Quest Around the Multiverse

Chapter 21

So, what kind of mission is this? Can you tell me the details?

|You already know this universe.|


|I will send you to a Harry Potter universe, an alternate universe, to be exact.|

Oh? What is the difference? Bad Dumbledore? Dark Harry?

|No. Just incompetence, adult. Well, more incompetence than before. Well, Dumbledore truly wants to trap Voldy in front of the mirror of Erised, but he does not expect something. He did not expect that the children under his care would be wise enough to obey his words.|

Voldy managed to get the Philosopher's Stone, didn't he?

|Yup. Because of this, he managed to gather his old followers and attack Hogwart earlier. Hogwart will fall, and Harry will be dead if I leave it be. The magical world will be thrown into chaos for some time before Tommy boy learns about the existence of a nuclear bomb.|

Oh, God. Please tell me he did not mess around with a nuclear bomb.

|Well, sad to tell you this, but he messes around with a Nuclear Bomb. Because of his hatred of anything muggle, he wants to test the so-called strongest muggle weapon.|

Oh, God. Does he not learn about what happened to Japan?

|He was still in Hogwarts at that moment, and even after graduating, he never learned about what was happening in the muggle world. He is too busy gathering power in the magical world.|


|Yeah. Anyway, to test his might, he mind-controlled the people in Russia to lunch all their nuclear bombs on England. Twenty-five nuclear bombs were launched in a single night and flew toward London, where Voldy stood with his arms wide open to try to impress his follower. Sadly for him…|

His magic is not enough. Magic can mess with electronics, but sadly for him, a nuclear bomb did not detonate upon impact. Instead, it explodes in the air to create maximum damage.

|Yup. Voldy and his boy toy did not survive the explosion that was hotter than the surface of the sun, and this bombardment destroyed England, making this country inhabitable. What makes matters worse, the world just finished the cold war.|

Haaaa… WW3 huh?

|Yeah, and unlike the previous war, a nuclear bomb is used in this war. The war will last for ten years, and humanity will last for another seventy-eight years before they all go extinct. It will take a hundred thousand years later before that planet has humanoid creatures.|

So you want me to stop them.

|Yes. Voldy and his boy toy can kill you, but as long as you are careful, you can defeat them. However, before I send you there, I need to tell you about the world a little bit more.|


|This world has weird technology. Someone manages to invent a magical TV, and the body you will take over will cause a little bit of commotion.|

Wait. Am I not using this body? Does that mean my rune will be useless?

|You can still access your rune just fine, don't worry.|

Good. So, what is the problem? Is the body I will take over a famous person?

|Yes. He is so famous that Albus Dumbledore invites him to teach in Defense Against the Dark Arts.|

… No. Please, no.

|I'm sorry, but you will take over the body of Gilderoy Lockhart.|

C-Can I take over another body?

|No. He is the perfect vessel for this mission.|

Haaaa… Fine.

|Don't worry. This is also a reward for you.|


|Think about it. You will get the entire memory of Gilderoy Lockhart inside your brain while not changing your personality. What do you think you will get when I do this?|

…. I see! I get an entirely new branch of magic I can use.

|Bingo. You will start at the very basic, but you can train inside the dungeon. Like in this world, I will stop the time outside as long as you are inside the dungeon. However, I will cut the time limit by two days before you are kicked out of the dungeon.|

I see. I guess I really need to grind, huh?

|This is a mission and training journey, not a vacation. You will find an owl with a letter on its beak when you arrive there. It was the invitation to teach at Hogwarts. You will have one month to prepare for Hogwarts and another one week before the so-called Dark Lord attack.|

How many enemies do I need to take down? Do I need to kill Voldy?

|The quest will tell you how many of them you need to kill; no, you did not need to kill Voldemort.|

Very well. Anything else?

|I want you to make it over the top. I will pull some strings to make sure some reporter is in Hogwarts with their broadcasting equipment. With the news of the Dark Lord's humiliating defeat, he will lose a considerable amount of his political power, and Harry will have an easier time defeating the Dark Lord.|


|Good. You will arrive inside Gilderoy's room in three, two, one!|

After he said that, I got engulfed by white light, and the next thing I knew, I was starting at a familiar yet unfamiliar place at the same time. Before I get up, a rush of knowledge gets into my head and lasts for a minute.

I see. That bastard gives me the General memory of Gilderoy rather than the full memory. It was only the basic memory I needed for this mission. I open the system and go to the quest section.


|Another world needs to be saved.|


|1. Kill 30 Death Eaters when they attack Hogwart|

|2. Destroy Voldemort's current body (Optional)|

|3. Destroy the Horcrux in Harry's head (Optional)|

|4. Capture Peter Pettigrew (Optional)|

|5. Destroy 5 Hocruxes (Optional)|


|1. +20 to all stats and 3 Level-up|

|2. +20 to all stats and 5 Level-up|

|3. 2 Elixir and 1 Random Magical Accessories|

|4. +10 to all stats, 1 Thunder Rune and 1 Rage Rune|

|5. 1 Mythical item and +15 to all stats|

That is an excellent reward for the mission.

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