felt like Nfirea would show him the light.

After hesitating for a moment, he grasped his hand.

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