Queen of Hogwarts (GL)

Universal Lounge, part 3.

~ Answers ~

Narrator POV:

Ouch, ouch, ouch, waaah, it hurts.

"Oh, quit your whining, we barely touched you" The Queen says.

"Mind you, we tried, but without our powers... I can't believe I would utter such foul words, but I feel weak, ugh, it disgusts me to even think about it" Comments Grimmerin.

"Well, too bad for you two then, because I don't feel any different, which is for the better... I don't know if my powers would be a good idea here" Says Diana.

"Oooh? Why do you think so?" Asks Grim.

"You see, I have magic sight, basically it lets me see, detect, feel magic all around me... So I don't know if this 'space' could be considered magic, so if I had my powers, I feel like my head would burst like a balloon just from being here"

"That is funny, I'd pay to see that... Well on somebody else, so far I didn't get an urge to kill either of you and Crystal likes you two"

"Well, thanks to both of you? I guess" The maid says half flattered, half cautious.

Both of them look towards the uncharacteristically silent Queen.

"What's... a balloon?"

"Huh? What..." Grimmerin mumbles out some words.

"How do you not know that?"

"What, I just don't, is that a problem, trashaid? Is a balloon something amazing?"

As the maid thinks about what she just got called, Grimmerin answers the Queen.

"I wouldn't call it 'amazing' per se, but it is quite an amazing sight sometimes, when there's a lot of them, oh and popping them with my tails is super fun, Crystal likes blowing them, I like popping them..." Grimmerin blinks a few times "Wow that just sounded erotic... But quite accurate"

"Wait... So is a balloon... like a doll that's... meant to have sex with?"

The maid finally snapping out of her reverie, she was trying to think of a band name for the Queen, but she couldn't do it, because she heard such a ridiculous question come out of the Queen's mouth.

"Ridiculous?" The Queen says and looks straight at the cloud thing.

"I mean... I guess that's what you would think from hearing Grimmerin's explanation, it was great... But the ending ruined it"

"No it didn't, that's literally what balloons are"

"But they can also float and fly if filled with something else than air"

The Queen blinks at the new information, but no matter what she comes up with, it's always the same.

"It's a sex doll, that can expand and fly in the air... It has a dick and a pussy... I can't imagine anything else"

"Ugh, looks stop thinking about that and let me explain from the very beginning" The maid states.

"Okay, I'm listening, but if it sounds like a sex doll again, I'm hitting your head several times for your stupidity, trashaid"

"Stop calling me that, I'm not trash, nor am I a bad maid"

"To the eye of the beholder, to me you are, a maid that's good would serve me when I ask her to"

"Right... Anyways, a balloon is sometimes a round object, sometimes weirdly shaped, it's quite small, but can be big, when you blow are in it, it gets bigger, but if you blow too much, it can pop and make a loud noise, akin to a very minuscule explosion, same happens when a decently blown one gets hit by a sharp edge or object, Grimmerin's tails is a great example, you can throw them in the air, they can sometimes fly... And there are ones that are so big, that it can fly up to the mountains if it desired to"

The Queen thinks for a bit... And suddenly bonks the maid's head, 4 times in quick succession.

"Ouch, what was that for?"

Grimmerin answers for the Queen "Because... It honestly sounded like you were explaining a weird sex toy, with multiple appliances... I know what you're talking about and it does make sense... But I think that a person might just need to see one to fully understand what it is... Or be perfect at explaining it... Which both of us are clearly not"

"Ugh, fine... It might as well be a sex toy anyways, I am pretty sure that there were individuals that tried something with them... Or there might even be balloon sex monsters in other worlds..."

"I am glad that we established that, what an ecstatic conversation we had" The Queen says mocking both of them.

"I wasn't mocking either of you, I think this creature is damaged, maybe we did hit it too hard" Explains the Queen... psh, she's wrong, whispers the creature, which of course is still heard by everybody. the creature cries about his misery.

"Anyways, can we get to the questions? I'd really like to return, ya know... Hanging out with you two is neat and all... But I am quite thirsty for some prey... Because I GOT SO RUDELY INTERRUPTED" Grimmerin screams at the cloud.

It's not the cloud's fault... Don't shoot the messenger...

"A messenger is your enemy's man... And in war, you're supposed to kill as many enemies as possible, so that sentence is stupid, you should be ashamed of yourself" The Queen berates the-wisp, while the-wisp is sad, it also agrees with that statement, but it still thinks that it's not right in this particular situation.

Okay, the cloud is about to ask one of ya a question. Who wants to start, who wants to be last?

"Obviously, the Queen is first, no way I could ever be a last in anything" The Queen arrogantly states.

"What? No, I will go first" Says the maid, she doesn't really care about the order, she's doing it just in spite of the Queen.

And Grimmerin doesn't care about it at all, but if it makes both of them hurry up, she gets the idea of "I'll go first... But it's a little bit unclimactic... Since you already HEARD IT SAY, damn" She shouts at the, again looking straight at the-wisp.

"Fine, you go first, I'll go last, I am fine with anything other than the Queen getting to be first"

"And I am fine as long as I am not the last... Though it irks me not being the first, go ahead"

And with the order decided, the cloud is about to ask the first question.

"Get on with it" Grimmerin states impatiently.

The Faunus gets the very first question (After it's answered)
It's the turn of the arrogant Queen. 1st question.

"I'm not arrogant"

... cough... Anyways, here's the question. Who was your second-wife candidate?

"Oooh, I wish I could say... But sorry, it's a secret... But I will say something so that you'd get some satisfaction... I haven't talked to that person yet... What, eh? I know, right? Blasphemy, but that's just how it is" Answers the Queen, the cloud waits for something more... But it seems that's all, kinda disappointing, but it's fine, maybe the second one will be longer.

"Whatever, cloud thing, an answer is an answer, I literally could've said 'no' and that would count, so be happy that I gave this much... Or whine more and you won't get the 'long' answer you want for the other ones"

The cloud has stopped whing and is sorry.

"As you should be"

Ahem, it's the turn for the maid (After it's answered)
And now, The deadly Faunus strikes again (After it's answered)

We are back, with the Queen. 2nd question. At what age did you 'die' in your previous life?

"Oh... That'd be... mmhmhmhhm... mhmhmhm" ... ... Okay, let's try this differently.

The Cloud will ask a number and if you can, try to answer in any way, perhaps the wisp will catch it with its power.

"Okay, not a half-bad idea, let's do it"

Less than 18.

"No" The Queen answers easily and nods in approval right after, liking that she wasn't forced to be silent.

Less than... 25

"No" The Queen cracks a smile.

More than 50

The Queen tries to shake her head in a no, instead of voicing it and it works.

Less than 35.

"... Mhmhmhm..." The Queen can't answer, it seems we might've hit it right on the money, but wait, no, doesn't seem like it, it's more than 35. Okay, I think we'll get it at this one more try.

Less than 42.

The Queen doesn't even try to voice anything, only nods her head, which obviously doesn't work. But now we know. The Queen's age is above 35 and less 42.

So let's do one quick succession round, the cloud says all of the numbers one after another and the Queen tries continuously to shake her head, whichever gets the reaction out of the wisps' power, that will be the answer.

"I'm ready, do it" The Queen says determined, normally she wouldn't try so hard for an answer, but she wants to do it just in spite of the trash that revived her.

Okay... 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40.... And we got it, we don't need to continue. The Queen died at 39.

"Phew... Finally, that's so tedious... But there you go, you got your answer... I don't know why you'd even want to know that... But, whatever" The Queen states.

Thank you for answering... Or working for the answer.

Now, it's time again, for another Queen's maid (After it's answered)

And for the last question, this one won't be separate, it will actually be for all of you.

"Oh? Intriguing" Comments the Queen.

"Yeah, what is it?" Adds the Maid.

And the Faunus just stays silent... Alrighty then.

3rd and final question. What made each of you fall in love with whoever it is that you like?

"Can I go first, do you mind, Queen?" The Maid asks with mock in her tone.

"Fine, whatever, knock yourself out while you are it"

"I'll try, just for you. Ahem, anyway, my case is fairly simple, it's like having a big crush for a celebrity, a popular person, or just somebody close to that. Normally, that crush is baseless and would never happen. But for me, I lucked out and got reborn in the world where my 'crush' was, at first it was attraction and adoration, just meeting her was great... But when I did, that's when that baseless crush, morphed into this huge full-hearted love. And there you go, that's about it, thank you for the question, despite the situation, this is pretty fun"

"Wait..." Grimmerin says out loud "Reborn?"

"Yeah?" Diana asks confused.

"What do you mean, you were reborn?"

"Just... the same thing that the word means?"


"Wait... You haven't been reborn? I thought all of us have, I even got wishes and a world that I wanted to go to of my choosing" The Maid looks at the Faunus in pure shocked confusion "I honestly, thought that's why we are all here... Wild..."

"No, I haven't been reborn... How did that happen?" Grimmerin actually asks with interest in her voice for the time since she got here.

"I... Don't really want to discuss my death... Is that okay?"

"Oh... Yeah, my bad, got too excited"

Both of them turn to the Queen and the Faunus asks her "Did you also have the chance to be reborn?"

"Yeah, I thought all of us did, but now that I know that Crystal and Grimmerin haven't, maybe you also didn't?"

The Queen looks back at them, first turns to the Fuanus "No, I did, I am also reborn"

Then she turns to the Maid "And you must feel so great, don't you?"


The Queen rolls her eyes "Unlike you... Mhmmmhm.... mhmhmhm" Both of the girls get confused at the grunts coming out of the Queen's mouth.

And The Queen gets irritated. "SCREW HIM, I hate him, so much... He did something that I appreciate and despise, he... mhmhmhm.... mhmhmm" The Queen's eye twitches "Damn it" She sighs and breathes out to calm herself.

"Sorry for that, it seems you won't get to listen to my amazing story after all"

"If I understand correctly... Since I kinda have seen some stuff like this from my own world... You 'god' was a big mean-face and put something in you that doesn't allow for you to speak of him, or something like that?"

The Queen wants to nod, but she finds herself being unable to, annoying her further, but she stops trying once she realizes that even if she couldn't say, for some reason the cloud creature could... And now all of the three girls are looking at it again... Uh... Can we move on with the question... please?

"Fine, I guess I will go second," The Queen says exasperated "Well, I haven't fallen in love with anybody, I see love differently, I chose candidates that I think would fit in with me and just went for it, the more we spend time together, the more we will like each other and someday that might, or might not turn to love... But I do have to say, my Moon... The amazing and precious thing that she is... Has almost stolen my heart, I am pretty sure, so I don't see myself letting her go... ever"

And with that answer finished, one more remain, both of the girls turn to look at the Faunus and so does the cloud and now they wait...

And wait...

And... wait...

She's not answering...

"Grimmerin? Is something wrong?"

"No, everything is perfectly fine. But I have a dilemma... You see there's two of us..." Grimmerin says.

"Oh, that's right" The Queen adds.

"So, you've been interrogating us here, which I still don't like... But to go back, I begrudgingly agreed to do it. But because of that, I will give you a choice, cloud-creature... You either choose Crystal for this question or me. You aren't getting both of them, choose wisely" Grimmerin says, but to the cloud creature, this doesn't matter for it already knows the answer... wait... Or at least it should... But for whatever reason... It can't see anything in the Faunus' mind... This has never happened before... What did the Faunus do?

"Don't blame me for your weak, but annoying mind-reading powers, I've done nothing"

Uh... what the hell... Fine, fine, I can make a simple choice without knowing what's the better one.

"Oh... The cloud broke character..." Huh, what? Oh... Ahem, the maid says.

"Yeah and it was actually less annoying, but it seems it's back... Brilliant" The Queen comments.

"Choose the choice already, I want to go back" The Faunus doesn't care and pressures the-wisp further.

The wisp-like cloud chooses... Crystal.

"What a terrific choice, and so, so stupid. You can ask her when she's the one in control, I am not going to answer for her" States Grimmerin, confusing the cloud... What?

"You heard me, I am not Crystal, you chose her, well that's too bad for you"

Ah... I choose you then.

"Oh, it broke again... Good to know for the next time, if there will be one" Damn it, says the maid with a mischievous... smile... no...

"You had one chance and you missed it, you can ask me again next time if Crystal won't be back yet" Grimmerin says and just as she finished, all three girls start disappearing again.

"Bye, bye, Grim, Crys and... Ugh... Lun" The Maid finishes the last part with repulse.

"Yeah, yeah, bye, tra- Diana. And you too, Grimmerin, good luck on your hunt, I do wonder though, if it will be you or Crystal we'll meet next time"

"Bye to you two both as well, Crystal says 'till next time'" And just like that, all three disappear.




I can't believe that I BROKE away from my job during it... I hope I don't get demoted...

It's sad though... That the Queen, nor the others will remember anything from here... Only when they come back, will they do so...

So the Queen's hard work and pay off against the 'god' that she hates, was a waste of time... How unfortunate.

~ End of Answers ~

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