Queen of Hogwarts (GL)

Universal Lounge, part 2.

(There's an upload of this kind of thing, before 11th chapter, more info there)

~ Questions? ~

Hogwarts, in a room of two Lunas.

"Good night, Moon, Fleur," The Queen says to the girls and closes her eyes.

"Night, Lun, Fleur" Luna answers back.

"Mhm, you too, Luna...Luna" Fleur does too, slightly confused with the same name.

As the Queen tries to fall asleep, she feels something different than usual... She's felt this once before. She quickly opens her eyes and jumps out of her bed, but again, just like last time, she doesn't see anybody, even if the girls just said good night to her.

It seems that it's happening again, well at least she will have the chance to berate that maid... Maybe she will waste less time on her this time and actually ask something of the demihuman... Yeah, that's smarter.

And just with that thought finished, she again appears in the same space, that she found herself last time, ripped away from her attempt to sleep.

She follows the arrows again and sees the cloud creature again, but this time, she's not the first here, as the maid is already waiting... Great, why couldn't it have been the Faunus? Well, whatever.

Meanwhile, Narrator POV:

Great, I have to do this again, I hope I can distract them and not get bullied... Especially by those devilish tails of that furry, they are annoying.

Who will show up first... Please, the Maid... Please...

"Oh, seems like I am first to arrive, what an easy opportunity to brag over that arrogant Queen"

I hear the voice of the Maid... But she seems to be completely wrong, as I was here first and she came in second, and there's nothing to brag about when you're second best.

But the Maid doesn't even look at me and ignores me... Okay, I'd rather take the Queen now.

"Oh? I hear somebody begging for my greatness?" The Narrator turns around to see the Queen right in front of them.

"Hi, maid, did you learn some better manners?" The Queen asks the Maid, who's not going to answer her, because she likes to ignore others, just like the Narrator.

"I have, now? I know that I can brag about me being first here, while you showed up second, that's what manners are, right?" And of course, the maid sarcastically answers the Queen, while both of them ignore the Narrator...

Okay, I'd take the Faunus instead at least she doesn't ignore me, even if I don't like her tails.

Just as the Narrator finishes thinking those thoughts, they are grabbed and smacked to the ground, letting an 'oof'.

"You don't like my tails, huh? Then how about the sweet embrace of the ground?" The Narrator looks from the ground as they hear the voice of the Faunus, but all that they see are red tails.

The Maid and the Queen having stopped their little banter, look at the third arrival, the Queen, impressed, the Maid, confused.

The Faunus releases the Narrator and turns her attention to the two others.

"Crystal would say hello... But she ain't here. Now... How about we ditch this cloud and have ourselves a chat... Or better yet, a sparring match, I'd really like to beat something right now... I got interrupted mid hunt, so I am quite... Pissed"

"Oh? Do you really dare challenge a Queen? Okay, bring it" The Queen says confidently.

"Uh..." The Maid lets out a sound "I think that the Queen is way out of her head... No way you can beat a Faunus"

The Queen looks at the Maid with disappointment and disgust "Not with that weak attitude, no wonder you're a maid, giving up before even trying, now, how about you sit down and let big girls do their thing"

"Pfft, the only big thing about you, is your ego" The Maid counters back, with a snort.

The Queen's eye twitches and she again forgets about the Faunus who doesn't seem to be Crystal and turns her attention to the maid.

"Care to repeat that?"

"Oh, with pleasure. You are small"

The Faunus looks at the two amused and decides to join in, since she senses a fight breaking out, she prepares to run in as fast as she can.

"That's it," The Queen says and starts to step in her fighting stance and starts running towards the Maid while muttering 'Snchimbleriti'.

The Narrator is looking at the three morons, because... Wait... They stopped... Uh... And now they are looking at them...

"Go on, what was it that you wanted to say?" The Queen says.

"Yes, yes, I think that I might've misheard something" The maid adds.

"Indeed... Let's make it their last sentence ever" The Faunus says.


"Continue that thought, go on," The Queen says again, but more serious.

Ahem... T-the Narrator i-is l-looking at the three m-m-m-morons, because... They seem to have f-forgotten that none of their abilities work here... Please don't kill me.

The three looks at the Narrator and simultaneously say "No" And start chasing the ghost-like entity.

As the Narrator runs away from the three, they think... Why can't they fly up in the air and only float on ground level, why are the multitude of worlds so unfair.

But the Narrator is too slow to escape for long and is caught again, tied up in those two ann- They feel a piercing gaze, ahem... Awesome and lovely tails, they are so great... 

"Anyways... Why are we here again?" The Maid asks for the trio.

The Narrator has an answer to that... But will only tell it if you release them.

The trio look at each other and only roll their eyes "You have nothing of value to throw demands like that" The Faunus says.

But... But the answer to that question?

"We can just spend time and wait until we will go back again..." The Queen mentions the most obvious thing.


"Indeed" The Queen adds.

The Narrator gives up... You're here to say a few things about yourselves and answer some questions that I have to ask.

"See, wasn't that an easy thing to do?" The Faunus pats the cloud creature.

"But who says that we will be answering anything?" The Maid questions.

The Narrator would start sweating if they could, but they can make a sound of a 'gulp'

"Oh... And why would you need to sweat?" The Queen asks with squinted eyes.

Umm... Because...

"Cause?" The Faunus squints her own eyes.

If you don't answer them... You will never leave this place again... Seriously, please, I beg you, don't kill me... Don't hurt the messenger.

"Oh, we aren't going to hurt you, little buddy," The Faunus says, getting up and allowing the-wisp to get up.


"Yes, remember? We are all friends here" The Maid says with a 'fake' smile.

Yes, I do... Wait... Fake? Umm...

"We will just rough you up a bit if that's alright with you?" The Queen asks, smirking.

It isn't?

"Too bad..." The Faunus cooes.


~ Continued in Answers ~

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