Quest Around the Multiverse

Chapter 20

By the end of the day, only two of us were left, and we could participate in the Sacred Games. Just as we get called to the podium to get our ticket for the Sacred Games, I get the notification saying that the quest is completed.

I smile a little and open the quest panel.

|" Chain Quest: Elimination Stage " Completed|

{Reward: Cyclone Rune}

|Chain Quest! Sacred Games: Preparation!|

|Reach level fifty and have all stats over two hundred and fifty points each before the Sacred Games started.|

{Reward: Random Skill}

Holy shit. Minimum level fifty, and have all my stats reached two hundred and fifty points? I guess I understand why this is the place where every powerful fighter gathers and fights. I need to increase my training and maybe hunt some dungeons around the world.

"For the ceremony, His Majesty, Lord Commander, Ferid Egan will give your card to join the Sacred Games."

I snap from my thoughts when the knight shouts that. I look to the side and see the main character's father walking to the podium with a large smile on his face. Ferid Egan is one of the most powerful men in this Queendom.

I look at the word above his head and know I was right.

|Ferid Egan| |Level: 91|

Yeah. I will be dead before I can move my sword at him. While I cannot see his stats, I have a feeling he has more than five hundred stats across the board.

"Great job, you two! It was a glorious fight! Both of you train your hardest, and you can participate in the biggest tournament in the Queendom! Please take this as proof that you are the winner in the elimination stage."

I take the card given to me and hear Ferid continue.

"The Sacred Games will start in another two months from now. However, as a participant, I want you to arrive at Stormfist three days before the tournament starts. We will accommodate you with a room inside the barrack. The card in your hand is enchanted by the Royal Mage only to be held by you and no one else. However, make sure you do not lose this card. If you lose it, you cannot participate in the Sacred Games."

I nod my head and see him smile brightly at us.

"Great! Anyway! Do you want to continue?! One-on-one fights to see who is the best!"

|Final Stage!|

|Ferid Egan asks if you want to fight the other contestant to see who is the best contestant in the elimination stage. Accept it and win the fight.|

{Reward: ???}

|Accept? Y/N|

I decide to reject the quest and shake my head.

"Oh? You did not want to fight?"

"I know when I'm outmatched."

I look at Belcoot, the master swordsman from Kanakan, and look above his head for a second.

|Belcoot| |Level: 78|


Yeah… I don't think I can defeat him. Not only is the gap between our levels too big but I also have a feeling our stats also have a bigger gap.

I can see Ferid disappointed in my choice but accept it nonetheless. After getting my card, I walk away from the arena and go to the inn.

After I get inside the room, I open up my inventory and take out the Reward I get. It was an orb with the symbol of Wind Rune in it. It is a green orb with a bit of silver on the surface of the orb. It is really a shame that I cannot use my magic in the Sacred Games.

Hmmm, I also need to level up quickly. I can go and hunt in the Kobold Dungeon, but I also need to search for a higher-level dungeon because I cannot hunt in one place every day. I need to reach level fifty before I participate in Sacred Games.

No. I cannot let level fifty become my goal. I need to at least get to level eighty before the Sacred Games.

However, how? I don't think two months is enough.

|Well, I can help you with that.|

What? What kind of help?

|Well, I can send you to the other world if you want.|

… At what price?

|I will help you, and you will help me. There are a few planets that need fixing.|

Do you want to increase my job?

|No. No. No. This is not as bad as the job I already prepared for you. This only needs a few days to a few months, five months at maximum.|

That is interesting. What kind of problem do I need some fixing?

|Well, this kind of quest usually involves saving someone or killing a group of people. Saving someone so they can save this world or killing someone because, for some reason, they manage to mess up so badly, the world is in danger.|

I see. Will there be a dungeon I can use?

|Yes. However, there will be only one dungeon with a monster that goes up to seven levels of your current level. You can increase your level up to twenty-five levels if you do non-stop grinding before your mission deadline.|

That means I can only level up fifteen times.

|If you are so pessimistic, sure. Do you accept it?|

Urgh, fuck it. However, give me some time to prepare first.

|An hour. That's all the time I will give you.|

Good enough. I will meet you in an hour.

|Very well.|

I nod my head and put the Cyclone Rune inside my inventory before getting out of my room. Wait! What about my time here? I cannot leave for a few months! The sacred Games will start in two months.

|Don't worry. The time on that planet moves way faster than here. One month here is equal to one minute here.|

Ah, gotcha.

I nod my head and walk out of my room. I leave the inn and go to the Rune Shop, where I find the young man sitting behind the counter.

Wait, he is not Jeane's former student. Who is he? I don't really care as long as he can attach a cyclone rune on me.

"Welcome! What can I help you with?"

"I want to attach a rune to my body."

"Of course. What kind of rune do you want to buy?"

"No. I bring my own rune orb."

"Oh? Please show me, sir."

"Of course."

It takes half an hour for him to attach the rune to my body, and after paying him the price for his service, I walk toward the apothecary, where I buy a hundred regular Healing potions and twenty-five greater healing potions.

Wait. Do my armor and weapons also come with me?

|Yes. As long as you put them inside your inventory, including the one you are wearing, they will come with you.|

Good. That means I only need some potion and food. Maybe some scroll? There are a few magic scrolls I can use.

A magic scroll is a one-use magical item that lets me cast any spell written in the magic scroll. The spell inside the scroll is the spell that a rune user can do. For example, there is a scroll filled with a Kindness Drop spell inside it to heal me or my ally to our max health.

However, unlike rune users, it can only be used once before the scroll disappears.

As I get inside the Magic Scroll shop, I'm greeted by a young woman.

"Welcome to the Sunflower Scroll. What can we do for you?"

"I want to buy some healing, support, and offensive scrolls."

"Of course! What kind of support do you want? We have some increased defense and paralyze spells."

"Hmmm, I will take each one of them depending on the price."

"Of course, please sit down. I will bring you the catalog."

I nod my head and wait for the woman to bring the catalog. After a few seconds, I take the catalog given to me and start to read. Hmmm. The price is higher than I thought it would be. Of course, it is cheaper than rune, but it is still expensive.

However, I don't have any worries about money at the moment.

"I will take ten Kindness Drop Scrolls, five Protection Mist Scrolls, two Dancing Flame Scrolls, thirty-five Flamming Arrows, and a Canopy Defense Scroll."

"Of course. That will be a two hundred and forty-seven thousand potch, sir. Please pour the right amount of money inside the basket while I get the scrolls for you."

I nod my head and begin pouring the money inside the basket. After a minute of waiting, she got back from the back room while holding a stack of scrolls in her hands. She nodded her head when she saw the number above the basket and put the basket away before giving the scrolls to me.

"Here we go. Do you want a bag for it?"

"No. I got it."

I wave my hand and store all the scrolls inside my inventory. With the scroll inside my inventory, I have all I need for this mission.

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