QT: Don't fall in love with the Male Lead

Chapter 203: Don't be fooled by appearances

Xi Zirui must have been convincing enough for sect leader Han, because nothing changes after all those kindly veiled threats.

He suspects that Han Chang has neglected to inform Han Yu that he is betrothed to someone else, and to avoid consorting with individuals of disreputable breeding, such as Xi Zirui, because Han Yu keeps pestering him at every opportunity.

They have already agreed to meet once every week for calligraphy practice, but this is apparently not enough for Han Yu, because he insists on trailing after Xi Zirui like a lost duckling.

Moved by a desire to avoid him at all costs, Xi Zirui ends up volunteering to go across the hill and into the nearby village, when reports of hungry ghosts roaming around start coming in.

"Are you sure you want to go?" Su Xueyi asks him hours after Xi Zirui already said he would be going, waiting until the two of them are alone in his pavilion. "You haven't been a disciple of our sect for long, there is no need for you to prove yourself this soon."

Xi Zirui forces himself to smile in the face of Su Xueyi's misplaced worry. "Shizun doesn't need to worry, this disciple will stay out of the way of the senior disciples and observe. He's just eager to learn how to help the common people."

His answer must satisfy Su Xueyi, because he relents, and starts making preparations for Xi Zirui's journey into the village. 

He's such a dutiful shizun, so dedicated to his role as master -- Xi Zirui is almost sorry he'll have to kill him too.



Xi Zirui leaves the next day. 

He meets the other disciples by the sect gates. All of them are dressed in practical travel robes, with narrow sleeves, and slim skirts. Many are wearing straw hats with veils as a concession to the late summer heat, still unwilling to give up its hold on the land and cede way to autumn. 

Out of nowhere, a veil hat is thrust towards him as well. 

The white muslin veil briefly obstructs his vision, and Xi Zirui bats it away on reflex.

"Gege should wear one too, his skin is too fine to walk for long under the sun," Han Yu says, smiling around the circular brim of the hat.

Xi Zirui nearly qi-deviates on the spot.

"You're coming too?"

Han Yu nods, pleased. "I talked father into allowing it."

Overhearing Han Chang forbidding Han Yu from joining the party leaving to investigate the problems in Peiya village, was the entire reason Xi Zirui thought to volunteer to begin with!

He looks around in soul-crushing despair. His eyes land on Master Ouyang, the elderly master accompanying the party of ten disciples.

"Master, I'm not feeling well, maybe I should stay behind," Xi Zirui says. He makes himself smaller and weaker, hoping to look sickly.

Master Ouyang spares him only the briefest of glances. "If it's vomit, you have only two options, boy. Let it out, or swallow it down. Choose wisely." He looks away from Xi Zirui and addresses the other disciples, "Let's hurry up, if we want to reach Peiya tomorrow we need to leave at once."

Fuming, Xi Zirui wrenches the hat out of Xi Zirui's hands, "Give me that," and adjusts the satchel on his back. Mentally preparing himself for possibly some of the most aggravating days of his life.


They're taking a carriage for Master Ouyang, in which only three disciples can ride at once with him -- and Master Ouyang has his favorites.

The rest of the disciples have to follow on foot, trying to keep pace with the carriage, while two of the more senior disciples ride their swords to scout the way ahead, taking turns whenever their spiritual energy(1) runs out.

Xi Zirui is marching on foot with most of the other disciples, and trying and failing to ignore Han Yu's incessant chatter.

"Has gege noticed that I'm finally taller than him?" Han Yu asks, puffing out his chest proudly.

Xi Zirui scarcely notices their height or age difference, two things Han Yu keeps meticulous tabs on.

"Gege has such a beautiful face, it's no less beautiful even though gege frowns all the time."

"Gege has such a thin waist, maybe he should eat more. If gege wants I can cook for him."

"Gege should come hear me play the guqin sometime, father has said I've improved greatly."

After a few hours of this, Xi Zirui finally snaps.

"Whose your fucking gege?" he hisses into Han Yu's face. "Annoying brat, do you think you're cute, with this coquettish act?"

They've fallen behind the others, and no one else hears Xi Zirui's outburst.

Han Yu falls oddly quietly, his head lowered in apparent humiliation.

Xi Zirui tries to take a peek at his face, but the shifting muslin of his veil blurs Han Yu's features.

"I should have known gege would prefer a different approach," Han Yu says, his head still lowered.

Xi Zirui has no idea what he's talking about, and is ready to tell him as much, but then Han Yu's eyelids flutter open.

There's none of his usual juvenile banter in them.

He straightens himself out and approaches Xi Zirui with confident steps, backing him into the nearest tree.

"What are you doing?" Xi Zirui asks, confused by the sudden change in Han Yu's face. 

He doesn't recognize the roguish smirk curling in the corner of Han Yu's lips. 

"Nothing, yet."

Once again, Xi Zirui has no idea what he means, but it's obvious he has no intention of elaborating.

The next second it's as if a the sky has cleared of clouds and Han Yu's sunny smile returns, wiping away his smirk. "Let's go gege, we don't want to fall behind."

He grabs Xi Zirui by the wrist and drags him towards the group growing distant along the dirt path.

Xi Zirui is so confused by what just happened that he doesn't even fight him.


They stop for the night in an inn halfway to Peiya.

The owner is delighted to have business, and welcomes them in with boundless enthusiasm. Proudly announcing that his establishment's kitchens are always open for the noble Heavenly Dragon sect.

Master Ouyang ignores the effusive welcome and takes a seat at the best table, surrounded by his favorite disciples.

Xi Zirui doesn't even try to fight it when Han Yu sits down at the same table as is.

"I'll order for us, gege," he says, ignoring the vicious glare Xi Zirui shoots him.

When the waiter comes by their table with their orders, Han Yu is all smiles and pleasantries, making Xi Zirui wonder if he hallucinated that dark glint in his eyes and the vicious curl of his lips.

"Boss, how are things in Peiya? We're headed there tomorrow."

The smile slips off the waiter's chubby's cheeks. "Young master shouldn't. Many people have passed through here, leaving Peiya in fright."

"We are cultivators, if hungry ghosts are threatening the population it's our duty to help," Xi Zirui says, deadpan. Personally, Xi Zirui would faster help the hungry ghosts get rid of the remaining humans than help them, but needs must.

The waiter shakes his head. "The hungry ghosts aren't the problem. It's the one making them."

Han Yu's eyes widen. "Making them? Are these the ghosts of recent murder victims?"

"As far as I know, no one was murdered, but all the ghosts are people who died after visiting Peiya's new doctor."

Han Yu thanks the waiter profusely, and slips two silver taels into his apron's pocket.

When he turns to Xi Zirui, his smile is almost blinding. "Gege, we might have just stumbled into something really interesting."


After the meal, Master Ouyang splits everyone into groups according to the available rooms.

For once, Xi Zirui's tendency to stick to the sidelines comes back to bite him in the ass.

"Oh, I forgot about the two of you," he says, as if this is a  personal failing on Xi Zirui's and Han Yu's part. "Now there aren't any rooms left, where am I going to put the two of you."

The waiter to whom Han Yu gave the two silver taels interjects. "There's a single room available. I'm sure the young masters won't mind sharing the same bed."

Xi Zirui shoots Han Yu a furtive glare.

Now he's wondering if there was more to those two pieces of silver!

Master Ouyang is just glad to have one less problem to worry about and nods at the waiter's suggestion. "That's fine."

It's not fine, but there's nothing Xi Zirui can do about it beyond grind his teeth and bear it.

He's in a terrible mood when they're lead up to their room. Which doesn't improve when he sees just how narrow the bed is -- Han Yu will be practically sleeping on top of him.

The waiter wishes them a good night, after showing them to the room, but adds at the last minute, "Oh, another thing, honored guests, our humble establishment is lucky enough to have a hot spring on the grounds. Just behind the main building by the cypress. Please feel free to enjoy it at your discretion."

He closes the door behind himself, leaving Xi Zirui alone with Han Yu whose smile grows sharp the minute the door is shut.

"What do you say gege? Fancy a swim?"

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