Psycho-Psychiatrically Aberrant Transgender Romance: Sapphic-Internal Roomates (Eggs 90% off!)

3. Prescriptive Prejudice, a Preposterous Premonition, P!

3 Days had passed since the event. 3 days, Chris was sure, he had been counting with the assistance of tally marks on his notebook. Facts were the certainty of the uncertain man, that's how Vince had described his strict adherence to facts in moments of stress, a phrase Chris quickly noted as "Preposterous", since one could not be certain and uncertain at the same time. However, Chris felt now just as Preposterous as the phrase.

Gender Dysphoria, a term he had spent the last 3 days studying into. No, 2 days, the first one was preparing a plan of what he would do about the situation.

Apparently, some people felt a certain disconnect from their prescribed gender, these people would be diagnosed as suffering from Gender Dysphoria, and usually these people are described as "Trans-gender".  Chris thought this was fascinating, marking it similar to other self-image distortions he had studied over time from his area of study. Another section added to his notes on psychological disorders, in the G category.

No. Too obvious. Sure, he had done research into Homosexuality,  Bisexuality, among other things related to human sexuality, but this one felt... Dangerous, as if someone - Vince - looking over his notes were to locate this, it would be a big hit to how people perceived him. In the P category it went, causing a disturbance in the organization of his files, but felt more safe that way. Not that he was afraid people would assume something from him reading his files. He was not afraid of this. No, he was afraid of it, definitely, for reasons he could not point to. Anyways, it was safe in the P section.

"Chris, the TV is going mental again..." His roommate Vincent spoke from the other side of the room.

"Vince, a television cannot go mental, as it has no brain." He smirked, going over to the television.

"I know-" Vince pauses for a moment. "But..."

No other words came out of Vince's mouth. Ah, now he recalled why they haven't been speaking much, ever since The Incident. What before felt like easy jokes to do, now tended to have an effect on Vince. And he hated it, he felt like punishing himself over this every time, for some reason, seeing Vince saddened gave him a feeling of guilt he was not used to feeling. Vince looked like a wounded puppy.

"Sorry, I'll fix it." The words came out of Chris' mouth, uninvited. Comforting Vince felt necessary. Why is everything so weird after that incident.

Vince's expression turned to a slight smile, and Chris felt happiness welling up in his brain.





"Vince, hey!" A loud voice awoke Vince from his momentary dissociation. Actually, not too loud, just loud enough to bother him.

"Hi." He looked at the person infront of him, in that corridor. He knew him from somewhere, but couldn't place a name to the face. "I'm sorry... Who are you?"

"It's Pete. Damn, are you really THAT out of it? You looked like you were in another planet for a moment." Pete smiles, pushing it as a joke.

"Yeah, i was... Thinking.. About stuff." Short sentences, the most he could muster. His mind had been foggy for the past few days.

"Okay dude, come back to reality, we've got a job to do!" Pete pushes a leaflet onto Vince, which he takes reluctantly.

"A job..? Is this.. Politics stuff?" University elections were very far from now, this didn't feel like the right time for political campaigning.

"Oh, it's more than that. The PC crowd is even getting into our field now. Seriously, they want us to study Trann-" Pete looks around, not finishing the word he was going to speak, "You know, gender ideology bullshit. Anyways-"

Vince did not know, in fact, he was not following anything that was said. He had stopped listening at about the moment Pete said "PC crowd", as his mind attempted to untwist from entering into dissociation again. The words he was saying felt hateful, felt harsh, and deeply offended him. But why? He knew homophobes existed, sure, and he didn't like them, but neither did this kind of subject ever give him such a direct stab as it did now. Realizing Pete never stopped talking, he needed Pete to stop, and he needed him to stop now. He needed to stop. Stop hearing those words.

"Stop." That's all he could muster, which left Pete now confused.

"Why? Oh god, Vincent, are you one of them?" Pete laughed, almost mockingly. This was not a question pushed to be pondered, the question was rethorical, of course he wasn't.

"I think not, i mean, I'm not. I think." Why was this hard to say?

Pete did not respond with words, instead only choosing to respond with the look you'd give someone who just admitted something incredibly insane, a look of distrust, but mostly of disgust. Pete turned around, and walked away, away from Vince.

"This is bad. Please. Stop doing this." He felt tears welling up in his eyes. This topic was stabbing his feelings more than it should. This shouldn't be happening, he did not know any Transgender people, he is pretty sure he is not a "Trans-gender", so why is this making him this upset?

Pete responded by turning around on his heel. A fiery smoke welled around him. Oh no, not again. Vince knew what this meant, strong emotional reactions were among the most predictable triggers for his delusions, and it was happening again.

Pete took two steps, Vince took two backwards. He was not in danger, it's not as if Pete was going to hurt him, but hearing any more words from Pete felt just as bad as being punched.

Vince took one more step, and his back touched something. A hand touched his shoulder. The hand was warm, comforting. This was someone he knew. It was Chris. Or... Not Chris, the woman from The Incident. So Chris, but not Chris, Abigail.

Chris took a moment to look at Vincent, who was now looking back at him, and there he saw it, tears in Vince's eyes. Something uncontrollable, a rage was welling up inside him. A target spotted, Pete. Chris stepped between them, as if to stop Pete from coming any closer.

"Pete, what are you doing?" Abigail asked, directly. Vince looked down, looking forwards was dangerous, engaging with that Woman was dangerous. But so was looking at his feet, these were not his feet anymore, or his legs, or they were, but covered with leggings in a feminine view he was not expecting to see right now.

"Oh, what is this? I didn't know you were boyfriends." Pete sneered, his words coming with the mocking tone of someone who is genuinely incapable of empathizing.

"And what's it to you? Get lost or I'll get you expelled." Abigail said, instantly and with confidence.

"Fine, I'll see you lover-boys tomorrow." Pete walked away.

Vince, Vince. How was Vince. That was his priority. Oh good, Vince was okay, in fact he was clinging to him. He was smiling, and just as Chris looked at him, Vince began to cry.

"Thank you... Thank you." Lilly said, hiccuping between words. "I missed you, I don't know why, I missed you."

"I'm... Glad? But we saw each other just an hour ago." Abigail's voice was just as determinate as Chris, just higher pitched and lighter.

"No, i mean... You're a girl again. Like last time. I know we promised to never talk about it. But I'm happy."

Chris considered what to do carefully, first off, he knew Vincent's delusions were nothing more than manifestations of his emotional reactions, so entertaining them was not immediately irresponsible, but also, why did Chris want to even entertain this? He was not a Trans-gender, neither was Vince for all he knew, so they could not simply be women right now. So it would be trickery to accept Vince's hallucinations, even for a moment, but even the thought made Chris sick to his stomach, thinking that he would be some sort of "Trickster".

However, it felt like the better alternative, at least for now, even if he was not Trans-gender, he could just pretend to be a girl for now. Just until Vince's emotions calmed and his hallucinations went away, right? Yes, about fifteen minutes. Twenty, maybe. Twenty, he noted it down in his mind. Let's be a girl for twenty minutes, no, pretend to be a girl, Chris is not a girl, he was very sure of this. He'll pretend for a short time, and maybe he'll have some fun with it, he had been thinking about it since last time, how he panicked before he could have any sort of meaningful interactions out of it. Why did he want to have meaningful interactions out of pretending to be a girl? Okay, it's decision time, He had already spent this much time thinking, it was time to act.

"Don't worry about it, Lilly." She said, grabbing Lilly's hand into hers.

Her heart skipped a beat, that name... That name again. She remembered! Why was it so important for her that she remembered? It gave her chills all over her body, to know she was remembered like this. But... Chris, why was he playing along with her delusions? Was this okay? She wanted it to continue for a while longer, this felt right... But her delusions were just that, delusions, not to be entertained like this.

"I... I'm not... It's not real." Lilly said, tears flowing out, now in sadness instead of relief.

"Just for a moment, it can be, Lilly." Abigail said, her words pointed by a genuine smile that she could not make leave her lips if she wanted. Just a bit, it was going to be worth it. Or it felt like it would, for some inexplicable reason. Being a girl for twenty minutes felt fine. No, felt... Necessary.

"O-Okay. Abby..." She said, closing her eyes, leaning into Abigail. As long as she knew the division between where the delusion began and the people they Really are, Men, began, she could entertain this for a while, just a bit more. Returning was going to be hard, she felt, and she liked this other identity a lot more than not pretending.

She remembered my name! Abigail's mind shouted, before taking a moment to correct herself. No, not my name, the name i made up back in the moment, probably taken from some magazine, yes. But it was going to be her name for a bit, so maybe it was fine to be happy about it.

"I'm taking you back to our room, okay? We can cuddle and watch TV for a bit, until you're okay." Abby said, her body almost going limp just from thinking about it. Pretending to be a girl felt... Good. Too good. Not exactly in the way she expected, the joke sense, but in a general sense of well being, or peace of mind and being.

"Okay.. Please..." She said, leaning against Abigail as they walked back to their room.



Just Twenty Minutes, Abigail's mind kept reminding her, as they walked back to their room.





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