QT: Don't fall in love with the Male Lead

Chapter 204: Don't be a tease

Xi Zirui shoots Han Yu an unamused look.

He's already going to spend more time with Han Yu than he ever wanted to, he would rather not increase his exposure rate.

There's an easy and simple way to handle Han Yu's constant advances -- and it will probably even win him some good points in Han Chang's ledger.

"I find it hard to believe that your fathered hasn't mentioned that you're betrothed already," Xi Zirui says, walking up towards Han Yu. 

When they're nearly face-to-face, he gives him a pitying look from beneath his curling lashes, reveling in Han Yu's minute intake of breath. "He even warned me off you." He sighs. "I'm afraid our love cannot be."

He turns around from Han Yu, hoping to have made the warning clear.

If Han Yu keeps pestering him, Xi Zirui won't have any problems reporting all of it to his father. 

From behind him comes an airy scoff. "Why does gege think I care about what my father wants?"

Xi Zirui turns around, looking up into Han Yu's eyes once again.

There's nowhere to go in the cramped room, and Xi Zirui feels like the walls are closing in on him, driving the air out of his lungs.

Maybe this is it. 

The edge he has been looking for.

Xi Zirui tries to play it cool. "Don't you? You're even his disciple. You seem very obedient to me."

Han Yu smirks. "Appearances can be deceiving."

When it becomes apparent that Han Yu has no interest in elaborating, Xi Zirui picks up the bamboo washing basin. 

"Does didi want to have that soak now?"


Han Yu can scarcely hide how pleased he is to be in the hot springs with Xi Zirui.

Xi Zirui ordered him to get into the pool first, and only let go of his own towel after Han Yu was already seated and looking away from him.

But even so, and with the several cun of distance between the two of them, Han Yu can't hide his self-satisfied grin.

He has tried, once or twice, to inch closer to Xi Zirui, but Xi Zirui always evades him.

Biting down on his urge to push Han Yu's head underwater and hold him there, Xi Zirui takes a deep breath and focuses on the real reason why he consented to this stupid midnight soak.

"I always thought your relationship with your father was very good," Xi Zirui says, lathering up his arms casually. "Did something happen?"

Han Yu hums, while making no effort to disguise how he's openly ogling Xi Zirui's dusky nipples. "More or less."

Xi Zirui inhales steadily. "How so?"

Han Yu bats his lashes at him, and bites down on his lower lip. "Maybe if gege calls me 'didi' again, I'll tell."

This little asshole is playing Xi Zirui on purpose.

Vexed at having let the little whelp toy with him, Xi Zirui turns around in the water, reaching for his discarded towel over the pool's edge. "Nevermind, I'm going back."

Han Yu chuckles and pulls Xi Zirui back into his seat. "I'm sorry gege, please don't be mad. I was just playing."

Xi Zirui is mad, but mostly with himself for thinking the little pest had anything useful to tell him.

Sensing Xi Zirui's shifting mood, Han Yu finally says, "A long time ago, I saw something I shouldn't have, and it changed my idea of my father forever."

Is he talking about Tuya's death?

Could he have been a witness to it?

Or did he witness something else entirely?

Xi Zirui hums in reply, trying to order his whirring thoughts. This is something he can still use to his advantage. 

If Han Yu has some sort of grudge against his father that could make him easy to manipulate.

And Han Yu has made it very clear what it is that he wants.

It leaves a sour taste in his mouth, but all Xi Zirui needs to do is dangle himself in front of Han Yu, and he'll probably have the brat eating out of his hand.

The next time Han Yu inches closer to him, Xi Zirui doesn't move away.

"Why is gege so curious?" Han Yu asks, his pulse jumping when his knees bump against Xi Zirui's underwater. "Could it be that gege is interested in me?"

Nearly injuring himself with how hard he tries not to roll his eyes, Xi Zirui nods. "That's right."

For all his bluster, it's obvious that Han Yu doesn't know what to do if Xi Zirui actually returns his teasing. He splutters for a moment before finally settling on, "Oh."

Xi Zirui comforts himself with the knowledge that while he might no be looking forward to the task ahead of him, at least it won't be hard. 


Han Yu is a lot more subdued when they return to their rooms. His hungry gaze still follows Xi Zirui around, but he keeps his thoughts to himself.

Xi Zirui climbs into bed, back against the wall, and pats the empty spot next to him.

Han Yu visibly swallows, before taking off his outer robe, blowing out the candles, and climbing into bed with Xi Zirui in total darkness.

In the dark, Han Yu can see little more than Xi Zirui's outline, but Xi Zirui's superior vision allows him to see with great detail as Han Yu's mouth falls open and his hand squeezes down on his pillow.

Xi Zirui shifts closer to Han Yu, and his eyes widen comically.

"Why do you like me?" Xi Zirui asks, trying not to laugh at Han Yu's reactions.

Earlier, he surprised Xi Zirui, but now he's once again reminded of how young Han Yu still is.

He's only a little boy with a silly crush on an older brother. He'll do and say whatever he thinks will get him into Xi Zirui's pants faster.

Since Xi Zirui wasn't interested in his coquettish act, he was willing to try something else, but that's all there is to it.

Xi Zirui feels silly for ever considering him a threat.

Proof of that is how long it takes Han Yu to come up with an answer. "Gege is very beautiful," it's what he settles for, after a long deliberation.

Xi Zirui can't help his snort. "That's all it takes?"

He stammers. "No-no, I..."

Xi Zirui grabs Han Yu's hand, curled up in a fist on his pillow and drags it towards his jutting hip.

Immediately, Han Yu's fingers fan out around the curve of Xi Zirui's hip, his thump hooking around the sharp hipbone.

His pink tongue comes out to wet his dry lips and Xi Zirui smiles in the darkness.

"Didi isn't the only one who thinks so," Xi Zirui says, his tone almost mean. "What are you willing to do, to make me choose you over everyone else who wants me?"

Xi Zirui doesn't want an answer, he wants Han Yu to sleep on it -- which is why he turns to face the wall a second later, causing Han Yu's fingers to slip away from his skin.

"Goodnight," he says, looking into the wooden panels in front of him with a pleased smile.

He nearly doesn't hear Han Yu's whispered, "sleep well."


The next day, Xi Zirui feels well-rested and filled with energy, but Han Yu looks like he spent the entire night tossing and turning.

Xi Zirui refrains from gloating all through breakfast of bland congee and thinks he deserves an award for it.

Master Ouyang is anxious to get back on the road, and they leave the inn as soon as all disciples have finished their breakfasts.

Han Yu stays by Xi Zirui's side once again, but he's a lot more subdued.

This time, it's Xi Zirui who initiates conversation.

"Have you met the person you're betrothed to?" 

Han Yu shakes his head. "No, nor will I ever. Not that my father listens to anything I say."

"Being the sect leader's heir must come with a lot of expectations."

Han Yu snorts, and his sharp gaze drifts towards Xi Zirui again. "Gege is very talkative today."

He might be a lot of things, but Han Yu isn't a fool.

Xi Zirui decides to distract him. "I slept very well, had a lot of good dreams, and now I'm in a good mood." He shrugs. "I'm sure you've had that kind of dreams as well."

A deep flush climbs up Han Yu's neck and it's a long time before he says another word.


It's nearly dark when they reach Peiya. 

The village might be bustling during the day, but at night it mostly looks eerie. Many houses have their doors and windows bolted shut, and not even the flickering of a candle can be seen from the outside.

The dusty main road leads them to the village's only inn, which doesn't look less inhospitable than the rest of the village.

There's an air of disrepair to the the old building that belies more than the vicissitudes of time. 

Master Ouyang slaps one meaty palm on the counter when long minutes go by without anyone greeting them.

"We are the cultivators from Heavenly Dragon sect! How is it possible that the people of Peiya asked for our help, and now refuse to welcome us in!"

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